Thankful Monday Blessings October 07, 2024

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Thankful Monday Blessings

A prayer for a new week: Dear God, my heart overflows with gratitude for all of Your blessings. Thank You for bringing me to another week. Thank You for being the source of my strength. This year has been hard, but I’m so grateful that You have been right by my side. I’ve lost a lot, but You’ve blessed me more than I know, and You’ve given me everything I need to make it. Thank You for loving me unconditionally. Thank You for being so kind. Thank You for being the one who never leaves me. Thank You for always calling me Your child. I won’t give up. You’ve brought me this far. Thank You for carrying me every step of the way. With everything that I am, I trust You. I’m thankful for it all. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting. -Psalm 100:4-5

Father, thank You that You have a new name for me and that by Your grace I am going to reign in life. Thank You that I can take negative labels off my life and proudly wear the name of a prince and become all that You have called me to be. I believe that You are going to bless me in amazing ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Thankful Monday Blessings October 07, 2024
Thankful Monday Blessings October 07, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, I bow before Your holy presence to praise You for this new day and to thank You for the opportunities You have given me this beautiful morning. I ask that today You help me cultivate thoughts of love and speak words that are just and kind. Only in You can I find true meaning for my life. Only You can fill my spirit and provide the grace I need.

Lord, pour out Your Holy Spirit upon me, renew my strength, and grant me the courage to keep pressing on. Blessed are You, for despite my burdens and weariness, You give me the strength to rise and live in Your presence. I want to surrender my life to You, and everything that disrupts my peace or prevents me from seeing and appreciating the greatness of Your love for me.

I especially ask that You give me the right words to communicate clearly with those I encounter today. Don’t let impatience or impulsiveness cause harm to those around me. Lord, help me remember the power of my words—that they can build or destroy, bring life or cause pain. Grant me the wisdom to always choose words that uplift, encourage, comfort, and reflect Your love and peace.

I come with a sincere heart, a heart that, despite its flaws, longs to meet You this morning and express everything it feels. Thank You for welcoming me. You don’t focus on my mistakes but on my desire to seek You. I place myself in Your merciful hands so You can transform my heart into an instrument of Your peace.

From this moment, I place myself in Your presence, consecrating this entire day to You, ensuring that I stay close to You at all times. Heavenly Father, today I want to trust firmly in Your divine word, that Your joy will be reflected in me, a joy You give to all who love You and are open to Your glory. This is what I need today—that You make Your presence known and lift me in victory, helping me feel the countless blessings You have for me.

Thankful Monday Blessings October 07, 2024
Thankful Monday Blessings October 07, 2024

You created me, and You have sustained me in existence. You walk with me every day in every action I take. Touch my heart and take away all insecurity or fear so I can trust in You, knowing You are always by my side and never abandon me. I want my life to be a reflection of Your love. Let me live with the joy of knowing I am Your beloved child and that nothing and no one can separate me from Your love.

I ask You to be with me in every step I take today so that nothing and no one can take me away from Your grace and salvation. My Father, I want to live in Your joy and mercy. I place my works, projects, and goals in Your hands so You may bless them.


Remember, brothers and sisters, if you see anyone falter, guide them lovingly without falling into hypocrisy. Light dawns for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous, and celebrate His holy name. Psalm 96

May the Lord bless us today.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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