If My People – Part 3 (Deuteronomy 28)

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If My People – Part 3 (Deuteronomy 28)

Join us as we launch our 21 days of prayer for our nation – gathering with humble, repentant hearts, seeking God’s forgiveness, and praying for God’s healing upon our nation.

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this is not a normal service um I’m going to ask the guys if they would put up on the screen uh Psalm 51 guys if you could put up Psalm 51 onto the screens uh why are we here today why have we called this special Sunday it’s all about this uh it’s about uh the hope is obviously not coming from the state house and the hope is obviously not coming from the White House don’t get me wrong I’m voting for Trump but not for the reasons I used to want to vote for Trump trump has changed his mind on a
lot lot of things um and there’s good people letting him know uh I will tolerate now Trump uh to get some of the other guys elected for example I want Mike Johnson to remain a speaker of the house because he loves the Lord God and he’s the real deal but I’ll take Trump any day over Camala Harris in fact it’s a by the way if you don’t think we know what we’re talking about those of you who are visiting or watching from somewhere else um might I remind you that she’s from California and she’s from s uh San
Francisco and you ought to take a look at what uh she was able to do as uh a leader in that City and in that area and then our state attorney general the things that she did and uh yeah it’s true I’m not a big fan of trump in his diversion and what what uh he’s pivoted in the wrong direction but I’ll I’ll tell you this I’m I’m voting for him because less babies will die than if Kamala Harris gets elected and I’m not going to be responsible for that I want less babies to die but even if we got the greatest
candidates in the world elected it doesn’t fix the problem the problem is America has departed from God and I’m not saying and I do not believe that God sent Co I don’t believe God sent BLM and I don’t believe that God sent the hurricanes and the tornadoes of this last summer that’s satanic stuff Jesus listen when the storm hit Galilee and Jesus was in the boat he stood up and he rebuked the storm and the same word he used he used to rebuke Satan well then why did it happen to America because America has told God to
get out of court to get out of class to get out of the public square and I think finally God listened right I think we told him to get out of our face look there’s a lot of churches in America today that they’ve basically told God to get out of their churches and you think that’s extreme read Revelation Chapter 2 and three we’re here as a family to repent that God might hear our cry and have mercy on us not All Is Lost as long as long as you’re able to pray willing to pray so we’re going to talk about today
getting ourselves ready for these for this next 21 days because you might be surprised to find out that the Bible’s Crystal Clear God does not always hear our prayers did you know that he told us I will not listen to you if you have something against your brother or your sister by the way that includes your husband or your wife if you have something against them and you don’t settle it I will not hear your prayer did you know that he said that it my ear is not deaf that I cannot hear you neither is my hand short that I
cannot save you but I won’t listen to you because of your sins so when you pray I will not hear and I will not reach out to help you when you call upon me because your sins have separated you from me God said that to his people in first John God tells us that we have his ear so long as as we walk in the light this shouldn’t surprising of this cuz if you have if you if you’re raising right now Mr Universe and Miss America in your home and uh they they disobey you and you tell them go to your room you’re
being punished go to your room if your little kid comes out two minutes after that and says I know I’m being punished right now but can we talk about what I’m going to get for Christmas what do you think the answer to that is God does the same thing King David knew something about this this is after the man murdered the husband to the woman that he seduced King David saw Beth Sheba who must have been a knockout because the king could have anybody he wanted he saw her and he went for it he had her husband killed
murdered killed kills no it’s worth worse than kill is murder he had him murdered and commits adultery not in that order by the way he commits adultery then he has the man murdered and after one year goes by he think he thought he got away with it and God sent his man to David and David said this kind the uh Nathan says this is what’s going on and David said that’s going on in my kingdom man missing around like that and doing those things yep bring him here let’s kill him and he says you are the
man that provoked this have mercy upon me oh God according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your Tender Mercies blot out my trans transgressions Wash Me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for I acknowledged my transgressions Church verse three is key to you and I moving forward from here on out we have to acknowledge our transgressions and my sin is always before me against you and you only have I sinned that’s interesting he seduces basba murders Uriah plots a scheme and a plan but he says
you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge behold I was brought forth in iniquity I was I was born a sinner and in sin my mother conceived me this whole human race is sinful behold you desire truth in the inward Parts pay attention to that everyone and in the the hidden part you will make me no wisdom Purge me with hsip sign of repentance and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness that the bones you
have broken May Rejoice church family did you know it’s normal for the believer for God to break our bones spiritually speaking when we do wrong did you know that he will crush your spirit in Mercy to get you and I to see where we’ve strayed from him you know a good shepherd will break the back leg of a rebellious lamb did you know that I should have brought out my rod I have an actual Rod made of olive tree and let me tell you something it is lethal that a Shepherd uses you know the staff the rod and the staff the the
staff is the has little shepherd’s hook on it you can pull the Sheep out of the pit or the whole right it’s got that little hook on the end not not a little big hook on it that’s not what we’re talking about we’re talking about the rod the rod is what you do to kill wolves and lions and whatever’s coming out after the Sheep you can kill it I mean it is brutal and I have one of those things I should have brought it out here but I wasn’t thinking about it God will do that he will break a bone
of one of his own to get their attention don’t don’t be don’t be stubborn follow him and so he says hide your uh hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities verse 10 created me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation notice the progression of this and uphold me by your generous Spirit then then I will teach transgressors your way by the way you know why people can’t tell other
people about Jesus is because their sins will not allow them to teach transgressors his ways people who are Christians who are anchored by sins have no desire to share Christ with anybody and sinners shall be converted to you deliver me from the guilty the guilt of Bloodshed oh God the god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness oh Lord open my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise for you do not desire a sacrifice listen up God doesn’t want your money he doesn’t want you offering this that or
the other thing or else I would have give it you do not Delight in burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart these oh God you will not despise do good in your good pleasure to Zion build the walls of Jerusalem then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness with burnt offering and whole burnt offering then they shall offer Bulls on your altar God’s word father speak to us we pray teach us like David learned how to repent God caus us today each and every
one of us as individuals who name the name of Jesus to see that we are personally responsible for the atmospherics and for the conduct of the culture that is around us this church at this geographical location is responsible for the community and for the state for either good or bad and God I pray that you would show us how we need to repent and seek your face in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen everybody so listen here’s your homework write it down please Deuteronomy chapter 28 I’m not going to
read it I I tried it at first service it’s so depressing I had to stop Deuteronomy chapter 28 why why do I say that Jack why do you tell us that if it’s depressing here’s the reason why I had to stop it’s too graphic I’ll paraphrase a little bit of it but you read it today ladies and Gentlemen please Deuteronomy chapter 28 the entire chapter why here’s why uh God spoke it to his Nation Israel are you paying attention his his Nation Israel Israel is his Nation the Jews are his people he
says so and if he did to them who are his chosen because they disobeyed him how do you think America’s going to fair and Deuteronomy 28 he says to Israel and to Any Nation that includes America he says I want to do you good I want to bless you follow me that’s what Jesus said by the way come and follow me follow me and if you follow me I will cause your enemies to tremble in fear because of you America’s not feared anymore America’s a joke he says I will secure your borderers so that no Foreigner will come
and take the home from you that you built and ravage the woman to whom you married if you follow me your crops will provide so much that you can’t contain it you’ll have to give your produce away your cattle they will flourish and your Vineyards will Blossom and produce great wine and your olive trees will not fail your women will not miscarry and I will bless you Above All Nations listen people will come and you will love loan to them but you will never have to be the borrower because I will provide for you
if you follow me America is bankrupt he said if you don’t follow me the foreigners will cross your border and your children will work for them Deuteronomy 28 you want to know what’s in the store for America’s future read Deuteronomy 28 you say Pastor I don’t like this of course you don’t like this this is why we’re talking about it our nation’s in trouble what are we supposed to do play a violin on on the Titanic right now we’ve got an election which is an absolute laughing stock why our nation has lost its way
you mentioned something to our national leaders about God and if they could have you arrested they would I mentioned something recently to our national leaders about God and I was able to get out of town quick enough DC that is and uh I’m not stupid so what I did was is I put together a prayer speaker of the house Mike Johnson asked if I would pray in Congress so I said yes and I went and I took a bunch of prayers from America’s history from 1740 to about 1780 put together a prayer and delivered it to Congress and um then I had to hurry back
home to be with you so I ran out of there got bound airplane came back home and by the time I got back home 26 members of Congress had issued a condemnation of my prayer and they sent an open letter questioning house Speaker Mike Johnson as to his decision-making process as to how they could have let me pray in the United States capital building here’s the deal I prayed a prayer of prayers that had been prayed in that same building back from 1774 you say what’s your point my point is when I prayed historical accurate
prayers in front of them our national leaders are so stupid of American history that they couldn’t recognize history when they saw it and they wound up condemning it that’s that’s indicative and that’s indicting they condemned American history because they don’t know history so I’m going to give you a history lesson are you ready ask yourself as you listen why did what what did I say that was worthy of 26 members to condemn me what did I say that was so wrong watch the house will be in order the
prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain Pastor Jack Hibbs Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Chino California let’s pray almighty God and father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together we come before you in humility as a people in need of your forgiveness your mercy your goodness and your grace for these 250 so years our fathers in this Congress have prayed for your guidance and protection and so we stand here in Humble petition that you today might do the same that this nation and its unparalleled Constitution your great
gift to all Freedom loving people might be renewed here and across this land as a Beacon of Hope to all who seek peace I ask you today Father to bring to us a Great Awakening of righteousness and confidence in you who alone is mighty to save Hear My Cry in this hour of great need that we might be humbly blessed before you in the repentance of our national sins you almighty God are the source of all wisdom and there is no wisdom but that which comes from you so please come upon those here who are the stewards over the business of our nation
with your wisdom which comes from above and with your holy fear knowing that your coming day of judgment draws near when all who have been and are now in Authority will answer to you the great judge of heaven and of Earth for the decisions that they make here in this place I offer this prayer to you father in the name of Jesus Christ your son and our crucified Savior and resurrected Lord in Jesus name amen so that’s how that’s how you get in trouble that’s how you get in trouble in Washington DC my point is this not to be l you with
that video but to tell you that they couldn’t even recognize our history nor truth when it was presented and God will not bless a nation who has forgotten him it’s not like we’re talking about some other country we’re talking about a nation that was founded unlike any other nation in the history of man and now we’re at this hour where we can’t even function right in the sense of even bringing Aid and support to our own citizens because we have bankrupted ourselves in the spending of things that are
offensive to God for one thing Planned Parenthood an abortion Mill is the number one recipient of tax deductible donations in this entire nation more than a church any church it’s the nation’s largest 501c3 and it’s devoted to the destruction of children and God said in his word that I will destroy any country that causes their children to pass through the fire into the arms of molok and ran the ancient pagan gods when women would give birth and they would take the child Jewish women would give birth and they
would take the child and they would sacrifice the child on the hot burning Amber arms of this Idol and they would roll right down into The Cauldron of that Idol’s belly molok and God says for that I will destroy you and drive you Israel to the F furthest ends of the Earth and he did every nation in the world’s got a Jew in it because Israel sinned against God and he dispersed them from the land and that land lay vacant for 2,000 years until 1948 God started to bring that Nation back as you well know in this church
and now we’re at this moment of time when we’re watching our country die America unless there’s a miracle America will die America may be on life support right now we may be cruising along thinking everything’s fine and we have no idea that the throttle was turned off and we’re just moving on what is it inertia is that the right word or momentum one or the other inertia where your own weight will carry you until it dissipates and you stop on the track or you stop in the middle of the sea because there’s no more
propellent God has been the propellent of America it was God who made this nation work and we’ve replaced him like I said earlier we told him to get out and I think he left and you think about the evidence of this America tells God to get out but then America is the most worrisome Nation on the the face of the Earth we take more drugs to mitigate our worry than any other country on Earth We’re the most medicated Nation on Earth Ian bounds the great writer says prayer is the very length that connects us to almighty
God pray what do you think about when I say the word pray or when you read the word prayer or to pray or somebody somebody says oh my gosh we better pray why what’s wrong like it’s break glass in case of emergency it’s why do we need to pray my goodness listen friend if I I’m sorry to say this but I’m going to say it just straight up if if you if you’re a Christian you have an overwhelming sense of urgency that we better pray if you’re like wait what’s what’s going on I don’t
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