Watch Your Mouth – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Watch Your Mouth – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

The Holy Spirit is here to help us live with joy, peace, and power to be His witnesses. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, learn how your words impact God’s power in your life!

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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I’m Joyce Meyer and I that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
So when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Bay of Pentecost, one of the first things that he did was he touched their mouths.
And so I we need to pay some attention to that. You know, there’s some reason for that.
And Paul said, just to go on a little bit here.
Paul said, do not forbid anybody to speak in tongues. So if anybody tells you, oh, you can’t do that.
Say, the apostle Paul said I could.
And Paul said, I thank god that I speak in tongues more than you all, but yet he said, I would rather speak a fewer with understanding than to speak in tongues all day long unless there’s somebody to interpret and tell people what’s being said.
So let’s don’t make too much out of it But let’s don’t ignore it.
You know, it’s about the Holy Spirit not tongues.
When I go buy a pair of tennis shoes, I don’t go in and ask for a pair of tongues.
I get tennis shoes and the tongues come with it.
Well, when you Oh my gosh.
I am getting myself in so much trouble up here.
When you seek the Holy Spirit, he will give you the gifts to use for the good and the profit of all as he determines and desires.
Amen? And so don’t make you really don’t have to make too much out of any of the gifts.
You just seek the Holy Spirit. You seek god.
And before you know it, you’re gonna be walking in this supernatural power and have everything that you need to do anything that god asked you to do.
Amen? Alright. So let me just say this.
If you’re sitting there and you’re like, I wish I knew what you’re talking about, lady, but I don’t have a clue I feel about as lost as I can be.
I’ve got a book. And if we don’t have it with us, it’s called knowing god intimately, and it talks about all the gifts of the spirit and all the fruit of the spirit.
And I’ve got another book on being baptized in the Holy Spirit, so you get those and study them.
Studies study study. If you wanna know something, don’t just wait for somebody else to come in tell you everything.
Give hungry for god and dig until you know.
If you wanna know more about what I’m talking about, go home.
And get out of concordance. And, I mean, by my gosh, today, all you gotta do, you you can ask Google anything, and it’ll point you in the right direction.
Just gives to the spirit. Put it in Google and see what comes up.
And then look up all the scriptures yourself. You’ll find that it’s in the Bible.
You don’t have to live without power.
You do not have to live without power.
And when the holy ghost comes upon you, acts 18, you shall receive power, power to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, judaea Samaria, to the ends of the earth.
When the Holy Ghost comes upon us, we are to have power, power to be able to control ourselves and to discipline ourselves and to do what god wants us to do.
Alright. I am gonna make some effort here to calm down just a tad. Alright.
I’m gonna tell you a story. Um, see, I I’ve done this long enough.
I can sense when the anointing is real strong on me and when it’s maybe not quite strong.
I’m always anointed to do what I’m doing, but there are times when the anointing is so strong or the presence of god is so strong, that I just feel like I’m flying up here.
And it’s like I mean, I have no idea what the next thing it’s gonna be.
It’s gonna come out of my mouth, but it keeps coming out and coming out and coming out.
It seems to help people. So that’s just the way we go with it. We just do it that way.
And so if if I’m missing that, because I’m not like a polished public speaker that’s gone to a bunch of public speaking classes, I just had a big mouth, and god decided to use it.
Amen? I was I mean, I was always a fairly good communicator.
I can get my point across, and that really is the main and probably the only real strong gift that I have.
I’ve got a lot of common sense, but I mainly just have this gift to communicate god’s word.
And since I don’t do a bunch of other fancy stuff, you know, if this isn’t working, I can’t stop and sing a great song and just, you know, amaze everybody.
I am telling you that I have to have god’s anointing, or I am in serious trouble. Okay?
So when I don’t have that, If I feel that the anointing is not strong, then I can’t wait until I get done.
And if I’m watching the clock, not being able to wait until I get done.
I know that I’m in trouble.
So that happens to me almost never, but, occasionally, if god’s trying to get my attention about something, It will.
You don’t know it, but I know it.
So many years ago, I went through a little period of time where I was teaching just like I always do, but I just felt like there was no anointing at all, and I hated it.
Hated it. I felt like that everything I was saying made no sense at all.
So I would say to Dave, I just feel like there’s no annoying. He talked, buddy.
What are you talking about? It was good. Everything was fine.
I’m at least glad God hides it from other people.
And so this went on for a few times when I’d go out and speak, and I finally just I told them I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I am not going to bed tonight until I find out.
So I went in my office, and he went to bed, and I was just crying after god to show me what was wrong, show me what was wrong, and he never showed me anything.
Well, the next day, Dave said, I think god showed me what’s wrong.
Don’t you absolutely hate it when god does that?
I don’t want you to tell him what’s wrong.
I want you to tell me what’s wrong and keep it between me and you.
Well, the minute he said that, I just already got all my all the way out.
Like, you know what’s wrong. You’re gonna You’re gonna tell me what’s wrong.
And so he said So I’m like, okay. What is it?
And he said, Well, you remember the other day when you were talking about so and so, and it was actually a preacher that I know, and you said and I had said some not so good things about his preaching.
Like, I thought he just, you know, kinda rambled and went off a bunch of different directions and never really finished his point.
Well, Dave agreed with me, but god wasn’t dealing with him.
And then not only did he not deal with Dave about it, he tells Dave, that’s my problem.
Now I know that this sounds funny now, but it was not funny when it was happening.
And so I just I actually got madder, so I just went back to my room, decided I was gonna stay up some more.
And so took a few days, but god led me to these scriptures in James 31 through 10 that I’m getting ready to read you.
Not many of you should become teachers.
For you know that we who teach will be grudged will be judged with a greater strictness.
So I’m gonna read you the rest of this in a minute for another purpose, but the bottom line is is I had actually done a very bad thing as a teacher of god’s word in saying something downgrading about another person teaching God’s word.
We don’t need to be judging anybody, but if you wanna get in trouble, you just go judge somebody that’s doing the same thing you are.
Maybe you’re a lead vocalist in the church choir, and you have a great voice.
And somebody else that they let do specials once in a while, you you say it.
Uh, they couldn’t sing their way out of a paper bag. I don’t know why they let them sing.
Well, you better start repenting fast.
Are you oh, you don’t understand what I’m saying.
I know a doctor who talks bad about other doctors, and I’m like, oh, you don’t know what you’re doing.
You need to be careful. See, I I want to put a little bit of reverential fear in awe in you today that god does not like it when we gossip and slander other people.
Amen? So I got it.
I mean, I heard God.
I only did that one other time in my life, and it was a couple of years after that, same type of situation, same results.
Sometimes god has to teach us things a couple of times.
Not many of you should become teachers because we who teach will be judged with a greater strictness.
But we all stumble in many ways, If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he’s a perfect man able to bridle his whole body.
So, wow, what a statement, if anybody can control their mouth, they can control every other thing in their life.
If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well.
Two examples here, a bit in the horse’s mouth is just a little tiny piece of metal, but that horse that can weigh as much as £15, £1600 can be controlled with that one little tiny piece of metal.
So he’s saying that your whole life, the direction of your whole life can be controlled by this one tiny little thing, which is your tongue and the words that you speak.
Does anybody need this today?
Secondly, look at the ships, although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.
So the captain of the ship can stand in one part of the ship.
And with a wheel, give direction to this gigantic ship by one little rudder that nobody can even see.
I don’t think we have any idea, and I I believe, I’ll say for me, I don’t think that I have any idea still, as much as I’ve studied it, talked about it, the real power of words, because I can tell you if we really did we would be a lot more careful about what we say.
Now get out of concordance and look up every just do proverbs, just read through proverbs, and highlight every scripture about the mouth and words.
There’s nothing more important than the way we think and the way we talk. Amen?
Verse 5.
So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts some great things.
How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire. And the tongue is a fire.
A world of unrighteousness, the tongue is set among our members staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and it’s set on fire by hell.
Well, so how do you like that?
For every kind of beast and bird of reptile and sea creature can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being contained the tongue.
It’s a restless evil full of deadly poison.
With it, we bless our lord and father and with it, we curse people who are made in the likeness of god.
So do you get that? We come here. We sing our we sing our songs of praise.
I love that song, our defender. All we do is bow down. All we do is praise him.
All we do is worship, and we love that song.
But then if you hadn’t have heard this message, you won’t do this now.
But if you wouldn’t have heard this message, there’s a possibility that somebody here would have left.
And you would have driven home with somebody and talked about, well, I I I think she talked too long, or I think she talked too loud, or, you know, Uh, you know, whatever.
I mean, we we used to go to church and then we’d gone to lunch with our friends and have the pastor for lunch.
You know, it was like lunch fun to gossip about everybody in church. We didn’t know any better.
Nobody had ever told me what I’m telling you here today. Does anybody believe what I’m saying? Amen?
And because the tongue is so is so hard to control.
Why is it that we just can’t hardly stand not to tell the thing we heard?
Especially if it’s a bad thing. Let me read you this.
I thought this was really good.
In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge and high esteem.
One day in acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, Do you know what I just heard about your friend?
Hold on a minute. Socrates replied before telling me anything I’d like you to pass a little test.
I call it the triple filter test. Triple filter. That’s right. Socrates continued.
Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you’re going to say.
That’s why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is truth.
Have you made absolutely sure that what you’re about to tell me is truth? No.
The man said, actually, it was just something I heard.
Alright, said Socrates, so you don’t really even know if it’s true or not.
Now let’s try the second filter, the filter of goodness is what you’re about to tell me about my friend something good.
No. It’s actually on the contrary. So Socrates continued.
You wanna tell me something bad about him, but you’re not even sure that it’s true.
Well, you may still pass the test though, because there’s one filter left, the filter of usefulness is what you wanna tell me about my friend going to be useful to me.
Well, no, not really. Well, concluded Socrates.
If what you wanna tell me is not true, not good, and not even useful, then why bother telling me at all?
Let’s think about James III too again, for we all stumble in many ways.
And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.
Matthew 123435. Out of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Oh, I didn’t mean to say that.
Well, it had to be in there for it to come out. Amen?
And the more you think about something, the more likely you are to say it.
You’re brood of vipers.
How can you speak good when you’re evil for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks?
The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil.
So he’s saying that if you listen to yourself or you listen to other people, you can quickly find out what kind of person they are.
Listen to yourself and you’ll get to know yourself. Yeah.
Wow. That’s about all you say about that, isn’t it?
I mean, if you gossip your gossiper, If you complain, you’re a complainer.
If you lie, you’re a liar.
I’m not trying to make you feel bad.
I have to apply the same thing to myself.
I don’t wanna live in this dream world that I’m this great Christian if really, I’ve got some blaring problems that I’m not even paying any attention to.
But it’s so important who you hang around with. Let me tell you something.
The people that you spend time with have a real influence on your life, because like I talked about the anointing, I believe it’s transferable.
And I believe that you start getting some of whatever you’re around.
And then?
This would happen with your pastor or anybody that you listen to a lot.
It’s certainly not just me, but people who listen to me a lot, like maybe every morning while they’re grubbing to work or, you know, and they’ve done it for for years.
It won’t be long, and you’ll hear somebody say, you sound just like Joyce Meyer.
Or your husband might say, you’re starting to act like they lady on TV.
Well, it’s true. Whatever you’re around a lot, you start becoming like that.
So you need to be careful who you’re spending Don’t hang out with negative grouchy grumbling, gossiping, slandering, people.
Amen? Get around somebody that’s got something good to say.
Somebody that’s positive.
Why do we say the wrong things?
If you figure it out, please let me know.
Do you ever feel like that emoji with the zipper across its mouth wishing that you could just, especially after blabbing something that you wish you hadn’t.
Well, thankfully, the Bible has answers to this as well, to help us learn to say the right things to speak god’s words and those things which bring the right results in our lives.
Joyce’s book, me and my big mouth, shares these important biblical principles about how to speak god’s way right out of his word.
This is one of the first books that helped me become familiar with Joyce, but I’ll tell you before I even knew who she was, this book really taught me so much about speaking god’s word.
In this book, we can learn how to apply biblical truths to align our words with god’s word in order to experience change in our lives.
Now I love this too because today, you’ll also get the incredible power of god’s word.
This is a children’s book for our precious little ones. This book helps kids ages six to ten years old.
Develop their superpowers to be brave and strong and courageous by memorizing Bible versus and teaching them how to speak out loud the right things when facing difficult circumstances.
You know, it is so important for adults to know god’s word and what’s coming out of our mouth and how it influences those around us.
So how much better would it be to give our children and our grandchildren that opportunity and to help them to start early.
So get these books today. Go to Kids should have a chance to be just kids.
Right? Well, while in Hamburg, Germany, I hung out with some children dealing with some really tough situations.
And we had a great time together because through our outreach there, we’re providing opportunities they may not get at home.
Take a look at this.
They paint pictures of war. They paint pictures of fomings of their parents.
Some of them just they paint the national flag of the country they came from.
Some of them paint the German flag because that’s the country they are in now.
You don’t need a language because there’s no language barrier if they just paint.
You can’t tell necessarily in this neighborhood in Germany But behind the doors of these apartments, these families are suffering.
They’re in difficult situations. They don’t often have what they need, and many have come from other countries fleeing difficult situations.
This is an outreach, a ministry called Stod Tensil.
And Hand of Hope is so honored to be a part of what is happening here.
Our founder give us riding his bicycle, just ride next to a refugee camp.
He thought, well, we have to do something for these children because they don’t have anything.
They picked up the kids, drove them to church, and the only question the kids have, when do you come back and pick us up again?
That couldn’t be a one time thing, and it couldn’t be a thing. We only picked them up for church.
We have to serve them where they live.
Now, Stad Enzel, which translates to City Island, takes volunteers into refugee camps and poor neighborhoods.
Offering a safe space for kids to be kids while experiencing the practical love and joy of Jesus.
Ben, tell me what this area is called and a little bit about it.
So this is Christoph Seats. It’s uh, where a lot of people live in a very, very small place.
So, uh, there are 6000 people here living in point for Cartagena Meters.
Uh, so it’s even crowded rather than New York up to 30 percent of, uh, the people here are helped by the government financially.
Every 5th kit here lifts in poverty or underneath the poverty line, we have some kits coming to our programs and we don’t know if they get fed at home.
So we started to have this all you can eat in our kids club.
Volunteers and staff members post kids club programs in these neighborhoods.
I always tell them it’s organized chaos because that’s how it feels like.
We do arts and crafts we play soccer, we have some games we play with the kids.
It’s just the kids can come and they play with us.
The variety of things to do was one of the things ten year old Aurora loves about kids club, but some activities are a little more beloved.
What are some of your favorite activities that you do? Too too slime. Too too slime.
I was doing slime. Slime is very fun. Uh-huh.
If you are looking for little bit more joy in your life. Try this. Hang out with children.
They will rub off on you.
And at Joyce Meyer Ministries at Hand of Hope, we love hanging up with children all over the world.
And most of all, we enjoy sharing the love of Christ with them. They know you. You know them.
You’re building relationships. That makes a big difference, doesn’t it?
It does. It does. Of course.
The relationship is, uh, what changes people, what, uh, can encourage people And that’s why this is the main thing we wanna do, those relationships.
I once learned they don’t care how much you know, unless they know how much you care.
And that’s one of the things we want to do.
We want to show them how much we care about them.
We tell the kids about how god lost them, how precious they are, that there’s a plan for their lives because That’s just important for the kids to hear over and over again.
I like about that. I tell you science that you don’t need to change.
And god loves you either way.
Are you learning how valuable you are and how much god loves you?
Yes. They’ve teach you that every day.
Most of the kids that come to our programs are from a Muslim background.
That’s just part of of Hamburg culture that we have many Muslim families.
And you would think that they are against the Christian organizations that they would never put their kids in a Christian organization, but to some of them, or most of them tell me, well, at least you have values.
You have values we believe in as well.
Do you Go home and tell your parents.
So they ask me what they learn, what they do, and then I tell them everything.
What do they
maybe they wanna come one day and dance too.
That would be good. Yeah. So you see difference in your family too? Yeah.
How has Joyce Meyer ministries joined with you and been a part of this entire ministry?
Our ministry started trusts with volunteers because it was small in the beginning.
And at one point, we came to a moment where we needed one staff member just to organize the structures of the volunteers but we didn’t have the funds for it.
And that was the moment. It was 15, 16 years ago, uh, where choice, my ministry’s head of hope, stepped in to finance part of this staff member.
That’s why it’s so important to have a partner, like, kind of hope.
How does that make you feel when you see the result of what’s happening.
Most of the kids who come to our programs, they don’t have the same chances in life just because of the place where they grow It’s a cycle, and it’s so hard for the kids to come out of the neighborhoods.
So opening their eyes to a future that they’ve never considered helping kids to be able to just be kids, but also to dream for a a better life down the road.
Mhmm. Yes. Exactly. And we believe, as a Christian organization, we believe that there is a plan for every one of them.
And I think that’s just different.
We can do it without god and without the god just to tell them, yes, you you can make it out of here.
But knowing that there is a god who lost them, a god who has a plan for them, even before they were born, and we have some teenagers, and they tell me my life was changed because of this program.
All over the world, no matter where it is, whether whether it’s Africa or Asia in the United States or right here in Europe, there are so many children in desperate situations.
But here, they are entering a zone that is full of smiles.
They find out how loved they are by g We’re able to share Christ with them.
You could be a part of this too.
And if you want more joy in your life, like I said, you can be right here with us.
You’ll be helping kids all over the world, and you can make a big difference.
So we invite you to pray about it and to join us here today. Go to
Give us a call, and I believe it’s gonna bring some your joy to you at the same time.
For more information, visit
This program had been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

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