Have A Healthy Attitude Towards Yourself | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Have A Healthy Attitude Towards Yourself | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Have A Healthy Attitude Towards Yourself-1

A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series how to succeed at being yourself.
God created each one of us to be different.
He knows all of our faults and weaknesses, yet still loves us exactly as we are.
When we begin to understand god’s unconditional love and who we are in Christ, then we can stop trying so hard and just enjoy each moment as it comes.
Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
I’m doing a series here called how to succeed at being your self because I believe that a lot of people don’t like themselves.
They’re rejecting themselves. And as a result of that, they have miserable lives.
And when we’re when we are miserable, we usually end up making other people miserable.
I think a lot of people don’t like their life. They don’t like themselves.
They wish they had somebody else’s life, and they wish that they had a lot of things that other people have.
They wanna look like other people have other people’s gifts but god’s not ever gonna help you be somebody else.
God will never help you be anybody else.
And for right now, you are what you are, and you have to work with what you have, and things change, and we do grow over the years, but there’s no point in not yourself, where you’re at, on the way to where you’re going.
I wasted a lot of my years.
Far too many people when they get a little bit older, they look back and say, I wasted so much of my life.
Well, The Bible says you should listen to older people.
And the reason is because we’ve gone through a lot of things and we’re supposed to know some stuff, And if you listen, we can save you a lot of trouble.
You don’t have to waste your life waiting to get to this perfect place you think you’re headed to Never enjoying where you’re at.
You can enjoy where you’re at on the way to where you’re going.
The Bible says that god changes us from glory to glory to glory, but guess what?
You can enjoy the time in between the glories. Whatever glory you’re in right now, enjoy it.
That’s like having a one year old and wishing they were 2 and having a two year old and wishing they were 3.
And having a three year old and wishing they were four and never enjoy where they’re at.
Enjoy the glory that you’re in and don’t look at somebody else that you think is more glorious than you and wish she were in their glory.
Amen? Amen. Everybody say I like myself. I accept myself.
And I love my life.
Now I know some of you thinking, well, if you knew what was going on in my life, you wouldn’t tell me to say that.
Yes. I would because whatever’s going on right now is what it is.
And for you to have a bad attitude, the word is only gonna make it worse.
You can enjoy your life if you decide to.
Now in first Peter chapter 3 verse 10, it says, let him who wants to enjoy life, and I think that’s all what we want, isn’t it?
Don’t we all want to just be happy and enjoy life?
Isn’t everything that we pursue about just wanting to be happy?
You think it’s a new house you want, but, really, you just want that house because you think it’ll make you happy.
All the things that we want.
The real thing we’re looking for is something that we think will make us happy.
And so he says here, if you wanna enjoy your life and see good days, good rather apparent or not, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from guile.
Now we said last night that although there’s many areas of the tongue we could talk about, the one that I just wanna mention is you gotta be careful about talking negatively about yourself.
And don’t talk negatively about your life. You don’t wanna curse your own future.
Come on now. Maybe you don’t like what your life has been up to now, but you don’t wanna curse the rest of it.
You need to begin to call those things that be not as though they are.
To begin to get into agreement with god and out of agreement with the devil.
We’ve already agreed with the devil long enough. He says you’re stupid. We say I’m stupid.
He says you’re depressed. We say I’m depressed. He says you’re no good.
We say we’re no good. He says you’ll never have anything. We say we’ll never have anything.
We have to stop saying what the devil says and start saying what god says.
Then verse 11 says, let him turn away from wickedness and shun it. Let him do right.
And let him search for peace. See, you can’t have joy without peace.
You cannot enjoy your life without peace.
And, actually, There’s a really great little formula in Romans 1417.
It says the kingdom of god is not meat and drink, but it is three things, list them in order, and I believe the order in which they have to be built into our lives.
The kingdom of god is righteousness, We talked about that this morning.
Peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Now you may say, well, I wanna have joy.
Well, you’re not gonna have joy if you don’t understand righteousness.
That’s why I talked this morning about righteousness because you have to know who you are in Christ.
If you’re not wearing your robe of righteousness, you will not have a spirit of rejoicing in your life because you either stand right before god because of who you are in Christ, or you’re always feeling bad and guilty condemned, and you’re always thinking about what you’re not instead of what you are in him.
You begin to know who you are in Christ, you can move on to peace.
Because if you had peace with god, then you can start to have peace with yourself.
If you have peace with yourself, you can start to have peace with people and peace with your circumstances.
It all comes with from within you.
Jesus was only able to speak peace to the storm because he had peace in him.
You can’t speak peace to something if you don’t have any peace.
See, some of you wanna have, well, I just wish I could have some peace in my circumstances.
I just wish we can have another piece in this house.
Oh, you know what? You’re not gonna have any peace till you get peaceful in here.
Come on. Now that was worth coming tonight.
Everything you wanna have in your life, you gotta 1st have it here.
If you wanna produce right behavior in your life, you gotta have righteousness.
A revelation of righteousness on the inside.
You have to know that you have that seed of being able to do right on the inside of you and that you stand right before god.
And then as a result of that, you can relax, and you can begin to just bear good fruit.
And apple tree doesn’t have to stand on a hill and struggle to produce apples.
It is an apple tree, so its fruit is apples.
Well, if you know you are the righteousness of god, your fruit is gonna be right behavior.
Come on now. The Bible says in Isaiah 61 that we are trees of righteousness.
The planting of the lord that he might be glorified.
If you know who you are in Christ, you will produce right behavior.
Stop struggling with all your weaknesses and just fall in love with Jesus.
Just go to him and fellowship with him and believe what the Bible says that you become like who you hang out with.
Did you hear me?
Don’t hang around with a bunch of murmurs and gripers and grumblers and complainers and compromises and lukewarm, half baked.
People with a bumper sticker and a Jesus pen. No.
Get with some radical, passionate, full of z, lawn fires stirred up.
Get around somebody that’ll get you excited, not somebody that’ll drag you down all the time.
You can solve a lot of your own problems if you just choose new friends.
Did you hear me?
I said, you can solve a lot of your problems if you just choose new friends.
I have good to let people share with you what’s hurting them and to pray for them, but you don’t need to just become a garbage dump for somebody’s problems all the time.
A lot of people in the world have got problems, and they don’t wanna get any better.
I finally figured out if I’ve been trying to help somebody 4 years and they’re still not helped, then they don’t want help.
And the devil is just using them to suck all the life and joy out of me.
Come on, man. Righteousness, peace, and joy joy.
The joy of the lord is your strength.
Rejoice in the lord. And again, I say rejoice.
This is the day the lord has made, I will rejoice.
And, DeGlad, don’t tell me you can’t enjoy your because your circumstances are too bad. Paul wrote rejoice.
And the Lord, and again, I say rejoice, standing in a prison that was built in the middle of the city sewer, and history tells us he was probably standing in human waste about up to his thighs.
I stood in that prison where he was at.
And I can tell you if he could say rejoice in the Lord, and again, I say rejoice in that place.
We can say it just about anywhere. You can do whatever you wanna do.
You got a free will, and god is on your side.
The devil comes against you one way, but he has to flee before you 7 ways.
What he means for your harm, god intends for your good.
Learn the scripture, learn how to talk back to the devil.
Let him search for peace. You can’t have joy if you don’t have peace.
Then it goes on to tell you what peace is, undisturbedness from fears, agitating passions, moral conflicts, and it says you have to seek peace eagerly.
Now I’m not doing this this weekend, but I love to teach on peace, and I love to teach people that you have to seek it, or they won’t just fall on you.
If you wanna really have peace, have to change some things.
You have to change how you approach some things.
You may have to be willing to not have to be right about everything.
Come on.
You might have to be willing to zip your lip a little while before you’d like to.
You might not be able to have the last word.
I finally got so fed up with having no peace.
I decided I am gonna have peace it’s the last thing I ever do, I cannot live like this anymore.
I will not live like this anymore. I had been upset as long as I could remember about something.
I spent my whole life trying to do something about something I couldn’t do anything about.
Does anybody understand that comment? You cannot make people love god.
You cannot make people love you. You cannot make people do what they are not willing to do.
Only god can change a human heart.
I spent the 1st 10 years in my marriage trying to change Dave.
When I wasn’t working on him, I worked on my kids.
When I wasn’t working on them, I’d probably work on a friend.
And I finally found out that that does not build good relationships.
Husband was probably on the border of leaving me when I finally found out that that does not build good relationships.
God finally told me Dave isn’t the problem. He got some problems yourself.
He’s the potter, and you don’t need to keep your family and friends on the potter’s wheel.
Trying to reshape them, re remold them.
If you wanna have some peace in your life, mind your own business, leave people alone, Pray.
Come on now. This is quick, but good.
Because I’m trying to get to what I’m really teaching on.
Do not merely desire peaceful relationships with god and with your fellow man and with yourself.
But pursue and go after them.
So we see 3 relationships where we need to have peace, peace with god, peace with our fellow man and peace, with ourself.
So let me just reiterate what I said last night.
This morning, I’m saying again and tonight, and I’ll probably say it again tomorrow.
Unless you come to terms of peace, with yourself, you are not ever gonna have peace with other people.
Go to Galatians 514. Or the whole law concerning human relationships is compiled within the 1 precept You shall love your neighbor as you do yourself.
So there we have it.
Is it everything about relationships, comes out of how you feel about yourself.
All relationships are ruled by how you feel about yourself.
If you’re critical toward yourself, you’re gonna be critical toward other people.
If you’re rigid with yourself, you’re gonna be rigid with other people.
If you’re legalistic with yourself, you’re gonna be legalistic with other people.
If you will not allow yourself to enjoy life, people who enjoy their life will irritate you.
God wants us to succeed in everything he calls and equips us to do.
Which is why today’s resource offering is perfect for diving deeper into this topic.
We pray Joyce’s newest release, the pathway to success will help you toward true godly success.
Available now for your gift of any amount. Order at joycemeyer.org or call toll free at 1807890089.
The Bible, our instruction book for life, Spending time in god’s word will change our lives, but consistent and effective study can at times be challenging.
That’s one reason why Joyce is here to help.
Atjoycemeyer.org/bible study, you’ll find ways to make your study time come to life with helpful resources, study suggestions and encouragement from Joyce.
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Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
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