You Have God Given Desires | Joel Osteen

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You Have God Given Desires | Joel Osteen

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We think, how do I know what my purpose is? What am I supposed to do?
There are so many roads we can take, so many different paths we can go down.
We have ideas, goals we wanna accomplish, but we’re not sure.
Is this my plan or is this God’s plan?
Is this just an idea I came up with or is it something I should pursue?
Is it a part of my destiny? How do we know what’s right for us?
David said in Psalm 37, if you will commit your ways to the Lord, if you will trust him and do good, then God will give you the desires of your heart.
We read that to mean that God will give us whatever we want.
But another perspective is when you honor God, He will put the right desires in you.
When you have a heart to please God, when you’ve committed your ways to Him, then He will make sure you have the right desires.
You can trust that your will will be aligned with his will.
That means what you have a desire to do, that open door you feel good about, that position you wanna take, that person you wanna get to know, you can act on it knowing that God is putting His desires in you.
Knowing our purpose, knowing God’s will for our life is not as difficult as we make it.
If you’re keeping Him first, there will be things that you’re passionate about, things you’re gifted at, opportunity that excites you, dreams that motivate you.
That’s God leading you into your destiny.
When you’ve committed your ways to him, you can be sure that God is watching over your desires.
He’s going to override wrong desires. He’s going to close doors you’re not supposed to go through.
He’s going to move people out that shouldn’t be there.
And I’m not talking today about temptation, carnal desires, we all have to deal with that.
I’m talking about when it comes to your purpose, to fulfilling your destiny, God is going to make sure you have the right desires.
He said in Psalm 32, I will guide you along the best path for your life.
I will advise you, watch over you, and instruct you along the way.
Notice how God takes you down the best path. He puts desires in you. He advises you.
He instructs you. He watches over you. You don’t have to worry about missing your destiny.
What am I supposed to do? What if this isn’t the right decision?
Because you’ve committed your ways to God, you can trust your desires.
You can follow what he put in your heart. He’s watching over you.
He’s going to put the right desires at the right time.
In the Scripture, the prophet Samuel came to a young man named Saul and said that he was going to be the first king of Israel.
You would think Saul would be excited. What an honor. But Saul didn’t wanna become king.
He was afraid, intimidated. He didn’t think he had what it took.
He told Samuel, I come from the smallest tribe in Israel.
My family is the least important family in that tribe. I’m sorry, Samuel. You have the wrong person.
I’m not about to step up and lead these people.
Samuel could have thought, God, you told me to anoint him. I must have heard you wrong.
But the Scripture says, as Saul turned to leave, God changed his heart and all that Samuel prophesied came to pass.
Notice one moment, Saul didn’t wanna do it. The next moment, he did. What happened?
God put the desire in him. God is not going to let you miss your purpose.
You may not wanna do His will at first. You may say like Saul, that’s too big.
I’m not that talented. That’s not my thing.
But when God changes your want to, when he puts new desires in you, it won’t be a struggle.
You won’t think, oh man, this is a pain. I don’t wanna lead. I don’t wanna raise these children.
I don’t wanna run that business.
There will be a passion, a grace, the favor to do what God put in your heart.
I want you to have this confidence that because you’re committing your ways to God, he’s going to put the right desires in you.
He’s leading you down the best path.
You’re not gonna have to worry, wonder which way, what should I do.
You can relax knowing that God is in control of your desires.
He’s not just opening the right doors, not just bringing the right people, but he’s giving you the want to, the passion, the drive, the wisdom to go down the best path for your life.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life.
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We’ll see you next time.

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