Count Yourself In – Be Fruitful | Dr. Bill Winston Sermon

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Darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God did what moved upon the face of the waters and God said, what let there be light and what will happen?
What happened? And there was light.
All right, now, light came from God the creator and it came out of him and became manifested you with me.
Alright, going on verse 20 and God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life and files that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
So here is God. Now he’s getting fish out of the water, meaning that he’s calling him out from the water.
And if you go to verse 24 now what God spoke came forth from what he spoke to watch this and God said, let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth so forth and so on.
What he spoke came forth from what he spoke to.
God decided what he wanted and spoke to what it wanted it to come from.
Alright now I’m going somewhere. Look at genesis chapter one verse 26. Now watch this same N.
And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have what Dominion over the efficiency of the follow the air over the cattle and over how much of the earth all the earth and every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth now he’s making us like him now we’re gonna operate like him will operate just like him, just like God.
All right, am I right about that?
All right now verse 28 and God blessed them and God said to them what be fruitful, Come on multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have Dominion.
Alright, so fruitful means bring forth now.
These are the first words that Adam heard.
But when God spoke them, that’s when that particular thing formed, that’s when that D. N. A.
That’s when that action. That’s when that consciousness of what God what man was to do.
Man now is wanting to be fruitful man and woman want to get together and have a child fruitful animals you don’t have to tell them mating season come and they get fruitful, you don’t have to tell them why don’t y’all be fruitful?

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No they know when the season comes and it can be because it’s in their system, see in their system what’s in your system is to create, what’s in your system is to bring forth is to produce is to manifest something to the public that’s not there yet.
That’s in your system. Got it. Now he’s saying I’m gonna use you to replenish the earth.
Why? Because earth was supposed to be like heaven but it’s not like heaven now.
But jesus prayed Father Matthew chapter 6 10.
Your kingdom come thy will be done where in earth as it is where in heaven.
So now God’s gonna speak to you, he’s gonna decide what he wants and then decide who he wanted to come through.
See he’s deciding I gotta decide who I want this to come through.
Now everybody has got this same D. N. A.
You have a desire naturally if you’re not creating its own oppression of the spirit and the mind.
So what we gotta do is get you back into your righteous mind and get you understanding that you’re supposed to be creating, here are you with me.
So here is this this mankind and now mankind has got to bring forth something.
So for him to bring forth God said, be fruitful.
Now, if he’s gonna tell you to be fruitful, he’s got to tell you that you’re going to produce something.
And if you’re going to produce something, what you produce always comes from a seed, because God does nothing without a seed.
So he’s got to give you some seed if you’re going to produce, am I right about that?
So even in genesis chapter 15 verse three, this is Abraham, because he’s shown Abraham all this that Abraham is going to produce and look what Abraham said in genesis chapter 15 and verse three and Abraham said, behold you’ve given me no what?
You’ve given me no seed. He realizes that if you you want me to do all of this, you need to give me some seed.
God, you said by that shopping mall, but I have no seed.
He said your seed is in Joshua chapter one verse three.
So now notice God is giving me seed to bring forth what he wants to in the earth.
Because if he’s telling me to be fruitful, he is obligated to give me some seed to do it with.
Is it the right place I’m at over here, he’s got, if he’s gonna have you bring forth something, he’s got to give you some seed mary even said mary said, how is this going to happen to me, Seeing I know not a man luke chapter one seeing I know not a man and the Holy Ghost said, well this holy thing that the Holy Ghost won’t come on you and the holy things.
Holy Ghost, Holy thing that shall be born of you shall be be the son of God.
And mary said, well being on to me and he said with God, nothing shall be impossible.
And then that’s all mary need because now she’s got somewhat see she’s got some seed man, she got some seed.
And the Holy Ghost is in here growing the seed, say amen to that.
Now what is she gonna produce? She’s gonna bring forth something to the public say amen.
But this is invasion that she has.
Look at Nehemiah over Nehemiah please, chapter two verse 12 and I rose in the night and I and some few men with me neither told I any man what God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem.
That is Nehemiah. He’s gonna build a wall of Jerusalem. So who put it in his heart? God!
So it tells me that you were never to have an original thought, that only God is sovereign.
He’s got the blueprint for the earth.
And he’s chosen you you didn’t choose him, but he’s chosen you to bring forth.
He decided what he wanted and then he he gave birth to who he wanted it to come from man, that’s good preaching right there, you are not an accident, You are not something that well, I don’t know who my mama is.
Well, you know who your daddy is, your daddy is God and your big brother is, jesus, you’re in the family of Almighty God say amen now he’s saying you be fruitful.
So you can’t say wait a minute. I have no this, I have no skill, I have no education.
It doesn’t make any difference. It doesn’t that doesn’t qualify you.
What qualifies you as a child of God, that God is gonna use you to bring forth something in the earth that’s never been here before.
Say amen to that.
And what you need to do is just receive from God.
Go to acts, chapter 26 Acts chapter 26 verse 19 Where upon King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.
This is the apostle paul. Now, now, what is paul saying, paul saying women, women know uh God dropped this vision in me to God decided what he wanted to do and chose somebody who he wanted to do it through.
That’s good.
So paul has received this vision and look at the effect paul had of fruitfulness. Am I right?
I have a dream. Who is that? He received the dream?
God had to change something in the earth.
And God gave him the innovative idea and it wasn’t just innovation.
It was disruptive, innovation, disruptive innovation.
It’s when innovation comes that disrupts the status quo all of a sudden he was teaching him about.
Nonviolent protest and sitting in the lunch counter and so forth. And they’re being dragged off, beat, whatever have you.
And he told him how to stand in that environment, not hate your brother, but continued to love your brother.
He preached the sermon called the drum major instinct. He said, Every one of us wants to be number one.
He said, there’s something inside of us that we want to be number one.
He said, there’s nothing wrong with that. But first be number one in love.
Say amen to that. How about joseph?
Over in genesis and genesis chapter 37 in verse five and joseph dreamed what a dream.
And he told it to his brothers and they come on haters.
They what God can drop something in you so big that if you tell it, you’ll pick up haters.
I’m gonna say this one more time. See he was 17 years old.
Don’t say I’m too young. Don’t say I’m too old. It doesn’t make any difference.
You shall still bring forth fruit at old age. Abraham was 100 years old.
And then when Sarah died, he still brought forth kids. Let me try that again.
When Sarah died, he still brought forth, Come on, he was still kicking soldiers still marching and I’m telling you, I’m telling you.
Stop counting yourself out. Say Amen now, this whole fruitfulness is not just you know, things tangible out there, These are things also in your own body and your God has plans for your body first Thessalonians chapter five and verse 23 God has plans for your body.
He knows what he wants you to do and he wants you to be healthy, wealthy and wise in doing it.
Say amen to that. And look what it says here first Thessalonians 5 23 and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly.
Watch this. I pray God, your whole what spirit! Come on! So come on, body be what preserve what blameless.
Come on to the coming of the Lord. Yes, indeed.
God plan you when you’re fulfilling his purpose to be strong and healthy. Same into that.
And I’m saying, look at Matthew’s gospel. No, no, no, no romans.
Chapter eight verse 11, romans, chapter eight verse 11. See your body, Your body was originally designed to repair itself.
See, God is redeeming you from the curse, He is making it so that this body of yours is going to be able to repair itself over and over again.
That you you can actually be able to get your your body is going to be able to, your body spits out as it spits out, your body reproduces probably 40-60 billion cells a day.
You’ll find that if you don’t shower after about for some of y’all after.
But after a little while it starts to do what starts thinking why?
Because those dead cells are still there and they need to come off and he’s giving you water to get them off in the kingdom is water of the word, You can get the word and get the stink of Egypt off of your life.
So you need to get some word every day because every day you’re going out among people and you need to get that off, you need to come on, refresh yourself, people just come in here trying to live off of my sermons.
No, no, it’s okay if you play it every day. But I’m saying sometimes, y’all know what I mean.
So the spirit of him that raised up, jesus from the dead, if he dwells in you, he that raised up christ from the dead shall also repair.
Come on, replenish, come on. Alright, replace whatever your natural body by his spirit that dwells in you.
And if you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing smoking cigarettes, you’re gonna see conviction.
Come on by the Holy Ghost because he’s now getting you out of all those little trees and putting some new things in you or if you’re eating too much pig feet and uh I better come over here when I say that I’m talking about, look at the vehicle diet if you want to start somewhere.
But my point to you is, if it’s diet, if it’s this, if it’s friends or whatever the Holy Ghost comes to separate you from that and make you holy basket are we doing okay here?
So now he’s gonna choose you, you didn’t choose him and in in jos he picked joseph gave him a big vision.
Now joseph gonna do that. I’m gonna need it now as you begin your your purpose and fulfilling that vision then as you go, you attract and anointing that enables you to complete what God has called you to do.
Now notice God doesn’t want you to get any credit.
Same n he wants all the credit.
Now you got to depend on God to get all of this. Now what stops people?
Well again, this timid nous, this sense of unrighteous nous unworthiness, all this sin consciousness that stops the flow.
Alright, another proverbs 28 verse one.
Now look what he says here, he says, The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous, Come on.
A bowl is alive. Think about verse proverbs 30 30 over in proverbs 30 30.
A lion which is strongest among beasts and turn not away, come on from any.
So a lion is not timid. A lion doesn’t turn away.
A lion is bold, shame into that. A lion is called the king of the jungle.
Now they distinguish him like that because of a reason he’s not the biggest in the jungle, but he thinks he is, look at the zoo, go to a zoo and watch a line walk around, you gotta kinda swag gotta swag you ever seen a lion like you mess with me and that’ll be the last mess you ever messed with you.
You know what I mean? Now I’m saying that to you because inside of you is christ, inside of you is the lion from the tribe of Judah and you gotta walk with some slack.
The thing you want, don’t want to be as timid, that’s all the devil wants.
Now this boldness, It’s got to be part of your receiving because you gotta have a righteous mind.
Look at Proverbs 1212, he says, the wicked desire, the net of evil men.
But the route to come on of the righteous, what heals fruit?
You saw that tree that Jesus went to had no fruit on it because it wasn’t rooted in righteousness.
That is religion, it was rooted in and religion is a compromise.
The righteous are what cold as a lie turns not away from anything.
Now God’s gonna give you opportunities that are bigger than what you can handle.
First, Samuel chapter 17 verse 46 this day, will the Lord deliver you into my hand? This is David.
Now, now notice what Saul tried to tell themselves.
How said, you can’t fight that man, That man been trained in war from his youth.
Now that sounds good, but David is operating on another level. Same into this.
He’s operating on the level you’re gonna be operating no fear.
I’m gonna come back to that book of Daniel. Daniel.
Chapter one verse three is where as fun as now, here’s the Children of visual going into bondage into Babylon, nebuchadnezzar is taking him, he’s taking Jerusalem, taking them.
Alright verse 41 verse four. And he said their Children in whom Here’s what who as often as I want to go around to Jerusalem and this is who I want you to bring up here.
Now leave the rest there, leave the rest there because they are non producers. So leave them there.
But I want you to get producers now get these that got the potential to produce for us because I don’t need anything in my system that’s not making money.
This is this is Babylon talking.
Now watch this Children in whom there was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge, watch this and understanding science and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Kalderans.
Now this is who we want. Now put that same thing up there in the new living translation.
Let me just new living, watch this. Watch the new living translation. He said.
Now select only the straw women women women.
Let me, let me see I’m sent by the king to select.
I want I want only the strong now and then the next thing I want uh health and get I don’t want you uh and then the next thing I want, what is that?
You okay? I want only good looking. Now if you won’t look good.
You know, if you look good, come on, you see what I’m saying, Some of that you’re gonna be left out.
C and Babylon’s got to do that because they can’t create right.
Say you can create, once you get born again, you can create the mind of christ.
You can bring forth ideas that you never went to school to learn.
God will have you on a level of experience that will be above level that people have been working in that field for 40 years.
Notice what I’m telling you? You are designed for problems.
Here’s what you should say on a daily basis. Is there a problem?
Because the one inside you is gonna give you the solution and that solution, watch this is gonna solve the problem.
And that problem solution solving is gonna elevate you.
And when he elevates you, you’re gonna become the expert and then people gonna look to you and you’re gonna be used by God to turn people back to God.
Well, I trust that you were blessed by that powerful teaching.
Now today is offering down the broadcast.
It’s a time that we give all those who have been blessed by our teachings opportunity to actually so into the wonderful work God is doing through this ministry.
Now here is a powerful truth that even many people of God don’t realize God is a supernatural debt canceling God.
There are three ways mainly that he cancels that one is to favor favor means, hey, you really didn’t deserve it.
It just came. And what I do is I say a prayer of favor or confession.
Almost every day, God is able to make all grace abound towards me and father. I thank you.
That the favor of God surrounds me like a shield produces supernatural increase promotion, restoration honor, increased assets, greater victory.
All of that. I said almost every day, what I want the favor of God to kick into my life.
I don’t have to struggle for anything. Just let the favor of God do it.
Next is sowing and reaping or sowing seed and you can so see the bible says in second Corinthians chapter nine and verse eight that God is able to make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance that you always having all sufficiency in all things can abound to every good work by sowing seed.
He’ll make every favorite earthly blessing come to you in abundance. You will reap what you sow glory to God.
And then the third one is wisdom.
And that’s when you see in second Kings Chapter four, here’s a woman so far in debt.
They’re about to take her kids. Somebody might be listening at me.
Now, it might be threatening to take something from your life. Wisdom. Now what happened?
This woman went to the man of God said hey they’re about to take my kids and my husband did fear the Lord.
But now he’s gone on. And and I’m keeping these kids. What are you gonna do about it?
He said, what do you have in your house?
And he pointed out in her house little oil and she took that oil began to pour it.
It began to multiply. And then she came back to the man of God.
He said go sell the oil, pay your debt, live you and your kids on the road.
She, I believe this woman became an oil baroness praise God put her in the oil business.
Amen but favor sowing of seed and wisdom.
I don’t know which one you want God to come into your life. What avenue?
But let me tell you he is a supernatural debt canceling God.
Now today as you practice this, get a seed ready.
Think about something that you want that debt to be canceled. You need that debt off your life.
He’s a supernatural debt canceling God, let’s pray together father, We come before you in the name of jesus.
Thank you. Thank you that you are a supernatural debt canceling God, you said. All debts are canceled.
God said so praise God and Lord we take you at your word is this seed is sown.
Today we stand in agreement for debt free anointing to be released upon that person in that household, father.
We thank you for it. Call it done in, jesus name. Amen, praise God. Isn’t that wonderful?
Oh, God loves us so much. Well, we love you too.
And this is Bill Winston saying, keep walking by Faith.
Today’s series, be fruitful is available on cd or mp three on DVD or MP four.
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In this bundle, Dr Winston breaks down to you what it truly means to be a fruitful christian and shows you how to produce increase in every area of your life.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by Faith

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