Is America in Bible Prophecy? | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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Is America in Bible Prophecy? | Jack Hibbs Sermon

Well, the question is obviously being asked in this turbulent world, where is American Bible prophecy?
And there are those who have their opinions, but I want to stress it’s just their opinions to answer the question.
It’s this, we don’t see America in Bible prophecy. We see what must be America prophecies among the nations.
We hear the general term nations.
But when it comes to specifics remarkably, the United States is not prominent mentioned or known in scripture, which begs the greater question.
Why, what is it regarding God’s prophetic time clock that would cause or to know or to not mention the greatest economy, the greatest military force, the greatest friend to Israel, the greatest nation to have ever existed on earth with the greatest Christian influence not to be mentioned.
Future will write the story.
The point is this in the United States of America, it’s not a national salvation like it is for Israel, Israel alone, for you personally, do you know the Lord Jesus Christ?
We cannot say America is in Bible prophecy and those who push it are going down a dangerous path.
But I will say this. Are you in Bible prophecy? The answer is absolutely either with or without Christ.
That’s the issue. So you need to weigh it out, you need to know where you’re at, but just know this by pursuing America and studying in Bible prophecy, make sure you do it for yourself first.
That’s most important.

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