Jack Hibbs : Mama Bears Unite

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Jack Hibbs : Mama Bears Unite

Meet four passionate women running for school board in Capistrano Valley and hear their stories as to why they’re standing up to protect parental rights and create a safe learning environment for kids. These ladies see a need and are standing in the gap to hopefully make things right. What will you do when your city and schools are faced with the same progressive ideals and agendas?

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hey everybody you’re going to want to hear this don’t think for a moment that what you’re about to hear is a localized event or a a battle that’s somewhere nope this battle is actually a war it’s happening in your community and you’re going to find out what it is so listen you’re going to want to stay tuned you’re going to want to take some notes and then you’re going to want to get involved so hang on here we go real life presents the Jack hibs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth
equip the Saints and impact our culture today if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings to us that’s like saying amen or yes then that rating will encourage others to listen now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you here is Jack Hibbs well hey everybody welcome back to this special podcast together as we take on obviously in this season of Elections taking place all across the United States everything has become
local now that’s not to take away from the great National debate and the battle between Trump and Harris of course but as we learned during covid that politics became very very local very personal when we were all locked down and we began to find out what liberties we had and some that we had lost uh but we we also began to take notice that um in our schools there were a lot of stuff that we were uh EAS dropping upon as our kids were and our grandkids were going through school online right in the in the living room at the kitchen table and
we began to learn some of the stuff that they were being taught and some of the things that they were being put through which opened up an onslaught of Parental uh care and concern so much that school boards across the US began to be populated by angry parents angry moms angry dads and I’m a real fan by the way of angry moms and angry dads because their kids interest is number one to them so we have a very special opportunity right now because I have invited four candidates that are running for the capistrana Unified School
District seats that they might win their seats uh I want them to be on this podcast I want you to listen to them and listen before you tune out hang on for those of you who are saying well I live in Omaha and I live in in you know Queens New York why should I stay tuned because what’s happening and what you’re about to hear is happening in your school district too the war is on for your children and it’s time for us to stand up and so we’re going to go right around ladies first of all thank you for
being here and we are just going to dive into this so I do remember from the Gaya the other night that your first name is Lisa right so but can we just go around can you introduce yourselves and absolutely well thank you for having us I’m really appreciate this opportunity to be able to speak with you and about things that are really important with us and and I do believe it actually absolutely affects the whole country but I’m Lisa Zinger and I have I’ve been in Orange County for 21 years I’ve lived in
leera ranch for 20 years and um I’ve been raising my family there my husband and I have been married for 26 years we have five children and um we chose to live in Lera Ranch because of the capist Unified School District it’s fantastic people know it we my husband and I actually um I’m a credential teacher and I used to teach elementary school but currently I my husband and I own a real estate brokerage and we are moving people down into this District regularly because they are looking for what I was
looking for and they’re coming from districts and other areas that are that have this agenda that’s been pushed in but the thing I’ve noticed in the last 5 years especially even a little bit before Co is that the homes that I’m selling are people who have been there just as long as I have or sometimes even longer and they’ve seen that agenda starting to penetrate into our schools and so they’re leaving where some people are coming thinking they’re getting this conservative school and the
other people are like I’m off to Tennessee and Texas and and other places so that’s me that’s so so true yeah yeah it’s been a weird thing Lisa my wife my I IA Lisa life as well so um it’s interesting because uh she just told me this morning that she knows a family who left here Chino Hills we have a conservative School Board here uh but they moved to Idaho and they were in Idaho for the last few years and uh the young woman on this particular day that we’re recording this um my wife’s
teaching the Women’s Bible study and uh this woman came up and said I’m back I’m back and she goes oh it’s so great to see you you know how long are you in town for she goes no no no we’re back and shockingly enough uh if we don’t hold down the fort and keep things right things can go sideways quickly because what happened was she said oh no we we wound up leaving Idaho because what was going on there was actually worse than what it was here and so they’ve come back so there is this shift taking place all
over the the so yeah yeah I’m Sonia tursky so I am running in Alisa Vio in lag Nigel area um I’ll get into why I’m running um in a second but just going back to what we were saying what happens here in California it feeds and trickles down to the rest of the country right and we’re in Orange County to me I see it I’m like we’re in the best place in the world I might be a little bit biased right now but I love where we say Amen to that you’re right thank you yes like I love where we live and I’m just like
no let’s fight back I’ve been to Tennessee I love going to Tennessee it’s great for you know 30th 40th birthday parties bachette parties love you people in Tennessee but I love Orange County I love where we’re at and it’s worth fighting for like our kids our children like let’s let’s stay here and fight back and for me I have a six-year-old and a three-year-old the way I see it I have an entire K through 12 yes ahead of me and you know enough is enough of reacting I don’t want to react anymore I
want to be proactive and it’s like okay all these battles that we’re fighting right now it’s it’s a trickle down of something in the past but what does s years from now look like 7 years from now my daughter is going to be in high school and I’m going to be navigating issues like potential male biological male who now wants to be a girl or maybe or wants to shower with the girls and that is problematic I have an issue with that or even you know if you take that out of the equation what about just
academics we’re going to be facing College academic skills I mean what what about that and the way I see it with how all these votes went down um I’m like no the school school’s place is education it’s curriculum that’s what you do if I drop my kids off to a soccer practice I expect them to learn soccer and not ballet like the same goes for school like if I drop you off to school you like you need to be learning academic skills and that’s why I jumped on um that’s my that’s my reason I mean that’s
why I’m here yeah I just so love what you’re saying uh completely um for me personally born in San Diego but then uh my parents we migrated so far north that we wound up in Orange County and so grew up in Orange County and you’re exactly correct now I’m obviously old enough to be your dad but I can tell something right now I used to ride my bicycle from our house and I would ride my bike and and go and and lay it lay my back back down in the grass and eat my lunch at a place called Santa Ana municipal airport
it turned out to be John Wayne Airport but it was the best place in the world to grow up and we’d go to the beach every day and it was just everything it was the you know it was like the beach boy the the SoCal Vibe was amazing and um it’s it’s just one of those testimonies where you often hear uh people say I know Dennis prag says this that whatever the leftist or the progressive touches they destroy because this used to be Ronald Reagan land and it was very conservative and and very very now some people still think it is
but again I’m a dinosaur so I remember when it was just so conservative but um I agree with you and by the way just for the record I didn’t say anything about Tennessee both of you have jumped in on Tennessee that was interesting because I I’ve lost a lot of friends to Tennessee Idaho and Texas I love I love these states love these places but these are my friends lifelong friends that have now moved away for different reasons schools pricing inflation I mean all of it so yeah well the again the Shocker is
these great states that you just mentioned what a lot of people don’t realize is um what’s going on inside the school in the education system yeah started here and somebody might say it’s not happening in Texas have you gone to a Schoolboard meeting in Texas have you gone to one in Boise yeah Ser have you have you gone to one in Nashville you need to go because uh it’s something so wow great great word yes so I’m Jennifer adnams and I’m running for Capital unified in area one which is Dana Point
cppo Beach a little bit of San Clemen and a little bit of San Juan Capistrano um I’ve been in education for over 30 years I taught in Capo unified back in the day when I first started my career taught second grade for six years uh my husband’s been a long time teacher in cppo unified uh almost 30 years teaching middle school math I always say something must be wrong with him um but no he’s an amazing teacher amazing guy and um and then I’ve kind of moved all over the place educationally I stayed
home with my kids worked in their private school um taught tutored substitute taught and then I homeschooled them for seven years okay hang on pause sorry to interrupt you you’re you’re you and your husband both have your roots in public education I heard you say a moment ago private school and then homeschooling why on Earth were those options interesting for you couple of reasons um when we when our son was a toddler he had some developmental issues and we were noticing he was going to need a little extra help and so we did
look at we did take advantage of some Public School services but when we compared what he was going to face in the local public school we were in Huntington Beach at the time versus the Christian School that was nearby shout out to Huntington Christian amazing school yeah we liked what they offered better and so we put him there and and then when we H schooled then my husband did sort of hear about it you know at school and it was a little bit like wow you guys are doing that so we have just always felt like we will take care of our child’s
needs our children have individual needs and we will take care of that whatever and and so the right place that that meets those needs that’s what we do so we did we did switch around you know we they were in private school and that didn’t even that wasn’t even the perfect fit right right so we did we homeschooled for 7 years and then um moved to s Capistrano about 10 years ago my husband was making that commute every day from s or from Huntington Beach to St clementy what an ugly Drive I mean somebody has to put up with I know you
know it’s it’s terrible but yeah so we were fortunate to move closer and now we’re in San Juan and at that point my daughter our daughter wanted um uh homecomings and football games and so we put her back in school she ended up graduating from cusd but I got a job as a teacher with a charter school so I oversee families from all over C Orange County independent study charter school and I love my job it’s amazing so I’ve had a lot of experience through all the ways you can educate children and the thing
that got me into the race is just watching what my husband and I have been watching over the decades like you yep and what my husband is facing in his classroom increasingly every day we just were thinking this is not this is now not okay it was kind of never okay but now it’s just like out of control not okay and we got in contact with Lisa Davis Lisa’s a she’s going to introduce herself but she’s a sitting board member for cusd my husband got connected to her through the covid situation he was
looking at having to get a vaccine that he didn’t want to get and maybe lose his job over it we got connected to Lisa and she was hugely uh powerful in keeping that away from it being enforced for the teachers she and the and the superintendent at time at the time really worked on that so he got to keep his job which was great and we got to meet Lisa and so our connection with Lisa we watched Lisa bring a very common sense parental notification policy um back in October yep and we watched the current board the current
majority 5 to2 vote it down and the policy simply said yep whatever happens at school with your child you get to know about it say that again listen I want all of you guys to hear because this is happening in your city your town somewhere listen to this again yeah now I’m I’m simplifying it but this was the message right whatever happens in school with your child you get to know about it that was the policy that Lisa Davis brought forth and five trustees voted it down five and that’s when I felt the
Lord say to me I said she needs help like I’m pray as I’m sitting there I’m like Lord she needs help and he goes yeah how about you so I’m curious the five uh the five that voted it down are they still in office yeah can do you know their names can we say their names well we’re running against them the they are opponents yeah but I’m I’m just asking if you can tell I’m running against Christa cosos so she’s out of Alisa Vio she’s the current trustee and she was one of them that voted she voted
voted down she voted down parental notification Authority she voted down it’s none of the parents bus once they step on our property uh these kids are ours and and I’m running against Michael Parham who also voted against it who I just learned last week he runs on a platform of parental rights he wants he’s fighting for parental rights and it’s shocking because I’m not really sure what he’s what he’s what he means by that but he basically said in meeting that he is fighting for the parents who
would like privacy rights for their children oh wow I to I had to read this is like a he might have gotten an A in creative writing or something yes and I didn’t know we were working out of a different dictionary I thought we all were on the same page we’re not so when you when when my voters look at the ballot statement we almost look identical maybe not in our experience because he’s had a lot of board experience but in terms of our platform it looks identical but we’re talking about completely different
things you said a good word different dictionaries same words completely different dictionaries so his spin is and wow yeah um I am for Parental uh parental rights uh and really what he’s saying is I’m for the parental rights who the parents say I don’t want to know what’s going on in my kids life that’s who I’m for do I have that rights yes I say he’s advocating for children he’s advocating for something for children that I couldn’t disagree with Mar but it’s not a parental right he’s
advocating for child’s right and he’s siding with the parents that also want that yes but he’s he’s advocating let’s give him the benefit benefit of the doubt he’s advocating for a child’s right but they’re kids right right and they have parents and I don’t know about you but when I was you know 9 years old I would much rather eat ding-dongs and cupcakes my than my broccoli rights I mean my parents took my rights away from me when they said you’re going to eat the potatoes and the green beans yes so it’s
not good for kids listen I’m we’re going to get mail for this and I just love it it’s not good for kids to have rights when it comes to that kind of stuff that’s ridiculous how about this kids rights should never Trump parental rights right absolutely and because it’s not for their own for their own good their parents should have the control and the S yeah yeah because I’m a pastor I’ll throw this in the Bible says that when you leave a child to himself they will grow up to bring reproach to their
parents and boy that’s exactly what what is being talked about and so my opponent is Amy hanich she’s been on the board for 12 years our enrollment has um declined every single year since she’s been on the board and uh she also voted against parental notification back in o October and do you remember her reason why she voted against it I do not maybe Lisa Davis can speak to that and yeah there was no comments from any of the five that voted against it how convenient other than one under the radar little extra comment that Michael
Parham said yeah so it’s a it it’s absolutely crazy because that that policy was brought forward to protect kids because we know what’s happened in these last four years that’s right and we know that kids have struggled and we have we know that the that all of the mandates were unnecessary absolutely we know that kids should have never been in a mask that’s right we know that our governor said that they would be in a mask for two years and to the day yeah magic students were in a mask to the day
I presented a policy months before that asking that we remove the mask mandate because the rest of the of California was not wearing masks and yet we were still having children wear a mask and I still believe it’s a crime I said it was a crime then and I will stay forever say that that was a crime and we harmed children and I am not okay with that K Lisa not only to I hate to say this but um to to possibly add fuel to your fire um a lot of the a lot of kids either wore a custom masks that were given to them like let’s say mom and dad went and
bought them them somewhere ordered them online and it was a Spider-Man mask how often did that kid wear that mask every day that’s cool every day how often did it get washed in fact how did it get washed watch I’m going someplace with this and if they did wash it uh how many Washings can it take or somebody might say oh my kid wore the normal doctor’s mask how uh how how many times listen because I used to work in biomedical engineering and then we’ve all gone to our dentist right for example how often
does the dentist change his mask every time he leaves you to come back every time he leaves you to come back right and so what we had to do uh working with blood and working with guts and stuff was we had to change our mask about every hour and these are the masks that were being distributed all over the world and those masks were not made to uh use very long so we went through probably 12 in one day my point is this that there are doctors out there who are now discovering and I think Dr Atlas has talked about this Dr Corey has
talked about this I think Dr Jeff Barky possibly has talked about this the breakdown of the Mask material by constantly being used is now beginning to produce uh issues with the children’s upper respiratory functions of their lungs in other words tragically the worst possibly is yet to come because these these particulates now are in their lungs right what long-term effects is that going to cause now are we going to be able to turn to Nome and sue him no he’ll be at some restaurant or some yacht somewhere you know but yeah quite
quite remarkable so so I’m Lisa Davis I currently serve as a trustee on capist unified and I’ve been on the board for four years so I ran four years ago because it was Mayhem and I couldn’t sit back and let what was happening in schools continue to happen I a teacher taught for 14 years I have a master’s in education I was born in Montana lived in Northern California Southern California Texas Oregon back to Southern California so I’ve been I’ve been in a lot of schools and I know what it’s like to be
new I know what it’s like to be in different schools I know what it’s like to see a lot of different ways that instruction happens and my my path educationally continued to be unusual as well I went to Brigham Young University my husband and I got married we were high school sweethearts we ended up getting married um the following summer then we moved we moved back to Southern California because he was stationed at Al Toro which is now Irvine Great par yes thanks to him and um and then I was going to UC Irvine and he he we were
married 6 weeks and he left for Desert Storm so I moved home and then I went to to chaffy college which is a community college in ranch kukamonga and then I went to Cal State San Bernardino and then I earned my master’s degree from Claremont Graduate School wow so I’ve actually been to every type of yes you know extended education as well so postgraduate I’ve I’ve been to every kind and um and what I can say about everywhere that I’ve gone to school is so much that has to do with your desire
to learn and your teacher and your parents so that is the trifecta and that can be a trifecta of harm that’s right and that can be a trifecta of all things great and um so I so I know what it’s like and I taught 14 years I taught in Rialto and I taught in Redlands I know T kindergarten through sixth grade um most recently sixth grade math and science and then I did reading intervention for K through fifth graders and so I’ve I’ve been in a lot of classrooms and a lot of different types of classrooms and um we have four kids
and they’re all incredible and they’re all uniquely different how did you ever find the time to have four kids with all of your achievements how did that happen my husband and I run a fire extinguisher business together that’s what we do running around like there’s a fire all the time that’s how you did it putting out fires everywhere never putting out fires in schools that’s great so so I and I I love I love serving on the board because I believe in public education and I believe public educ ation is for
all yes that being said I also believe that it is the Parents Choice as to how they educate their children and the last few years I’d say more than ever there is a backlash for families that are choosing to do something different than their neighbor wants to do and some just quietly want to leave and homeschool some quietly want to leave and go to private school or charter school or do a hybrid of both and really it is the children are called dependents for a reason they depend on their parents for everything right you cannot um get your
ears pierced without your parents permission you cannot get a driver’s license until you’re 16 you cannot get a tattoo until there’s a long list of things that children cannot do why because they need to seek advice from their parents and but we now have our governor just signed into law ab1 1955 that’s right in which a child at the age of 12 12 listen everybody 12 12 years old 12 years old they can tell their parents or they can tell their teacher you cannot tell my parents if I’m going
to change my gender if I’m going to go by another name if I’m going to you know all these things which they’re children and if and it has become it’s become a an unusual me too situation right we see what’s happened in all of those categories and it is a very different number than it was 20 years ago 10 years ago even 5 years ago I was just looking at the statistics on some of that and it it actually pushed me back because I cannot believe what’s happening and it’s not our children’s fault yeah we have to
overse and as a trustee my job is to be the voice for parents and for students that’s right and that is what I do every day wow um I would you said that you believe that parents should have the choice I agree I would throw into that and I’m sure that you guys agree as well parents should have the choice but parents also need to be incouraged to have the involvement they need they need to and maybe you know listen maybe this sounds uh from the you know the ancient past but um when your child comes home from school the mom the
dad the parent should stop the world and say how was your day at school what’ you learn can you show me you you have any homework that’s right let’s see what we got here what’s going on do you understand this yeah absolutely get into there find out what’s going on and and you’ll learn a lot I mean kind of that’s what happened during the co shutdown thing I mean if there was a silver Ling to all of that Shenanigans it was boy did we learn a lot of stuff and and one of them is sad to say is that you know
you got these medical experts completely destroying each other’s arguments which means there’s no expert they’re completely contradicting each other no validity yeah and then you know we have a leader in this state that really had a questionable uh rise to power himself if it wasn’t for his friends uh all of a sudden knowing how to raise your kids and how to tell you to be a parent uh you know all the while he his kids are privileged children compared to ours I’ll even to that um is it’s not
entirely Schoolboard related but the culture of parenting I think we need we need to start talking about that and need to see a shift in that I like that just because right now right if you’re a working mom or a dad you’re expected to work like you don’t have kids and you’re expected to mother like you don’t have a job that is a real thing so I think when we if we’re GNA talk about you know parental involvement we need to also start shifting that because when we decided and I’m in this right now we
decided you know 8:30 school start time and 3:00 or 2:30 pickup time but the work hours are 9 to 6 I’m sorry like how and then we’re supposed to do sports activities this activity and that and be involved and then also work um so that’s a larger conversation it’s true it’s burnout Galore and so you know but with that we have to acknowledge the reality that not all parents can be fully involved but at the same time that burden of responsibility then falls on our trustees on our teachers on our you
know on the on the parents that are involved as far as the decisions that are being made so if these are busy working parents in public schools then what are the what’s the leadership doing what are the teachers doing they should still be involving so to take the kids away completely while you’re busy working and not tell moms and dads that hey your child is suffering mentally or physically or emotionally or academically yep I mean that’s wrong you’re wise beyond your years I’m going to tell you why right
now forever growing up in this nation and going back to our founding fathers who created the public school system I don’t know if people realize that or not our founding fathers created the public school system and they had they had a syllabus they had an outline they had standards and you can go look at them you can see them I saw them I I I looked at this up until recent times the parent could take their kid to the bus stop or drop them off at school believing yeah yeah oh now I got to go to work and I
got to focus on getting bread and food for the table at my job but it’s a good thing the school has my child’s best interest in mind and that that’s how we grew up yeah and now because you rais a great issue parents need to be instructed themselves educated themselves about this new world we live in about how can you with your schedule how can you and one thing that’s maybe a side note or maybe it’s a little bit of a help you you might be aware of this where way back in the early 80s my wife Lisa she homeschooled art kids and


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