Excellence-Full Sermon | Joyce Meyer

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Excellence-Full Sermon | Joyce Meyer

Joyce emphasizes the importance of doing the right thing, especially when no one is watching, because God is always looking. She shares the wisdom God imparted to her 35 years ago about living with excellence, integrity, and keeping unity in life and ministry. Joyce challenges us to commit to excellence in all areas, even small acts of integrity can have a significant impact.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

it’s so important not to just do the right thing when somebody’s looking but I think it’s especially important to do the right thing when nobody’s looking except God and he’s always looking [Music] when I started the ministry 35 years ago God put something very strongly in my heart and I was actually going to teach something else here but I really felt like God wanted me to teach you what he told me when he spoke to me 35 years ago he said I’m going to tell you three things to do and if you do them I’ll bless your
ministry always do everything you do with Excellence always be a person of Integrity keep your word and don’t ever mess around with the money that goes through your hands in Ministry he told me things like put things in my heart like if you take a speaking engagement for a smaller Church you’re going to go and do we call them camp meetings back then and uh you commit to do that and another much bigger offer comes along you go you keep your word to the first one and then he said and keep all the Strife out of your
life out of your ministry and out of your marriage do not get in the Pulpit angry and preach because you see only where there’s Unity is their blessing and anointing Psalm 133 not only says there’s blessing where there’s Unity but that’s where you’re going to find the anointing and so tonight I’m going to talk about the first of those three things which is excellence and I’m just calling this choosing to be excellent and I say choosing because if we don’t choose to be excellent the flesh will always be
mediocre and mediocre means halfway between success and failure and I’d say that we live in a pretty mediocre world today and it’s getting worse all the time and it’s up to us it’s not up to the unbelievers it’s up to us the Believers to set a standard for other people to follow we are not to follow them we are to set a a standard for them to follow us and there’s enough of us that if everybody will do it you hear me there’s enough of us I mean we’re all over the world there’s enough of
us if everybody will really start to not just go to church but to serve god with your whole heart to make a full surrender yes and to be [Applause] willing to do what you know is right not what you feel like doing amen I was thinking today what would happen if every person let’s just say every person in here would make a commitment for just 30 days to do what you know to be right instead of what you feel like doing and I’m I’m not even necessarily talking about Sin it could be sin but I’m just talking
about just doing what you know is right you know it can be little things like you know take an office suppli as home come on how many paper clip and rubber bands and pens and notepads do you have that you took from the office well we’ll go on from there and see there’s always anytime we’re not excellent there’s always a little conviction when just a little you know that little like a little hangnail in your spirit and when we learn to follow that then we’ll learn how to be really really excellent people you know if I told you
after the service I’m going to be serving chocolate chip cookies out in the lobby that I baked how many of you would stop and get one cuz you like cookies how many would do it just cuz you want to see me forget me we’re talking about the cookies and then what if I said I have added one little tiny new ingredient to the batter I just put like about a third of a teaspoon of dog poop in it but it it’s stirred into this big batch of batter and you won’t taste it it’s just how many of you would no
longer longer care to get one of my cookies well see that’s what we got to be careful of in the world come on you understanding me we don’t want to be Christians with just a little bit of the world in us where we go to church on Sunday and act like the devil the rest of the week or we go to church on Sunday and then on Monday we’re sitting with everybody else at work gossiping about the boss and grabbing and complaining and murmuring and grumbling we want to be excellent and we have to choose to be
excellent and Excellence is not Perfection it’s just taking what you have and doing the best that you can do with it you might have an old car but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep it clean wellow that went over good [Applause] see some people think well I want a new car well you know what until you keep the old one clean and keep the trash out of it you may not get a new [Applause] [Music] one and it’s it’s it’s so important not to just do the right thing when somebody’s looking but I think it’s especially
important to do the right thing when nobody’s looking except God and he’s always looking one of the things I’ve challenged myself to do and I’m doing this just because I felt like God put it on my heart in my home every time I get something out and use it my goal is to put it back where I got it and it’s amazing what a difference a room looks like when you walk out of it I mean I was amazed you know cuz like a woman goes in the bathroom and we got makeup and three Combs and hair dryers and flat irons and lotions and potions
and you know all kinds of stuff and sometimes if I’m in a hurry I don’t put all that stuff back where it goes right then and so sometimes it can look like a cyclone went off in the bathroom and i’ I’ve been taking time to just just put the lid back on the toothpaste and put it away just do everything with Excellence now see that that may sound foolish to you but I believe if we’re not excellent in little things that will never get around to be an excellent in bigger things so we have to choose it you know
we have these little Instagram posts as well as being on Facebook and and uh my team I don’t do this but my team will put captions on these Instagram posts and it’s it always has something to do with what I’m teaching but it’s not necessarily the title of the teaching and I get such a kick out of looking at how many people are watching which titles recently I had one study the word we had 42,000 downloads I had one that they called relax and do nothing and it had 300,000 downloads now what does that tell you about where
we’re at see they saw the title study the word 1/4 of the people were only interested in that but if we’re going to sit and do nothing everybody’s likees that my son was at my house the other night my he’s he’s our baby but he’s 402 got to be 43 and uh he’s got a playful side to him and he had this country song on and I think they were doing some kind of line dance or something and he said come on Mom dance with me come on dance with me I don’t know if he thought I couldn’t do
it or wouldn’t do it or what but I got up and started trying to to dance with him and you know is put your right foot here and your left foot there and you know do this and that and put so he’s filming the whole thing and he puts it on Facebook okay now are you ready for this we’ve had 1,300 views on [Applause] that it’s actually funny but it makes me mad that people are more interested in seeing me goof around don’t we study the word so maybe I’ve got the wrong career maybe I need to take up dancing I don’t
know but the reason why I share this with you is because it it shows you where people are at and it’s concerning it’s actually frightening to me sometimes to see that 300,000 people would like to sit back and do nothing and only 42,000 would like to study the word the Bible says in second Corinthians 5:20 that we are ambassadors for Christ and an ambassador is a representative of another country or another kingdom or another person and I love the Amplified translation of 2 Corinthians 5:20 because it says we are Christ’s personal
Representatives now just get this we are his personal representa is and he is making his appeal to the world through us now that is strong so that means that I can’t just go out and do what I feel like I need to choose to do what I know I should do the flesh is strong and it’ll pull you in the wrong direction the Bible says in Galatians that the spirit Wars against the Flesh and the flesh Wars against the spirit that they are continually antagonistic toward one another so the devil will always work through our
flesh which is your body and the part of your soul that’s not been crucified and belongs to Christ and our spirit is the deepest part of us where Christ lives and if we follow follow the flesh we’re going to do the wrong thing most of the time it may not even be a sinful thing but it’s going to be something that’s I mean let’s just say you’ve got to smile Jesus Loves You bumper sticker on your car but you’re breaking the speed limit well you’d be better off to take the bumper sticker off your
car amen call to be excellent 2 Peter 1:3 it’s part of the call on our life it’s not just a Nifty little idea for his divine power has bestowed upon us all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness through the full personal knowledge of him who called us everybody say he’s called me he’s called me by and to his own glory and Excellence are virtue now virtue can be translated power or it can be a Godly character trait but Jesus said he felt virtue go out of him and it was power the
anointing that went out of him when he healed somebody and so Excellence is connected to power excellent people get promoted mediocre people don’t get promoted I would rather have somebody that is excellent does what they do with excellence and keeps their word and works real hard at what they do maybe they’re not the brightest bulb in the bunch but I’d rather have them than somebody that’s extremely intelligent but he hard to get along with and always got an opinion about everything and gossiping behind your
back amen it’s not always the smartest people that gets promoted true promotion comes from God and God can take somebody that doesn’t know hardly anything at all and give them the ability to do things that just to leave people with their mouth hanging open and a I I tell you a secret I am totally unqualified to do what I’m doing completely 100% unqualified I have a high school education I almost failed English almost failed English and now I’m speaking in 125 languages in 2third of the [Applause]
world I could always write pretty good and my teachers wanted me to apply for a journalism scholarship but because my dad was sexually abusing me all I wanted to do was get away from home and get a job and be able to take care of myself so I didn’t get to go to journalism school but God’s anointing came on me and I’ve written 150 books so and I I’m not telling you that to brag on me I’m trying to tell you that it’s not how smart you are or how many degrees you have Ed I I think get as much education as you can get if it’s
good education I’m certainly not against it but I’m just for the plain ordinary folks like me I’m just telling you that it’s your heart that God sees and he sees things like will you be excellent when nobody’s looking will you do the right thing when nobody’s looking will you sacrifice will you serve him even if you’re not paid for it you know I remember years and years ago I mean people volunteered for everything and then over the years it’s gotten to the point where people don’t
want to make a move if they don’t get paid for it and we need to get back to serving God because we love him and not for any other [Applause] reason I need this message tonight I hope you do too an excellent person exceeds the requirements they always go the extra mile they go above and beyond and they always do more than enough they always do a superior job John Maxwell said that one of his goals every time he goes to speak is to always do a little bit more than what is expected of him I love that we’re called to
walk in excellent now we know the most excellent thing is love 1 Corinthians 12:31 says but Earnest desire and zealously cultivate the greatest and the best gifts and Graces the higher gifts and the choice Graces and yet I will show you still a more excellent way one that is better by far and the highest of them all love so everybody should have some books and teachings on love because of all the things that we study we need to study love we need to look at 1 Corinthians 13 1-8 and take those words apart and ask yourself am I
patient am I kind am I humble am I willing to give up my right to be right am I mad at anybody how quick do I forgive somebody am I touchy am I easily offended do I always believe the best we have to get serious about this Jesus said one new commandment I give unto you one one new commandment I give unto you that you love one another just as I have loved you by this shall all men know that you are my disciples and pretty much in every message I preach now I say a little something about the importance of forgiving people
that have hurt you and I think I’m just going to keep it up because there are more and more angry people in the world today that I have ever seen and you know the Bible says in Matthew 24 which is a chapter about the sign signs of end times that in the last days because of the lawlessness and the wickedness in the land the love of the great body of people that’s us will grow [Music] cold and boy the devil loves that because I’ll tell you what the highest form of spiritual warfare is red hot on fire love walking in
[Applause] love I mean I’ve worked at this love thing because I’ll tell you I was not a very loving person and I’ve been studying it for a long time and I’ll tell you what I do not have the energy to be angry you say well the person that hurt me doesn’t deserve forgiveness well even if they don’t you deserve [Music] peace amen please please please if you’re mad at anybody do what the Amplified Bible says drop it leave it Let It Go an excellent person exceeds the requirements they always go the extra
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