Women’s Rights, Trump, and Truth

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Women’s Rights, Trump, and Truth

Pastor Jack sits down with CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, Penny Nance. Penny is a recognized national authority on cultural, children’s, and women’s issues.

Named as one of the top four most powerful pro-life female voices by the

Christian Post, by Newsmax as one of the 100 most influential

evangelicals in America, and by Israel Allies Foundation as one of the Top 50 Christian Allies of Israel, Penny stands as a leader on the issue of pro-life

Everybody, we’re gonna have an amazing time with a very special guest.
A woman that has my utmost respect as she takes on the cultural warrior type issues of our day to day battle right here in America.
Stay tuned. You’ll find out who that is in a moment.
Real life presents the Jack Gibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth equip the saints and impact our culture.
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Here is Jack Gibbs.
Well, welcome to this podcast. And we are gonna have a tremendous time together today.
And you’re gonna see the reason why it’s gonna be filled with energy, insight, wisdom, And frankly, what I love so much activism.
And you heard me right. Yes. I’m a pastor, but I believe that Christianity and our faith is active.
It should make a big difference. Faith is a verb, and it should be moving.
And we have with us today Penny Nantz, who has been a mover in shape in the social and cultural battlefield in America.
When it comes to women’s rights, when it comes to sup Supreme Court justices, uh, being, uh, approved or nominated or, uh, campaign for when it comes to what’s going on in your local culture as a community.
And nationally Penny has her hands on everything, and we’re impressed by her.
She is the CEO and, uh, president of the concerned women for America. And so I’m honored.
We are honored to have with this Penny Nance.
Thank you. Oh my goodness. I appreciate that.
That’s a lot for a preacher’s kid from graduate of Liberty University get to be here with you. Liberty. Yes.
I actually serve on their border trustees now, which means but it’s just a deep honor to be here with you, pastor Higgs, and to been with you last night, talking about support for Israel.
Yeah. Just what a wonderful church. You have an incredible I’m grateful to be here with you.
Well, thank you. Um, the people at the church I pastor make it very easy for me to pastor.
They’re, as you saw last night, they’re out in force.
She’s referring to an evening that we just hosted stand with Israel. And so we had a tremendous time together.
And Nancy led the congregation uh, in specific prayer points, uh, and it was powerful.
But we’re here today to talk about, um, what is on your heart?
What What is burdening, uh, your ministry, your heart, and what needs to be said at a time like this.
We’re living in very, very
Uh, you know, to us, it’s bizarre days, but yet these are days that have been, uh, announced in scripture.
We’re not surprised by these days. Uh, but share with us What’s what’s burning in in your heart?
Well, you know, I think I CS Lewis, I think, said it so well.
There’s no neutral ground in the universe.
Every square inch and every split second is claimed by god and counterclaimed by Satan.
And that’s really the crux of the battle that we’re in.
And it’s been since the beginning of the time since the fall of man.
And here we are. And many of these battles aren’t even new.
Um, most many of your viewers maybe know Beverly Lahaye founded concern women for America in 1979 from here in California.
And then they moved the operation, the organization to Washington, DC.
But they started these women, these faithful Christian women came together in 1979.
To stand up for truth, the truth in the public square.
And, um, and fought fought the ERA in 1, because if you remember, it was sailing through before Christian women woke up and said, wait a minute.
If this passes, because it sounds kinda good. Right? Equal rights for women. Like, we’re from that. Equal pay. Sure.
We get it. Right. But then they found out reading between the lines that actually that meant that would strike down all the pro life prohibitions in states.
It meant the very things that we’re fighting right now, men and women’s locker rooms, men and women’s sports, all those things.
They’re like, wait, we’re not for that.
And so they came together, and they educated people and educated their their friends and their families and their churches and their center schools and the parents’ teacher associations and all their friends and came together and got people out and prayed and worked, and they were victorious, but sane doesn’t have any new ideas.
No. No. No. He just re loses and reconstitute and comes back.
That’s right.
And we fight those same battles just like we are today.
In fact, I think it’s very good with with what you just said.
Satan is he he’s not an originator. He cannot do that. You’re exactly right.
He will, uh, do everything in a knock off form.
And so what he does is he promises people liberty and freedom Mhmm.
When in actuality it’s bondage, but he packages it in a in a very tasty, almost like candy like style that if you’re not grounded in the word Mhmm.
If you’re not a follower Christ, you’re gonna fall for it. I mean, look, Eve was not a dummy.
So we’ve gotta believe that when Satan spoke to her, he must have spoken as such cunning in appealing ways that she fell for that.
So today, that tactic still works.
To wrap something up, uh, with all the glitter and the bow, but when you open it up, there’s this pan Pandora’s box.
And we’re seeing that in our culture today, where we have gone through and and you please correct me if I’m wrong, uh, but, you know, we started with uh, like you said, the equal rights for women.
Of course, we’re we’re all in favor for that. But as I say
is a good marketer, though. I will say that.
Oh, wow.
Master marketer.
It’s tremendous. Yeah. He’s able to get around the world in a moment.
What what takes Apple computer, you know, months or years to market out there.
But, um, there there’s this thing where, oh, you’re in bondage. You’re not happy. You need this Mhmm.
To really be something.
This is the answer.
Oh, I’ve yeah. This is the answer.
Speak your truth.
Yeah. What do you
feel? That’s your truth, and this is my truth. So this is my truth.
And the confusion that has ensued, I I recently, and I’ve had been thinking a lot about the truth.
I keep talking about it because Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life.
No man coming through the father, but by me. Jesus is truth.
We only know truth because we know god who’s the author of truth.
And then and we have the holy spirit to help clear away the cobwebs and see the reality of these situations.
And sometimes not even right away. Sometimes it’s sometimes it’s through prayer. Right. But you have an entire society.
That particularly, um, you know, under COVID where communities were broken, Were churches?
Not great churches like yours, but churches that were even my churches that didn’t come back together They’re very slow to come back together.
They couldn’t even manage to go to their parking lots and come before the lord.
And so young people were alone. They were they were broken off from community. They couldn’t go to school.
They had to have a computer in order to try to learn, although we know they didn’t.
We know that our school, our school children, particularly, um, uh, our our underserved communities are several years behind.
Where they should be and may never catch up.
The people that were hurt the most by the heavy hand of government were the people who are the least of these.
And when many of us said anything, oh, we wanted to kill old people.
Clearly, that was it. We’re selfish. We don’t care.
And so, you had young people and old people alone and lonely in their homes.
And we have had we have record numbers of suicide out.
That’s right.
Record numbers of fentanyl overdoses. People fell off the wagon. People got involved in drugs and young kids.
Went searching for love and found the dark corners of the internet and were dragged into the whole trans movement.
And we had doctors who were making bank at a $100,000 a pop and then lifelong medical patients in order to do trans surgeries on little kids.
Listen, with what you just said so clearly, do you think there’s any I mean, you and I know there’s a day of reckoning before god, but before that time comes, do you think there there ever gonna be held accountable for these physicians that that fought up these horrific things of mutilating the kid or this person.
Do you think they’ll ever be held accountable?
Well, I don’t know about the they, but I will tell you that and I know you think this too, that Satan always overreaches.
Right? Always overreaches. And so it went from, you know, we need to expect everyone. Okay.
I get that. To you have to you have to deny reality And you have to you have to ascertain that my truth, which is a lie.
Mhmm. Is the truth, and you have to call me another pronoun.
You have to pretend that I am a woman went on her man and welcomed me into your sorority, into your locker room, onto your, um, onto your sports team.
And that’s where they went too far. Yeah.
Because mothers around this country, and I you know these women who got up at all dark 30 and drove their children to their sports team, to their practices, watched their daughters work so hard.
All their, like, for career for their careers in order just to have an opportunity to compete.
And to go to college on a scholarship and to win trophies and to win titles, and it was all taken away.
God. And so you’re seeing finally this moment because at the beginning, you had these young women who couldn’t say anything, their scholarships were at risk, but now they’re graduating.
And you have everyone from, uh, gains with the Right. Right.
Gains who I know well and love.
Yeah. We have in our program. Yeah.
And you have. And she’s, you know, no a notable person who early on came on because she swim against Leah Thomas.
Right. Another person who you don’t know as well is that one of our members, her name’s Kylie Allanes, 31 time all American champion from NC State owned has school titles out the ears.
And she also swam against Leah Thomas, but her story is a little bit different.
She, of course, represents the fact that she came in further behind because of him.
But her biggest issue is that when they got there, they had no idea that they were gonna be sharing a locker room with him.
No one told them ahead of time that a man would be in their locker room, and anatomically correct man who still dates girls is going to be in their locker room.
Now I didn’t really know this.
Wait a minute. I I get that.
And Georgia Tech is
this a development. Part. Did you just say that he still dates girls, but swims against women and the women’s That’s correct.
That’s correct.
So work work He’s
a lesbian.
So we’re we’re crazier than I thought a moment ago.
Oh, we’re totally crazy. The company is crazy.
Just the grown ups that are supposed to be in charge of crazy.
The heads of the NCAA and the new head of the NCAA, Charlie Baker, brand new guy, as it doesn’t seem to be catching on either.
So what happened is, uh, Kylie, so this was something that I did not understand until she explained it to me.
I’ve never swam competitively in my life. But when you do, you don’t just change one time.
You change several times. You’re in a to suit. You’re out of that. You’re in something else.
You changed several times. In the last suit for the actual heat, you’re putting on a a performance suit that covers you from your knees to your neck.
It’s very thin. It takes between 10:30 minutes to get into.
It’s very tight, and you have be very careful or or it will tear, I suppose.
And so the women were so nervous. Now think of this. Kylie’s a senior. This is her last chance.
She’s at Georgia Tech. This is her last year she’s worked up.
Her entire career for this moment, and instead of being thinking about her race, and what she need to be thinking, being having her head in the game.
She’s having to think about, oh my gosh. Is he coming around the corner? He’s in here. What’s gonna happen?
And so you know what? She did?
If she took her swimsuit, she left the locker room, and she found a utility closet.
She was the 1. Driven into the closet, and a lot of her teammates went with her.
The girls changed in the closet rather than being in the locker room with a man.
You would think that the other team would say, there you go.
Now you’re thinking, you’re changing in the utility room. Where you should change.
But that probably wasn’t enough for them.
They they they probably the the the changing of your your uniform or your swim gear in in the utility room is not enough.
What must be enough is that even if you could beat this man in the event, you better not beat him.
You have to send.
Because could you imagine has it happened yet? I’m honestly ignorant about this.
Has a woman yet beat him in in in swimming? Has he ever
seen anything? But, you know, we’re not really sure if it’s real, right, frankly. And, Because
that would be very unloving up.
But and regardless, there are below him, several women should that should be an or women that didn’t even make the team.
Because it’s not right. And it’s not just swimming. It’s track.
It’s Oh, yeah. Weight lifting. Oh. It’s Would
would you out of the US Marine Corps.
There’s a a laughing stock video on TikTok where the US Marine Corps just went down to massive path of compromise because of of really not only could the the the the test that you had to take physically to become a marine, most men can’t make it.
Mhmm. Right.
Well, they wound up changing the requirements and the time allowed it for the uh, endurance to be so skewed.
And it’s it got it’s all on video and then it’s it’s been played, uh, in Russia It’s been played.
Yeah. It’s been played on Iran, and these people are laughing at the US Marines because there’s a woman who can’t carry an £80 sack backpack, uh, gear up a mountain.
And so there’s there’s this marine standing around cheering her on, and the the the spin out there in in the the other countries is this is what the US markets have become.
That’s dangerous.
That is dangerous. And and, you know, the the recruitment rates in our military or business. 44%. Yeah.
And I say this as an army mom.
My son will be active duty in the army as a second lieutenant in a year.
And, um, I am pro military.
I we we love our military, but we there needs to be some changes, and it has to start at the top.
That’s right.
It has to start with a commander in chief. Right. And so, um, but, you
know Who is that?
What is his name?
Um, well, you know, I think Does Joe Biden know he’s a manager? I don’t know. I don’t know.
But, uh, but I will say you your original question is, do I think there’s a reckoning? Yes. I do.
And I will tell you that I’ve seen glimpses of hope and, of course, always, god is in control.
He he he loves the week. He loves women.
He recognizes that it is wrong for them to be taken advantage of.
And this is a situation in which they are, but Aside from that, you know, we’ve come alongside and linked arms with a group of women that we have nothing in common with except for this.
And This is they’re called the women’s liberation front.
These are radical leftist women who, many of whom are Bisexual and lesbian.
Kinda guy join?
Um, I may no. No. They’re they’re on our team on this. They they’re like, a woman is it.
You can hearly not change from being a woman to a man. They are they come hard.
They’re like the few little things that women thought so hard for, and their items aren’t right.
The right to vote. It took a 100 years for us to get the right to vote.
We’ve only had it for a 100 years.
And the fact that, you know, these few little set of sides and that, you know, we only had, um, the Title 9 for 50 years, Title 9 gave us the opportunity to have equal opportunity in education and sports.
And suddenly, the people that work so hard have have changed teams, and they feel completely betrayed.
You know, I think it was a one from Hawaii. Patsy Mink. Congresswoman from from Cal no.
From Hawaii was the sponsor of that bill.
She is turning over in her grave at this point to see what’s happened to Title 9.
So, um, one of the things that CWA has done as we move into this moment is to really try to to really, um, set down some markers and to get ahead of things.
So one of the things we did is we went to, um, a we put together a presidential pledge for American women, and we went and sent it to all the presidential candidates, Democrats and Republicans.
We send it to everyone.
This is this is current.
Currently. And so we’ve had 4 presidential candidates sign it so far.
So so right now, everybody, listen, this could be breaking news right here on this podcast.
And so if you go to concern women.org, we have a copy of it up.
And, you know, even you can take the same pledge and we have a version of it that you can take to your city council.
Take to your take to your school board. Take to anyone that you want because this is a easy one.
It should be for to write thinking people to sign, and it says, as president of the United States have promised to uphold truth the truth that women are exclusively female, only women can be pregnant and bear children, only women can be mothers, Under law, under my administration, the status and dignity of women and girls will not be compromised in law policy.
That sex is binary is a scientific reality, and all federal agencies will be directed to hold up this fact in every policy and program at home and abroad, um, a person’s claim of gender and identity does not overrule their sex.
My administration will focus on affirming sex based distinctions to protect women in every area such as shelters, prison, housing, health care, defense, education, and sports.
I will protect the dignity of women and motherhood in all circumstances.
That’s awesome.
That’s the person I wanna elect.
And are you at liberty to tell us who
you signed? Well, I’ll tell you who the first person was.
Let’s hear it.
It was Donald J. Trump.
There he goes again.
There he goes again. And he was and he was the first guy. I hand I gave it to him.
Actually, I think I have a picture on my Instagram with me and viewers when I come.
Where my husband and I went up.
The funny thing about it is because, you know, President Trump, and he he does have a great sense of humor.
He started reading it And he got to the first thing.
I put it in and said, I’ll look for you to take a look at this, Mister President.
He said, uh, he was reading it. I promise to hold the truth that women are exclusively female.
Only women can be pregnant and bear children. Only women can be mothers. He looked at my husband.
He’s like, can you believe this?
Like, can you believe that I have to tell people that this is what I believe.
And that was just his gut reaction on it. He got it immediately.
So he was the first guy out of the gate and I was very grateful for that.
So the, I mean, it’s been months that I gave that to him.
Um, and then, uh, after that was Vivek Ramaswami, signed it, and then Nikki Haley.
And just I don’t know why it took so long, but governor Ron DeSantis has signed just as a few days ago.
So we’ve got 4. We’re gonna continue pushing it, but I gotta tell you, I it means a lot to me that president Trump immediately was spot on and understood the question and the time of the day.
Look, it speaks. We’ve you and I’ve been with him before, and it and he’s Boy, don’t don’t we long for the days of mean tweets?
If that’s the big national issue as a mean tweet,
I’m like, it’s like Am I gonna
he, uh, has a a remarkable ability to read the room Mhmm. To read you.
He has the, uh, remarkable ability. People shocked when they hear this. Mhmm. But he is an amazing listener. Mhmm.
I remember the first time that I met him. I think it was in Miami.
Uh, and I was surprised at how quiet he was in the room as people were talking.
He didn’t interrupt people. He was gathering data. You could see the gears turning.
And once he is determined about something, he’s locked on Mhmm.
Like a missile and we watched him, uh, respond accordingly.
And this kind of leadership was what we need now today in America.
For that matter to the world, where it is correct. It’s decisive.
And he doesn’t he doesn’t pull the trigger unless he knows what’s gonna happen.
He’s not he’s not a knee jerk reaction person. And So I’m not surprised
to do that. But I also add to that that he has a really solid gut. Right?
He he has, you know, I and I don’t I think he’s on a spiritual journey as we all are.
But I think, you know, he has a solid understanding of of certain things. And particularly, issues like this.
In the second debate, he famously went for the first time, we saw a presidential candidate go after the other guy on abortion.
And say, you’re the extremes.
That’s right.
The fact that you wanna rip a little baby limb by limb from its mother’s womb. No.
I I’m not for that. You’re the extreme And That’s right. Um, and we’re like
Where’s this guy? Look, we’re we we’ve been waiting for this guy, and it’s Donald Trump. I mean, who knew?
So watch. Let me interrupt this whole thing on this what you just said, you just hit a nerve that I have and you were so right.
Trump just said it. The room went silent. People gassed. And yet, why was that reaction thus?
It’s because he said what everybody was honestly really thinking. How is it?
Why is it that for some. And now here I’m a pastor.
I’m a Christian, so don’t don’t read this the wrong way, people. But we’re at war.
It would be easier if we actually had our AR 15s and hand grenades and tanks and airplanes that would be easier than the war that we’re in right now.
We’re in an invisible war. It’s a war of not only, I believe, spiritual dynamic, but the war of words and what is meant.
So when Trump responds the way that he does and he gets the magnitude of vote behind him or wins the polls as he is doing what is happening.
What’s going on? He is speaking truth Now I I agree with you.
I think he’s on a journey, finding out who god might be.
Uh, we have to work on that more with him.
But having said that, I’m not I already have a savior. I’ve got a messiah, his name’s Jesus.
Mhmm. Amen.
When it comes to president, Why is it that the Christian community has somehow diluted themselves into thinking that, well, we can’t vote for Trump because he’s not polite.
Well, when is politeness when it comes to warfare like this of virtue? I don’t understand this.
I believe in the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Don’t get me wrong. But here we are.
We’ve got somebody who’s like a nebuchanezer.
We’ve got a cyrus that acknowledges the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob makes the right decisions.
People who read their bible, we have no evidence for sure that nebuchanese Cyrus is in heaven, yet god calls both of them my servants, and they did the right thing.
Trump has survived fbi forensic, uh, audits, you and I may not be able to survive that.
I I may not be able to produce a receipt for a basketball I bought 2 years ago.
Trump survived these. He’s gone through impeachment, uh, attempts. He survived these. He’s still alive today.
He’s he’s being sued by everybody and their mother. Mhmm.
And yet he’s surviving nobody could survive these types of things, and yet the man is still standing.
And having said that, Penny, what would you say?
And then I’ll tell you what I would say. What would you say to Trump right now?
If Trump was sitting at this chair over here, uh, president Trump, this is what we would love to hear from you moving into 2024.
Well, I think first, and I and I have said to him.
I am so grateful that he understands that he’s making promises to the American people And he intends to keep them.
That’s right. Seriously.
And I have to tell you I have to admit I’m kind of embarrassed about this, but I kinda gotten trained.
By really good Republicans. I mean, like George W Bush, who is in evangelical, that you listen to what they say, and then you plan on them falling through on maybe half because they’re gonna get in there in the deep state, and I didn’t I used to not believe in the way.
No. Nobody did when we first
did that. Uh, I thought that was crazy. I thought that, you know, was conspiracy theory. No. No. It’s real.
I mean, maybe not in the way some people see it, but certainly there is, you know, a group of people who are burrowed into the system and administration, slow roll, everything that the other side tries to do.
Right. But, um, what I saw from President Trump is he told you what he’s gonna do, including who is Supreme Court justices were gonna be.
That’s right. Which, by the way, gave us the overturn of Roe V Wade. That’s right.
He told us that he was gonna move the embassy. From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Every president prior said that they would do.
22 years. And here’s something that a lot of people don’t understand. You probably know this. Congress passed that law.
And in order for it to not happen That’s
They had to sign a waiver.
Every 6 months.
Every 6 months.
So not only all they had to do for it to happen is do nothing.
So they actively
They they
had to stop it from happening.
And so President Trump said I’m gonna move the embassy, and they come to him like, here, sign this.
And he’s like, what was that? And he’s like, that’s the waiver. You can’t move the embassy.
He’s like, but I said I was gonna move the embassy. And then they’re like, well, you can’t do that.
The Middle East will burn, and the state department, you know, harpies all said you can’t do it.
Someone in that room said, with all due respect, Mister President, you will be starting the 3rd World War.
That’s right. They did tell him that.
And he said, I don’t believe that.
That’s right. It’s not
He probably said a little more colorfully than that.
And he said, I’m signing it this time, but never again, you get it worked out and you get it done.
And then we’re going to move it.
And so I was grateful to have actually been present at the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem and watch that Israeli Oh my goodness.
People weep Yeah. With joy and to celebrate in the streets.
With Donald Trump’s name hanging over because that meant safety for them. Yeah.
That meant that once again, someone recognized the eternal capital of Israel is Jerusalem. Yeah.
And we know this to be true.
And so I guess I would start by and as I have in the past saying, thank you.
But we also understand, and we recognize this, and we thank you for this.
But we understand we also need to look forward in the future. Yes.
Because we are in troubled times in this country.
That’s it.
The economies in the tank, people are having trouble paying their bills, putting food on their table, Parents no longer believe their children have a brighter future than they had.
That’s the first time this happened since they’ve been asking that question in polling.
I mean, we really, as a country, have have really lost sight of being that shining city on the hill.
We have and at at the crux of that, I truly believe is the fact that we’ve allowed this cancer to metastasize in our educational system.
And we have spent 1,000,000,000 of taxpayer dollars paying for ideologies that are absolutely um, sinful Anti American.
And anti American freedom. To be to be, um, to be used in our campuses all over this country.
And even in our elementary schools, as we were just discussing these ideologies And so what I would say to you is, Mister President, what are you gonna do about all these things?
What are you gonna do to help us restore America?
And I would say, and and as I have done is remind him that we all are under the authority of the king of kings.
And so when I’m with the president, or or any leader.
My prayer is to always point them towards Jesus first.
And when we recognize the pecking order of reality. The heavenly pecking order.
That’s right.
That god, Jesus is king.
That’s right.
As they said in Revelation, no king, but Jesus.
But underneath that, underneath his authority, he places people in authority, which also means Joe Biden at this time.
And when you pray for them, but we also need to work hard to have a a righteous leader who can lead us in the direction that will stand within the principles of god.
Let me say this because some Christians, they just don’t get it.
You just said we need to get a righteous leader.
The the bubble wrapped Christian says Well, sorry, Penny.
I can’t vote for Trump because he’s, you know, his past they forget about their own past, mind you.
Right. No. No. Penny said, uh, a righteous leader.
A righteous leader means a leader that does the right thing, not a leader that glows in the dark.
Walks on water that can raise the dead. Okay. We’ve got Christ and Jesus for this.
We are not I years ago, this popped into my head, and I’ll say it again, we’re not to be looking for the Messiah to arrive on Air Force 1.
Mhmm. Okay? That’s not gonna happen.
That’s right.
But you put Trump’s promises up against his actions.
And what those actions were actually about. Mhmm. And you have Donald J.
Trump as that righteous leader. Now I’m gonna get hate mail for that, and I love it.
It actually I enjoy that, but try to unpack that. It’s a fact. Mhmm.
And the scripture says I’m loving this verse. I’m studying it. I’m marinating in it. Mhmm.
Uh, I have to confess I read it probably all my life as a believer.
Never really stopped to think what it meant. 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 6.
Says, by your obedience to Christ, punish all disobedience And by doing so, your obedience will be commended.
Now how does that what does that mean? What does that play out?
Well, in this republic, we don’t go around throwing bombs at our opponents. We vote.
We speak up. We go to school board meetings.
We honor the constitution, which gives us the right just to, uh, to be involved.
Uh, we need to wrap this up tragically. We’re running low on time.
I but I wanna it’s my turn to respond to my question to you about what would you say to to president Trump?
I would say this. I would say president Trump, if I could be your adviser for a moment, I’d say this.
Your track record’s already established. We know what you can do. It’s a matter of fact.
Regarding your past and who was after you and and, uh, crooked Hillary and and the deep state, We get that too.
Mhmm. But here’s what we need from you.
If you want to quietly take care of all that mess once you’re elected go ahead. More power to you.
But right now, we’ve got a whole lot of young people who are real, listen, who are real suckers for promises.
Right? Mhmm. Oh, we’ll forgive your school debt or whatever it might be. Mhmm.
Well, mister president, you’re the only one that can actually follow through on the promises.
Here’s what young people need to hear, and you’ll have their vote.
In fact, this is what we all need to hear, and you’ll have our vote.
Tell us where you’re going to take us. That’s why we voted for you in the first place.
You told us how bad it’s been So you said this is what I’m going to do.
And we jumped on board. We over we overlooked your past and the you know, all what it we’re we’re gonna take a a a risk on Donald J.
Trump. And in 2016, we voted for you. Turns out we were very glad we did.
Because you took us forward. I think if Trump began to talk forward, like you said it a moment ago, here’s why if you’re nineteen years old, you here’s why you should vote for me.
Or he if you’re eighty five years old, here’s why you should vote for me.
I think it’s I think it would be a slam dunk, and somebody’s gonna say, oh, Jack and Penny, you guys are so naive.
The cheat is overwhelming. Hey. You know what? Let’s say there is a cheat.
How do you stop the cheat?
There’s only one way to stop cheat, and that is to turn out en masse.
She only works when the numbers are close enough to manipulate.
That’s right.
When a mass group shows up to vote, the cheat won’t work. That’s right. It’s very simple math. Overwhelm them.
People, you need to show up. First of all, you gotta register to vote. Mhmm.
And then you need to show up. And you need to vote.
Listen, we um right now, we’re in a cuckoo state called California. We get to vote for months here.
Uh, vote as soon as you can.
Make sure your vote is taken care of. But what what are some of the closing words?
Tell us all about, you know, how how can people get plugged in? And why should they support you guys?
Well, I appreciate that. Well, let me just say that I think that I just wanna finish this one thing about the president.
I had a time, uh, magazine, uh, reporter asked me who now works in New York Times, like, why did evangelical women vote 82% for Donald Trump?
Don’t they know about all the things he did? Like, yeah. I mean, we’re all sinners, by the way.
Christians recognize we’re sinners and we’re broken.
Um, but We weren’t looking for a pastor, and we weren’t looking for a husband.
That’s right.
We were looking for a bodyguard.
A guy that would stick the knife in his teeth and swim the mote for us.
And that’s why we supported him.
And that’s why we will support him again if he can manage to win the primary, and I believe that he will.
But I wanna say, um, that right now at Consumer For America, we are working on policy issues.
And we talked about some of those right now.
And I, um, we are the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
We have chapters all over this country last night. Our California leader was there.
Also, we have 250 young women for America chapters, and we’ve been doing pro Israel rallies on their campuses all over this country.
What? A refreshing antithesis to the hate and the just the the evil, uh, vapid arguments that have been coming out of the left.
We’ve had these young, beautiful women coming together prayer vigils, inviting the Jewish students.
From their campus, praying over them, being there with them.
And I’ve watched these young Jewish students weep and say, this is the one I felt the most supported since October 7th on my campus.
And so we would love for your listeners to come join what we’re doing, come to concern women.org, follow on all the social media channels.
And, um, it’s just great to be here with you.
It’s great to have you. Keep it up. Keep standing. Uh, there are several women in my life.
My wife, obviously, one of them, uh, and you have that mantle.
And that is a Deborah.
There’s a Deborah spirit from the scriptures who was no doubt Deborah, the woman, judge of Israel, but she was a warrior.
And she even led men into battle, and she even deferred to them.
She said to them, We’re gonna go into battle.
And are you guys sure you want me to lead the way? Yes. Lead the way.
Because she was gonna get all the credit. And she
told him. She said, you know, I’m gonna get the credit for this. Are you sure? And she look.
We’re talking about her right now. Yeah. And so I thank god for you.
I thank you.
Thank god for your entire organization. And, um
A women messengers matter in this moment, especially all these issues we’ve discussed. Women’s voices matter.
So we wanna train our women, our members and women are your listeners to be able to be more able and more blessed in their ability.
To share the truth, the gospel, their policy beliefs, and to advocate in the public square.
So all the women watching right now, they need to go to?
Concerned women.org. Sign up, and we’d love to have you join what we’re doing.
And if you’re a man watching and you just heard that, you can send your money to them. Okay?
Women’s You
can have money.
Women sign up. And, man, you can send money.
We’ll take it. That’s right.
That’s right. So, listen, as always, on our gathering together at these podcasts.
It’s it’s our belief that it’s time for you and I to live out what it is that we believe in.
It’s time for us to live real life. So god bless you guys until next time.
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