Your Life – On Faith – Part 3 (Hebrews 11:23-29)

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Your Life – On Faith – Part 3 (Hebrews 11:23-29)

Decisions determine the trajectory of our lives. As believers, we must live a defiant, galvanized faith that overcomes worldly temptations.

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church family we’re going to get into this word tonight but because we’ve read it through so many times I’m going to save time and uh and read it with you I think last Wednesday were we we did communion the happening now because of what was to be going on and that’s on hold right now and then I think before that wasn’t it Seth Gruber or is that on a Sunday night Seth was here on a Sunday night so it’s been a little bit where we’ve been looking at this message in the book of Hebrews and
that is in chapters uh chapter 11: 23 to 29 but father we do pray that as we go through this tonight there would just be one one notot untied after another in our understanding or in our hearts in our spirit father God if there’s something somewhere in us that’s keeping us from drawing closer to you and Lord in like M manner as we’re going into this particular portion of scripture that we’ve been in and we’ll finish tonight by your grace is decision making making the right decision and Lord we know that just in
the realm of logic and and argument if you can make a wrong decision then you can make a right decision if you can make a right decis decision you can make a wrong decision we are not pre-programmed to be in the self-destruct mode just because we might have been raised by somebody that was off the rails or we had a horrible experience or maybe we were abandoned and uh from one foster home to the next or whatever it might be whatever PTSD might be in our lives all of that can be fixed tonight by the great power
of your Holy Spirit using the word of God so father we ask you to visit us now in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen everybody we’re looking at this message series titled your life on faith and that’s how the believer wants to live all of us every single one of us as Believers we want to live a life of faith and a life of faith is a a life that is not uh and uh in any way foggy it’s not weird it’s not oh look look uh he’s living his life by faith and it’s not some sort of a mystical thing to
live your life by faith in the word of God and almighty God is to live a life that I believe has Direction has purpose has vision and has power you want to talk about a faith that doesn’t have the Lord then I understand it’s a faith that would be bouncing off the walls of emotionalism or legalism we’re not into that because God’s not into that but if you have faith in the Lord then the truth of the matter is God’s will will be lived out in your life in this world and uh it’s an amazing passage is
there’s a verse in first John that basically announces that as he is so are we now in this world that’s amazing so tonight we’re going to be looking at decisions and we’ve started into this but do take notes please going to ask you to write this down if it’s a blessing to you every single day of your life will involve choices and there’s no way to avoid that fact every day here’s the question that’s actually pretty vague how many times every day in your life are we making decisions and there
are those who have said well we make these many decisions per day I think that’s impossible to figure out but there are those who try but I would say this that you and I are in a constant decision-making mode no matter what it might be from what you’re going to eat next to where you’re going to about paying that bill or what are we going to do about this thing in the next 15 years and what’s the interest rate and all that stuff decisions near and far being made I’m going to ask you to write this down
as we uh get ready to go through this and that is the choices that we make in life will determine number one look at it with me please the meaning to your life being lived can you write that down I don’t know if it’s going to be on the screen or not but it’s this the meaning to your life being lived is something that you need to make note of the choices that you and I make in our lives will determine number two the kind of life you will be living did you know that it’s going to be based on your
decisionmaking young people it’s going to be based on your decision making and and here’s the amazing thing for all of us decision making that involves us today you do understand please right that decision making today has its results starting tomorrow and so if you seow a life of good decision making based on the word of God you’re going to wind up being confident and resting in what comes to into your life bad decisions same thing what does the Bible say Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 says be not deceived God is Not mocked
whatever a man SWS that shall he also reap what you put into the ground is going to come up if you plant an apple seed what kind of tree is going to pop up Apple Tree you’d be you’d actually be considered and I don’t mean this to be rude but you would be the definition of an idiot really I’m not saying that to be bombastic if you put an avocado seed in the ground and expect an orange tree to come up and you’re waiting for that orange tree to come and then the tree comes up and it’s an avocado tree but you’re waiting for
it to produce oranges you’re messed up and that comes from a series of bad decisions but listen if you’re somebody who tonight would be saying I’ve just gone in my life from one bad decision to the next that can stop tonight you can make a determination tonight that that stops number three the impact of your life upon the world decision making your life can start to make an impact upon the world for good but listen even if you’ve made bad decisions your life is making an impact upon this world that’s a it’s true number four is
this regarding the choices that we make deter the influence of your life being lived before others it’s not just the kind of life you live it’s not the meaning of your life only it’s not the impact but it’s also the influence your life every every single one of us we are influencing someone or others regarding our decision-making process all of us have had parents in some way shape or form think about the decisions that they made over their life that you watched that’s part of being a family by the way and in Ministry by the
way I got to tell you don’t tell anybody this between us you can read great books on leadership and you can listen to great speakers in the ministry and great leaders um I have to tell you maybe it’s just the way that I’m wired I have learned more from the mistakes of others that I refuse to repeat are you hearing me oh my goodness this pastor went this way that that way upside down inside out I don’t throw that news clip away I learn from it dear God in heaven make sure I don’t go in that direction are you hearing me now
this is important to us to every single one of us because how many of us as kids grew up and then we got married and we had children and we swore to uh Dr James Dobson that we would never do that to our kids like our parents did to us what happens man I tell you we wind up saying the same thing that they said and we’re thinking I’m becoming my parent I am becoming my parent and we get all stressed out about it but thank God we can say Lord I don’t want that to happen to my life and he’ll take it away but on
the same token those things that are good my dad growing up forever embossed in my mind is uh my dad wearing a t-shirt Saturday morning it was always the Saturday morning nearest the 15th of the month why because bills are due on the 30th my dad all his life taught us to pay bills like he did on the 15th day of the month before the bill is due now somebody might say that’s a really dumb thing to do because you’re going to lose 15 days of interest and that is true which is why God invented apps that you
can actually program your money to be paying that bill on the exact same moment that you get all the interest proper and you you’re not late one second that’s a good decision there’s a way to think and the Lord has been showing this truth to us and then also there’s a quality the fifth thing is this is that there’s a quality of life that you’ll live based upon your decision- making everybody knows this what listen don’t say anything out loud but what’s the quality of your life sometimes you and I meet people
from yester year maybe it’s somebody we went to Junior High or college or high school with and we meet them and um I I I get to en enjoy that quite often to be honest with you and somebody will tell me hey Jack you and I went to school together since the third grade and and I I just got saved during covid and uh the the guy looks like he’s 90 years old married three times alimon bro broke because of alimony and all the stuff he’s paying rough life bad decisions but God Amen but life takes its toll but many
things you and I impose upon ourselves too much of our lives are self-inflicted wounds and this is the purpose of life God has a purpose for us and we make decisions every day that play out in the very purpose of why we exist and then finally it’s this the decisions that you and I make determine or bring about conclusions the conclusion of our life having been lived will be judged listen I’m not talking about the Judgment of God we’ll be judged by all those we leave behind they will say things like this when you
and I pass they will say things like this well he always did this or he was known to do that or this the other you could always find him here or there or whatever and we leave that with people and that’s the conclusion of our lives and what we want to do tonight church if we’ve never done it before is make right decisions and we learn it this way Hebrews 11:23 it says by faith that includes right decisions by Moses that’s teaching us here when he was born was hidden three months by his parents because they saw that he was a
beautiful child favored child and they were not afraid of the King’s Command that is Pharaoh verse 24 by faith Moses when he became of age refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter choosing that’s a choice that’s a decision rather to suffer the Affliction of the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin that’s a powerful statement verse 26 esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he look he looked or he longed yearned actually to the reward or for
the reward verse 27 by faith Moses forsook Egypt not fearing the WRA of the king for he endured as seeing him that is God who is Invisible by faith Moses kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood lest he should lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them by faith they passed through this Red Sea as by dry land whereas the Egyptians attempting to do so were drowned we saw this and then we’ll dive in number one remember your life on faith is this your life will be a prophetic life we learned that in
verse 20 in verse 21 we’ve already learned that your life on faith will be a transformative life it’s it’s impossible for your life that is a life of biblical Faith to be uh stationary or static impossible we learned also in verse 22 number three and that is our life will be anticipated uh in life we will be people who have hope we have uh the word of God before us we can look to see what the future holds I told you guys before uh I’ll repeat it tonight when I got saved the night I got saved I went home the next
day I got saved on a Monday had to get up and go to work on Tuesday uh but when I got home Tuesday night I started reading the book of Revelation it’s my first book I ever read in the Bible Book of Revelation every book I get I read the ACT first in case I get raptured in case I die I want to know how it ends no I’m kidding I understand books better if I read the end first that maybe that breaks some kind of a rule works for me and usually listen at the back of the book is what the author’s got the most
important thing to say it’s almost like it’s the commissioning right it’s the marching orders all comes together for me anticipation are you living a life that is anticipated ating what God has for you next Moses did see yeah but that was Moses you’re no different than Moses don’t raise your hand but how many of you are Christians how many you’re Christians inside listen you know you’re Christ if you’re if you’re a Christian according to the scriptures you’re no different than Moses the Bible says
you’re no different than Elijah God says I don’t have I do not look at my kids with any form of favoritism so listen if God did that with Joshua why will he not do it with us well he will do it with us if we believe that he wants to do it it’s exciting and then we saw number four in the argument verse 23 that you and I are living a life that’s Transcendent everything that you and I think say and do our conduct of life is a beautiful announcement there in verse 23 that his parents saw Moses that he was a
beautiful child remember this is where we kind of ended last time beautiful meaning not that he just had really cute you know that Hebrew Olive complexion you know the Hebrew people uh are are very very beautiful people I wasn’t aware of that until uh when my daughters were teenagers and we went to Israel uh they were saying what’s with why do all the most handsome guys in the world live right here what’s with this and you I didn’t even think about that and then the kids are talking about it there were
other teenagers on the trip and then the young men they all had the same conclusion what the most beautiful women in the world live here and that’s when it was time for us to cancel the trip and bring them home but you do read the Bible and it tells you about the looks of David and the looks of absolum do you realize that’s scary man if absum were to walk in here tonight even the guys would say that’s a handsome dude dude right there AB absolon was too handsome what about Solomon what about Saul King Saul these
the Bible says that they were so handsome and I think it says of that Absalom who was a you know he was a nut he was so conceited arrogant but I think the I think the Bible says about him or is it about Solomon that says that regarding uh the regarding him in looks and in stature uh there was nobody like him on earth a perfect human being what does that mean what does that look like we don’t know but it was just absolutely stunning the Bible tells us about B Sheba about Esther just incredible beauty and all of these things but this
is not what it means about Moses it’s not that he had this Hebrew olive skin with green eyes dark curly hair the word beautiful means that there’s more of an anointing upon him than anything he is there’s something about the little baby Moses that was a Divine Touch if you could put it that way and I mentioned last time together he didn’t glow in the dark but he stood out among babies being special you just knew this kid was special and of course that word also implies that there’s a calling upon his
life and so that is true Transcendent listen Christian your life’s Transcendent tonight I’m not saying this to pump you up this is a fact you’re a child of the Living God our Lord is enthroned in heaven above and Heaven’s your home and the Bible tells us in the meantime we’re here in this world to spread his love and his grace and his message everything about is about us is transcendent we live breathe we get our listen we get our information we get communicate from Heaven I would mention my granddaughter
but she gets so upset when I mention her in a sermon she doesn’t like it so don’t anybody say anything to her but just even today on our way down here tonight to church she said Papa ever since Camp I’ve been reading my Bible every day and everything about me is different I’m thinking different I’m talking different I see things different and she it’s true since Camp she’s been so joyous she learned at camp that Liberty is found in serving other people a Transcendent life and here’s where we pick it up
Church verses 24 to 26 your life on faith will be a defiant life a defiant life by faith verse 24 Moses when he became of age refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter it wasn’t that he was being mean rude or ugly it’s that for all that time of becoming of age he was raised by his mom raised by his sister raised by the Hebrew uh influence and then probably as I speculated most SCS believe at the age of 12 he was then given back to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became schooled in all of the
things of Egypt and the Bible tells us that he became the second most powerful man in all the world Moses as Egypt ruled the world and so when it says in verse 25 choosing rather to suffer Affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin what do we mean by that Mark it down please decision making Moses came to a point that of having to make a decision what am I going to do about this opportunity I am the second most powerful man in all of Egypt which makes me the most second powerful man in the
world but I know something about me I’m not an Egyptian I’m a Hebrew and I learned this for the last 12 years I’ve served Pharaoh Faithfully I’ve been just I’ve been a good leader but my roots Moses would say are my Hebrew Roots I know the god of the Hebrews I know the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and he had to make a decision who will you serve where’s this going to go and notice what it says isn’t the Bible just beautifully practical the Bible here says that Moses made a decision I can hang on to the power of
Egypt I can rise and when Pharaoh passes I’m in stalled and everybody will bow to me I will be embalmed and I will be put into a pyramid and I will I will what I will meet the God that I have known from my childhood who has nothing to do with these pyramids or these pagan gods and Moses made a decision I am going to forego listen forego the instant gratification of Egypt the world and I’m going to associate myself with God and in doing so I’m going to pass up on the momentary pleasures of sin that’s what it says in verse 25
listen When sin comes knocking at your door can you pause for a moment take a deep breath and analyze what’s before you whatever it may be most often most often sin is a momentary gratification if it’s a conversation if it’s something that’s sad if it’s the way that you say it it’s sinful and it’s passing maybe it’s in the area of um of sex or or something like that it’s momentary by Design it’s momentary power wealth whatever it might be Moses decided I am going to put off all of
these Treasures of this world I’m going to associate with the people of God and I’m not going to bow to the passing pleasures of sin nobody within the hearing of my voice can do that without the Holy Spirit controlling your life I’m here to tell you you can put listen if there’s something sinful in your world you can put you can put you can tie it to a car battery and and and get it all electrified that if you touch it it will knock you on your back you’ll figure out a way how to disconnect that
battery many times men will ask me how do I keep myself pure there’s porn coming from every which way I never I know this might shock some of you I am not a listen I’m not a fan I don’t I’m not a fan of devices or uh apps or alarm systems if you have to do that then do that but here’s the thing I want to go deeper than that when somebody tells me that they’re struggling with the momentary uh stimulants of sin rather than following God here’s here’s what I I’ll tell them every time
I don’t know why Pastor Jack I keep falling in this area you do know why I don’t pull any punches with these guys you do know why no I really don’t yes you do here’s the reason why you keep falling in this particular area no matter what it is and this goes for the gals too you love it you act like you don’t and you can’t stand the way you feel after after it but the reason why you get into it is because you love it more than God and that’s a fact it’s just a pure fact so the greatest thing is not to
have some self-destruct app on your phone that blows up if the wrong thing shows up on it it’s this it’s to love God more than what’s out there in the world can you imagine what kind of worship that is in this world to love God more and so you cut all these things out you burn those bridges but don’t leave the the the handle sticking out because you’ll figure out a way how to grab it listen in our day and age and I get it I can’t trust that person I don’t trust that company I don’t trust that
government I understand that you know who I don’t trust the most me I am my biggest problem I trust you more than I trust me you can say something to me and I’ll think that’s just flat out dumb if I say it to me it’s like my my aren’t I wise why because it’s self-serving no listen if you understand that decision-making process and you leave God out of it is destruction you’ll be very careful because what you want to have is a life that is defiant in the face of evil your life on faith mark this down
if you would will preclude every opportunity of choice this way mark it down this is good Proverbs 14 verse 12 says there is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death arm yourself with that that’s a defiant life do you understand when I say defiant I’m talking about defiant against this world defiant when the world says bow you stand when the world says or when the Pharaoh says sin you don’t a defiant Life by the power of the Holy Spirit verse 26 goes on to say esteeming the reproach of Christ greater
riches than the treasures and Egypt for he looked to the reward that is all about decision making is it not everybody look at that are you guys awake are we okay is this making sense decisionmaking this is a decision I’m going to esteem the reproach of Christ translation I am going to hold that high value everybody who gets upset at me because I’m following Christ that is greater than any riches that this world can give me why because I’m looking forward to the reward of that the world cannot give me a
reward it it has no power to give me a reward when the world is over it’s done it’s gone when your walk is over with Christ you’re just beginning you’ve got all eternity it’s thrilling your life on faith will preclude every opportunity of choice this way Proverbs Chapter three very famous verses five and six I was going to say you should get a tattoo but I recently was told not to mention tattoos anymore but if you want to it’s trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding oh that takes a decision making that takes a choice are you going to lean on your own understanding I got this oh boy oh yeah yay don’t worry honey I I’ll take care of all that don’t lean on your own understanding what do I do then in all of your ways acknowledge Him pray talk to him right ask him and he shall direct your paths and all God’s people said don’t you love that that’s a great verse how about this one this is a good application regarding this point Psalm 118: 6 the Lord is on my side I will not
fear what can man can do to me listen when you’re walking upright before God and you’re making the right decisions based upon his word you can be bold Moses was bold he wasn’t rude he was bold he was defiant because he knew his God Daniel knew his God Jeremiah knew his God here’s an example to this Isaiah 41: 10 Isaiah 41:10 says fear not for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God that’s the qualifier by the way why you know when people say that’s easy for you to say but I stop he is your
god right he is or he isn’t you got to make a decision I will strengthen you yes I will help you I will listen God is speaking I will uphold you with my righteous right hand this is the god this is your god of the Bible Daniel 3:1 16 now Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king oh Nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter remember they were getting set up to get thrown in the oven if that is the case our God whom we serve is able to Deliver Us From The Burning fiery furnace and he will
Deliver Us from your hand you stop right there somebody might say well that how do they know or what if he doesn’t you don’t understand these are believers in Yahweh God if they burn to death in the fire they are delivered do you understand that see Pastor I don’t get that if their life is consumed their physical life is burned up in the Flames they go straight to the presence of almighty God what’s better than that there’s nothing better than that oh King they said verse 18 but if not let it be known to you oh King that we
do not serve your Gods nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up we’re not going to be pagans Idol worshippers nope Jude 1:20 but you beloved building yourselves up on your Most Holy Faith praying in the Holy Spirit calling out to him praying to him God help me Lord strengthen me make me defiant you can read this later we don’t have the time it’s a big chunk of the book of Acts it’s on Page Six in our notes but there’s a great great example of people standing having made a decision for God and doing the right
thing now we pick it up in verse 27 your life on faith will be a galvanized life galvanized galvanized life you’ve heard me throughout my life say the word galvanized I love what it means and I love what it does by faith Moses forsook Egypt not fearing the Wrath of the king God the listen the Moses so feared God and walked before the Lord that the Wrath of the King was nothing nothing for he endured as SE him who is invisible that’s awesome here you you here you and I are as Believers and we see the physical persecution Rising


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