Adrian Rogers: A Victorious Church that Proclaims The Lord Jesus Christ

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Adrian Rogers: A Victorious Church that Proclaims The Lord Jesus Christ

God made man and woman to have dominion, victory, and mastery; it is the very reason we were created. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how Christ has given us kingdom authority on Earth, so we may come together as a conquering church.

God’s plan for you for this church is constant continual conspicuous Victory Jesus said I give you authority over all the power of the devil Satan has no power over you none none none none none n none none you need to understand that don’t say the devil made me do it he can’t the only Power he has over you is what you yield to him by unbelief profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers take God’s word and turn to Ephesians chapter 1 and also
to uh Genesis uh chapter one we’ve been talking about the kind of a church that my heart beats for that I dream for that I wish and look to God for the kind of a church that I have tried to lead you to be in these past 32 years we’ve talked about such things as a unified Church we’ve talked about a militant Church we’ve talked about a steadfast Church uh we we have talked about a Praying church today I want to speak to you about a conquering church now when God made you God designed you for Dominion
God made you listen God Made You for Mastery you were not designed to fail you were designed to have dominion when you were born again uh you were born to win look if you will here in uh the Book of Genesis chap 1 and verse 26 here’s why God made you at least one of his purposes and God said let us make man in our image that’s God the son God the spirit God the Father speaking and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness now now look at this and let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and Over All the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth now if black print on white paper means anything it means that man as God designed him and created him was given rule to control and master the earth and its resources man was to be king of the earth an ancillary verse that you might want to jot in your margin is Psalm 8 and verse 6 the psalmist is speaking about man and it says Thou mest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou Hast
put now listen to this all things under his feet there three things I want to lay on your heart as we think about a conquering Church uh the first thing is this that this Dominion that man was supposed to have have and was given man’s Dominion was legally lost by Adam key word legally and Adam man’s Dominion was legally lost by Adam now who is Adam you say well I didn’t vote for Adam to make any difference you were in Adam you say Adam didn’t have anything to do with me friend had there been no Adam there had been no
you you’re connected to Adam you say well I don’t believe that uh people ought to be lost because of one man well friend you ought to be glad that the person can be lost by one man because also somebody can be saved by one man so so don’t don’t rebel against this what happened well let me go back and uh give you some scripture now we’re we’re in Ephesians chapter well let’s look at Ephesians chapter 2 now here’s how God describes us today and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses
cles and sins wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of Disobedience who is the prince of the power of the air who is the spirit that walks within the children and rules over the children of Disobedience he is the Devil Himself now God created a perfect being God did not create a devil God created a perfect being but he gave that perfect being The Power of Choice and Satan chose to rebel
against God uh and his name original name is Lucifer which means lightbearer Satan means adversary Lucifer the lightbearer became Satan morning of the bear of light became the master of Darkness now what happened is this that Satan had in his heart and in his mind Pride he thought to himself I’m too great I’m too wise I’m too wonderful to be anything less than God Isaiah chapter 14 tells us he said I will be like the most high but no sooner had he unshed his sword of re Rebellion then the Thunders of God rolled down through the quarters
of heaven and Satan was banished from Heaven down to the earth and the Rebellion that would not work in heaven was turned to Earth and Satan now turns his attention to man man that was given Dominion here on the earth now Satan was dethroned in heaven but Satan came to this earth to enthrone himself in the heart and mind of man you see Satan lost a throne in heaven but he gained the throne listen carefully in the heart of man the victory that he lost in heaven was a victory that he gained on earth now how did this
happen notice I said in this heading that Dominion was legally lost I thought about that word I want you to think about it because the entire universe is run by law God’s law God created these laws and God keeps these laws and when God gave adam Dominion it was a legal gift God gave it to him God gave adam Dominion it was legally given to him and Adam forfeited it Adam gave it away Adam turned it over to Satan and now Adam meant to have dominion to spiritually dead and legally dethroned and Satan is now called listen
the God of this world who is the God of this world you say almighty God well let me give you a scripture 2 Corinthians chapter 4:4 the Apostle Paul is talking about the Mayhem and the disillusionment and the deadness and the Darkness that’s in the hearts and minds of men and he says in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not the God of this world who is the God of this world Satan God gave adam Dominion Adam turned it over to Satan and now Satan is the God of this world
no one the Bible says we’re not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places first thing get it down in your heart Dominion was legally given to Adam it was legally lost by ad Adam if you’re enjoying this message from Adrien Rogers and would like to dig a little deeper into today’s topic download this free companion Bible study use the link above to get yours now here’s the second thing we’re talking about a church that has Conquest
a conquering church this Dominion that was legally lost by Adam was rightfully recovered by Jesus rightfully and right iously recovered by Jesus now the word rightfully is is very important Jesus did not just walk in and kick Satan out he didn’t say I don’t care what Adam did I’m taking it back he didn’t do that it was legally lost it must be legally regained you in Ephesians chapter 1 look if you will now in verses uh 17 uh through 21 Paul is praying that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of Glory may
give unto you now he’s talking about you right now as well as the Ephesians may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him I’m telling you that’s my prayer for you today is that you will have the spirit of wisdom and Revelation You Will Open Your Heart Church listen open your heart to this truth the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and the riches of the glory of his inheritance and the Saints and what is the exceeding look oh
this language listen what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usw who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in Heavenly places now watch this far above all principality and Power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in the world to come what does all that mean Paul says oh God open their eyes oh God help them to understand that when Jesus died rose
again ascended to the high Hills of Glory he has now decimated Satan’s kingdom and he is above all power powers and principalities remember Paul said in Ephesians chapter 6 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and Powers now what what the Bible is saying now is that Jesus is high high above all of these things what was legally lost in Adam was rightfully and righteously regained in Christ through the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ I’ll show you why in just a moment
but suppose God had just stepped in said I’m God out of here Satan I banish you be gone I’m going to go back to the beginning and start all over again well as God he could do whatever he wanted I suppose well I don’t suppose I know he could but he would have broken his own law law would have become a farce if God had failed to keep his own law now God owes the devil nothing nothing at all but God owes something to his own righteousness God owns something to his own principle of Justice if God had overlooked the legality in this matter
then God himself would have participated in illegality God himself would have to admit that sin has ultimately won even even though God had stepped in by divine power and set Satan aside the law still would have been there so what what is God going to do Dominion was lost by a man now you must understand this it must rightfully be one back by a man no angel can do it a man must do it it was legally lost by man it must be Redeemed by man God’s answer is found in Jesus Christ the son of God who stepped out of heaven and himself
became a man that’s very important that you understand this that God defeated Satan with a man with a man the second Adam put these verses down 1 Corinthians chapter 15 beginning in verse 21 for since by Man Came Death by man came also the resurrection of the Dead for as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made Alive Now notice the emphasis here by Man Came Death and by man comes the resurrection then Hebrews chap 2:14 put that down for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood that he’s talking about the
children of God that’s us we also uh he also himself took part of the same that he refers to Jesus we’re Flesh and Blood Jesus Took upon Him Flesh and Blood now watch this that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil the devil had the power of death Jesus became a man so he could die and destroy him that had the power of death at Calvary the full penalty of sin was paid Satan’s contract was annulled Satan’s back was broken at Calvary now Jesus could have defeated Satan as very
God of very God but he is defeating Satan as very man of very man it would have been a very Hollow Victory if Jesus as God were to decimate Satan if Jesus as God where to say Satan be gone to the pit I’m taking it all back suppose he had done that what kind of an example could he be to me I’m not God no I want you to see friend that Jesus defeated Satan as man not as God he did not fight against Satan as God but fought against Satan as sinless man Satan when he sees SE Jesus now on the scene knows he must have another
battle he must defeat the last Adam as he defeated the first Adam so a battle begins between Satan and the second Adam whose name is Jesus and Satan knows if his kingdom is to survive he must get the second Adam to sin as he got the first one to sin just one sin if I can get this son of God to sin I’m still the master but if I cannot he will undo my kingdom so we see the battle as it ensues in Luke chapter 4 I’ve already referred to Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit begins his public Ministry he goes out into the Wilderness
to fast for 40 days and 40 nights the Bible says and after afterward he was hungry I think that’s probably the greatest understatement in the Bible he was hungry that time Satan comes to him and says now he’s he’s weak and he’s he’s not as strong as he ought to be I think I can overcome him he says look if you’re the son of of god notice the if what a sneer if you’re the Son of God command these Stones they be made bread I’ve seen the stones in Israel they look like brown loaves of bread turn them into
bread Jesus said it’s written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God what is Jesus saying he’s using the sword he’s using the sword of the spirit the word of God and he runs Satan through there’s one thrust Satan staggering comes back again and he takes Jesus up to this high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and says all this I’ll give you if you Bow Down and Worship me Jesus unes The Sword and runs him through again it is written Thou shalt Worship the Lord God
in him only Satan recoils he comes back one more time he says look go to the Pinnacle of the temple and cast yourself down and the angels will bear you up and you just come floating down and everybody will know you’re the Messiah Jesus said it is written Thou shalt not put the Lord your God to the test three times Jesus came against Satan now the thing I want you to understand precious friend is that Jesus used the same weapons that Adam had the word of God and the spirit of God the same weapons he did not pull
rank on Adam and what Adam lost in the garden Jesus overcame in a Wilderness Jesus the son of God was tempted to sin but Jesus had no itch the devil could scratch Satan is defeated again he’s still looking for a more opportune time the hounds of hell are Bing after the Lord Jesus driving him to Calvary Satan has the idea that perhaps when faced with the cross that Jesus will turn away from the battle the Demonic pressure is Indescribable Jesus could have stepped out stepped out of the whole thing said that’s that’s
enough that’s enough you know they said of him when he was on the cross he saved others himself he could not save that’s wrong himself he would not save he wasn’t held To The Cross by those searing nails but by the golden bonds of love he the Lord Jesus Christ went to bloody Calvary Jesus bowed his head and he said it is finished that means it’s paid in full all of Satan’s legal claims are now nullified what was lost by man is regained by man legally lost and legally regained but it’s not over now
yet after the death there’s the Glorious Resurrection after the resurrection there is the Magnificent Ascension and after the Ascension and here’s where you come in there is the enthronement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ now let me give you the third and final thing very quickly because our time is gone Dominion was legally lost by Adam Dominion was righteously regained by Jesus now listen Church Dominion is gloriously given to the church now whether you want to say Amen or not I want you to say it
Dominion is now gloriously given to the church if you don’t understand this you don’t understand why Paul was praying he said oh God open their eyes Lord give them the spirit of understanding help them to know what they have in Jesus does Jesus listen carefully and I’m finished does Jesus have authority over Satan then so do you so do you let me ask you another question uh does Jesus have constant Victory so do you Satan hopes that you never learn this lesson that he has given you authority over all the power of the
enemy what to God that we can understand this the lamb has prevailed his Conquest is complete he conquered on the tree and he conquered in the Tomb and now he sits upon the throne now here’s the thing Ephesians says that we sit together with him in Heavenly places that God raised him up and God puts us with him in the Heavenly places I got a letter from a friend he signed it keep looking down you know most people say keep looking up no we look down all things under his feet therefore they’re under our feet they say
Pastor why don’t I practice it why is my life so miserable so defeated I tell you why because you failed to understand and put into practice what I’ve just preached God’s plan for you for this church is constant continual conspicuous Victory Jesus said I give you authority over all the power of the devil Satan has no power over you none none none none none none none none you need to understand that don’t say the devil made me do it he can’t the only Power he has over you is what you yield to him by unbelief living
he loved me dying he saved me buried he carried my sins far away Rising he justified freely forever one day he’s coming oh Glorious Day science can’t explain it history cannot repeat it and time will never blot it out thank God for our victory [Music] [Music]

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