Saturday Blessings! August 12, 2023 💌🙏❤️

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Saturday Blessings! August 12, 2023 💌🙏❤️

Heavenly Father, I thank You for this Saturday! As the weekend begins I ask that You would watch over me and my family. Protect as we go out and let Your joy be our strength. Let us become attentive to Your still small voice and gentle nudges. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Holy Spirit, I ask that this Saturday would be a day of rest. Give me peace in my heart and mind. Help to trust you with the situations in my life that I can’t control. Help me to break off worry, and striving. So that I can fully hand over every area of my life to You. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen and amen!

God, I come before You this Saturday and I ask that You would give me eyes to see and ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying and doing. Draw me close to You so that I may feel Your precious presence and experience Your goodness. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen!

Dear God,

As we reflect on the events of Holy Week, we come before you on this Holy Saturday with reverence and awe. We remember that on this day, Jesus lay in the tomb, his body lifeless and still, as the world waited for his resurrection.

We ask for your comfort and strength as we contemplate the mystery of this day. Help us to understand the significance of Jesus’ death and to trust in the promise of his resurrection.

May we also remember that on this day, Jesus descended into hell to free the souls of the faithful who had died before his coming. May we be inspired by his love and mercy, and may we be grateful for the salvation that he has won for us.

As we go through this day, we ask for your guidance and wisdom to help us live as faithful followers of Christ. May we be filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to share the good news of his resurrection with others.

Thank you for your love and grace, and for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.

In his name, we pray.


Saturday Morning Prayers

Heavenly Father, I praise and glorify You! I thank You for this Saturday morning. Thank you that today is doing to be blessed. Lord, I thank You that You will guide and teach me. Help my heart and my mind to be transformed into Your likeness. Give me a fresh hunger for Your Word and truth. Cleanse me and make me new in You. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

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Lord Jesus, On this Saturday morning I ask you that you teach me. Teach me to be more like You, Lord. How to walk in kindness, mercy, love, integrity, and boldness. Let me become an extension of your hands and feet to this world. In the name of Jesus, amen!

Father God, Thank You so much for Your goodness and salvation. You are a good God and I am so thankful to have You in my life. You are my treasure! Lord I ask that you would bless this Saturday morning. Help me to keep my eyes on Your son Jesus. Let my heart become steadfast and firm in faith in You O’ Lord. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior…amen and amen!

Saturday Prayers for Family

God, I lift up my family this Saturday. And I ask you humbly that You would protect each one of them. That You would be their guide and help in times of need. Lord, I lift up those who don’t know You. God bring them to Salvation in Your Son Jesus. Soften their hearts and transform them for your glory. Bless this day for my family. In the name of Jesus, amen!

Lord Jesus, I thank you for my family. Thank you for my spouse and children. You have blessed me greatly and I praise You for showing me so much kindness. Draw my family close to You and wrap them up in Your loving arms. Watch over us and assign angels to protect us O’ Lord. In the name of Jesus, amen.


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