God Will Shake All Things | Derek Prince
God Will Shake All Things | Derek Prince
I Will Shake All Things Part 1 – The Nations (Psalm 94:12-13)
In this message, I will discuss the powerful theme from Psalm 94, verses 12-13: “Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O Lord, and teach out of Your law, that You may give him relief from the days of adversity until the pit is dug for the wicked.” As we reflect on this scripture, I trust you will begin to see how it connects to the message I am about to share.
Let me begin by reading the passage that was assigned to me. I owe this to Ken Burnett—whether he remembers assigning this passage to me or not. I must admit, I initially struggled with how to address such a vast topic contained in Hebrews 12:25-29. The scripture reads:
“See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven. Whose voice then shook the earth, but now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more I shake not only the earth but also heaven.’ This phrase, ‘yet once more,’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, so that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear; for our God is a consuming fire.”
Next, I want to turn briefly to the source of these words in Haggai 2:6-7, which states:
“For thus says the Lord of hosts: Once more, it is a little while, I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land. And I will shake all nations.”
This statement from God is immense—He will shake the heavens, the earth, the seas, the dry land, and all nations. Contemplating such a profound theme, it’s hard to fully grasp the magnitude of what is involved when God’s power shakes everything in existence.
Before diving into this topic, let me ask you a question based on Scripture: Do you believe in the judgment of God? In my experience traveling and meeting Christians, I’ve found that very little is discussed about God’s judgment today. Many seem to avoid this topic, as it’s uncomfortable or seen as unpleasant. In fact, I believe some Christians are hesitant to present God as a judge, fearing it may offend or scare others, making them reluctant to listen to the gospel message.
However, in John 16:8, Jesus says: “When He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.” These three eternal realities—sin, righteousness, and judgment—are the foundation of true religion. The Bible teaches that all unrighteousness is sin, meaning there are only two possibilities for every action: sin or righteousness. Anything that deviates from the standard of righteousness—Jesus Christ—is considered sin.
Based on how we live—whether in sin or righteousness—we will face God’s judgment. It’s certain that each of us will stand before God’s judgment seat. No one can escape it. There are two types of judgment: one of condemnation and one for those who have received Jesus and lived according to His will, which is an assessment of reward. Regardless, each of us will face God’s judgment, and to live as if this is not true is foolish. It is also unjust to not warn those who are unconverted about the reality of God’s judgment.
Tonight, if I succeed in my message, I will paint a picture of the gravity and the fearful nature of God’s judgment.