Intentional Movement | Joyce Meyer

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Intentional Movement | Joyce Meyer

Discover the power of “Intentional Movement” with Joyce Meyer as she delves into the transformative journey of obedience to God’s calling, even when it seems daunting. In this insightful talk, Joyce shares personal anecdotes and biblical wisdom, emphasizing the importance of aligning our actions with God’s will, no matter the circumstances. Learn how stepping out in faith and embracing God’s directives can lead to profound blessings and spiritual growth.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

When god tells us to do something or puts on our heart to do something that we really don’t wanna do, it’s amazing how many reasons we can find to not do it.
One of the things that I think is a real problem is We say, oh, yes, god.
I’ll do that. But we’ve we’re thinking about doing it sometime in the future.
And see, thinking about doing something right or planning to do something right is not the same as doing something right.
The only time you should put it off until later is if god tells you to put it off until later.
And I could think of many examples in my own life, but I’ll use 1.
You know, I was abused growing up. It’s actually by my dad.
My mom was afraid of him, so she didn’t do anything about it, even though she knew about it.
And so in essence, I was abused by both of them.
Well, I got away from home as soon as I was 18, and, um, really only saw them when I felt like I absolutely had to And but fast forward many years now they’re in their mid seventies, and their health is not doing very good.
I mean, when when god spoke this to me, that’s where they were at. They’re both in heaven now.
And one morning, I was praying, asking god what he wanted me to do.
You know, you gotta be careful when you ask god what he wants you to do.
You gotta make sure you’re not just trying to sound spiritual because he may actually tell you something he wants you.
To do. And so I was praying, and I, I just felt so clearly that it came to my heart that I should bring my parents from where they lived in Southeast Missouri to St.
Louis. Because their health was not good at that point.
And they had a difficult time finding doctors that were really capable of handling their situations properly.
And they needed they just needed help at that point in their life.
And, Of course, that meant that we would have to buy them a house.
They didn’t have the money. And didn’t have a lot of money to be going buying somebody else houses.
And so I immediately thought That’s the devil.
I wonder if god’s ever told you to do anything and you rebuke the devil.
Because here’s what I thought. Here’s my reasoning. See. We deceive ourselves by reasoning.
And I thought there is no way that god would ask me to do that after the way they treated me.
That just can’t be God.
But the Bible says that we’re to bless our enemies.
And do good to them. So why would god not ask me to do that?
It was actually one of the hardest things that I ever obeyed.
But it brought such great blessing into my life and ended up being the thing that caused my dad to eventually give his heart to the lord.
So for that reason, I can stand here today and say, they’re both in heaven.
And probably enjoying the fact that I’m here talking about them today.
And, um, but it took me a while.
God had to say it to me again, and then I thought, well, I’m gonna ask Dave, he’s not he’s not gonna be for that.
I I thought surely he’d tell me we can’t take the money we have and buy them a house.
And Dave just said, well, you know, if it’s what god said, then you better do it.
And I said, oh, That’s not what I wanted to hear.
You know, there’s so many excuses that we can make.
If we don’t want to do something. Do I have any agreement on that?
And The thing is is what god tells us to do doesn’t always or even usually make sense to our minds.
That’s where we need to have discernment.
See, I’m down here, I really got at the point where I knew that’s what god was saying, man up here.
Why should I do that? They never did anything for me, you know, on and on and on.
But the Bible says that when we do good to our enemies, That’s when we show ourselves to be like our father in heaven because he’s good to his enemies.
So being a doer of the word and not just a hearer is very important to god, but it’s also very important to us.
Here’s just a quick list. Are you quick to forgive? Are you slow to anger?
Are you difficult to offend to offend? Are you generous? Are you merciful?
Are you always ready every day to help other people in need?
Matter of fact, are you so radical that you look for opportunities? To help people.
Are you quick to repent? Are you a peacemaker, or do you always wait for the other person?
To be the first one to apologize. Are you self disciplined? Are you patient?
Do you really love others, or is it just a word? That we throw around. Are you unselfish?
And I could go on and on and on and on and on.
And so the things that the Bible teaches God actually really, truly does expect us to do them.
They’re not just there for us to underline in our bibles or to sit in church and say, Amen, when the preacher preaches on it.
Do you know, it’s easy to read a book that somebody else spent 500 hours writing?
It’s easy to sit.
Listen to a sermon that somebody else spent maybe 20 hours preparing for you to listen to.
It’s easy to nod your head in agreement, but the real challenge comes when you go home, and your face was ready you’re going to do it, or just know it.
Be careful about being too proud of what you know, because really the truth is we don’t know anything if we’re not doing it.

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