Thankful Wednesday Blessings October 02, 2024

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Thankful Wednesday Blessings

A prayer for the new month: Dear God, thank You so much for opening my eyes to see the month of October. It’s a miracle that I’ve made it this far. You have brought me through so many storms this year, and You have kept me safe in more ways than I can count. As I step into this month, I pray for Your blessings over me and my loved ones. Bless the work of my hands, and may everything I do be for the glory of Your name. Please forgive me of my sins and cleanse my heart. Clear my mind, and give me Your supernatural strength. Thank You for going before me and giving me the victory. I put this month in Your hands. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you. -Exodus 12:2

Lord, help me know what to do when I feel overwhelmed, and send me the help I need.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

My Lord, thank you for filling my life with blessings this morning, where I can feel your holy presence. Embrace me tightly and never let me go. I never want to leave your arms because in them, I find the peace I need. I ask you to bless everyone this morning, especially those I love and those I should love more.

Help me not be chained to the fleeting trends and distractions of the world, which are irrelevant and lead nowhere. Take me in your blessed hands and make me fully yours. I give you my mind and my heart so that you may cleanse them from all sin. From the moment I wake, I realize how fortunate I am to have you by my side, as you give me true happiness. Grant my heart the strength to remain faithful to you, the strength to give you glory because you remain with me no matter what.

Lord, don’t let the world’s temptations lead me astray. Guide me to do good for others and to make them feel your love. Blessed are you, for you never abandon me. You defend and strengthen me with your presence. Thank you for your love, which constantly allows me to feel your strength, pushing me forward and making me truly happy.

I am aware of how beautiful life is, and I do not want any sadness to be stronger than my desire to live joyfully by your side every day. Lord, I ask that you grant me your joy, to help me rise above the sorrowful situations in this world. Give me hope when everything seems dark, and it feels like there is nothing left to do. Thank you, my God, for allowing me to keep hope alive, despite all the challenges I face day after day.


Thank you, loving Father, for making me feel important in your life, for being by my side, and for always wanting the best for me. Thank you for constantly showing me that I have value, that you created me with abilities and strengths to be a blessing to the world. Thank you for renewing my hopes and for reminding me that, with you by my side, nothing can harm me.

Help me, Lord, to learn to value life not for material things but for what truly gives it meaning. Thank you for your companionship and for allowing me to face and resolve all my problems with your help. This morning, I feel joyful because no enemy rising against me can defeat me, as your powerful hand sustains me. Once again, I come to you with full confidence that you will welcome me and give me the strength to start a new day.

Lord, grant me the grace to live this day with the certainty that you are by my side, guiding my steps and protecting my heart. Amen.

I give thanks to the Lord because I begin a new month in his hands, with health, well-being, work, and the love of my family. Protect me, my God, for I take refuge in you. I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you, I have no good thing.” (Psalm 16)

May the Lord bless us today, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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