The Storm-Proofed Apostle | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Storm-Proofed Apostle | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Right now in Communist china, the government is requiring all the churches to praise the doctrines of socialism and glorify the Communist Party and say the Communist Party, is it?
And there are those claiming to be christians or pastors who are doing that. They are the unanchored.
Those who resist are going to pay a price. But they are the anchored with God.
So in view of what all that’s happening, it is all the more crucial that you be anchored more than ever and anchored life and anchored anchored walk for if you’re gonna stand in the days of apostasy, you need to be anchored, stand strong against persecution and not be shaken, but also to stand strong in the circumstances of your life.
Because if you can stand in this world against that, you’ll be able to stand in your own life too.
If you look at a ship that is anchored and another, that’s not.
They look pretty much the same.
But when the storm comes, one is tossed away the other stands because of that rope. Because of that shame.
Now look at the life of paul, paul was hunted, beat him, persecuted prison and put in prison chained, Put on a ship.
And there are those claiming to be christians or pastors who are doing that. They are the unanchored.
Those who resist are going to pay a price. But they are the anchored with God.
So in view of what all that’s happening, it is all the more crucial that you be anchored more than ever and anchored life and anchored anchored walk for if you’re gonna stand in the days of apostasy, you need to be anchored, stand strong against persecution and not be shaken, but also to stand strong in the circumstances of your life.
Because if you can stand in this world against that, you’ll be able to stand in your own life too.
If you look at a ship that is anchored and another, that’s not.
They look pretty much the same.
But when the storm comes, one is tossed away the other stands because of that rope. Because of that shame.
Now look at the life of paul, paul was hunted, beat him, persecuted prison and put in prison chained, Put on a ship.
Shipwrecks almost stoned to death storms. Stormy life yet with paul, he was not tossed back and forth.
He went through the storm. Yet he was steady, steadfast, immovable from the purpose.
God called him for him in prison. He witnessed to his captors, he didn’t go crazy.
He didn’t panic, He didn’t he witnessed to his captors in shipwrecked.
He encouraged them all by a word from God in chains.
He didn’t, he didn’t complain the whole time and go crazy and why me?
He writes the gospel to proclaim the epistles to the thousands and then billions. He was steadfast.
He was strong. He was immovable. Why? Because paul was anchored his soul.
He had anchored his soul wasn’t He was always anchored. He said a lot of time.
He said, I learned this. I didn’t know it before, but I learned how to do it.

I learned that no matter where I am, what I’m doing, I’m gonna be content having a lot, having nothing.
It doesn’t matter my pieces with God. He anchored his mind. He anchored his heart.
He anchored his walk. He anchored his life. Paul was connected, plugged in.
He’s the one, you know these great people of God like moses like paul, like David.
They were men of action, but they were also men of God’s presence. He was a man of prayer paul.
So he was plugged into God so he could stand no matter what wave comes.
He’s going to stand by the power of the almighty. Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn.
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