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“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Almost every book you read has the name of the author on it, who worked long and hard to create it. But not with the gospels. We put names on them according to whom we believe wrote them. But they didn’t put their name on them. The fact is, the gospels are nameless. The point is whom they’re written about, not who wrote them. The point is Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus. The gospels glorify Him, communicate Him and reveal Him. So you are called to glorify the Lord and reveal Him to the world. But to do that, you need to be like the writers of the gospels. You need to take yourself out of the picture. Take your glory out of the scene and become more selfless and anonymous. Get into the joy of losing yourself, doing things only for God to see them. Then He will be revealed, as in the gospels. Then His glory will shine through your life as in the gospels, and your life will become a gospel, good news, everywhere. Because the gospel is nameless, except for God’s name. You be likewise.

We’re going to do something today that we normally wouldn’t do.
We’re going to show you a portion of Jonathan’s presentation from our recent last Trump virtual conference.
As always, Jonathan delivered a very powerful message that we think you should hear.
Unfortunately, due to the time constraints of television, we won’t be able to show you the message in its entirety, but we’ve made it available to you exclusively on our free app and on our website Prophecy Watchers dot TV.
And so without further ado, here’s Jonathan, this is Jonathan Kahn and I want to say Shalom to all of you at uh Prophecy Watchers Conference and my friends, uh Gary and Bob, uh who I’ve worked with uh in many ways.
Um And always been a great blessing.
And so uh it’s a blessing to be here with you for the last Trump conference.
What a name that is. Well, these are dramatic times and, but asked to give a prophetic message and the prophetic message is what I have to give anyway for this hour.
Um And so in many ways, it’s gonna be a trumpet call for this time, the days of trumpet.
So this is from the, or this is linked to the new book, which is the, my, my newest book, which is The Harbinger Two.
the return. Now that now I can only touch on it on the things that I said, but you’ll get an idea and there’s so much more to, uh, there’s so many more mysteries that I can touch upon and in each mystery, there’s so much more.
But what is this about? What does the uh what I’m calling the Harbinger two reveal is America heading for judgment.
We since uh I was last ministering on this ministry, um We’ve experienced uh great shakings.
Are those shakings that have come upon the world and particularly upon America.
Are they a sign of the approach of judgment? Has the ancient mystery behind the harbinger?
Has it continued to this very hour? And is that what is behind what is happening right now in America?
Was there more to the mystery beginning with 9 11 that was not revealed?
And that has to do with what’s happening now.
And I felt a strong sense that 2020 was gonna be a year of shakings.
I spoke in those terms to my congregation on the first week of the year about because I always pray for a word for the year.
And that’s what I said that this, I believe I spoke about shakings on this year and, and judgments and dark events.
And so I had a strong sense that what was given in the Harbinger was gonna resume was going to be taken up, was gonna take up again and that the shakings that began with the Harbinger were going to be now and it was gonna be for God’s purposes.
And so I knew I had to write the Harbinger two for this year for the, for the everything that’s happening and everything that was going to happen when I first started writing.
Well, when I for the, the year began, I met with my publishers and told them that I, I this is what I need to do.
Um And so the Harbinger and I started writing it in January and then all these things happened particularly came upon America in March.
The Harbinger too. It’s gonna reveal the why, why is all this happening?
How all of it is actually the manifestation of the, the mystery that began with Harbinger.
What is the harbinger? The harbinger reveals the biblical mystery of judgment.
It begins with a nation that I known God has fallen from God been warned of God.
And then comes the first shaking a strike on the land, the enemy is allowed to strike the land, an enemy attack, but it’s limited, it’s contained, but it’s a wake up call shakes the nation.
But then what happens after that in the mystery?
The nation is given a window of time for something to happen, for repentance to come back to turn back to God if it doesn’t, well, if it does, if there’s revival, then that, that is a judgment is averted.
But if it doesn’t, and it continues on in its course away from God, then judgment kicks in.
Shakings come greater than the first. And that’s where we are.
We’re at a much more dangerous time now than when I first wrote the Harbinger.
Now I’m going to share a little bit of some of the signs that have happened since the Harb that are in the harbinger.
Two second job, I can only touch on just a few in the last days of Israel before judgment, signs of the gods appear in the land.
Ezekiel is taken to see one of these.
He says, I saw the image, I saw the image, the idol or the image he act, you know, and he says, and then at that moment, God says, now comes judgment.
Now judgment, the image. Now in America, we’re not gonna put up gods or image of gods.
We don’t, we don’t, we won’t admit to that.
But when you drive God out of the, out of your culture, gods come in, you don’t call me God, call them gods, but they’re gods, gods of, of money, gods of lust, gods of self, gods of success, gods of a million things.
You end up serving something else. America has its own American idols, you end up serving something.
But how is this going to appear this sign that in the last days of a nation that signs of the gods of here when we don’t, we don’t express it that way.
Well, it happened, it happened in New York City, the city of the harbingers.
Interesting because they, to make the image, they had a project light, a lot of light.
And what was the image? It was the image of the God, the God of darkness.
So they’re using, they’re putting light for darkness.
What does the Bible say to those who call evil, a nation that calls evil, good and good, evil and puts light for darkness?
And Kay is the God of death.
You got the God of death looming over New York City, looming God of death and destruction over New York City warning.
Let me give you another of in this, there’s so much but this is in this section of things to of things that have hap have come since one of the nine harbingers was a tree.
If you remember, it says the bricks of fall and says the sycamore tree has been struck down.
We will plant cedars or the tree in its place.
Well, on 9 11, an actual sycamore tree was struck down just like here.
What are the people in New York? Did?
They actually planted another tree in its place just like in this scripture?
They didn’t just plant another tree in its place.
They had a ceremony around it and the tree was a Conifer just like the tree in the Bible.
And it was an tree literally.
They, so they’re doing this act of judgment without realizing what they’re doing and they plant it there.
And in the Bible, that’s a sign of defiance that the nation is saying I’m gonna come back stronger.
This is a sign of our, of our, our coming back stronger.
Well, it was a, it was a symbol, they called it the tree of hope, a symbol of America coming back.
Ultimately, that’s how it is in the Bible. But what happened to it?
Well, you know, there is a sign in the Bible of judgment and that is the withering away a nation under judgment, withering away.
You know what happened to that harbinger of the tree of hope.
It began to wither away, its leaves began falling off, drying up.
They changed the soil, everything around, it began to wither symbol of America withering away a nation withering away, spiritually, morally, withering away, still standing, but it’s withering away, dying.
Then the president came to ground zero, who was President Obama on 9 11 and he read a scripture, but he changed the scripture.
It was a scripture promising national blessing says God will break the bow or like the arrow, the weapon, he’ll break the weapon and bring peace.
But Obama changed it. I’m not saying he knew what he was doing, but it kind of happens.
He said he will break the bow. Now, that’s different.
That’s the branch, the breaking of the branch in the Bible is a symbol of judgment coming on a nation across the street.
As he said, he said, it was the tree, the tree, the tree of hope, it was withering away and you know what they did, they broke off its branches.
And the final sign is the fall of the tree.
You know, you’re reading the Bible is the fall of the cedar.
See the reason why it’s significant is that the, you know, a sycamore is a weaker tree, a cedar or a tree is a strong tree.
It means in Hebrew strong. But here’s the thing if the sycamore fall, the fall of the sycamore speaks for 9 11, what happened there?
What does the fall of the, of the tree speak of? That’s a much bigger judgment.
A much bigger fall than 9 11, whatever happened? 9 11.
This is much bigger because it’s a stronger tree.
And you know, the day that it was struck down, it was a holy day in the Bible.
It was struck down on Passover.
And you know what happened in the heavens while that happened on the earth, in the heavens, the moon turned blood red, one of the signs of judgment in the Bible, all the speaking warning of the fall of America.
Now, what about now is the shaking that’s taking place in America?
Now, is that part of the ancient mystery and does the Harbinger two explain why I shared at the beginning that the template is of the harbinger is a strike, shaking and then a window of time to repent.
So that’s exactly what you’ve had in America, the temple of Israel.
Is that the, the, the signs, you know that they follow that defines what America has done.
It follows all those Harb, the Harris weren’t just harbingers and there were warnings of judgment and saying that the nation is going to respond in defiance is exactly what it’s done.
America has followed the harbingers but you got this window and in the, in the chapter in the, in the harbor, you called things to come.
It speaks about the resuming of the shakings. And what does it say?
These shakings take the form of this is years ago when I wrote the Harbinger, they come in the form of, of economic collapse.
We’ve been, we’ve been experiencing that now rival the Great Depression disorder like civil disorder. We’re experiencing it now.
Division, the dividing of the nation. We’re experiencing it right now. Talks about military defeat.
Not yet, but, but wait, the collapse of infrastructure.
We’re experiencing it now, man, made calamity, natural calamity decline.
We’re experiencing it now under the olive trees of Canna, we’re going to renew our vows to our beloved the Lord.
And if you’re a couple, it’s a chance to renew your love and your vows to each other.
And then we go from there. It’s always beautiful.
We go from there to Nazareth to the kind of hilltop mountain top town city of Nazareth.
And there we’re going to overlook the cliff, the precipice where they said they try to push him over and you’re going to see Armageddon everything and we’re going to have a special time there.
Then we’re going to return to the shores of Gali and we take a time of just having time along with the Lord at the shores of the place where he chose the disciples because he chose you.
And it’s an amazing place. God speaks to people there. Then we’re going to have a night ride.
We’re going to sail well, before the night, we’re going to sail on the sea of Galilee, maybe come night while we do it.
We’re actually going to sail on the Sea of Galilee and it’s awesome. We’ll share that.
It’s going to be the Sabbath.
It’s going to start then in Israel where we’re going to be on the sea guys.
We’re going to have a special service on the boat.
You know, then that night we’re going to do something not done.
We have not done this, at least in this Millenium and that is you’re going to actually be able to bathe in the hot springs of Galilee and this is where they went 2000 years ago, the Roman hot springs and amazing.
Then we’re going to go down the next day we’re actually going to have a baptism in the Jordan River.
And for many people who have been baptized, you still can experience, it won’t be your baptism, but it will be the experience of it as well in the Jordan River.
And if you haven’t been baptized, what a perfect place as well.
But also, then we’re going to go down the Jordan Valley and we’re going to Gideon Spring.
But not only are we going to Gideon Spring, we’re doing something very special. That’s not done.
We have not done. We’re going to be swimming in the land in one of the springs from the land of, of Gideon.
We’re actually going to swim in there.
Then we’re going to go down to Jericho where we have not been the old, the walls of Jericho, come down, we’re going to see it.
Then we’re going to go into the wilderness of Israel. We’re going to pass through the dead Sea.
We’re going to pass through many of the places and we’re going to end up in an amazing bedouin tent experience.
We’re going to have a bedouin dinner, a Middle Eastern dinner in the tents.
We’re going to have a special time that night under the stars in worshiping God in the wilderness.
You’re going to ride a camel there in the wilderness as well.
And then we are that next day, we’re going to begin, it’s going to be Sunday.
So we’re actually going to have a Sunday morning service in the wilderness of Judea of the Bible.
And there’s so much to be said, it’s really, there’s nothing quite like that either.
And then we are going to go to ascend to Masada, the fortress on the mountain where at the last end of Israel and an amazing mystery that’s sitting in there.
Then we’re going to go, you’re going to bathe in the dead sea where you cannot sink and we’re going to hopefully get to Anti, where David hit from Saul, the springs of Anti.
Then you’re going to ascend at night to see the holy city, the center of the world, the center of your salvation, Jerusalem.
And we’re going to overlook on the mountains as we worship the Lord over Jerusalem.
The next day, you’re going to be standing on the center of the earth on the temple mount.
And then we’re going to go from there.
And that’s where God’s going to reign from and where the temple was where Messiah was.
Then we’re going to go to the pools of Bethesda where the Lord healed and we’re going to pray for healing there.
We’re going to go through the lion’s gate where Israel Jerusalem was restored to the Jewish people.
We’re going to go to Yad Vashem. We’re going to go to Herodian place.
We’ve never been, which is an amazing place that he built where he’s buried there.
But it’s right by Bethlehem and amazing place.
It’s archaeologically amazing then we’re going to go to the Nativity Church of Nativity haven’t been there for years and we’re going to go to Shepherd’s Field.
And by the time that’s all there, it’s going to be the time of getting dark and we’re going to have by candlelight or by lights.
We’re going to sing Christmas songs over Bethlehem.
And then that night you’re going to be able to go under the temple in the rabbi’s tunnels.
It’s like an Indiana Jones adventure.
As you do that the next day, we’re going to, we’re going to go start on the Mount of Olives where Messiah came the first time where he’s coming again where his feet will stand.
You actually be on the Mount of Olives.
Then we’re going to go down to the city of David, the original Jerusalem where you’re going to see amazing things there.
And we’re going to do something we have not done in this millennium. We’re going to go through Hezekiah’s tunnel.
Talk about Indiana Jones. There’s a river flowing underneath and you’re going through the tunnel that Hezekiah actually dug into the pool of Siloam where the blind man was healed.
Then we’re going to enter the old city Jaffa Gate.
You’re going to see the Holy Sepulcher, the car, do, you’re going to walk through the old city and the walls?
You’re going to go, we’re going to approach, you’re going to approach the western wall.
It’s an amazing experience to worship the Lord there, then we’re going to go to the steps of the temple where we will, will be there where Jesus definitely walked, definitely was then to do something that is almost never done.
I’ve never known of any other people doing it, but it’s amazing.
We’re going to go on the other side of the temple mount and we’re going to go, you’re going to walk to the eastern gate where Messiah going to walk through, it’s the gate of prophecy.
And on the right, it’s going to be the mount of olives on your left and the eastern gate, it’s an amazing prophetic experience.
And then from there, we’re going to go down to the Garden of Gethsemane at night, which is, or as the sun is going down, which is never done.
We’re going to have an incredible time with the Lord there and we’re going to have communion in that garden.
Then actually, then the day I think it’s day 10, we’re going to be, you’re going to be planting a tree, you’re going to be part of prophecy.
You’re going to plant a tree in the soil of Israel.
You’re going to bless the land, it’s going to be growing there.
Representing sometimes you can plant it for a loved one or plant it in honor of somebody.
Then we’re going to go to the house of which is where it is where Messiah was taken the night that he was held of his trial.
And then we’re going to go to the upper room and we’re going to pray to pray God’s anointing, to anoint you with oil for God’s anointing on your life.
We’re even go on top of the upper room on the rooftop and pray for that anointing.
And then finally, we’re going to come to the garden tomb, the place of the resurrection.
And we have an amazing time there as well.
And then, of course, you know, there’s so much, there are things I haven’t even mentioned, but that gives you a taste of how incredible, awesome blowing you away.
It’s going to be, it will change your life.
And so here’s the thing and we will do and also choral tours that does, this works with me.
They seek to do everything I ask and I ask, I ask for everything that because I know for some people it’s a once in a lifetime thing.
It’s going to bless your life. So, what do you need to know? Ok.
It’s going to be May 2018, again, the 70th anniversary of Israel prophetic time.
And it’s going to be, I think I gave April 23rd to May 3rd and the to get in to reserve a seat and you want to reserve a seat, it’s filled up and it gets filled up fast.
But this is the first announcement on the web, but to reserve a seat or just to find out more information or if you have questions.
Here’s the contact, it’s coral tours, coral coral travel and tours and the email to contact them is info, info at coral tours dot org.
Coraltors dot org. So it’s info at coral tours dot org.
You can also call, I believe, toll free. Here’s the number 866. You can ask any questions. 267 2511866267 251.
And maybe if we do this right. Hopefully those things are appearing throughout when I’m sharing this with you.
But so listen, you’re going to love it.
And for those of you we’ve never met, I’ll meet many of you in Israel.
It will be an awesome time and you’ll, you’ll be changed.
There’s nothing like it and every time you go, it’s different.
And this is going to be the Spring Super Tour pilgrimage of 2018.
So the according to the actual ordinance, they were not to go out until the morning.
So it wasn’t only Israel, it was the whole world, the whole world was draw from, from America.
Uh you know, a Asia everywhere was drawn into the mystery of Passover.
The whole world pretty much was told to go inside your home and stay there.
So here it is here we are in a, a world that has been rejecting the gospel, particularly Western civilization.
And what is the gospel? The gospel is a Passover message it’s that the, the, the, the, the we were slaves in Egypt and the land we were saved by the blood of the lamb.
And who, and, and, and who is the lamb? Jesus Messiah is the lamb. And when did he die? Passover?
Well, our faith begins on Passover.
So we got a Passover of faith, but we have a, have a culture that’s rejecting the lamb, rejecting a passer of faith.
So here God brings the entire world into Passover brings it back.
Passover comes upon the world with a fury and, and even Muslims are brought into the of Passover and even, and, and even communists are brought into the mystery of Passover.
Uh The Hindu world is brought in the whole world brought into the mystery of Passover that they are coming in because when did this explode upon the whole world, America and the world it was in April or March actually.
And it was, and it, and it went into April and, and it, it, it goes into its thing on Passover.
So on Passover to 1020 we’re all locked in our, our, our houses and we are all talking about it and it, and, and what is the answer?
What is the answer of Passover? The answer is the lamb. And what does Passover call you to the lamb?
And who is the lamb again? Jesus is the lamb. The answer is not, is not government.
The answer is not, is not the pharmaceuticals.
The answer is the lamb because there’s greater plague than just uh than just what is happening in the world.
Physically, there’s a spiritual plague and the one who took the plague upon himself is the lamb.
So here God is bringing the world back to the Gospel. Um That the only answer is Jesus.
The only answer is the lamb.
And it tells you something that the God of Israel, the God of the Bible is alive and well, but there’s such a rejection openly of the lamb.
What’s going on? Rabbi? I mean, this is, this is earth shaking.
When I was a little boy, there was an acceptance of the lamb.
We could have his Bible given to us in our school class when I was a boy and here we’re seeing they’re, they’re burning the church and they’re saying we, we gotta pull the statues of Christ down because we don’t want him anymore.
So the Passover, whether we like it or not, then it’s like what we’re going through.
So I, I need to go on because we got so much.
We have a couple of days left and we’ve got to get so there’s so much truth.
Please get the book because if you don’t have the book, you’ll miss out on so much.
There’s, I’m, you know, we’re trying to put it all on TV, but we can’t do it.
But at the end of the Harbinger, you reveal a secret prophetic event that foreshadows everything that was to happen.
Can you, I love secrets. Can you tell us that secret? Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
It’s written in the Bible that before calamity comes, God gives warning to his people.
So, is it possible all these things we’ve seen began with 9 11 the first shaking.
And again, this is a, the classic pattern template of national judgment.
A nation’s judgment that a strike comes upon the land, wake up call and then it shakes it and then there’s a, a window of time years go by and we’ve seen how it’s exactly, we have followed exactly that until the greater shakings come.
Well, that’s where we are now.
But so before 9 11, is it possible that something could have happened that, that there was a foreshadow.
Uh and, you know, remember God gives uh prophetic symbols and, you know, Jeremiah smashing a jar, you know, or, or, uh, you know, or, or, uh you see the prophets, prophet Ezekiel taking baggage and going out symbol of exile, you know.
So there are prophetic acts. Sometimes there are prophetic things that happen and the people don’t even realize that it’s, it’s happening like the potter who, who kind of messes up his jar.
And God says, no, that, that’s a sign of Israel. Well, could it happen?
Well, here’s I’m going to share something that is not known and we hopefully we’ll be able to show something which is again, unprecedented, which I’ve held back on for years if we can get this, uh at uh just a little bit on.
Um There, there was something that happened that I, that I’ve known about.
Um, and that, you know, the gate of America is New York City and the gate of the gate is the Statue of Liberty that is right there.
Uh As you enter in where, where so many people, millions of people have entered into America, that is the gate.
And the, the, the there is something in the Bible that at the gate, that’s where the watchmen, that’s where the watchmen stand.
And that’s where, where they would look out and they would see what was yet to what was going to come upon the land, from the gate, from the walls and from the gate, you’d see the judgment that was coming.
Well, there was something that happened. It was two years before 9 11.
And uh and what happened was there were people who came from all over the country and they came to New York City because they had been given a revelation and people, some from around the country, some from around the area of New York and New Jersey.
And they’d be given a revelation that a uh that, that an attack was coming to America and the attack was going to come or is being planned to come to New York City.
So they came for that reason and they came at.
This is I’m reading from Harbinger one at the first stage of judgment have, have been followed by no true conversion to the Lord.
There will come a second and it says that which, and in fact, it says that which God uses to call us back.
If it doesn’t happen, then greater, greater shakings will come.
Now, now these were actually from commentaries on Isaiah 9, 10 from years and years and years ago.
But it’s speaking about that. And then, and then I wrote in the, and the, and anybody can look in the chapter called things to come that it says that I, I we alluded to this in the, in the other program, but it says, how will they come?
They may take the form of economic disintegration. Well, we’re watching that. We’ve been watching economic disintegration or military defeat.
We haven’t seen that yet but, but wait, or it will take the form of disorder.
We’ve got it right now. Division. We’ve got it. We’ve never been so divi divided.
We’ve never had so much disorder, the collapse of infrastructure. We’re watching infrastructure collapse right now.
I mean systems, businesses, government collapse right now. Man-made calamities.
Well, we’ve seen that and natural that we’ve seen both and so we are watching all these things happen now and now and now talk about division.
We’re watching Americans pull down statues of George Washington.
Now, I can, we can imagine if it was a foreign army. But this is America.
We’re watching all those things take place.
And in the same chapter of call things to come, when I speak about the shakings that will come, I speak about the crown and I use the, the word the crown, I speak about America’s crown.
But I use that word crown when I’m speaking about the shakings to come.
And the the word crown comes from, the word is simply an American, an English version of the word Corona corona.
So here it is the shaking of America in the harer is linked to the word corona corona.
And even the timing now that this is important, the timing of these things because in that chapter, and again, anybody can look in that chapter, Noriel asks the prophet, the chapter called things to come in the harvier.
He said, well, how long is it between the first shaking the strike, the enemy strike on the land and the resuming the the the coming of the greater shakings on the nation, the resuming of judgment they got.
Well, well, there are two answers to that and one answer is in the case of the Southern Kingdom, it was 10 years from the, the the warning strike to the the coming of that.
Now, now I wrote the Harbinger, it was 10 years after 9 11.
So it couldn’t be that, that one couldn’t be in play.
But when I look back, I only realized that this last night.
And that is that uh uh that the Harbinger first came out on E form before it became up uh on the anniversary of 9 11 to the month of it was the 10 year mark.
But then the other pattern, the other template is he said, well, how about in the case of the Southern Kingdom?
And then he says, well, it was, it began. The first strike came in the year 605 BC.
That’s when Zer came and he first made the strike on the land 605.
So but then the great coming of the shaking of the kingdom and the instruction came in the year 5 86 BC.
And anybody could check that out. How many years between the two? There are 19 years.
It’s a 19 year template, 19 year pattern. 19 years are the years of judgment. 19 year window.
So what happens if you take 2001, the time of the strike on America?
And you add, you go to the 19th year, what year does it bring you to?
It brings you to the year of shaking brings you to the year.
2020 will be the year of the shaking will be the year when what began with 9 11?
Be resumes in full force. 2020 the year of the plague, the year of the riots, the year of the of the of the lockdown, the year of the economy collapsing, all happening.
According. That’s why for years I’ve been looking at that year 2020 I’ve been looking at 20 to be caught and it’s there.
I didn’t, you know, it’s the, the math is there in the Harbinger.
And so the 19th year that is that and think about it. What is this plague that’s come upon America?
What and what? And hit America more than any nation? What is it? What is its name?
We said, Corona Crown, that’s in the, that’s in the things, the chapter of things to come.
But Corona, what COVID 19, the the number of judgment it marks marking the time period from the first shaking 9 11 to now 2020.
And it’s not that they came up with it for that reason, but it’s all there and not only that but in the Bible, it was the 19th year.
It talks about it. The 19th year ne kneer comes in to destroy 19th year. The judgment comes 19th year.
But Jeremiah says also in that 19th year is gonna come a plague.
So this is as heavy as we can even begin.
But all the things we spoke about are coming to pass. Wow. Wow, Plague.
I can’t believe you have a chapter in this new book about the plague when you wrote that.
How, how long ago did you finish this book?
Well, I started writing it in January and um, you know, and I finished it, you know, AAA while after um and then thing it was, I’m writing about the Shakings and I’m writing about the biblical template and then it starts happening.
So then, um, you know, then I’m seeing it as I’m writing.
So, yeah, it was amazing and I, I, you know, I wanna, you know, get to this, we talked about the timing of it, but what about the nature of what’s happened?
Could what’s happening around us, could it be part of this mystery that began with the Harvier that begins in the Bible of judgment?
And so this is gonna be very heavy.
And in fact, in fact, you know, there’s even some things I’m not gonna do that are in the Harger uncensored, which are if you can imagine it being heavier, that’s there.
But the thing is that can a first of all, can a pandemic? Can a plague be a judgment?
You know, the principle goes throughout the Bible clearly in the Bible.
God uses these things, uses it, used it in, in Egypt, the plagues were a judgment used it on Israel.
God uses it to call back people to him, to judge the Gods, to shake nations to bring them back to him.
So we’ve got this global pandemic.
Now I wanna say before I get into it before because it is so it is so heavy.
And that is, first of all, this is not saying that there’s only one cause for anything that happens.
And number two, it’s not saying that any particular person who gets struck by something, it means that they are guilty or more guilty than someone else.
We’re talking about national and global judgment in the times of the Bible.
When judgment came upon Ancient Israel, the prophets were affected as well. It didn’t mean that they were guilty.
So it’s not about that, but it is about the ultimate issue of a play.
Now, is there any specific sin that this generation is guilty of?
You know, we, we I’m not not only America, the whole world but America particularly.
And that is, we’ve watched this generation turn away from God as no other generation ever has overturn biblical values, overturn, um, overturn what’s been for thousands of years.
We’ve never watched a generation so turn away from God.
Well, we got that, but also we’ve had no generation that has killed more babies than any other generation in world history.
And that is not of, you know, we’ve killed over the world has killed over 1.5 billion people.
So there’s more blood on our hands than any other than any other generation.
Number one, and this is a, we saw this is a, a sin that brings judgment in the Bible.
Number two, America has been especially prominent in abortion.
We kill more Children than most nations and we also have led much of the world into abortion.
So, so we got all that and do much is given more as much is required.
But also think about it, you know, what is the sin of abortion?
It’s the sin of the older of the generation against the younger of the generation.
So now we’ve got a plague and what does this plague do?
This plague particularly strikes the old of the generation, the older and particularly spares the young.
In fact, I mean, the young may carry it but it’s the, it’s the old part, particular like a biblical plate is getting, are getting struck down by this more than any other.
And then we also, when did abortion co we said, you know, really began in America.
Well, we said in New York actually in New York in 1970 then it was legalized across the land and, and three years later.
So we are right at that point where the generation that began abortion is at the, at its end, that whole page is about, we have, we are now at the point where those we, this is the entire generation from, from nine, from then to now are the people who began abortion, the people who, who approved abortion, the people who did nothing to stop the killing of the, of the unborn and this is who is affecting and who’s infecting the people who began abortion are the ones who are the most old right now and they’re the ones who are most affected.
We got all that. But also what do we see, it also affects uh you know, the the the law of the judgment is that at Jeremiah, when he saw the the valley where they killed their Children, he said judgment is coming back to that place.
So we have judgment coming to America particularly. And by the way, where did the plague begin? It?
Where is the, where is the, where are the most people killed by abortion?
China began in China and then it, it has focused on the nation that has really led the world in this uh into abortion.
So we said last time where, what is the specific place where America where abortion has center in America, New York, what was struck the hardest by death?
New York state? What place in New York is the place where more, more babies are killed than any other place?
New York City, the capital. And so, so more people so the judgment came to New York and death came to New York.
The very place that just a year earlier had said, you know, we’re gonna expand abortion now and said that, you know, human life doesn’t mean anything.
Now, they had a deal with human life or, or an abortion. And what happened?
They, the, you know, they, they remember if you remember from a a few past shows, it was in New York that they put up this image of the God of death collie, the God of destruction and death.
And they put that up on the high place, on the, on the Empire State Building.
And now death, it was death over New York City.
Now death came to New York City and, and you know what that same place, the Empire State Building, which bore the image of the God of death.
Now, during this plague bore, they turn, they lit it up red, blood red.
So now death had come to the very place as it’s spoken in Jeremiah, that it would come to the same place.
And I there’s something even even heavier which will I’ll reserve for the uncensored because it is so much.
But I want to go even deeper. Now. Now, where was it?
A New York was the state that, that through which abortion came to a on demand came to America.
So new. So now they did a study and they found out that when they looked at people who were struck by this disease, this, this pandemic and they found out that, that it came from one that most of them, more than half the majority of people who got the plague.
It came from New York. New York City, New York was the place as abortion came to America through New York.
So the plague came to America largely through New York.
And not only that, but there, and it, there was, there was another gate through which abortion came in 1970.
It came after New York wasn’t as major, but it was the state of Washington, Seattle particularly.
Well, where was the first official case of the plague in America? It was Washington State Seattle.
And the day, you know, they, they found the case, it was called Patient Zero.
And they, we made the next day they made headlines all over America.
The the plague, the disease has come to America and there was a date next to every headline in America and the date was January 22nd.
That is the date that America legalized the killing of Children.
Ja It’s the, the, it is the anniversary of abortion.
And so on that date, it was all headlined across America that it had come to American soil.
And not only that, but it was also the one year anniversary from.

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