The Last State | Jonathan Cahn Special

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Is America right now undergoing a dark metamorphosis that we were warned about from ancient times.
A phenomenon of possession, spirit, possession.
And do we have actual test cases to tell us what’s happening in America and the West?
Where is it all going? Where does it end up?
This is Jonathan Cahn, the return of the gods, which is my newest book reveals all these things in detail.
I’m gonna give you a taste of it.
We opened up the mystery of the house of spirits in the last messages an ancient parable given by Jesus Messiah about a spirit leaving a man getting man gets delivered, he was possessed, he gets delivered and it returns to the man or call it calls it the house.
He finds the house empty. He brings seven other spirits more demonic, more worse than himself.
They repossess the house or the man and the man ends up worse than before.
The last state ends up worse than the beginning. But what people miss is that Messiah says at the end.
So it will be not just with the man, but with this generation, entire generations can be possessed and delivered culture, civilization Western civilization.
So that is what made Western civilization different because when the gospel came, it delivered it, it was delivered, it was exercise of these gods of these spirits.
The Bible says, but the warning that was given is that if that culture, that civilization that was delivered ever empties itself of God turns away, then the ancient spirits that were cast out are going to return to it.
The same ones that were cast out in the first centuries are coming back.
And so that is what we are dealing with right now.
Because when you take away that which protected you from the darkness, the darkness will come in with an onslaught.
But do we have any evidence of this or what actually happens when this happens? What we do?
The nation or kingdom or Empire of Russia was a Christian empire, not perfect by any means with sin and darkness, but it had the gospel, but it began departing from God emptying itself of God dramatically and of the word of God, all these things that delivered Western civilization in 1917 with the Russian revolution and then the Bolsheviks or the communists took over, they emptied the house of God.
They said there’s no God, this is the new thing.
No God, it was supposed to be secular, but they emptied the house.
But the you know what happened should have been neutral, secularism, you know, scientific, you know, they said this is, this is all scientific.
But the ancient warning that Jesus gave was that that would not happen because the house will not stay empty.
When you empty it, of God will not stay empty, will not be neutral.
And what happened, what happened to Russia? The Soviet Union was not neutral, but not secular. It was demonic.
It was filled with darkness, deception, oppression, bloodshed, Gulags massacres, the killing of millions. That’s the result of the Gods.
Let’s take another example, the land of the reformation that brought the study of the Bible back the word Germany, Germany, a Christian based civilization.
But in the 20th century, well even it started before, but in the 20th century began a massive turning away from God.
The house became empty of God. And what was supposed to happen was supposed to be secular.
It was supposed to be a form of socialism. But what happened to Germany was not secularism or even neutrality.
The warning that Jesus gave the house will not stay empty. You emptied of God, something else will come in.
So what happened to Germany? What happened was Satanic. What happened was demonic.
Remember the words that I shared before behind the gods.
Other words dot ammonia, we get the word demonic, the shed in which means destruction. That’s what came.
What happened was Adolf Hitler. What happened was Nazi Germany. What happened was the third, right?
What happened was evil, deception, oppression, death, falsehood, genocide, the holocaust. What happened wasn’t natural.
It was supernatural, darkly, supernatural, irrational. And that’s what the warning says.
The last state, the latter state will be worse than the first. The first was paganism.
The last state will be worse.
You see, paganism could produce a Nero but the last state, the state of repossession post Christianity, repossession will produce the third Reich see, paganism can build an altar of human sacrifice to sacrifice a human, but the repossessed house will build Auschwitz.
This is real. You see, it is the most dangerous thing for a nation or culture or civilization that’s known God to turn away.
That is why it is very dangerous. What is happening now to America is the exact same process dynamic.
It will happen in a different way but it will follow the same pattern and what’s happening to the West.
The last half century we have watched as America’s started emptying itself of God turning away.
And the stunning thing is this, we are undergoing the same transformation that produced the greatest evils in the history of the world.
And this explains everything we can even identify the actual entities that have come back.
This is what I reveal in the latest book, I’ve written the return of the gods return, the gods is everywhere, wherever there are books for you and for those in your life who need to know it.
And this is what we’re going to do.
Now, we’re gonna begin identifying the actual spirits entities gods that have come back.
Next time we open up the mystery of those gods, the dark Trinity, it subscribe. So you don’t miss it.
This is Jonathan Cahn. See you next time with the dark Trinity.

One Comment

  1. This is so true my brother. The fear of the Lord is so needed in these days.
    I am listening from Cardiff, wales, UK, but have a real heart for America. The UK is going the same way, it is almost unrecognisable from when I was a child growing up. The immorality,corruption and Godless behaviour is rife. We Pray that God will send a revival, that He will pour out His Spirit. That we, asChristians will arise to be all that we were created to be, salt and Light in the darkness. There needs to be a real Repentance in the Church for not being all that we should have been.🙏🏽

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