Get Rid of Guilt – The 4D Anointing

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Get Rid of Guilt – The 4D Anointing

David displayed his trust in God when he said, “Blessed be the Lord my strength that teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight” (Psalms 144:1). He didn’t rely on men to teach him but the anointing. The anointing on David then came on his men teaching them to fight. The anointing is the power and presence of God on people to do what only God can do. In The 4D Anointing, by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to trust God and rely on the anointing for wisdom and might to fight every battle facing you and win!

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Hello. This is Bill Winston. I’m inviting you to the Business And Leadership Conference.
I want you to be there. I’m telling you not only gonna have nation. But that’s gonna be some impartation.
You’re gonna leave with more you came with. This is gonna be a powerful comp.
One of the best that we’ve ever we’ve had some excellent conferences. March 22nd 23rd, don’t miss it.
Not only information, importation. Something is gonna happen at supernatural. I’ll see you there.
Up next on the believer’s block
of faith. You’ve got
to get over it.
It was done. It’s under the blood. You’ll never see it again.
He’ll never mention it to you again and get up and get going. Praise, about.
Then you ought to be believing for 1,000,000 of dollars by now, but you cannot with a guilty conscience.
Cause faith doesn’t work. And anointing needs faith to flow.
This anointing is what god gives us that elevates us above the ability of a natural person.
When this element when this anointing is on your life, it’s it’s god’s power on human flesh to do what only god can do.
You need this anointing to do whatever you are called to do in this this time in this season.
God wants you to do it with an anointing. Let me look at this.
We talk about the anointing um, and righteousness.
And righteousness is not the good or good or the way you act.
Righteousness is the nature of god.
So if you’ve got the nature of god, the righteousness of god has come on you.
Now notice what he said. 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21.
And he knew no sin became sin for us that we might be what? May say I’m made.
I am made the righteousness of god.
Now, The next step is to get righteousness consciousness see, righteousness, consciousness, because the enemy knows that if you’ve been made righteous or if you got a $1,000,000 in the bank, and it’s in the Bank of New York and you don’t know it, then you’re gonna live without it.
And he knows that if you’ve been made righteous, but you don’t know what righteousness means, then you’re gonna be living without it.
You can’t fake it. You know, you’re gonna have to know what it means.
So you got to know what righteousness mean. The Bible says over in Proverbs 2081.
The righteous are as bold as a lion. Why? It’s taking on the character of god.
So when you got god’s nature, you’re gonna take on the character of god.
If you ever see a cat bark, then you better move.
You better move you better get out and run that cat. There’s some some buck with that cat.
But my point here is there are some things that the anointing can do. No.
I want you to get familiar with this because that’s what these lessons are about. Faith and that anointing.
You can have you can know about the knowing, but have no faith
in it.
I’m saying this righteousness, when it’s revelation to you, when you know what righteousness mean, faith will flow like a flood.
And this faith will access the anointing that will do whatever needs to be done, remove burdens, destroy yolks, and so forth.
Here was a woman in Mark chapter 5, She had an issue of blood. How many years? 12 years.
Alright? She had heard about Jesus. Now who was Jesus? He was the, uh, anointed one. Alright?
He carried the anointing. She said, if I can just, what, Touches close, I shall behold.
Now she had to come out of the house, which was forbidden according to the law, and walk to the crowd and push on people because the idea was that issue of blood could have been contagious.
And she’s pushing on people touching them and so forth, but she didn’t care about that because when righteousness is in you.
Saying, you’re not ashamed, you’re not embarrassed, you won’t be stopped, or you’re following what I’m saying?
So unrighteousness is just the opposite.
Now, the Bible says, over in first John chapter 5 in verse 17, Ready, Read.
All unrighteousness is sin.
It’s sin. You get then what does god feel about sin? Come on. You can say it.
He hates it. Yeah. He’s got no room for sin, but all unrighteousness is sin.
So unrighteousness can be shown, watch this, in a feeling of inferiority.
That is not the way you’re supposed to be see yourself. Amen.
You’re not inferior to what? Nobody watched this and what else? Nothing.
You gotta understand that hurricane that’s forecast is not superior to you.
And what Satan does is he uses things to do maintenance on your unrighteousness.
He uses a storm He uses running out of money.
He uses a threat with so forth because he wants you to feel small.
But you’re a king.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
That’s the way god sees you. He says he is the king of who. Kings and the lord of who.
Lord’s Revelation 1916. Now if your royalty you are not second to anybody.
I said, when you’re royalty, come on, you are not second to anybody or anything.
So Jesus, as he is, so are we in this world, and he saw himself superior to leprosy.
Saw himself superior today could been to this virus. Saw himself superior. Come on now.
And when you do, it will be under your feet. When when come on.
See, when you do, the anointing will flow.
Now what keeps anointing is flow from flowing is inferiority.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
So I got a little test up here.
But, Robert, if you come on and he’s gonna assist me here, and I just wanna show you this because I looked at this in terms of 2 glasses of water.
One glass is muddy. That’s called sin and of consciousness of unrighteousness.
Oh, what I did yesterday. Oh, what I did in my life.
Oh, I I, you know, when I was younger, I didn’t know god. I had an abortion.
I had to see, if all that’s tracking you down, It’s designed to do maintenance on you and to keep, I know we’ve all sinned and come short of the lord.
There’s no big sin, little sin. That sin sin is sin.
I’m saying, see, we’ve been trying to characterize it and categorize it and so forth. Well, that’s a big sin.
Well, I did a little sin today. Sin is sin. Don’t we look well, I I didn’t cuss today.
I I didn’t you know what I’m saying? I didn’t smoke with 3 cigarettes today. I’m I’m doing pretty good.
It doesn’t make any difference. All have sinned and come short of the glory of god.
He said in 1st John chapter 1 verse 9, if you confess your sins.
He’s faithful and just, come on, to forgive you your sins and what? Clint you. Clinch you.
Yeah. I gotta be cleansed. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. He did.
This is the reason for the blood. Look at Hebrews chapter 9, ready. Read.
Either by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place.
Having ordained eternal redemption for us.
For if the blood of gold and of goats and the ashes of an heather sprinkling the unclean, sanctify it to the purifying of the flesh.
How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god?
Purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living god.
Now notice what the blood is doing. What is the blood for? One reason it’s, uh, purge your what?
What’s the conscience? See, send conscious. It’s to purge your conscience from works that you’ve done. Why?
So that you can serve the living god. You can’t serve him guilty.
You can’t serve him with no peace about your life and and how you’ve lived.
You can’t serve him like that.
True enough, you can do do some things, but I’m talking about have that anointing flowing through you so it can rescue humanity.
Same into that. So it’s it’s key that you get rid of all sin consciousness.
It’s key that you if you miss it, get up and confess it, and get going again because god’s got to use you.
Same into this. He ran up on a woman and she had been married, uh, how many times?
Anybody remember five times? And and was living with a man that wasn’t her husband. Am I right?
Yes. Yes.
That’s over in John chapter 4.
My point here is he ministered to her, brought her out to the point that it lifted that burden of guilt and shame.
And she went start preaching and preached as a man that was out there told him, you need to come see a man that told me everything that I’ve done.
See, when you don’t go anywhere, it’s because you haven’t gotten over it.
You’ve got to get over it. You’ve got to get over it. It was done.
It’s under the blood. You’ll never see it again.
He’ll never it to you again and get up and get going. Praise back.
Then you ought to be believing for 1,000,000 of dollars by now, but you cannot with a guilty conscience because faith doesn’t work.
And anointing needs faith to float. Are you with me here?
So what I did is I took 2 glasses because it was in my mind to demonstrate this some kind of way.
So I took 2 glasses and said, okay. Now one glass is muddy. And that’s that’s the heart.
That’s where a person feels condemned.
That’s where a person feels guilty and ashamed and and all of that sin consciousness is in that that glass.
And then the other glass is clear.
That’s when the blood has come, and the blood has clench your conscience from all the dead works that were done either before you got saved or if you did something after you got saved.
And gee, gee, god made it so he covered the whole waterfront.
And so now I wanna show you that, but here’s what I wanna show you.
If I shine the light through the money glass and the light represents the anointing, I want you to see what happens on the other side.
Okay? So here is the money glass, and he’s gonna shine the light through the money glass and I want you to see what comes out of the other side.
He’s got the money glass. Now he’s gonna take the light and he’s gonna shine it through the muddy glass.
And I want you to see how much light do you see coming out.
I’m not talking about on the on the sides now. I’m talking about coming through the glass.
You see Harley 0 light. Why? Cause the light can’t get through. It can’t get through.
The the wisdom can’t get through. Yes. The the the anointing can’t get through. Watch this.
Faith can’t get through. None of that can get through.
Now he gets the other class, and he’ll take the other class that has cleanse your conscience from dead works and shine it through there.
Look how bright that light shines through there.
Let your light so shine that men may see your good works and glorify your father Are you with me?
So what am I saying? I’m saying now that you are royalty. You’re a king.
Look at a verse, Joel Galatians chapter 4 verse 1 in the Amplify translation, please. Alright?
Now we’re talking about faith and that anointing.
Because I gotta have the anointing because you’re gonna see the last days. That’s what it’s all about.
Look what it said. Ready. Read.
Now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor air is a child and underage He does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate.
Now look at that. Even though the inheritor is an error, as long as he’s childish, he, if she doesn’t differ from a slave, Now do you remember when the prodigal son came home?
Yes. He came home, and the father didn’t even let him take a shower.
And he had been down there with them hogs.
But it’s interesting how his brother won’t let him forget what he did.
He reminded the father that his brother had been with prostitutes.
Didn’t didn’t he? He’s writing the book. Juan, because when you’re condemned, you wanna condemn others.
You don’t wanna let them out. You because you’re not out.
Do you wanna talk about them? They they wear any little thing you don’t like.
You run them down. And you’re not gonna be like that anymore. Because you’re gonna be free.
See, I tell people who are hiring people.
You you better make sure you you you’re right when you do hire somebody.
Because you don’t hire what you want. You hire what you are.
Get uh, you kinda get a contemporary person as low self esteem, they will not hire a person that is entirely sharp, and it’s so forth and so on.
Wow. Because it makes him feel inferior.
Where you shouldn’t get your feelings from what somebody else is or does.
Your your steam should come from the Bible.
Your your esteem should come from the are y’all with me?
See, when When the king is there, the Bible says, turn to it, please.
Uh, Ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4.
Where the word of a king is, there is power.
That does stop right there. The where the word of a who? King is, there’s power. Power.
Now I’m talking about a righteous king because the Bible said in Ecclesiastes 10 woe to the land when the king is a child.
So but a righteous king, well, whatever righteous king is, there’s power.
Yes, sir.
There’s power. Why? He does he he he’s completely confident in himself and and Queens go with this.
But you’re completely confident. And as a result of that, the anointing flows. Now what is the anointing?
Now let’s let’s go down to this part right here.
Satan’s strategy is to keep god’s people from this anointing by the Antichrist.
Alright. That’s first John chapter 2 and verse 18. The Antichrist.
Now what does Christ mean? The anointed one and his anointed.
So you are Christians. You are little Christ.
Got it? Yes. And you have been filled with his, what, power?
Got it? Why? Because he left you here to do what he did.
So that anointing is on you.
And in the last days, it’s gonna be all about that anointing. Amen.
Not anything else. Don’t be all about the anointing. Are you anointed or not?
But the end of Christ comes for people who are anointed to strip them of the power of that anointing.
So he comes to do that. Unholy alliances.
Now, you remember this man named uh, judges chapter 16 named Sampson.
And you remember he liked a certain woman And I think her name was, uh, everybody knows that.
You know? Delilah. Watch this.
And she pressed him to see what would the source come on of his his power?
Well, he played around with it.
And the law represented the world that you can’t play around with.
And some people playing around with it. Why?
Because it wants an alliance, And so here, what he did, he soon told her the source of his power.
Now look at judges chapter 16 or 16, if you will, ready. Read.
And it came to pass when she pressed him daily with her words and urged him so that his soul was vexed unto death.
That he told her all his heart and said unto her, there have not come a razor upon my head.
For I have been a Nazirite unto god from my mother’s womb.
If I be shaven, then my strength will go from me.
And I shall become weak and be like any other man.
If he loses that anointing, he will be like who?
Any man out There ought to be diff a difference between them and them.
There ought to be a difference between the world and the church.
And so what happened What did he do with her?
He trusted the world.
You got no business trust in the world to promote you.
No business. No business. You’re falling into a trap. Yes.
Next thing you know, you set up an unholy alliance And what happens to your anointing as a result of the unholy a lot or somebody’s anointing, they’ll lose it.
They got it, but it’s not functioning.
And what I’m trying to say is god has given you all this equipment for you and for you to have dominion over that out there.
Same into this. Amen. So I’m saying to you right now, that’s called an unholy alliance.
And even says, over in 2nd Corinthians, chapter 6 and verse 14, look at that. Ready, read.
Be he not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
Stop Don’t be unequally yoked. That means if you’re not married and you get married, don’t marry somebody that’s not saved.
Well, he show is fine. I know Delilah was fine.
But this man, as a result, of fooling with this woman, ended up in in a very embarrassing situation.
Satan just does not wanna stop you. He wants to embarrass you.
He wants to make you regret that you were ever in face of this earth.
And I’m telling you right now, we’re here to take everything he stole back. Say amen to that.
If we can do that.
Well, I trusted you. Enjoy that teaching.
Now it’s about the anointing. The anointing is god’s bird removing yoke destroying power.
It’s the ability to do things sweatlessly. That’s when that power flows through you.
Now the way it happens is we’ve got to walk in righteous us.
And righteousness is not the goody, goody way you are.
Righteousness is the nature of god coming inside of us to help us do what only god can do And sometimes what people feel is guilt from the past, something, let’s say, happened in your life that you’re ashamed of or It could be where you feel inferior because you don’t look like some other people or whatever have you like that.
All of that can drain the power that that anointing has in you to flow and do things that only god can do.
So you need to get over it.
You need to understand that, wait a minute, I am a child of god.
I am the righteousness of god and let that power flow through you. It’s a powerful teaching.
Now I had to learn this myself because people and things have a tendency to make you feel inferior.
You’re not inferior. You’re a child of god, and you’re able to do all things through Christ, the anointed one that strengthened you.
I want you to get this teaching. It’s powerful. It’ll bless you.
Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Today’s encouraging message, the 4 d anointing is available in its entirety on CD or MP3.
On DVD or mp4. To order this 2 part series, contact us at 180-0711-9327.
Or online at
In this series, doctor Bill Winston brings a fresh understanding of the anointing and how it rates through the 4th dimension.
The anointing is the power and presence of god on people to do what only god can do.
Through the power of the anointing, you can have and do the impossible.
Get your copy of this power teaching.
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Since these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
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Some of us are, like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes, and then, um, this is excellent.
Um, we appreciate the blessing.
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I have a future. Hi.
I’m Robert Alexander Cajer, and I just won $10,000 here at operation 10 city.
You’re gonna be ten times better than the best that the world can produce. This is you receive.
I felt the presence of god. It was so powerful.
When praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your city.
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You don’t know what we been through here, but I feel extremely blessed.
I just wanted to thank you, living word, Doctor Bill Winston, and I operation, 10 city, for what you’ve done for this city.
I would like to share with you what changed my life.
And that was when I came to the lord, when I confessed Jesus of the lord in my life, I switched kingdoms.
I came out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his just son and look what god has son.
Now, I’m saying the same thing that happened to you.
I don’t know where you stand, but I do know there’s God desires that all be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
All you have to say is lord Jesus, I ask you, come into my heart.
Live your life in me and through me forever, and he will.
So right now, receive him into your heart as your new lord and savior, and I guarantee you, nothing will be the same again.
I want you to get my book. It’s called Born Again in Spirit Fill.
Now, you can download it free of charge. It’s for you. It’ll tell you what the next step sorry.
This is Bill Winston saying, god bless you, and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston Ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the Believer’s Walk of Faith Broadcast.
Now remember, we need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.

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