Scrolls on Fire: The Forgotten Key to Spiritual Victory | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Scrolls on Fire: The Forgotten Key to Spiritual Victory | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Take Action Against Sin: Eliminate the Source, Not Just the Sin
It’s not enough to simply act against sin; you must eliminate the source that leads to it. Don’t just resist the sin itself—cut off the thing that makes you vulnerable to committing it. This concept may seem extreme, but it’s necessary for true transformation.
When we think of book burning, it’s usually associated with negative events in history, such as the infamous book-burning rallies held by the Nazis in Germany. However, there’s an ancient example of book burning in the Bible, which offers powerful insight into spiritual practices. This event is recorded in the book of Acts, where the apostles were in the city of Ephesus. Signs, wonders, and even exorcisms were taking place, as Paul and the disciples cast out evil spirits.
In one instance, some individuals tried to perform exorcisms, but without the power of the Holy Spirit. An evil spirit responded, saying, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?” (Acts 19:15). The spirit then attacked the individuals, overpowering them so violently that they fled the house naked and wounded. Word spread throughout the city, and both Jews and Greeks feared the power of the Lord. As a result, the name of Jesus was magnified, and many who had believed began to confess and disclose their sinful practices.
Among these individuals were those involved in the occult—practitioners of magic and witchcraft. They brought their magic books and, in a powerful act of repentance, burned them in public. The total value of the books amounted to 50,000 pieces of silver, demonstrating the significance of this act of renunciation.
This is not about simple magic tricks, but rather the occult—dark spiritual practices such as witchcraft, Satanism, and divination. Many people who have been involved in the occult have found salvation through Jesus Christ. If you’ve been involved in practices like tarot cards, astrology, or Ouija boards, you understand that these are counterfeit spiritual practices, offering false comfort and leading you away from the truth of God.
It’s important to stay away from the occult and all its forms, including astrology, palm reading, fortune telling, psychic hotlines, and channeling. These practices are rooted in darkness and deception, and they only bring spiritual death. The enemy imitates the gifts of the Spirit, offering counterfeit versions that lead people further from God. Even in discussions about UFOs, much of the conversation overlaps with occult practices, where people are seeking answers in places that are spiritually harmful.
If you’ve been involved in these practices, remember that God offers a way out. He delivered many from the bondage of the occult, just as He did for those in Ephesus. Seek the truth in Jesus Christ, and cut off the things in your life that lead you into spiritual deception.