The Best of Priscilla Shirer: Inspiring Messages of God’s Perfect Plan for Us!

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 Inspiring Messages of God’s Perfect Plan for Us!

Priscilla Shirer shares a few of her most inspiring messages on TBN, encouraging us to understand the power of prayer, to seek after holiness, and to walk in God’s perfect plan for us.

Don’t waste your time trying to win people over. Maybe if you do good enough, they’ll let you in their group, they’ll approve you. If they don’t recognize the gift that you are, then you need to go somewhere else. You don’t have to convince people of what you have to offer, work hard enough, hoping that they’ll like you or maybe they’ll show you favor. That’s letting them control you. There are people that will celebrate you, approve you, love you, think you’re awesome. But until you get rid of the wrong people, you’ll never meet the right people. Until you get rid of those controllers, you’ll never meet the divine connections.

There is no relationship you’re in that if it is out of alignment with the truth of god that the Holy Spirit himself won’t help you to sever so that you can walk in whole every single one of us has an assignment, and the day is coming.
When work will have to give up. There is a chapter he is crafting.
A manuscript he’s writing that one day when we see him face to face, we’re gonna see the story that he was telling And every single crown we get, we’re gonna turn around and place it right back at his feet.
Say thank you, Lord, for this privilege that we had to live a life a life in relationship with you.
Jerry and I live in a fairly rural part of Dallas Fort Worth. We like it that way.
Close enough to the city. We can get there quick, but it’s quiet and lazy.
We live on a little two lanes, sleepy road. Somebody’s got some horses over there. There’s some cows over there.
And one of my closest friends lives across the street.
That’s why we like it because she’s got a pond in the front of her property.
So I’ll get the boys and the 2 fishing poles I bought on sale at the local Walmart.
I have a tackle box too that I got on sale there because and, you know, we need things.
We need extra because the boys always lose the hooks, extra bobber thingies, you know, because we need extras of those.
I also have gloves in the tackle box because y’all know I don’t mind going fishing, but I ain’t finna actually touch no fish.
So we walk across the street with whatever hot dog meat we’ve got left from the week.
Because, you know, we’re professional fishermen, so our hot dog meat is our bait. We walk across the street.
We stand in this little cove underneath some trees, and we fish just right there most of the time.
Just little sunperch, stuff like that, we can catch quick.
In an hour, we can catch, like, 10 or 12 fish, just a little quick, easy, little fishing trip.
Every now and then, though, I’m feeling adventurous.
What that means is is that we will get into my friend’s little robo they bought on Craigslist.
It’s metal. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a little It’s seaworthy. It can hold us up.
That’s all we need. I’ll swim.
I will, uh, grow out into the middle, and we’ll fish from there every now and then.
But I always think twice before I do it, and here’s the reason.
Because in order to get in it, we first have to turn it over.
They leave it upside down as they should to drain water while nobody’s using it, so I gotta turn it over to get in it.
And what I do know for sure is that when I turn this thing over, Something is either gonna hop out from underneath it?
Something’s gonna waddle out from underneath it or worst of all. Oh, something’s gonna slither.
Out from underneath that boat because the environment under there is moist and damp and perfect for critters.
Do you know what I’ve noticed every single time we turn it over? Something comes out.
And never once have I had to write a golden sealed invitation and send it into the brush nearby, to invite the critters to come and join us at 1 o’clock today.
You’re welcome. Never once have I had to invite them because the environment created by the upside down vote is invitation enough.
Righteousness is right side up living that invites the sunlight of god’s favor and blessing upon your life.
Unrighteousness is upside down behavior that is out of alignment with the truth of god that you’ve been sitting underneath for the last few days.
It’s behavior that is out of alignment with the truth of god to where you don’t have to invite the enemy and come and make himself at home in your life, you just keep living upside down.
And the environment created by upside down behavior is invitation enough. Listen to me.
You can pray against the enemy till you’re blue in the face, but if you and I leave passion and we do not walk in holiness, We do not live in our lifestyle that is in alignment with the truth of god.
We will have wasted our breath in prayer. Perce. Somebody’s gotta live right.
It’s flat out straight up. Holiness. Holyness.
It’s a word that our our grandmothers and our grandfathers back in the good old days when you went to church and you sat on a wooden pew.
It’s before some churches became so pre seekers sensitive. I remember y’all, I went listen. I’m off track. Listen.
I went to a church, and they said, we are a pre secret sensitive church.
And so we actually want to sort of uh, in a way they said dull down the actual literal name of Jesus just so we can get people in first, then we will We will be more direct later on.
I said, oh, you have invited the wrong person.
Because there used to be a day in time, where it was just black and white, where there were fewer gray areas and tolerance.
Yes. Come as you are, but don’t stay as you are. Holyness.
Brothers and sisters, I implore you by the mercies of god.
To walk in a manner worthy of this calling by which you have been called.
That every bit of truth that you have received this weekend to align your lifestyle to it, to not determine that you will still dig your heels into the ground and live immorally or speak immorally or do the things habits and life styles and choices and relationships that you know are outside of alignment with the truth of god.
Turn the boat right side up. So that you can invite the favor of god on your life.
The apostle Paul says righteousness is your breastplate. The Roman army in the 1st century.
They had many pieces of armor as you know, but the breastplate would have been one of the most critical.
The reason why was because it obviously protected the most vital organ they had, their heart.
The heart is the lifeline for your physical well-being all of the blood flow, the vitality, the energy that you need to function in every level of your life comes from the vitality of your physical heart.
What the physical heart is to the physical life. Your spiritual heart is to your spiritual life.
All of the vitality, the energy that you need to be who god has created you to be, to have fervency in your prayer life, to follow him with passion and with fire, to read the Bible, and just be ink on a page, but you hear his voice speaking to you to have clear reception between you and the Holy Spirit.
You need a vital spiritual heart.
That’s why if I were your enemy more than all else, I’d be after your heart.
Because one shot to the spiritual heart will wipe you out.
Your spiritual heart is comprised of 4 things.
Your mind, the way you think, your emotions the way you feel your ambitions, what you purpose to do, and your conscience.
Your conscience is not the voice of god.
But your conscience is like this wiring that helps this microphone amplify my voice.
The the conscience is the microphone that the holy spirit uses to help you hear the voice of god.
So if I were your enemy, I’d be after your heart because if I could get to your heart, that would mean I would have automatic access to your mind.
Now I could tinker with your thinking.
With the way you feel and make sure they’re out of alignment with the truth of god.
I can mess with your ambitions to where what you wanna do is totally out of alignment with what god wants you to do and more than all else, I’d wanna make it sure I have a shot to your heart so that I can short circuit the wires between you and the Holy Spirit.
Now you can’t even hear god speak to you because you didn’t have a breastplate on.
The apostle Paul says holiness is your breastplate.
Holiness blocks you from a full frontal attack of the enemy.
Holiness keeps the enemy at bay to where when he comes looking around for some people that he infiltrate some upsell debt side down environments that he can fester him.
He can’t find that with me or with you because we’ve chosen right side up living, aligning ourselves with the truth of god, breastplates in place, securing us against the schemes of the enemy.
Holliness is your breastplate. I came to tell you to live right.
I came to tell you not to just have heard all of this, to go home and live in accordance with it.
B. Yee. Holly.
Not by your power, not by your might, but by the spirit of god.
There is no relationship you’re in that if it is out of alignment with the truth of god that the Holy Spirit himself won’t help you to sever so that you can walk in holiness.
There is no lifestyle you are living that is too, uh, that you’re too wound up in that you can’t break free from no matter.
How you feel In this moment, you can walk in holiness. There is no way you have been speaking.
No addiction that you have. No habit that you have been festering in your lives, that you have been harboring in your life that the Holy Spirit won’t empower you to break free from so that you can walk underneath the banner, the favor of holiness in your life.
Be ye holy If you’re a believer in Jesus Christ, you got an assignment.
And don’t let anybody tell you that your assignment isn’t ministry because it happens to be in a corporate setting.
Mother of small children who’s chosen to stay home with those kids don’t let anybody tell you that a ministry every single time you make that chicken for dinner and you set it on that table and you teach those kids a Bible verse before bedtime.
Don’t let anybody tell you that that ministry corporate woman, when you sit around that boardroom table, and you’re the only one that has a set of ideals that lines up with the truth of scripture at a table with those who are thinking and thing and planning in a way that is left of god’s word.
Don’t let anybody tell you that you around that boardroom, a ministry. That’s ministry.
High school student college student, you’re the only student that stands for truth when your professor says this is the way it is, and you say No.
That’s not the way it is.
Don’t let anybody tell you as the light on that college campus that you are not in ministry.
Every single one of us has an assignment, and the day is coming when we’re gonna have to give an account.
And here’s the thing. You don’t know when that day is?
The day is coming, and you don’t know the day or the hour.
Neither do I when we’re gonna have to stand before him and give an account for how we handled what he had entrusted to us.
I’m asking you tonight how are you handling your assignment Because young women, if you think that you’re young because of your age, listen to me, if you’re twenty, but you only have till 30, you’re pretty old.
If you’re fifty and you’re gonna live until 100, then you’re pretty young.
Age is just a number my friend, and you and I cannot qualify young or old based birth based on our our birth dates.
It’s based on our death date.
Because, listen, I don’t know about y’all, but when I see him face to face, I’m looking for a well done.
I’m looking for well done.
When I see him, he will not ask me how many Instagram followers I had.
He will not wonder whether or not folks liked my post.
He will not be interested in whether or not my selfies were perfectly lit. He will ask me.
Did I know his son? And then I will give an account So the disciples, they come, and they give an account to Jesus.
I wondered if there was a recipe for effective ministry, because if these guys were willing come and look Jesus in his face and give an account, I figured there might be a recipe for us for effective ministry.
I’m interested. Anybody There are 3 ingredients to the recipe. Loop chapter 9 verse 1.
It says he called them He called them, and his calling superseded any personal ambition that they had they laid down whatever they were going to do because they heard the call of god beckoning them to do something else.
The beautiful thing about that entire picture is that all of the glory of god, the father, all of the glory of heaven was packaged in human flesh.
Jesus wanted so much. God, the father wanted so much to make sure that he could speak and so that humanity could hear that he left his throne and glory put on flesh so that the disciples can hear us call.
And in the same way, he has given us the Holy Spirit so that each and every one of us have the privilege to hear the calling of god on our lives.
The conviction, the unction, the pressing, the fire that is shut off in your bones, sending you in a particular direction heed the call of god on your lives.
Then they were not just called.
I love so much that before he skips to the 3rd, uh, ingredient and the rest He’s sending them.
I love that before we get to the third one, there’s that second one.
He did not just call, but then he gave them power and authority.
It means that what he was calling them to do, he was simultaneously equipping them with supernatural power to be able to pull it off.
So it’s good news for anybody in the room that you feel like you’ve got a dream that is way over your head.
You’ve been called to do something you don’t have the money for, you don’t have time for.
You don’t have the patience for. You don’t have the gifting for. You don’t have the talent for.
You don’t have the connections for.
The good thing and the great thing about our god is that he does not call people who are already equipped.
He calls you. And then for the people that say yes, he equips them with what I need for the calling.
He entrusted them with power and authority.
And can I tell you why this is important?
This is important because in order to accomplish and accomplish supernatural tasks, you have to have supernatural capacity.
In other words, you can be the most talented person in the world.
But if you go in your own strength and power, you still won’t be able to accomplish the god calling on your life.
It requires what it is that only god himself can give to you. To accomplish the task.
Oh, the enemy hopes you will go in your own power.
He hopes you will think you are flashy enough and savvy enough in talented enough and impressive enough so that you will no longer lean on god instead of leaning to your own understanding.
And it is not by power, and it is not by might, it is by the spirit of god, and some trust in horses, other folks trust in chariots, but not us.
We trust in the name of the lord our god.
So he called them, and then he entrusted them.
He gave them some treasure. And then he sent them He’s the one who did the sending.
Yes. Resist the urge to send your self to do something that it is not yet time for.
Because just as important as our calling is, that is equally as important as the timing is in which that calling is outworked in our lives.
And if you go too soon, you might if you if you give birth too soon to that which god is trying to produce through you, you might abort What it is that he’s trying to accomplish in you, the spiritual backbone, the fortification that he was trying to establish in you so that you could handle the spotlight wouldn’t hit you because, listen, that spotlight that you may be craving if it hits you and you have no character, it will burn you to a crisp So he called them.
He entrusted them. He sent them out, and they returned to him and gave an account. They were tired.
The disciples had been given at everything they had.
And I know there are some of you in the room, and you would admit that you haven’t done it per perfectly, but, man, you sure been purposeful.
You’ve been intentional about this marriage. You’ve been given it everything you’ve got.
You’ve been intentional about that teenager.
You’ve been given that kid everything you got, this toddler that has the specific bent or specific issue that you’ve been doing everything you can going to see every expert that you can, reading everything that you can to be the best that you can.
As a mother, single mother, you’ve been given at everything that you’ve got, working the jobs that you’ve gotta work to keep food on the table.
You’ve been given that business, that ministry, that endeavor, everything that you have, and you, the disciples are tired.
The good news about Jesus is that when the disciples come to him tired, he does not say.
Go away from me and get yourself together Come back and then I can use you.
He says come away. With me. In other words, listen.
The cure for your exhaustion is intimacy with Jesus.
That’s the cure y’all I’m saying I agree. Take the holiday.
Take the vacation. Tell them you need a little sabbatical. You gotta step back for just a little bit.
You need a little margin in your life. Take the holiday, but don’t take a holiday from Jesus.
Don’t take the sabbatical from your relationship with the lord.
Prayer shouldn’t exit your schedule because these are your rest days.
You still need to be the deer that pants after the water your soul has still gotta be replenished and can only be replenished when you have intimacy with him.
My husband is here as well. We have 3 sons. Um, they’re fourteen 12:8.
Jackson is our oldest and then Jerry Junior, and then Jude. Jude is our surprise, baby.
Jude. That’s why I named him Jude because that’s as close as I could get to revelation because it is finished.
That’s it. That’s the end of the line. Jackson, Jerry Junior, and Jude.
And Jude and I were sitting together on an airplane, and he was seated over the wing.
We’re we’re our seats were directly over the wing of the airplane.
And so he was sort of just looking out at the wing of the plane, and there we were suspended in mid air flying to our destination.
And I could tell he was mesmerized by this whole concept that this tube of steel is in the air holding us up and that, um, this this wing is connected to the plane.
He was sort of just dissecting this entire this entire situation.
And as he looked over the wing, he looked back at me and said, mom, how do they get that wing on this plane?
And I said, buddy, I gotta be honest with you. I have no idea.
I have no idea how they get that wing on the plane.
I don’t know how it works, but I have an idea for you, Jade.
You have an uncle, their dad’s brother, uncle Von, He works in the airline industry.
He actually works in the business where they they make all the veins and the wiring that connects the different parts of the aircraft.
So I saw this as a teachable moment.
I said, you should talk to your uncle Von when we get home, and it’d be a great opportunity for you to learn something.
And then I said to him, you know what?
You can be whatever you wanna be when you grow up, dude. Do you know that?
You can do whatever you wanna do.
Like, if you wanna make airplanes like your uncle Von when you grow up, You can so totally do that if you’d like to.
And as I said that to him, I said, buddy, you can be anything you wanna be in your life.
Anything you wanna do, you can do it.
He looked back at me, and he said, mom, I don’t wanna do what uncle Von does when I grow up.
I wanna do what you do when I grow up.
You know, it’s one of those moments where you’re just thinking, baby, what do whatever you want, I’m a give it to you.
Oh, but wait for it.
Because I looked back at him and said, Buddy, what does mama do?
Now I had expectations about what his answer was going at least some framework about how he might respond.
Lord, I’d love to or mom, I’d love to share the lord with people.
Mom, I’d like to write, mom, I would like to do a a myriad of different things maybe that he could have said, but he looked back and he’s he said, mom, I wanna do nothing just like you.
You do nothing all day, every day. You do nothing.
I said, buddy, you see how like the clothes you’re wearing right now are clean.
How do you think that they actually get clean? He said, well, that’s just like washing. That’s no big deal.
I said, but you eat every day. You eat actual food. How do you think it gets cooked?
It’s that’s what moms do. That’s no big deal.
And I said, but, you know, every now and then there’s a book or there might be a Bible study.
There’s even there was a little film, a little movie.
Remember it spent we spent, like, 3 months maybe that that what do you think I’m doing?
He’s like, you’re just sitting behind the computer all day. Just doing this. You’re doing nothing.
I laughed, and then I thought in that moment right after the conversation how much that is like my relationship with the lord.
In fact, there was confirmation of that because the very next day, and I only share this with you to make this point, but the very next day after that conversation with Dude, my publisher sent me an email.
They sent an email to tell me about something that they know I never know because I’m keeping up with 3 sons.
They said, Priscilla, we just wanna let you know that fervent a little book that I had written.
We want you to know that it’s on the New York Times bestseller list. It actually won a few awards.
They said that to me in the email And all I could do when I looked at it was chuckle because it was just the day before that my son said to me that when I was doing to him, to what looked like and amounted to nothing.
That is exactly when I was crafting something that hopefully would be a blessing to people’s lives.
And the Holy Spirit said to me, that’s just like you and me, Priscilla, because I’m behind the scene orchestrating and crafting the chapters of your story.
All the while, you think I’m doing nothing.
You point an accusatory finger at me wondering where I am and why I’m not hearing your request and why I’m not moving in the way that you would like me to move.
You’re assuming that I’m sitting back passively ignoring you where all the while I am busy making a story out of your life, the likes of which you can imagine.
I came to encourage somebody today that there’s a chapter that is being written right now with your story.
I’m talking about right now in that difficulty right now in that valley year of your marriage right now in that trouble in your finances, that difficulty on your job that hardship with your coworker.
I’m talking about that one coworker, the one that if she says one, both into you, you’re gonna knock her out.
That one. There is a chapter he is crafting.
A manuscript he’s writing that one day when we see him face to face, we’re gonna see the story that he was telling.
And every single crown we get, we’re gonna turn around and place it right back at his feet and say thank you lord for this privilege that we had to live a life.
A life in relationship with you.
And so even with these hardships and even with these hurts, we pray and we pray in gratitude.
We pray in gratefulness in advance, thanking him, for the answer that he will give us that is simultaneous to what we’ve asked for or the answer that is so far beyond our capacity to even comprehend and pray that we trust him for something that that has so much generational ripple effect, the likes of which we may never see in our grandchildren and our great grandchildren and our great great grandchildren I’m so glad for the prayers of a grandmother and a great grandmother and grandfather in my life who prayed some stuff that y’all they didn’t get to see the fruit of their prayer.
But how glad I am that they trusted him to do what they were asking or something better?

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