What Elijah’s Mantle Has To Do With You | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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What Elijah’s Mantle Has To Do With You | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shows how the anointing comes with the transmission as it was with Elijah passing his mantle on to Elisha. The purposes of God do not stop when one mantle is coming to an end.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Now imagine how those receiving the mantle felt. Imagine how Joshua felt.
The mantle of Moses is coming on me. I mean, all that?
Similar thing.
Elijah, powerful, mighty Elijah has this great victory but then he gets depressed.
You know, he’s emotional And he says that’s it Lord, I’m finished. I can’t do it anymore.
God says okay let me speak to you. First of all you’re not finished. Secondly, not yet.
But I want you to anoint someone else, Elisha, to be a prophet in your place.
So 1st King 19, Elisha is in the fields.
Probably, undoubtedly a youth in the field, work in the fields. Elijah sees him, knows by God. It’s him.
Goes up to him, throws over his, takes his mantle, his cloak throws it on him.
And so all of a sudden this cloak comes upon him while he’s doing farm work, all of a sudden.
And he knows now that’s Elijah, that’s the famous mighty Elijah and he just threw his mantle on me.
And he knows now his life is gonna change now.
Now later on, didn’t happen, didn’t It didn’t all happen at once but here that was the beginning.
Then the moment came when Elijah, when the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind.
So now Elijah’s ministry is gonna come to an end. He’s with Elijah.
They’re walking in 1st, in 2nd Kings 2. They’re up their way. They’re going to, from Gilgal.
Elijah said to Elisha stay here. The Lord has sent me to Bethel.
But Elijah says no, no, no, no.
As long as you’re He says the Lord has done that I’m staying with you.
I’m not letting you out of my sight. So you go to Bethel.
Elijah says to Elijah what can I do for you? What do you want?
He says give me your spirit. I want your spirit. I want a double portion.
Now it didn’t mean, it didn’t mean he was asking for twice as much.
He’s asking for what the firstborn son would get, which is the double of the, the inheritance, a double portion of what the other ones.
So he said, but I want, I want a lot of it. Give it to me.
As they’re walking, verse 11, suddenly a chariot appeared, separated them. Elijah went up into the heavens.
Elisha saw and called out my father and then he saw him no more.
Then he took hold of his own clothes and ripped, torn them apart.
That’s a sign of mourning but there’s a symbol, there’s a meaning in that.
Then he picked up the cloak, the cloak of Elijah. Elijah went up but he dropped his cloak. Interesting.
He went up but the cloak stayed. Elisha sees the cloak, picks it up, holds it.
He’s standing at the, the, the Jordan River and he strikes the Jordan with it and the Jordan parts.
He has the mantle and he has the anointing of Elijah.
Then the company of the prophets They’re prophets. They’re watching from Jericho.
They’re watching all this. They said the spirit of Elijah is now resting on Elisha.
Now there’s a pattern. Notice something. The anointing comes with a transmission blessing.
One calling is ending. Another is beginning. The purposes of God do not stop. The transmission of blessing.
Blessing. Just like the fathers, the, you know, uh, Jacob blessing his son, you know, there’s a transmission.
Pouring out of oil, laying on of hands, throwing the mantle, the cloak, the coming of the spirit.
Now I want you to notice something first.
Where does, where does Moses’s ministry transfer to Joshua? At the Jordan.
Moses was at the Jordan. He couldn’t go over. He gets Joshua goes over.
He takes that to the people on the other side.
Where does the, the transfer of Elijah’s ministry take place? At the Jordan River.
Where does Messiah’s ministry begin? At the Jordan River. Is there a transfer? Yes.
Who was there? Yohanan. We know him as John, John the Baptist. Yohanan. What Is there Yes.
What he’s doing, he’s not, he’s, he’s, he’s recognizing the Messiah. He’s giving his blessing, behold the lamb.
He’s the first one to say. But John, Yohanan, is a purebred son of Aaron.
He’s the, he is the, he is the priest of Israel. The high priest didn’t even have his credentials.
His, his birth was announced in the holy place when his father was ministering as a priest.
Not only his father but his mother was from the priest. That, you don’t need that.
He’s a pre He’s representing the priesthood and now he is, he is blessing the one who’s gonna take the anointing of the priesthood and a new priesthood and offer up the final sacrifice.
Now John is also a prophet. He’s the greatest prophet.
So John is also transferring all the, the mantle of the prophets to be our Messiah.
And John is a priest and a prophet. He’s representing the entire Old Covenant.
And so, so he is giving the entire blessing. The mantle of the Old Covenant is coming on Messiah.
The covenant now for the New Covenant to be, to fulfill the Old Covenant and and usher in the New.
And notice what happens when it all Remember he said, John said I’m not even worthy because he’s greater.
He’s a greater priest. He’s a greater prophet. He’s a greater covenant. But he said no, no, no.
We have to do this. Messiah. We have to do this. And so what else happens?
The Spirit of God comes. The same thing. And the Spirit of God comes upon Messiah.
Now imagine how those receiving the mantle felt. Imagine how Joshua felt.
The mantle of Moses is coming on me. I mean all that?
The, the, the, the, the power to call down fire or the, the judgments of God, the power to split the sea, the power Moses giving of the, the law of the Bible and it’s now on me.
How do you think he fell? But he was born for it. How do you think David felt?
He’s the shepherd boy probably looked down upon, out in the fields and the prophet Samuel, who he knew.
He knew that he was known. And he’s the one who anointed the 1st king of Israel.
Now he’s anointing David. Pouring it on him. It’s gonna change the way he lived.
You know it’s gonna change. Then woah. Woah. I got a, I got this thing on.
I can’t live like, I can’t just live like some guy. I can’t just do whatever I want.
There’s a purpose. There’s a great purpose and I have to live that way now.
Now you might say that’s cool but I haven’t experienced that.
Well let me, let me first share a personal experience and I’m not saying it’s the exact same thing, but it’s, it has this thing in it.
You’ve heard me speak of Richard Wurmbrand.
And he’s an amazing believer who was the leader of the Romanian church under communism, the underground church, and he was in prison for 14 years.
He came out, started a ministry to the world, to the persecuted believers.
He actually had everything to do with us going to the nations.
When the Lord opened the nations, and he did amazing things, the first major thing was India.
A man from India, Doctor. Job came here, evangelist.
So that weekend he was here and he, he speaks to me from the pulpit.
He says, Jonathan says, I am inviting you. Come to India with me.
And the reason he asked is that he wanted a Jewish believer to come to India because by tradition Thomas, Jewish believer, gave the gospel to India.
They all, they all trace themselves to him.
So, so he wanted a Jewish believer to walk in his footsteps but he had asked Richard Wurmbrand who was Jewish.
Richard Wurmbrand was in his eighties. He said I can’t do it. But Richard Wurmbrand said go to Jonathan.
Ask him to go. And so that’s what he did. Because So, so he was in bed.
He couldn’t but, but he asked me to walk in the footsteps of what he was asking Richard Wernbecher, or to Anne which was the footsteps of Thomas.
But that And I didn’t feel adequate. I had no idea what we were doing.
You know, we’re walking through India and they’re greeting us like Thomas. It was crazy.
I mean, and and and we don’t know, we’re just walking in.
But from that came the mid, the, the journey to Cuba, Fidel Castro, Nigeria.
All these things open up but it started by someone saying go have this one go.
This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
The Josiah manifesto and all my books you can get anywhere Amazon wherever books are sold.

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