John MacArthur: Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil?

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Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering in the World? – A Biblical Perspective

It’s a great privilege to participate in a Ligonier event and witness the recovery of R.C., a dear friend and fellow fighter for the truth. It’s a blessing to see my dear brother, Ligon Duncan, and to thank him for his faithful ministry. These moments are a source of encouragement, much like the support from my fellow brothers who, in their own way, are like “double Barnabases” in their uplifting words and actions.

This church, where I’ve had the honor of preaching over the past three years, holds a special place in my heart. The ministry of Darrell Delozet, a young man from our church who served here for many years, was pivotal in shaping this community. His impact on this congregation is a testimony to God’s work.

Now, I’ve been tasked with answering a profound question: Why does God allow evil and suffering in the world? This is a question that touches on deep theological concerns and is often used by skeptics to challenge the existence of a loving God. On a personal note, I have seen this question come up time and again with my friend Larry King, who would always bring it up to explain his inability to believe in God. It’s a question that many grapple with.

Some people who claim to be agnostic don’t care to know the answers, while others can articulate detailed arguments for their unbelief. For Larry, the problem of evil is the main obstacle that prevents him from accepting God’s goodness. He reasons that if God is all-powerful, loving, and good, how can there be so much evil in the world?

This is a dilemma many people face, especially those who doubt the reliability of Scripture. For them, the argument might look something like this: “If God is loving, good, wise, holy, and all-powerful, how can evil exist in the world? Therefore, either God doesn’t exist or the Bible is not true.”

In response, there are some who feel this dilemma is so pressing that the only option is to deflect the issue, quoting passages like Deuteronomy 29:29, “The secret things belong to the Lord,” as a way of dismissing the question. But is that all we can do in the face of such a challenge? Absolutely not.

If we turn to the Bible, we find a response that not only makes sense but one that can bring us joy and peace. The answers provided in Scripture lead us to triumph and victory, offering more than just a temporary escape or an intellectual solution. These answers help us understand the deep mystery of God’s plan, showing us how His sovereignty interacts with the existence of evil and suffering.

Some short answers, like “God isn’t responsible, Adam and Eve are,” only raise further questions. If God created Adam and Eve knowing they would sin, why did He give them the freedom to choose? Similarly, claiming “The devil is responsible” prompts the question, “Why did God create angels who would fall and lead humanity into sin?” These responses only push us back to the Creator Himself.

Ultimately, the answers to these difficult questions point us back to God’s wisdom, sovereignty, and eternal purpose. It’s a mystery that we may not fully understand in this life, but Scripture provides the key to navigating this question, leading us to a deeper understanding of God’s love and plan for redemption.

Through faith and Scripture, we can find an answer that not only makes sense but also gives us a reason to rejoice, even amid the suffering and evil in the world. This is a truth we can embrace and celebrate.

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