Don’t Let Conflict Steal Your Peace – Pt 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Don’t Let Conflict Steal Your Peace – Pt 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

Would you like less conflict in your life? Today, Joyce Meyer discusses how to disagree agreeably and exchange conflict for God’s perfect peace on Enjoying Everyday Life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

well I wanted to thank you for watching our YouTube channel and for those of you supporting our efforts to produce these videos thank you thank you you are part of spreading the gospel around the world if you’re not a partner prayerfully consider joining our efforts to help others the way you’ve been helped through the teachings we can only imagine all the places God sends these videos once we post them online but because it’s filled with his word we know it’s bringing light into Dark Places scan our QR code and give today
it’s a decision that provides Everlasting benefits to you and those waiting to see these messages this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries I can’t help it it’s just too hard but but but but excuse me but you need to get rid of your butt I’m Joyce Meyer I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you there’s anything that the devil works at really hard it’s trying to keep us upset make you mad get you mad at somebody get you frustrated get you to worry Jesus said
in John 14:27 my peace I leave with you I give it to you I bequeath it to you one translation says not as the world gives do I give to you but my own special peace see the world can be at peace when all of its circumstances suit it but we can be at peace when nothing’s going right in our life because we have a helper we have somebody that we can ask to take those problems and work them out for us and I’m going to tell you a secret you may not know this but you have permission to enjoy your life while you have a
[Music] problem and a lot of people don’t know that they think they’re obligated to worry about their problems but what you’re supposed to do is cast your care on God and trust that he’s taking care of your problem and go ahead and live the life that Jesus Paid such a terrible price for us to have my peace I leave with you not as the world gives do I give unto you but my own special peace I now give unto you but then in the Amplified Bible the classic version it says this so stop allowing yourselves to be upset and
Disturbed stop allowing yourselves to be fearful and intimidated so Jesus has done his part now we need to do our part you say well I can’t help it well that’s that’s one excuse you need to throw away tonight I can’t help it it’s just too hard but but but but excuse me but you need to get rid of your butt amen all the time we’re like well I know I should do this but I know I shouldn’t do this but I know I shouldn’t say this but and we need to just stop all that because nothing that God tells us to do
is too hard for us us to do we just have to really really want to how many of you really are serious about your relationship with God I mean I hope so because if you’re not you might as well go ahead and leave now because I don’t go out and do this just because I’m looking for something to do I really want to see people have what Jesus died for us to have I want you to know who you are in Christ have confidence be bold be strong enjoy your life and have the things that Jesus died for you to have one of the things that
Paul said that I really like is he said I am going to take hold of those things for which Christ Jesus died to take hold of me and I love that statement I am going to press on to take hold of those things for which Christ Jesus died to take hold of me are you enjoying the things that Jesus died for you to have he didn’t just die for us so we could have a miserable life and then someday go to heaven there’s so much more to being born again than just someday getting to go to heaven that’s wonderful and I
guess it would be worth it if there was nothing other than that but John 10:10 is very clear the thief comes only to kill to steal and destroy but Jesus said I came that you might have and enjoy your life and have it in abundance to the full until it overflow and Romans 14:17 says the kingdom of God is Not meat and drink but it is righteousness peace and joy joy in the Holy Ghost righteousness means that you know by the blood of Christ you have been made right with God that your sins have been forgiven you don’t have to live guilty
and condemned when you know that you can have peace and when you have peace you can have joy so we’re going to work on these things tonight together and help everybody make a whole lot of progress when Dave and I began our ministry five years I taught home Bible studies that was my beginning years I didn’t know hardly anything and I would just learn things and teach them to the people that were coming to the Bible said there’s about 25 people every Tuesday night in my home and I was faithful of that and I probably studied even harder
for that than I need to now cuz I know more now than I did then but then I felt like I was supposed to stop those Bible studies and I went to work at a church a new church in my city and they asked me to start a women’s Bible study which I did and it grew very rapidly and got very large it got to be between 4 and 500 ladies a week coming to this meeting and so then God really began to deal with me that he was finished with me there thank you Lord and uh that I was to take the ministry and and go north south east and west and I had many
confirmations because I was petrified to step out I had no money I had no real qualifications I had nobody to help me I had God and uh nobody knew me North Southeast or west so I I kind of felt like Abraham when God said pack up your tent and go but he didn’t tell him where to go well that’s the way I felt the day I walked out of my job they didn’t take a big offering for me and give me a bunch of money to go start my Ministry I left with a calculator and a dented desk to go north Southeast and West
so I just did the only thing that I knew to do we lived in St Louis which we still live there and so we started a meeting once a month in North St Louis East St Louis West St Louis and South St Louis we went north south east and west and I did thousands of meetings of 50 people and 70 people and 60 people and boy if I ever got a 100 people I thought I had died and gone to heaven and uh don’t despise the day of Small Beginnings if you’re faithful if you want to be used by God and you’re faithful in those early little beginning
years eventually things will grow it always takes longer than we’d like it to but to be very honest with you that is good shooting stars usually fall down about as fast as they went up you got to have time to learn to grow and to go through some things come on I said to go through some things because that’s how we gain experience Hebrews 5 says that Jesus gained experience through the things that he suffered and they equipped him to become the author and the source of our Salvation I love that I’m I’m going to quote that again
because it says a mouthful Jesus learned through the things that he suffered and he gained experience how many of you have some experiences well if you canot be bitter about them then maybe God could just use them to help somebody else you might not have a Ministry like this but we’ve all got a Pulpit it maybe your backyard fence it may be your desk at work but we all have a Pulpit and if everybody who calls themselves a Christian would just get out in the world and act like one not just in church but out in the
world where people are looking for Jesus you may be the only Jesus they’ll ever see and you can preach without ever opening your [Applause] mouth and so the experience that Jesus had equipped him and some of you don’t realize it right now cuz you’re going through some tough times but you’re getting equipment that’s right you’re getting what you need come on how many of you have ever asked God to use you well honey it’s on see we say all these oh God I surrender all really okay we’ll give that a try and
see how serious you are well give an extra $10 in the offering well I I don’t know about that you we want to surrender the things we want to surrender but God wants to do such a deep work in people and it is so needful at this hour in history the World by and large does not respect us and the reason why they don’t is because so many people just put on a little Christian jewelry and go to church and carry their Bible around but they don’t really live the life out in the world where people need to see
[Applause] them and so when we started our ministry North Southeast and West God spoke something to my heart and we’ve been very diligent to try to obey that now here some 40 years later or 37 years I think so I’ve actually been in Ministry about 47 years and um he said I’m going to give you three things to do and if you do them I’ll bless your ministry whatever you do do it with Excellence we serve an excellent God and we should not be sloppy in any way shape or form if you’re got to do a job do it the best
that you can do it amen always be a person of Integrity that means tell do what you say you’re going to do and then do it amen so many people today don’t keep their word oh I’ll call you next week and we’ll go to lunch and you no more intend to call them than fly you’re just trying to get rid of them I mean the world has just gotten so sloppy and he said Keep The Strife out of your life out of your marriage out of your home and out of your ministry you said well why would that be important well because God works where
there’s peace and you’ll you’ll see as we go through tonight that where there’s Unity there’s anointing and if you don’t know what the anointing is my son is in his early 40s and he said a lot of people my age don’t even know what the anointing is well it’s the presence and the power of God on your life it’s what makes things work I can stand here and say all the right things but if I had no anointing on my life you would all be so bored it would be pathetic why would people come as far as
some of you did and pay $15 to get into the parking lot and just to hear some L stand and talk because it’s God’s anointing that breaks the bondages off of Our Lives but if I if I want to have that anointing on my life if you want to have that anointing on your life and you want what you do to be blessed then you have to learn how to live in peace and in agreement and let me say quickly you don’t have to agree with everybody to live in agreement you can learn how to disagree agreeably you you have a right to your
opinion but you don’t always have to give it come on I want to say that again you have a right to your opinion and I should respect your right to have your own opinion we’re not all alike we have different personalities we come from different backgrounds we think differently sometimes even about the same thing but God expects us to get along we got to find a way to get along and that’s only going to happen through get ready for the word humility well one person is a tiny bit happy humility of all the Christian virtues I


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