When The Enemy Attacks Your Calling & What To Do About It | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Embrace God’s Will, Overcome Challenges, and Take Action

If you’re walking in God’s will and facing opposition, rejoice and be blessed! The challenges you’re facing are a sign that God has something big planned for your life. Don’t let obstacles stop you now—if you know you’re in God’s will, don’t hesitate. Take action.

When God speaks to you, whether during a service or in your daily life, don’t just listen—make it real. Let His words become action, and integrate them into your life. It’s not enough to hear God’s call and think, “That was nice.” Faith without action is dead. A calling without action is a dead calling. You have to move forward, encouraged by God’s guidance, and take the steps He is leading you to.

The greatest calling in the world means nothing if you don’t act. Many believers have all the ingredients to do incredible things, but they never take the first step. Sometimes, we ourselves are the ones holding back from our calling. Have you ever delayed a task because of distractions? Maybe it’s an assignment you keep putting off—telling yourself the timing isn’t right or the tools aren’t prepared. When God speaks to you, don’t delay! Even if you feel tempted to sin, don’t put off the good things God is calling you to do.

Take that first step today. Even the smallest step is better than nothing. A small action will build momentum for greater things ahead.

As you step out in faith, know this: you’ll face opposition. In the Bible, after Nehemiah and his people decided to rebuild, their enemies mocked them, ridiculed them, and tried to stop them. When you follow God’s calling, expect the enemy to attack. God will empower you to fulfill your purpose, but opposition will come. Satan often tries to discourage us even before we begin. Just as he attempted to stop Moses and Jesus at a young age, he will try to stop God’s plans for you.

Don’t be discouraged by resistance. If you’re facing struggles, it may be a sign that you’re in God’s will. People often think that if they are in God’s will, everything will be easy—but that’s not true. Look at the apostle Paul and others in the Bible. God’s will doesn’t mean an absence of challenges, but it means that God will give you the strength to overcome them.

Personally, I’ve experienced many attacks right before significant moments—like book launches. In one instance, a hurricane hit the day my book was released. Another time, I suffered a severe infection on release day. But through it all, God gave me strength and showed me that resistance is not a sign of failure.

So, if you’re facing difficulty while walking in God’s will, be encouraged. Rejoice, because it means God is doing something big in your life. Don’t stop moving forward. The enemy can only stop you if you stop. Keep pushing ahead, trusting that God’s power will overcome any obstacle.

Remember how Nehemiah responded to opposition: “The God of heaven will make us successful. Therefore, we His servants will arise and build.” Keep building your faith, and let God’s will unfold in your life.

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