Adrian Rogers: Why Did Jesus Choose Judas to Be A Disciple?

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Adrian Rogers: Why Did Jesus Choose Judas to Be A Disciple?

The name Judas is a name of infamy, disgrace, and treachery; yet Jesus chose Judas to be one of His twelve disciples. It was not a mistake, nor did Judas’ betrayal catch Jesus off guard. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals why Jesus chose Judas.

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question then why did he choose him why would he put a crook in the ministry why would he want a dirty double Crosser to represent him who would want a man like this on his team well that’s a good question I think it’s got a good answer and I think that you’re going to find today like all of the scripture that you’re going to find in the answer a word of warning a word of assurance and you’re going to find a word of comfort profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor

teacher and author Adrien Rogers and now let’s turn to the word of God would you open your Bibles to John chapter 6 and in a moment we’re going to begin reading in verse 71 and as you’re turning to that let me ask you a question don’t lift your hand but just answer in your heart how many of you know a man or a boy named Sean or how many of you know a man named James or a boy named Matthew or one perhaps named Phillip or maybe someone named Andrew or maybe someone named Paul I think most of us would say yes I know

somebody with all of those names I want to ask you another question how many of you know a man or a boy named Judas probably not a one you might know a goat named Judas maybe a dog named Judas but you don’t know a boy or man named Judas and if you do it would be a very rare name but once there was a mother who held a little baby boy in her arms and kissed that baby face and called her little baby Judas and she loved him with all of her heart but now the name Judas is a name of infamy it’s a name of disgrace it’s the name of

treachery and yet Jesus chose Judas look with me now in verse 63 Jesus said it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life but there are some of you that believe not now that’s a key underscore that but there are some of you he’s talking to his disciples there are some of you that believe not for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him and he said therefore said I unto you that no man can come unto me

except it were given unto him of my father and from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him then said Jesus unto the twel will ye also go away then Simon answered him Lord to whom shall we go thou Hast the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ the son of the Living God Jesus answered them have I not chosen you 12 and one of you is a devil literally the word is a demon he spake of Judas a scariot the son of Simon for it was for he it was that should betray him being one of the

12 he was one of the 12 disciples Jesus chose him now the scene is the Garden of Gethsemane the night is dark Jesus is praying till the sweat is on that blessed brow like drops of blood he is an anguish his disciples are asleep they could could not watch and pray with him and suddenly there’s a sound muffled voices clanking armor shuffling footsteps lighted torches that secret prayer place now is just filled with people the priest are there their eyes are burning with hatred and anger and from that crowd there steps a

man his name is Judas he has a sickening grin on his face but he cannot hide the treachery in his eyes he steps forward and he plants a kiss on the alt together lovely and pure cheek of Jesus and he hisses out in hypocrisy greetings Master as the King James says hail master and that kiss must have burned like a coal from hell it was the kiss of betrayal it was the kiss of death now how did all of this happen did all of this take Jesus by surprise I mean after all Jesus chose this

man was Jesus a bad judge of character did Jesus make a mistake friend he never made one mistake the Bible says he doeth all things well he knew exactly precisely what he was doing when he chose Judas question then why did he choose him why would he put a crook in the ministry why would he want a dirty double Crosser to represent him who would want a man like this on his team with eyes wide open knowing that he would be betrayed well that’s a good question I think it’s got a good answer and I think that you’re going to find

today like all of the scriptures that you’re going to find in the answer a word of warning you’re going to find in the answer a word of assurance and you’re going to find a word of comfort as we look into this passage and we ask ourselves and we look at related passages and we ask ourselves why did Jesus choose Judas here’s the first thing the four thoughts today the very first thing I want you to see is a lesson concerning religious hypocrisy religious hypocrisy and the need of true salvation now look if you will in verse 64 Jesus

said but there are some of you that believe not for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him by the way as he looks at this congregation today he knows who the True Believers are he knows the difference there are some who are sitting here today you’re going through the motions you look just like everybody else but there’s a line that divides people today those who believe and those who believe not now he’s not talking about intellectual belief the word belief here means heart trust Jesus

knew who trusted him and Jesus knew who did not trust him well if you don’t trust him you’re not saved for the Bible says in Acts 16:31 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou th shalt be saved now listen very carefully because this is the word of warning because there are many today who are in exactly the same crowd that Judas was in you see Judas had the right stuff I mean Judas had the right stuff if you looked at Judas you would have said what a great guy this man Judas is for example he had the right

associations didn’t he rub shoulders with the other 11 I mean that’s pretty good good company isn’t it he was an intimate with Jesus Jesus called him friend he spent three and a half years in the best seminary in the world studying with the Lord Jesus Christ learning facts hearing Jesus Christ talk what a what what a uh what Association this man had and I tell you not only did he have the right Association he had the right reputation now when when Jesus was at that last supper and he said one of you

is going to betray me the people didn’t say oh I know who it is must be Judas truth of the matter is if they thought it was anybody probably thought it was Peter Jesus said one of you is going to betray me they they is it I am I the one that’s going to do that Lord let me tell you how much they trusted Judas do you know what job Judas had Judas Jud was the treasurer Judas was the treasurer of that little group the Bible says he held the bag he was he was the man that had the money back now who do you make

Treasurer the person who has the most Integrity outward the person that you respect the most I’m saying he had the right Association he had the right uh reputation and uh I’ll tell you something else he had the right participation he was a worker he he he went out with the others when they went out to teach and to preach and to do good he was right in the group got a lot of folks like that in church this morning you’re in a Bible believing church you’ve got good Association you’ve got good reputation

everybody thinks you’re a wonderful person and you may be outwardly uh you you are doing a lot of good things you may be singing in the choir this morning you may be taking the offering this morning you may be teaching a Sunday school class this morning you may be doing something wonderful but Jesus said many will say unto me this is Matthew chap 7:22 many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then

will I profess unto them depart from me ye that work iniquity I never knew you that ought to be a warning I want you to listen very carefully the devil had rather send you to Hell from the Pew than he had from the gutter many people trudge to church on Sundays who have never been born again nobody suspected Judas Judas are you saved I’m a church member I didn’t ask you that Judas are you saved I am a member of the best Church the one Jesus founded didn’t ask you that Judas are you saved I’m a charter member

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