Your Life – On Faith – Part 7 (Hebrews 11:30-40)

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church with that let’s stand if you would let’s stand book of Hebrews chapter 11 tonight and uh you are correct Jack it seems like we’ve been in Hebrews 11 forever this is true but this is going to be the seventh study in in chapter 11 and we probably have one more Wednesday to go on chapter 11 if not we’ll finish it tonight but um how about you stand in honor of God’s word I’ll read it all the way through you can follow along as as as I read uh but Lord willing we’ll finish it up tonight we’re looking at
your life on faith your life on faith I love that by faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days by faith har uh the Harlot Rahab did not uh perish with those who did not believe when she had receive the spies with peace and what more shall I say I love that statement statement in other words this goes on forever for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon Barack Samson jeepa also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms think of that through faith they subdued
political Realms worked righteousness obtained promises sto the mouths of lions quench the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword and out of weakness remained strong became Valiant in battle turned to flight the armies of the aliens women received their dead raised to life again others were tortured not accepting Deliverance that they might obtain a better Resurrection verse 36 still others had trial of mockings and scourgings yes and of chains and imprisonment they were stoned they were sa in two were tempted were slain with
the sword they wandered about this is our brothers in Sisters of the past they wandered about in sheep skins and goat skins being destitute Afflicted and tormented of whom the world was not worthy they wandered in deserts and mountains in dens and caves of the earth and all these having obtained a good test testimony through faith did not receive the promise in other words they died in Hope looking forward verse 40 God having provided something better for us that they should not be made perfect or complete apart from us father God in
Jesus name we pray for the moving of your spirit we pray for the teaching of your Holy Spirit and God we pray that we would leave this place tonight A transformed people number one as Believers may we become more like Jesus as of tonight and Lord if there are any non-believers tonight or those who are who think they’re Believers and are not that you would speak to them tonight and Lord that they would leave a brand new creation we give this all to you now in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen you may be seated church and so
we’re going to dive right into this and um just wish that we could just someday teach for hours on end just bring in food and water for all of you and um just keep going but we have to do these things in our segments drives me crazy to be honest with you but uh your life on faith this is such a vital uh chapter it’s so needed chapter 11 it it records it’s the account of the lifestyles of the righteous and faithful and that in my opinion is still being written as long as God’s people are alive it’s still being written this
generation it’s it’s being written uh the future generation think about those times ahead I mentioned earlier in the announcement regarding the seven-year tribulation period uh those Saints during that age they’re known as the tribulation Saints uh interesting group of people they’re not members of the church they are not the bride of Christ they’re tribulation Saints the Bible says they will have to die for their faith right now you’re called to live for your faith the bride of Christ
though she does have members throughout the world that die perish in martyrdom from the day of Pentecost to the moment of the Rapture that is the church age Believers the Saints and then there’s of course the Old Testament Saints all the way from Adam to John the Baptist but we were looking about your life my life on faith and uh you kind of pick up the the little tease that’s in that your life on fire is the is the thought I want you to be having as a as a a second title to this that if your life is a life that’s a life of Faith
it’s going to be on fire for God faith is active it’s a verb it’s moving it lives it breathes it doesn’t stop Faith incredible and we learned that in verses 30 to 31 that it’s your life on faith and when that happens it’s the fact that you and I will face impossible situations in life you’re not going to escape that everybody we’re not supposed to escape impossible situations you and I experience the same hardships and difficulties that unbelievers experience the difference is we have a purpose and
that purpose is that as we go through those difficulties we become more like Christ when the world goes through them if they don’t give their life to Christ they become bitter PE people in life that are suffered greatly without Jesus often turn bitter the believer we suffer and we should become better in that more like Christ and then we saw number two last week was verses 32 to 34 and that is you will never stand alone you will never stand alone in all of that in fact remember verse 32 it says what more shall we say then for
time would fail me to tell of Gideon and then uh the author goes through this um almost shotgun version of these names that come rolling off of his tongue his memory goes and these names come flying out Gideon amazing and I encourage you to read the Book of Judges it’s pretty short but super powerful Gideon an amazing man that God called by the way all of these names mentioned of course they’re called by God Barack and I was a little hard on on him last week I I said that he wouldn’t go to battle he was the
great general of Israel’s Army but he wouldn’t go to battle without Deborah holding his hand I should have said that he he’s being commended here in the book of Hebrews because he should be he was a great General but remember Deborah was the one God was speaking to Deborah was was the judge Deborah was touched by the spirit of God and Barack is he was well able to take the forces of Israel into battle but he’s he’s commanded here he’s smart because he says this I’m not going to go
to battle unless you come with me translation I’m I’m not going to go to battle without the presence of God and you represent the presence of God so you’re coming with us and I think that’s awesome and uh I I love the fact also that it’s a woman you know a lot of people boy the Bible you know if we have the Bible in our lives we’ll all be pregnant Barefoot in the kitchen again Dragon Knuckles like monkeys or something because women will be abused and oh stop it you don’t even know what you’re talking about the
Bible is the very book that has given women’s rights an argument it’s the Bible that says that male and female are the same it’s the Bible that honors women did you know that don’t swallow the the woke uh garbage that’s out there oh you know Christians you know no no you don’t know you look at all the great movements that brought Liberty and freedom and right and they’re Christian Christian driven you think about even in our modern time of Martin Luther uh King Jr uh does anybody remember that he was
a pastor and an activist boy you know people say oh Pastor Jackson activist Pastor if I change my name to Martin Luther King Jr Jr I should do that how how would that go down he saw an injustice and he spoke up about it was he perfect no no man is but I love the fact that Brock was not going to go to battle unless the one whose life had God’s hand upon her was present I love that jeepa we talked about remember we cleared up all that stuff about jeepa did he sacrifice his daughter because he a pledge to the Lord
no he dedicated her to the Lord and she lamented her virginity because she was going to be basically dedicated to God serving the lord at the Tabernacle and that she would never be married and so jeepa lamented the fact that his name would die when he passed his name would not be carried on but he was a man of Faith the Bible tells us this David no need to mention him obviously King David Samuel remarkable Samuel’s an interesting guy because he’s right at the end of the judges but Samuel’s the king maker he’s
a man in the middle to the left there’s the judges and then to the right Samuel’s the one that was tapped by God to uh lay his hands upon King Saul and uh Israel in that moment changed forever and uh so as we pick it up where we left off you’ll never stand alone look at verse uh 33 it says this uh who through faith Mark the word through it’s not by faith it’s in verse 33 it says who through faith subdued kingdoms worked righteousness obtained promises and stopped the mouths of lons I want you to write this down um where it says
through faith we’re going to study this right now but just know this in chapter 11 write it down in your margins 18 times in chapter 11 it says who by faith did their great exploits for God by faith okay this argument in verse 33 is that you and I stand and we do not ever stand alone when we’re standing in God’s will to live for God’s purposes never you can always be rest assured it doesn’t matter if you’re on on a deserted island or something or maybe you’re standing before the judge and the
whole courtroom hates you if you’re are a follower of Christ you’re not alone in fact the Bible tells us the heart of the judge is in God’s hand he’s there he knows what’s going on sometimes people will say I get it some people will say to me um I was there Jack the judge the whole the whole thing they were all against me and it all came down on me and I got crushed and my comeback to you as this I understand that that’s a horrible situation but you stood there in in the den like Daniel and they did their
shenan pans and they not they didn’t sin against you they sinned against God and you were the witness of their demise unless they repent think about it can you handle that oh God use me what if God uses you to the point that you’re the one that stands as it were before the Lions and everything goes wrong apparently wrong to you but their judgments upon you is actually their reject rejection of Christ and you are the prophet that’s standing there you are the witness that’s standing there that’s a tough pill to swallow but
are we not followers of Christ we don’t pick our course we surrender to him and he uses us and I don’t know how he does it but he does it when you’re all alone you’re never lonely and I love that that means more to me than I’ll ever be able to tell you words I cannot put into words how much that is so true in my life and how faithful he has been who through faith subdued I want you just Mark that down Circle that word this is the Practical use of Faith the Bible literally gives man the definition of what real faith is
listen real faith is to know God’s Will and to act upon it without wavering can I read that again this is the Practical use of faith when the Bible says who through faith so this is the Practical use of Faith the Bible literally gives man the definition of what real faith is real faith is to know God’s Will and to act upon it without wavering you know that this is what God has spoken to you and by the way you can be sure of it because the directive that you’ve been given can be found in the Bible it’s bible-based
it’s not feeling based it’s not the Ouija board said so the the cookie what’s the cookie the fortune cookie said so uh the the horoscope said so um my friends said so no God showed you in the word and this is the answer in who through faith that’s how Faith moves you don’t have to you don’t have to look back over your shoulder to see nope you got it it’s moving ahead because God has spoken to you and he’s confirmed it to you and it’s right out of the word of God that Greek word now
back up there is this and it’s it’s it’s plump it’s spectacular watch this it means by or through the means of or by or through the agency of by or through the way of listen to this the question is how did for example you build this house somebody might ask how did you build that thing that house whatever the answer is this it was built by or through the blueprints whatever that is the blueprints it was the blueprint that gave action to the plan the Bible gives us Faith the Bible says faith comes by
hearing hearing by the word of God how do we put it into action when God shows us something in the Bible then it something’s going to click that’s why listen when you’re when you’re farming and harvesting and gleaning through the word of God off the page into your heart in the moment God is going to trigger something you’re going to read something oh my goodness this is the answer to that thing if somebody asks you how did you know that how did you build that house by the blueprints how did you come to that
decision by the word of uh Proverbs oh the Lord showed me the answer in Chronicles are you tracking with me everybody it is essential that when that’s our foundation we can do this through faith and faith is that Medium that nucleus it’s the it’s the object that brings listen it brings us to the very will of God that he wants us to execute in our lives faith is not the end oh I have faith I have so much faith and you talk about your faith don’t talk about your faith do it faith faith is not to be talked about
look I’m uh pushing up against some things right now about uh if you have enough faith you’ll never be poor if you have enough faith you’ll never be sick if you have enough Faith uh fill in the blank what is this what is this it’s silly it’s nuts it’s putting faith in faith you don’t put Faith in faith faith is the vehicle that drives you to the mission faith is the vehicle that takes you to the cause it takes you to the answer it takes you to the battle it takes you to the issue the Bible says you know this
Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen Faith remarkable another quote to use Faith biblically is to take your or to uh yeah to take your existence issue reliance and dependence in any given situation for example life itself and placing Your Existence your issue your Reliance your dependence in the hands of God faith does that Lord I need you God I I need you to move in my life I’m calling out from here to him and it’s faith that connects me to the very will of God the response
of God is going to come through faith many times we have prayed and asked God to move but we weren’t praying in faith and God didn’t move or God is saying that’s not my will maybe we asked something out of his will and that’s always going to happen in our lives because we are imperfect but God’s desire is for you and I in all that we do know this you’re never standing alone and God will advance you as you seek him through faith and then notice this it’s implied but it’s not said verse 33 tells us who through faith
subdued kingdoms it presupposes are you guys listening it presupposes that God wanted a kingdom sub subdued you think about that look at verse 33 what we can conclude is that he wanted to work righteousness he wanted promises to be obtained look at your verse verse 33 he wanted who wanted Daniel or God God wanted to stop the mouths of lions you say well I I think Daniel was pretty involved in that no no listen God God put it upon Daniel’s heart to be obedient Daniel was obedient and Daniel wound up being put into a lion’s den and
there are the Lions and how did Daniel get there through faith you said am I hearing this right did he like sign up hey God I’m going to jump into a den of lions and show you how much faith I have oh no no no Daniel would have said what you say every dayl I want to bow my life to you Lord I want to serve you today Jesus I’ve got all of my appointments or all of my destinations and all the things I’ve got to go do but Lord I’m inviting you to interrupt my life and if you wind up in the Lion’s Den you know
how you got there through faith it’s not an accident some of you need to hear this tonight you’re in a pickle have you been following God you love the Lord you’re in that pickle because God’s going to do a work that nobody knows but God alone and you got there through faith and you’re going to get out of it through faith you need to you need to grab that it’s not an accident Christians we need to we need to get this you don’t have some accidents in your life look even when we have an
accident it’s not an accident well I just got my car just got hit last week and it was an accident was it an accident to God no it was an accident to you but not to God which makes it not an accident to you he’s involved he’s in all of that and I just love I love watch this subdued so through faith kingdoms can be subdued wow really the word subdued look at this the word word means this to struggle against to struggle until conquered to war on or to fight until strong word according to the Bible you and I
are to exercise faith and through faith subdue kingdoms what does this mean in our day and age it can only mean this everybody listen up carefully this is my uh for for now at this moment this is my election statement for now don’t worry people are asking me when you going to do an election sermon that’s coming it’s coming but as Believers you and I are living right now and with all that’s going on in the world around us according to God’s word we can change kingdoms through faith my question is I hope it’s not too
late meaning it’s not that God can’t do it it’s that God gave us the time and the opportunity to seek Him and we didn’t has the window closed I’m going to let the cat out of the bag right now but see this won’t affect you guys because you’re Wednesday nighters so in the not too distant future I’m going to deliberately call I don’t have the date yet I’m going to deliberately announce in advance dance intentionally this is our secret that on a certain Sunday for each of the three services as
Jesus said my father’s house shall be called a house of prayer on a Sunday morning we are going to dedicate that service first and second and then third all to prayer for our nation and for our for our country and and you know what what mark my words I hope I’m wrong but what I’m deliberately I’m deliberately going to announce the date and don’t be surprised if a 100 people show up per service don’t be surprised are you hearing me there’s no entertainment that day what pray oh I’ll stay home please we do want
you to stay home I’m not kidding if that’s your mind you need to get saved seriously you think it’s a it’s a I would think listen with that announcement maybe people might come from some other churches just to pray but the hour is desperate we need to pray and I don’t get it I don’t understand it but he says that through faith kingdoms were subdued our nation’s in trouble how many times do you have to try to assassinate a former president can you believe this is happening in your lifetime aren’t you thinking how are
they going to do it next it’s it’s listen you don’t want to stand anywhere near uh president Trump and you don’t want to be near anyone with a pager right yikes and then of all things here we go oh boy here we go so the United Nations today in New York where’s New York are you sure are you sure New York’s in the United States the listen in New York is the UN anybody know what the UN stands for so most of you got it right some of you got it wrong some of you said the United Nations that’s wrong
the UN stands for the United nothing that’s what it means they accomplish nothing except sanction Israel all the time and we pay for like uh 75% of it so I hope you’re enjoying that so but here’s the deal in New York un they said that all the nations need need to get together and look forward to a Camala Harris victory on American soil listen that’s called election interference they’re in New York from all country all these countries and they’re saying we don’t we don’t want uh
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