The Power of Spirit-Led Prayer x Sarah Jakes Roberts

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The Power of Spirit-Led Prayer x Sarah Jakes Roberts

There is something transformative that happens when we pray with the authority God has placed within us. It’s more than just words; it’s an act of war against the darkness, a declaration that the enemy has no place in our lives. When we pray in the name of Jesus, chains break, mountains move, and atmospheres shift. It’s not about the length of our prayers, but the authority behind them. Jesus said that if we ask anything in His name, He will do it. That name—the name above every name—carries power, because it reminds heaven, earth, and hell that we belong to Him.

So, when life gets heavy, and you’re not sure where to turn, remember that you don’t just pray as someone hoping for a breakthrough—you pray as someone who already has the victory. Step into your rightful place, speak in faith, and let the authority that God has given you in the name of Jesus unlock miracles, healing, and peace.

going deeper in your prayer life is all about understanding The Authority connected to your prayers sometimes we live in such a way that we don’t feel like we have much power or authority in general so it’s difficult to believe that we could have authority in prayer but when I tell you that you have authority in prayer I mean it but it’s all about taking on your position okay so I want to turn to this scripture um because I feel like it’s really important for us to understand what we have through Jesus okay this is
the difference like a lot of us sometimes wonder like you know like Loki like you know I sometimes it’s like I’m spiritual but I’m not really religious and I don’t understand the whole Jesus thing like let me tell you part of what we have through Jesus is Authority okay and that Authority we have is because he exists down on the inside of us and because he lives down within us we have the same Authority that Jesus had when he was walking on the earth that Authority is the authority that he had to cast out Devils
come on somebody to heal the sick and to to come up against principalities okay so in Matthew 28 verse 18 Jesus is speaking to the disciples and what he says to them is so important because it is the authority that he gives to them is the same Authority that he’s given to us in prayer in verse 18 it says and Jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on Earth go therefore and Make Disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father of the son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them
to observe all the things that I have commanded you and lo I Am With You Always even to the end of the Grave so this is what Jesus said to the disciples I mean this is this is it you know what I mean like this is the Great Commission and part of the reason why this is so important is because it is a declaration of the authority that we have through Jesus okay so when he was with the disciples he told the disciples you’ve seen an experience who I am you’ve seen me cast out Devils you’ve seen me heal the sick
you the blind are seeing the lame are walking the Pharisees have been put in their place you have seen me put sin in its place and you have seen me overcome death itself now you have one responsibility and that is to take what you have seen and to go make other people Witnesses of what you have seen to make them disciples too that means that you’re going to have to take that power that I have given you God gave them power you’re going to have to take that power that I have given you and it’s going to have to show up in your
life in such a way that now they believe in he who sent me because of what I am doing down on the inside of you that’s power that’s Authority that’s how we should be living our life we should be living our life in such a way that it’s always pointing back to God that we’re saying listen it’s not in my strength it’s not in my power but it is by the spirit of God that I’ve been able to do this and so it’s important for you to recognize that Authority because when we go into prayer and we start praying on a
deeper level we’re praying from that position of authority so when we start saying sickness let go of my parents when we start saying you know addiction let go of me when we said I bind every devil I bind every principality principality you cannot have my house you cannot have my child I understand that evil is at work here but evil has come to a dead end because evil has run into me that is playing praying from a position of authority I’m not saying it because of who I am I’m saying it because greater is he who is in me than
he who is in the world and that he has been riled up that’s why people got to be careful when they start striking up against your Holy Ghost like if you was coming up against my pride if you were coming up against my fear if you were coming up against my insecurity that would be one thing but you didn’t mess around and came up against my Holy Ghost and because you’ve come up against my holy ghost things are about to get what messy okay because I’m about to unleash who I know I am in the heavenlies and
when we pray from that position all types of things are going to start coming to our mind we’re going to be praying for what’s happening in Africa we’re going to be praying that God would release power from the people who should not have power we’re going to be be praying that cancer would get up off of someone’s body I will never forget the first time that I had a radical prayer encounter um there was a friend of ours whose mother was going blind and she reached out to us and she asked us would
we pray and I thought like what if I pray and it doesn’t work and God says what if you do pray from a place of authority what will happen then and I will tell you that I prayed like I put my faith on it God I asked that you would like bind it up let her eyes be open right now like I went into my prayer closet heavily and I spoke healing and I spoke breakthrough and I spoke power and in that moment we didn’t see a change and yet I was so empowered by the fact that I had tapped into that Authority and I ain’t going to lie to
you I wanted her to open her eyes right then and to be able to see right when I was praying but when I took that position of authority I recognized that either what I was praying for was going to align with what God had already decided or it wasn’t and if it didn’t it didn’t mean that I didn’t have the authority it meant that that Authority wasn’t in line with what God wanted to do we cannot be so married to our power that we think our power should exert God’s will but that doesn’t mean that we
don’t pray with power and authority anyway because if the only thing that is keeping someone from a breakthrough is that no one prayed with power and authority then we won’t let that be the way we’ve got to pray with such power and such Authority that if God doesn’t do it then we understand that it just wasn’t in God’s will to do but it’s not because I didn’t pray with power and authority how do I pray with power and authority it’s when we practice those steps that I taught yesterday but we
trust in what we’re saying in this moment where we recognize that I am praying from this place of power I wish I could say it in a way that felt more practical and tangible but it’s no different than playing with kids and you tell kids stop playing around stop playing around but there is a way that you say stop playing that makes them stop what they’re doing in that moment and pay attention let me tell you something that sickness may not leave that cancer may not leave but it’s going to have to stop and hear what you’re
saying when you start praying with authority and that there are going to be moments when it stops and it has to flee because you prayed with authority and there are going to be other moments where God says all right you prayed with authority but I’m going to have to allow this to happen so that I can do X Y and Z where we trust though that that doesn’t mean that the power and Authority wasn’t there now I’m reminded of this message that I preached at the potter house at the Potter House Dallas
and it’s called Power deficit it’s on YouTube we’ll make sure that it’s uploaded here on woman evolve TV but in that message I talked about the disciples trying to cast out the devil uh cast out a demon but because they couldn’t cast out the demon they went to God and they asked God they said hey God you gave me power you gave me Authority how come it didn’t work when we did it but it worked when you did it it right and Jesus says to them in that moment that it’s not that you didn’t
have the power it’s just that you had unbelief and your unbelief neutralized your power so as much as you can confront the unbelief that’s in your life because that unbelief may be keeping you from tapping into Power one thing you have to understand too if it is in God’s will for someone to be healed whether you have unbelief or not he’s going to make sure that they have an encounter with a doctor or a prayer Warrior or whomever who can release his power so that they can be healed so if you pray for someone and it doesn’t
happen don’t beat yourself up and don’t you dare stop praying take that as a reminder to yourself that maybe I still have some unbelief that I’m working through maybe I still have some Spiritual Development that I need to work out but at the end of the day I used the power that I had I threw that power at something can you imagine if the disciples would have been like I ain’t going to try cuz I don’t think I’m going to do it like Jesus and if I can’t do it like Jesus I’m not going to do it
at all no because your power is going to work there are devils assigned to your power okay now there are going to be greater anointings that step into a room and when that greater anointing steps into the room there are going to be greater Devils that only they can fight but don’t let the Devils on your level get it pass because you’re too afraid to open your mouth start exercising the power that you have over the Devils assigned to to your power prayer is messy and you have to grow and you have to continue to develop and you have to
continue to dig deeper but just because we don’t see the outcomes we want doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t go deeper I want you to war in the spirit I want you to be one of those people who they call a demon bully where you recognize that if I allow only God to show up you going to be in trouble if I show up it might be a tussle but if it’s only God showing up then that battle is going to be one I’ve seen incredible breakthroughs powerful breakthroughs the spirit of God has fallen on me we’ve
laid hands and we’ve seen people be healed from being um infertile we’ve seen people get healed from cancer we’ve seen diseases on people’s hand be healed we’ve seen these things happen not because of what we did but because we trusted the authority that God had given us to and we exercise it in the moment that he presented to us so I want you guys to go deeper I want you to live in that space of knowledge that you have access to that power and I want you to exercise it when you can when you’re
ready when you’re ready and when you can when you feel like you’ve mastered your inner self and you’re ready to release That Glory into the world make sure you release it we got too many Devils to fight and too many people who have been designated to whoop them child whoop them for


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