The Greatest Change of All – Part 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

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The Greatest Change of All – Part 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

Are you ready to make a change in your life? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses what it takes to see positive change happen in your life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Free too. The Bible tells you who you are and what you are, But you gotta believe it.
And the message that I want you to tonight is you gotta believe it before you see it.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
The greatest change of all is what I’m gonna teach on tonight.
And, you know, the greatest change of all is the change that god makes in us.
How many of you can say that since you’ve received Jesus, you have changed?
How many of you like me still have a ways to go?
Amen. Well, you know uh, we will be changing until Jesus comes back to give us.
So if you’re not perfected yet, Don’t get depressed about that.
Paul said, I’m pressing toward the mark of perfection, but I have not arrived.
But one thing I do, and this is important, letting god what lies behind, and he meant letting go of every mistake that he made, whether it was 20 years ago or yesterday, You can’t make progress if you feel guilty all the time about every little mistake that you make.
I said, you cannot make progress if you’re dragging around a sack of guilt with you all the time.
Jesus paid for our sins. He took the guilt and the condemnation. You repent.
You confess. And you let it go.
And then you press towards the things that are ahead. We keep pressing.
We keep pressing toward the things that are ahead. I’ve not arrived.
Dave and I have been married 46 years. I mean, 56 years. 56 years.
But I think he’s been married at least 20, maybe 25 different women.
Because I keep changing all the time.
And just about the time he gets used to one version of me, then got does something else in my life, and he’s gotta get used to a better version of me.
Port Dave, he he wanted to get married. He was 26.
He was ready to get married, and he prayed that god would give him a and he said, Make it somebody that needs help.
Oh, you better be careful what you pray.
We had 5 dates and got married.
I always say he had to marry me before he found out what he was getting.
And after we’ve been married 3 weeks, he looked me, and he said, What’s wrong with you?
Oh, I was a mess.
I I looked okay on the outside, but I was a mess in my soul.
How many of you know it’s your soul that needs to be healed?
Even even after Jesus comes into your spirit, when you’re born again, he comes into your spirit.
And everything is made perfect there. I mean, the Bible says you’re holy.
All good things. You got all the fruit of the spirit. Everything good is in there.
It’s in you. You’re not waiting to get it. You’ve got it’s in you.
Everybody say I’ve got it. You say, well, if I’ve got it, then why don’t I act like it?
Well, the Holy Spirit has to work this process in us of getting what’s in our spirit into our soul your mind has to be renewed?
Gotta change your mind. We’re gonna talk about that tomorrow morning.
You don’t need, you don’t need any help with your mind. They’re your thoughts.
Never have any problems with your thoughts. Okay. You gotta change the way you talk.
If you ever wanna have what Jesus died to give you, you have to change the way you talk.
Gotta learn to Say what the word says, not what you feel and what you think.
And then as our soul is healed, as our mind is renewed, and our soul is healed, and we learn how to use our will to choose god’s will, God’s given us free will.
And, you know, I mean, some people say to that, well, I I don’t believe the hell.
I don’t believe a loving god would send you to hell. Well, god doesn’t send anybody to hell.
They choose to go there by not doing what he tells them to do.
And hell is real, and heaven is real, and the devil’s real, and angels are real, and evil is real and good is real, and we get to choose.
I sat before you life and death, choose life that you and your descendants.
Every good decision you make affects your descendants and every bad decision you make affects your descendants.
We have 4 wonderful children and 12 wonderful grandchildren and 6 wonderful great grandchildren.
But they’re all serving god.
But it it started with the decisions that Dave and I made and the decisions that Dave made started with the decisions that his mother made.
His father was an alcoholic, but his mother was a godly woman.
So let me tell you, even if you’re married to somebody that is not living a godly life, If you live a godly life in front of your children, you can have an effect on them.
Amen? Whatever kind of mess the last generation gave you, you don’t have to give it to the next generation.
Amen? And so we’re always wanting to see miracles.
Oh, I’d love to see the Blinds see, and I’d love to see the lamb walk, And you know what I’ve decided?
I believe the greatest miracle of all is to see a messed up person completely healed and made whole by the grace of god.
We we see miracles all the time and we don’t make enough out of it.
Let me tell you something.
If God every change that god makes in you, you need to take the time to celebrate it instead of moaning about all the things that’s still wrong with you.
Let me tell you a few of the things that were wrong with me.
I ran out of paper, by the way.
2nd Corinthians 517 says if any person So we all fit into that.
If any person is in Christ, he is is, not will be, is a new creation, a new creature altogether, The old previous moral and spiritual condition has, not will, has We need to pay attention to these words.
The Bible tells you who you are and what you are.
But you gotta believe it.
And the message that I want you to get tonight is you gotta believe it before you see it.
I’m gonna say that over and over tonight.
And that’s so hard for us to understand because in the world, we’re taught the opposite.
But in god’s kingdom economy, the way he does things You have to believe what he says before you will see it in your life.
Be it unto you even as you believe.
So you say what god says. I am a new creation.
The old man has died with Christ, and I’m a new creature.
And the devil’s gonna whisper in your ear.
Well, yeah, then why do you act like such a jerk.
Well, because I have a flesh, that is still being changed.
See, the reason why you feel such a war going on after you’re born again I mean, you know, how many of you remember things that you did before you were saved that didn’t bother you at all, once you received Jesus.
Now all of a sudden, you’re like, it bothers you when you do things.
And that’s because you’re like two people.
You’ve got a new you’re a new man, but you’re still dragging the old man around with you.
And he has to be don’t miss the word crucified.
I just wrote a new book. I finally did it.
I wrote what about me? What about me?
What about me? What about me? Now, it’s about dying to self.
It’s not for Sussies.
You don’t wanna buy that book when it comes out if you’re not ready.
It won’t but you got time to prepare.
It won’t come out till the fall of 20 24 next year.
I wish that I could write books like I wanna write and put titles on them.
Like, I wish I could just call it dying to self and people would buy it.
But, no, you gotta, I put, what about me?
And my publisher said, yeah, people, they want something for themselves. They want, oh, yeah. What about me?
So see, they’re gonna think it’s one thing, but when they get it, they’re gonna find out it’s something else.
I’ve had to get smart about this stuff.
You you can’t just tell people die to self. That’s not a popular message anymore.
So Dave prayed for somebody that needed help, and I was, I worried all the time.
I was impatient. I want to control everything. I got mad when I didn’t get my way.
I was selfish. When I was writing this book on What about me and dying to self?
I kept getting these little indications from god.
Well, why don’t you make Dave a cup of coffee?
Well, offer to do this for Dave and offer to do that, and Dave’s like, wow, What’s going on?
This is great. And I finally told him, I said, well, I’m writing a book on selfishness.
So I’m having to live it out.
I’ll be glad when this book’s done. I’ll be glad when this is over.
Oh, man, I was negative and critical and judgmental and unforgiving and had a victim of mentality and I was jealous and ungrateful and made excuses for all my bad behavior and on and on and on and on and on and on.
Is there anybody in here that was as bad as me? Oh, that was really.
Well, some of these things God has helped me to completely overcome.
But some of them, I’m maybe halfway there.
So, you know, you just keep pressing.
Toward that place of perfection that Paul talked about.
But in the meantime, you don’t And what is wrong with me?
There’s no perfect people out there. Not even the praetchers.
They may not tell you about all their stuff, but trust me, we got it.
We got stuff like everybody else does.
God changes on the inside when we’re born again, and we’re equipped with everything we need to live in a brand new way.
Listen to this. Ephesians 13.
Praise be to the god and father of our lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realm with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
It’s already done. Can I tell you something? We are not waiting for Jesus to do anything.
He has already done everything he’s going to do.
When I’m waiting on god, he’s waiting on us to believe it.
But you gotta believe it before you see it.
And I think you also need says his word before I ever heard a sermon on it.
The Holy Spirit taught me that.
I was a very negative person, and I was always saying negative stuff, and god started dealing with me about that.
And so I stopped saying negative things and I thought I was really doing good, but after 6 months, nothing had changed in my life.
So I went to God as well, but you know, I’ve been good.
I haven’t been saying negative things and nothing’s changed.
He said, you’re not saying negative things, but you’re not saying anything positive either.
So that was, I mean, that was really how god taught me that it’s not about just not doing the wrong thing.
Come on now. Get this. We have to do the right thing.
What did Jesus say?
If you cast out a devil and you leave the place empty and swept clean, it’ll bring 7 more worse than the one You can’t you you can’t have an empty space.
You gotta fill it up with the good things.
And if your mind is full of good things and there’s no place for bad thoughts to get in.
So we can’t just I’m gonna really work on not thinking bad thoughts Now you don’t need to even work on not thinking bad thoughts.
You just need to start thinking good thoughts.
We’re always working on something.
And Jesus has already done all the work that needs to be done. Let’s talk about the word try.
Oh, dear me. I tried, the law almost died.
I mean, I tried to be good, and I tried to be quiet, and I, you know, I tried, and I tried, and I tried, and I tried, You say, well, aren’t we supposed to try it?
Well, yes and no. You don’t try in the flesh.
The effort we make must be a wholly ghost led and infused effort.
If it’s not something that the Holy Spirit is leading you to do, Then it’s not gonna work.
Amen? We had somebody come through the church and they had to read the Bible through in a year plan.
The pastor said, Okay, we’re all gonna read the Bible through in a year. Okay.
We all got a calendar. You got a place to check check mark off, you know, what you read, if you read 6 chapters a day, you got through it in a year, 2 in the old testament, 2 in the new, one in proverbs, 1 in Psalms.
Got it. Went home, went to work.
Put the calendar on the refrigerators as long as I was and check marks.
I’d walk by there and I’d feel so good.
I put it on that refrigerator because I wanted people when they came in to ask me what it was.
Oh, I’m reading the Bible. The whole Bible through this year. Oh, wow.
And I was alright, because see, I was trying.
But then all of a sudden I started getting these gaping holes in my calendar.
Because you can only try until you get one out.
And then when you run out of yourself, If you don’t have god there, you are in big trouble.
Well, I didn’t start trying to read the Bible through in a year because the Holy Spirit led me to do it.
You know why I started doing it?
Because when the pastor asked on Sunday morning, who was reading the Bible through in a year?
I didn’t wanna be the only one that didn’t raise my hand.

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