The Stance of the Believer – Episode 2

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The Stance of the Believer – Episode 2

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Preflow Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world. Do you know that I was trained
to never get up as a pastor and say that I’ve been sick And I went to the doctor, or I had an operation.
You know what? You know what?
I was told not to
do that because you you something something wrong with your face.
If you if you got sick, something wrong with you, some so you you ain’t living right.
If you got cancer, you ain’t living right.
Oh, if you had to go to the hospital, something wrong, something wrong.
I can’t tell you what, that’s on our biggest lie. I was gonna say misconception. Lies. I’ve ever heard.
You remember that thing in John chapter 9 verse 1? When the boy who was born blind.
And they said, and the first thing they said,
who’s in?
That this boy was born blind. You or the parents.
The first thing they thought, but anytime go wrong, you did something to make it happen.
And so now, people are afraid to be real
about certain things, because some must be wrong.
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This is your world.
Sola’s vow to make it a at a place say
We are changed.
We could colossians chapter 1 and 13, and, uh, the King James and N NLT business The believer’s standard before god is not it can’t be changed, and man does not contribute the least towards that.
I am the righteousness of God right now.
I, I, I, I remember, and you’ve heard me testify this over and over again, is, Other an accountant session, this guy was talking about how he was just he said he said, I smoke weed all the time.
I said, well, you wanna be delivered? He says, not really.
And then then then things started changing a little bit.
And, um, he says, yeah, I I I I do. I said, well, it got due.
He says, what do I do? And I told him, and he laughed at it.
I said, well, do you believe you’re the righteousness of god? Can you accept that? He says, yes.
I receive it. I said, well, go ahead and start declaring your stance. I am the righteousness of god.
He says, okay. I said, so right now, you still have a desire to to do that.
He says, yeah. I said, so if that desire kicks in and you decide to smoke from we, while you’re picking it up, say, I’m the righteousness of god.
He’s like, what? See, because we thought, ain’t you a hypocrite?
And that’s, you know, it’s like, Ugh, anyway. And so I said, just do it.
And and he says, well, what if I put it in my mouth?
I say, well, before you put in your mouth, say, I’m righteous as a god.
He said, well, what if I light it up? I said, well, just say, I’m the righteousness of god.
He says, oh, this is ridiculous. He says, well, what if I smoke it?
I said, well, when you blow it and the smoke comes out, say I’m the righteousness of god.
So he thought that was ridiculous.
He didn’t understand his power of of the stance.
He had he did that, and he’d been doing that so much.
So one day he picked it up, and he said,
I’m the righteousness of god. Lick lit his fire, and he said, Wait a minute.
I don’t even want this. God been working in it.
I’m the righteousness of god. For real.
What happens to us, we want to achieve the thing first and then say what the stance says.
Instead of receiving the stance first, and it helps your life state achieve or come up to the place of where you can see.
It’s like, here’s the goal, and you reached that goal, and it didn’t even require much of your effort more than your belief in what Jesus says you are, and then now you’re balanced in what you were saying.
I wish somebody would’ve told me this. I just thought, well, I’m just going to hell.
Somebody said, you hold it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. You don’t know what I did last night.
And what you don’t understand is god knows you’re nothing but dust. Please understand that.
But those stuff you’re trying to blow off for everybody else.
I believe god knows the truth. He know you are hell deserving. No good for nothing sooner. That deserves hell.
He already know that. That’s why he decided to give you a gift and put the Holy Ghost in you because you need help.
You can’t do this yourself. He says, I’m gonna work in you because you can’t do this yourself.
I haven’t seen the last 30 years of your life, and it’s a mess. You need me.
Even though you don’t know you need me, you need me.
You ain’t gonna be able to make it without me. So here’s what I’m gonna do.
I’m gonna go ahead and call the end at the very beginning.
So if you die in the midst of the I says, I got you covered.
And if you stay there, I got you covered. But either way, I got you covered.
But religion always puts some kinda law based requirement on you.
Think about every religion in the
world says you gotta give up something to get something.
That means they ain’t no gift.
Because if you gotta give us something to get something, that’s not a gift. That’s something you’ve earned.
That’s something you’ve deserved. And that is exactly against what the grace of god is.
I think we got somewhere along the line, we just got too high strong.
We just walked around and thought, you know, you know, I’m I’m strong. I have faith.
And when I apply my faith, things are going to happen.
Hey, I don’t have no problem with that, but the reality is you’re still a jerk on the inside, and you need God.
And there’s some jerky things that you’ve been trying to deal with all your life And so what we do, rather than understanding how to allow god to deal with this, we make it a secret now.
And then we we deny stuff that’s really there,
and you cover it up with religious acting.
And you go around, and you’re like, oh, oh, hallelujah. Praise the lord.
And you’re molesting kids, and and you’re you’re acting like that doesn’t exist.
And you need you need help right there. You need god to help you right there.
But, but you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you hiding in the dark, you put a cover over you, and, and all we get is a false identity.
We never really get to know real you because you’re covered up the real you, and false identity produces, you know, false into men.
Everything about you is false. And when the cover is finally removed, you’re scared because Finally, you know, you you you get to know who you are.
Some of you get lost in in the lie.
And god god god’s just saying,
you ain’t got the lie to me.
I know you.
I know you. Just accept my stance.
Accept that you’re righteous, accept your redeem, accept the stance so I can go to work.
To cause it to be a reality. And you can finally express
in genuine authenticity.
The righteousness of god. That’s what he’s saying. But we’ve perfected phoneme is so much in
the church. I tell you it’s pitiful. It’s pitiful.
It’s hard to bring yourself to to trust a Christian because you don’t know what kind of Christian
that is. Is that a lying Christian? Oh, genuine, Christian.
What is that? Get real. You know
what freaks me out to If you’re gonna gonna be honest, which can tell you, it’ll freak me out.
Just freak Those parents that get up there, and proclaim their children are perfect, flawless, ain’t never been no problem.
You lie. And then I’m sitting
up here feeling inferior, well, not suck as a parent.
You know, because I’m looking at you. You’re all you’re all of this.
You ain’t never had no problem. And I’m thinking like, dang. Never? I’m thinking I got like 1,000,000.
What are you talking about?
I’m trying to figure out every move I make isn’t the right one. Oh my god.
This and that and stuff like that.
And I’m like and now I’m trying to strive for something that ain’t real.
Sure every parent has a challenge because you’re raising up a kid.
You have a challenge.
I just wish we would get real, please.
But you’re afraid to do that because of the standard by which religion has decided to judge you by.
And it’s not a standard that god is working in you,
We still judge people that we hadn’t seen in 20 years.
We judge them where they used to be in our lives, as if they hadn’t made no progress, and they probably not nowhere near what they used to be, you’re probably the same, but they probably nowhere near what they used to be.
Why do we do that?
It makes it uncomfortable being around Christian people knowing that they can’t even figure out how to be honest with who they are.
And it put it it it’s it’s putting pressure on everybody else to try to come up to this unreal mystic fake standard that you’re sharing with everybody in testimony form.
So that’s the first thing I don’t like.
The second thing I don’t like is the number of people who hear from god so often.
I’m like, wow, I’m the creature.
Thank you.
And it just it just makes it difficult.
It makes it unreal. It makes it as if it’s a Joe It makes it at if it’s a circus, and you
can kinda wonder why people just don’t wanna have to do with this spooky stuff. They’re weird Christians.
They’re weird Christians. They try to get close to you by manipulating spiritual gifts?
The lord told me something about you.
You wanna hear it me me me me me in my house at the number
I’m not coming to your house at 11 o’clock. You weirdo. I don’t even know you.
I don’t care how many times God speaks to you, I’m not coming to your house editor, but you know what?
Some weak Christians will. Oh, they
have a word for me. I’ll go.
No. Just no. They’re weird. Something’s not right.
The lord told me to tell you that you’re supposed to give me a $1000 every day.
I know you. I know I know you you ain’t heard from the lord.
I mean, wake up, folks. Just think.
Sometimes inferiority can be disguised by superiority.
It’s fake superiority.
But they gotta do something about their own inferiority So what they end up doing is try to act more superior than you do to cover up the inferiority complex
that they have in their own lives.
I’m like I’m like I’m like so over all of that.
I’m just so over all of it. I don’t you know, some guy comes up trying to out of me.
I’m like, hey. Keep it. Keep it. I don’t want it right now. Yep. But you need to hear this.
I I’ll be fine. Just and pat it back. Just keep it. Don’t give it to me.
I don’t want it. Just keep it.
But the lord said you need to have it. Just keep it. I don’t want it. I’ll ask him about
it when I pray tonight. Just keep it.
I don’t want it. I don’t want it because you tell me something
that just may introduce some fear in my life, because I’m thinking about what you said.
Just, just keep it because I can tell the condition you’re trying force it on
me, you’re getting mean, your attitudes changing, and
it won’t be long before you cussing me out.
You gotta receive what this blank blank property I’m trying to give you.
You and I I don’t want it. I don’t want it because you’re playing church so much.
I just don’t want it. I don’t know you.
I think God knows enough people that are in my whole as a whole is that he can choose them.
Why does he have to use dude who’s weird to make me meet you at your house at 11 o’clock to get some word that I could probably get while I’m reading the bible.
I just don’t wanna do it.
I don’t wanna play church anymore. I don’t wanna play church no more. Don’t wanna play church.
I don’t wanna add no circus no more. I I wanna get into what’s real.
I wanna get into what’s authentic. Do you know do you know that
I was trained to never get up as a pastor and say that I’ve been sick and I went to the doctor, or I had an operation.
You know, you know, I was told not to do that because you you’re some something wrong with your faith.
If you if you got sick, something wrong with you, some so you you ain’t living right.
If you got cancer, you ain’t living right.
Oh, if you had to go to the hospital, something wrong, something wrong.
I can’t tell you what, that’s one of our biggest lie. I was gonna say misconception. Lies.
I’ve ever heard. You remember that thing in John chapter 9 verse 1, when a boy who was born blind, and they said and the first thing they said,
who’s in?
That this boy was born blind. You were the parents.
The first thing they thought, that any time go wrong. You did something to make it happen.
And so now people are afraid to be real.
About certain things, because something must be wrong. Because if you were really
a mad of faith, You would have never gotten cancer. You would have never had to have an operation.
I am a real man of faith, but real men of faith sometimes have uh-uh a thorn in their flesh.
And Paul said, god, move this thorn out of my fast.
And he said, Ask three times. And god said, I’m not moving the thorn. I’m not moving the trouble.
I’m not putting out the fire.
I’m not taking a lie by the den, you’re gonna go through this until you know that my grace is sufficient for you.
You’re gonna go through this until you can learn how to be strong when you’re weak.
You didn’t see me the last 3 years getting up here complaining about what I was going through.
You didn’t see me the last 3 years getting up here talking about, oh, y’all need to pray for me.
You didn’t get a pen done. No. No. No. I just kept on preaching.
I went out of town and preached what boils on me.
I just put a big shirt on and went ahead and preach why?
Because I had to know that when I am weak, he is strong.
The real difference is not that something happened but how you came out.
Can you say that he is a deliverer? Yes. Can you say that he is a he a yes.
Can you say that he’s a waymaker? Yes. Can you say that he’s a financeer? Yes, amen.
Can you say but he’s a god that sits high and looks low. Yes.
Can you say you are healed?
Yes. Because he brought my state up to my stance.
And now I know.
He said, Abraham, take your son.
You’ll own his son to this mountain and kill him.
Oh, Abraham must have did something
wrong. Yeah. Yeah.
And he got up there, and he says, I trust god.
This looked like a crazy situation, but I depend on god in the middle of the crisis.
How many of y’all had a crazy situation to come up in your life?
And you trying to figure out how did this happen? Why did this happen? How could god let it happen?
Where is holy ghost. Where is all of this thing?
I’ve been doing all I know to do to please you and hear this stuff happen right if you ever been there, but I don’t focus on the circumstance no more.
I don’t focus on the fiery furnace. When I’m in a fire, I’m looking for the 4th man.
I looking to make sure that he is
And thank god he’s giving me a little break, but they they live college and stuff in persecution.
Oh, no. We all get this thing, uh, that life’s just supposed to be pizza king and floating on the cloud and drinking some coke.
Like, that’s what heaven’s gonna be like. He’s preparing you for that right now. And I’m prepared for it.
It’s helped me to be delivered from people and helped me to be delivered from this this religious circus, but we’re just blowing smoke in people’s ears.
And it’s like, it’s not even real.
And we walk around sanctimonious with our heads held high and pride.
And then we we go to church like, you know, let’s see who’s gonna be there.
Let’s let’s have this big lineup and let’s have a big show.
And, you know, since we failed in the world, maybe we can be success in the church.
It’s it’s it’s it’s crap, man.
I traveled over 8,000,000 miles.
I’m getting ready to travel 10,000,000 miles.
Until the world gets that Jesus is grace who does not need you
to make any contribution to the gifts that
he give towards men.
Now people who have never been in
church, you don’t even know what I’m talking about. Like, what’s what’s up?
People who just got saved and you you didn’t have a chance to go through the the deception of religion and church, you probably sent a pill You know, you those who grew up in the church, I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
I’ll I’ll always always learn this, but those of us who it’s just And, you know, there’s, there’s a price to pay when you, when you talk like this.
You lose friends? And
that kind of stuff. That’s why I got I gotta make Jesus, my friend.
You met her oldest son. Jesus is my only.
Listen, god can the easiest thing in the world, god can bring new people in your life.
Yeah. Somebody won’t have anything to do.
They’re just gonna miss out on a great some great friends.
But what I’m not gonna do is go to heaven and have to give an explanation of why I allowed people bondage to stop me from being led of the Holy Spirit in simplicity and understanding.
Oh, glad I got that. Now
Now look at this, colossians 113.
This is fascinating. This is really helping you to get delivered from yourself and start recognizing where god is in your life.
Notice he has delivered us from the power of darkness.
He have translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.
Half past
tense done, done it. So look what he says.
He’s delivered us from the power of darkness already He has taken out of the world and placed us into the realm of the son of god already.
When I got born again, he took me out of the world, not out of the earth, but he took me out of this world system and placed me into the realm of the son of god.
Now look at John 17 verses verse 1114. John 11,114.
If we’re gonna get the truth, we gotta stick with the word, and we gotta stick with it in context, and we gotta learn how to rightly divide it.
Or I could just I could just you can just come to church every Sunday, and I’ll just
preach what you already know. I just preach what you already know.
He won’t grow because I’m just preaching with y’all right now.
Verse 11, he says, and now I am no more in the world.
But these are in the world. And I come to thee.
Holy father keep through thy own name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are one.
Jesus says I’m no longer of this world.
Look at verse 14.
I have given them by word, and the world has hated them.
Are you willing to be hated by the world for the words sake?
I don’t expect for anybody to call me to give me some prestigious award because, uh, I tell too much of the truth.
For a long time, I was, you know, the controversial
pastor, Cliff Lo Dollar. I don’t care.
don’t expect to be anything else because truth is controversy.
If a lady who’s £400, if you say You’re fat. That’s controversy.
It’s the truth, but it’s still controversy.
Truth is controversy.
And there are not a lot of people who want to deal with truth.
I have and then they’ll cancel you because you don’t deal with their truth.
I’m getting ready to, to, to produce something that’s very raw.
My feelings about church and politics, racism in the country, messed up history, abortion.
I’m gonna deal with all of that from my heart.
But they can’t play it until I leave.
Because it’s too much.
People can’t handle that damn true.
You keep trying to violate my most basic right as a human, And that is I have a right.
The Bible says choose life or death.
And you try you keep trying to legislate It’s tough for you not supposed
to be next late. God said, god said, I’ll take care of all of that.
I’m a take care of every bit of that.
I got that, but you try to get Like, god ain’t got it.
You you you you try to get it. Don’t talk. Don’t pick out all of it.
Well, I don’t like where that person living.
God, god, he took care of you, didn’t he?
Is there a difference between who god says you are and what you see in yourself every day?
Don’t worry. God’s not done with you yet.
Creflo dollar uncovers how god works to line up your stance and your state in his series when will I be what god says I am?
I am the righteousness of god. That’s my stance in Christ,
but my state my actual walk
may not look so righteous.
Your state won’t change your stance, but your stance is working to change your state because you’re not responsible
for this progression. God is.
All four messages of this revealing series can be yours today for a love gift of 25 dollars for CDs or 35 US dollars for DVDs.
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I am who god says I am. I can be who god says I can be, and I’m gonna go where god says I can go.
Laura Pickett. We don’t see things as they are. What we see are things as we are. Chrislyn McNair.
Jesus knows the end before the anything. He has already established our lives, experienced them, tested, improved, and successful.
And doctor Anita Phillips. This is where he walks with you and talks with you and tells you he’s his own your own.
This is where he sees you face this.
On March 14th 15th, for sessions to lead you into a season of fulfillment.
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The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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