Prayer for the day! September 20, 2023

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September 20, 2023

Ever impress upon us, Lord Jesus, that it is through grace that we came to know You; that it is because of You that we stand righteous before You.

God is saying to you today,
“My child, In moments when you feel
unsteady or when the ground beneath
seems to waver, hold onto My assurance
from Deuteronomy: “The eternal God is
your refuge, and underneath are the
everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27).
My arms are always ready to catch you,
to support you, to lift you up. Whether
you’re soaring in joy or navigating a
challenge, know that you are cradled in
My unending care and protection.”


God is saying to you today,
“l am your provider.
I will provide all you need.
My ways are perfect. I will
always take care of you,
so rest in Me.”


God’s Messages

Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us.

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