Saturday Night Prayers – Bedtime Prayer For Peaceful Sleep!

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Saturday Night Prayers

Heavenly Father, this Saturday night I ask that you would speak to my heart as I sleep. Give me dreams and night visions that would bring clarity to what You want to say to me. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Let this Saturday night bring forth from above great blessings and joy upon you. And let His peace fill your soul as you rest tonight.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, Father of mercy, I praise Your name for this day You have allowed me to live, for the constant manifestation of Your love throughout each moment of my journey. My Lord, in the darkness of the night, I thank You because You are the light of my life. Thank You, Lord, for adorning the sky with the brightness of the stars, which remind me that Your hand is the author of such beauty. You, Lord, open paths before me, and many times I do not know how to walk them. Thank You for this beautiful night that You allow me to admire and for the wonderful day in which You accompanied me.

Merciful Father, send Your Spirit to me, to transform my life and ignite everything within me that needs Your action. Come at this moment to fill every emptiness in my heart. I want You to dwell within me and help me become better. May Your face shine in my life tonight, and may we all recognize Your transformative presence. Do not allow me to go to bed with any resentment in my heart, for I desire that my soul be available only for You.

You have created me with the freedom to choose a happy life, Lord, and I surrender my will to You so that it may always be guided by Your word. Help me seek Your blessing each day. Grant me peace in my heart, Lord, so I can calmly reflect on every situation and not let worries take control of my life. Fill me with Your presence, so that I may understand that losses and difficult moments are opportunities for blessings and growth.

Speak those words of freedom over me, Lord. Break the chains that bind me to the past and cause me to doubt my ability to build a full life. Remove the chains of sin from me; I need You to break them with Your power and set me free from all bonds. Bless my hands so they never tire of working, and strengthen my feet so they continue walking. I want to open myself to You, Lord, so that I do not lose hope.

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Prayer Wall

Dottie - 2025-02-23 15:13:51

For wisdom, understanding and clairity on two visions I had late Jan. / early Feb.; what I am to learn from the several challenges I am going through regarding my home.
Thank you & may God bless you all
Thank You and God bless.

Christopher Tuminaro - 2025-03-30 01:13:21

I pray that your eyes be opened and your mind made ready for truth to be revealed to you, May you have an understand of what He wants to speak to you in the name of Jesus we pray, amen

BOBBIE - 2025-02-16 04:48:24


Brandy - 2025-02-09 01:35:49

Lord I pray for the protection of the people I love and care about please keep them safe and please help me to walk in the destiny you have called me to do and to do it willingly Lord you know my heart and how much I truly want to live pleasing to you please guide my steps as I\'m praying for directions as I am here now with nothing and no where to go BUT I HAVE YOU SO I HAVE ALL I NEED LEAD ME LORD WITHOUT PUNISHMENT I WANT TO SERVE YOU WILLINGLY NOT BY FORCE

Candence - 2025-02-09 01:44:14

Thank You Lord. Amen 🙏

Mary - 2025-01-12 22:48:06

Please pray that God would draw near to me to comfort me and renew my hope as I’m too oppressed and weak to draw near to Him. Pray that He will remove the oppressors from my life expose them, and bring them to repentance. Thank you.

Rosalind - 2025-01-12 03:30:35


Rosalind - 2025-01-12 03:31:10


Evangelist Claretha Reynolds - 2025-01-05 06:12:22

To clean my heart help me forgive myself so I can let go and go forward to have wisdom as I grow in God closer to Him daily I pray for God\'s plan to be in accomplished in my life give me the insight Lord to hear your instructions humble always in service grateful and blessed hallelujah Jesus Holy Holy Holy hallelujah Jesus let me always embrace your precious presence Father

Rosalind - 2025-01-12 03:32:05


Linda - 2025-01-05 05:15:37

Peace in our hearts and home that allows Your presence to freely grow us into Your image and after Your likeness.

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