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Thursday, June 29, 2023 – Making Your Wrong Name Right

There have been times I’ve called someone the wrong name. It’s embarrassing, but God has the same kind of problem. God often calls people by the wrong name. In Matthew 16:18 He called Simon – Peter: the rock. He called an old man with a barren wife – Abraham: the father of the many. When you are still struggling, He calls you victorious. When you read in the Bible that you’re a royal priesthood, holy, you’re tempted to tell God He has the wrong person, He called you by the wrong name. Like God, we need to call people by the wrong names, names that don’t fit the present reality. If you’re just calling them what they are, you’re just reflecting what is. Learn to speak in faith, to call the weak in God, strong, the struggling in God, victorious, the battered down, prevailing. Then what happens, is the old man actually becomes the father of many, the shaky apostle becomes a rock and you become victorious and blessed. Learn the secret of speaking and receiving the wrong name into your life, and in God it will become the right name.

The feast of tabernacles. If you were back there at the time of Messiah, it would be, I mean, it would be extraordinary.
The nation gathering all to the holy city, to the mountains of Jerusalem.
All setting up their tabernacles, every family setting up the Tabernacle, the Sukkah all over the hills of Jerusalem branches and fruits.
And they were celebrating the harvest, the final and gathering.
They were celebrating the blessings of the promised land, debating the journey to the promised land when they dwelt in tabernacles for 40 years in the wilderness and the stark barren, desolate wilderness of Sinai, the wilderness of Zid wilderness of Moab.
When they had no home, no houses just dwell temporary dwellings, tabernacles. Now, it’s a real strange thing.
If you think about it here, they are in the promised land and they’re celebrating in the promised land.
They’re celebrating the wilderness. They’re in a land flowing with milk and honey, celebrating a barren land with no milk and honey.
Almost every, you know, it’s strange here. Think about it. See, what does the promised land represent?
The promised land represents the place to which God brings his people. Place of blessing place of destiny.
Salvation promises fullness, abundance. But ultimately, the promised land represents heaven. That’s where God is taking His people.
Ultimately, the kingdom of God, heaven, heaven, the heavenly life, the kingdom of Heaven and heaven itself.
So then if that, the promise then represents heaven, God’s dwelling, what does the wilderness represent?
The wilderness represents the place where God’s people have to journey to get to heaven.
It’s the place where you journey on your road to heaven. It’s not an end in itself.
It’s a way to the end. It’s a place where nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary.
And when you dwell there, you are dwelling intense, spiritually, Tabernacle is temporary. So what is the wilderness?
The wilderness is this present life, this present realm, this present world, this present time is the journey to the promised land.
Imagine it’s 50 years from now, 100 years from now.
152 100 none of us are gonna be here. I don’t care how much alfalfa sprouts you have.
I don’t care all the things that everybody takes every day. It’s a new, a new system doesn’t matter.
None of us will be here.
I mean, unless you come back for the millennium and that we’re not getting into that, but some have become grandparents, others not.
And you lived your life, you took your last breath and are now gone from the earth, whatever you did in our, whatever we did in our days on earth, it’s not fixed or I’m sorry.
At that point, it will be. Now it’s one thing then it will be sealed for eternity.
Whatever we did on earth, it is done.
You can’t change it once you go, whatever you did seal forever, whatever you didn’t do seal forever.
Whether you grew in the Lord, as much as you let yourself grow or you didn’t grow as much as you didn’t let yourself grow all gone, all done many things.
You said you’d get done. You never do many things. You said you’d change, you never changed many things.
You said you’d get right with your life. Tomorrow, tomorrow never came. Now, it’s all gone, fixed, fixed.
You can’t go back to earth, change it. You can’t alter it.
You can’t repent any more than you did already. You can’t say anything. You should have said.
If you didn’t say it, you can’t take it back now or make good on it.
If you didn’t do that. And in heaven, you, I mean, you made it, you made it into heaven by the blood of Messiah in heaven.
You’re gonna be blessed. No more pain, no more sorrow, all the blessings.
But now you realize there are some things you can never do again.
Heaven is the place, but your time on earth was linked to heaven.
It was the preparation for heaven.
And there are some things on earth that you’ll never again be able to do in heaven.
I, we’re gonna open the doors open on some of them. One word. Faith.
You will never again live by faith.
You see, when you’re in heaven, you don’t live, you don’t have to live by faith. You’re there.
At least we will not be as faith as we know it.
Now, you don’t need faith in heaven. Heaven isn’t the place of faith?
Earth is the place of faith in heaven. What do you need faith for?
To believe God’s on the throne? He’s, you’re gonna see Him on the throne with your own eyes.
You can’t have faith that God is on the throne.
When you see with your eyes, God is on the throne, you can’t have faith for what you see.
Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen in heaven.
There’s no more things not seen. It’s all manifested earth is the place of faith.
It’s written, we live by faith, not by sight in heaven though you’re gonna live by, you’re gonna see it.
It’s all one. The only place you can have faith as as is said in the bible in this way is this life because it’s looking forward to that.
So the only chance you have to show faith is now, it doesn’t count to see God then for you.
That’s great, but it doesn’t count, it counts on earth to see God when you can’t see Him with your eyes, but you still see Him blessed are those who see God.
We complain about all the situations in our life when we, we need to have faith.
Oh, I got to believe, you know, it’s hard because I got just to trust in God’s love in this situation or trust that God’s going to come through in this situation or trust in God himself being real in the situation in those situations that make it so hard.
We complain about it. We hate those situations and yet those are the very times that are giving you the chance to overcome in faith.
The only time you can have true faith is when you really need to do it when it’s hard.
And yet you choose to trust in God anyway.
When you’re seeing all this goodness, that’s not the time that requires your faith when everything’s going your way, it’s easy.
Ok? But the very times when you don’t see his goodness, when you don’t feel his love and you believe anyway, and you stand by faith, that’s when it counts.
That’s when it produces the treasures, the crowns and you won’t have a chance to do that in heaven ever again.
There is only one time in eternity that you can stand this way in faith.
And that’s now to live by faith, walk by faith when you know, I don’t feel anything but I’m gonna choose.
I know God is good and I’m gonna trust him anyway. I know what he’s done.
I know I’m gonna remind my soul of those answered prayers and all that he’s done for me.
You choose to stand on the goodness of God. That’s the glory. That’s what God’s looking for.
That’s what makes God smile the next time. You find yourself in a situation where you just don’t.
Oh Lord, it’s so hard to believe. Don’t miss the chance.
This is a glorious thing that will only be manifested now. Don’t complain about it.
It’s glorious and here’s another what you’ll never be able to do in heaven.
Only the precious time is now and that is to win someone to salvation in heaven.
Who are you gonna witness to the Apostle Paul? Excuse me, sir.
Have you heard of the, the four spiritual laws? All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God?
Yeah, you have. Yeah, I wrote it or you go to someone else. Excuse me, sir.
If you were to die today, do you know if you’d make it into heaven? Um We’re here, we’re here.
Yeah. Sorry. Do you know where you’re gonna be spending attorney? Yes, here.
You know, some of the angels might be nice and let you, they humor you and let you witness, but you need to be born again.
Ok? Tell me how to do it, Gabriel.
You know, in heaven, you will never again have the chance to share the gospel to the lost to lead that person of salvation.
You will never have that chance again to lead somebody to Lord is the greatest miracle.
More than that if they got completely healed, of being blind from birth, to get saved is the greatest miracle to lead someone from darkness to light.
To that their life changes. And the only place that miracle can be manifest is here on earth.
You can never save your loved ones in heaven. The time is over forever.
The only time you have a chance to save them is now.
So get the idea of witnessing again as an obligation that just makes you feel guilty when people talk about it because you haven’t been witnessing.
You haven’t been sharing, you haven’t been opening your mouth out of your head.
Witnessing is a once in an eternity.
Chance of the greatest miracle on earth that’s worth more than the entire world itself.
All the economies of the world are not worth as much as one life getting saved, greatest miracle and you’ve been given the greatest joy and privilege of being able to partake in it.
And the only time you can do is now start doing it, start stepping out.
You don’t want to look back at this life and say, wow, could I not have done that?
Give out tracks. Give out cds.
Drop a word, drop a comment when you’re in the store, open the door, invite people out, open your mouth.
Don’t miss the miracle. You’ll never have again. It’s only a miracle for now.
That’s why you have earthly life.
Now to witness to your loved one, to witness to that lost person in heaven.
You’ll have the privilege of walking on streets of gold, but there’s a privilege you will never have again.
You will never in heaven.
Be able again to bear the reproach of Messiah Hebrews 13 13 says, therefore, let us go to him outside the camp bearing his reproach.
What does that mean in a world that rejects the Messiah? We share in that rejection.
We share willingly in that reproach.
In other words, it is an honor to share with the king of kings before everyone bows down to him.
That’s not gonna count when everybody has to bow down.
But when you stand with Him, now, when he’s in the minority, that’s glory to God, maybe you’ve already sharing in that taken some conflict for being a believer may or maybe you fear that rejection or maybe and maybe you’re hiding some of that like because you don’t want that rejection, but in heaven, you won’t have a chance anymore to do that.
You won’t be able to turn down the rejection or accept it.
You cannot bear the reproach of the king when the king is in glory and everybody is praising him to bear their approach is the most unique privilege to stand with them.
It’s like when David was off the throne and there was that group of people who said David, we’re with you no matter what, when he went back on the throne.
Those are the ones who were, who were glorified.
It’s the chance only existing on earth to stand with the Lord in heaven is great.
But that’s easy. But to stand with God on earth when it’s in the minority, that’s different.
That means more to him, to stand in Him when you bear his reproach means everything.
When it’s not popular. When it’s unpopular, when it costs you, then it’s precious, then you’re showing something that you will never have a chance to show again.
It’s like getting in on a stock that’s at the very big bottom.
You’re giving him a gift that can never be purchased in heaven.
There are some left wing sites anti Christian, anti God where all they do is attack believers or those who stand for traditional values.
And when I went to Washington for the first time to speak at the presidential inaugural prayer breakfast, they put me in their crosshairs from then on.
They do articles. If I go to Washington before I even get home, there’s an article on the web attacking me before I get home and they twist every single thing that I’ve said and they portray but they do it with, but they do with, you know, Doctor Dobson.
They’ll do with Billy. Well, frankly, they’ll portrayed in the worst way once they did an attack article claiming that I was saying that Harry Potter was the reason for all the ills of the world.
Basically, I thought what it turned out.
They, it was from a Hanukkah message that I did like 10 years ago here.
And I happened to mention one moment about Harry Potter and the witchcraft factor that it, they published a whole article about me and Harry Potter.
Now I didn’t take it personally because it’s not about me. It’s about him. It’s an honor.
Messiah said, when this happens, blessed are you when men persecute you, you cannot lose them.
And, and the thing about witnessing you witness somebody, they’re either going to, they’re either going to reject it and get mad.
And then it says blessed. Are you leave for joy? That’s what it says.
You’re blessed or they get saved, you’re blessed. It’s win, win. Just yesterday in Washington.
I met, they had me doing some signing and I met people that you see in the news one, a Christian baker, an older woman who could not participate in celebrating sin.
An older woman, sweet, humble. She was in the news.
I remember her in the news and I just told her, I said your stand is an example for believers around the country.
It gave strength. She didn’t, she couldn’t say a word.
She had, she was had tears in her eyes in the future. There will be persecution for God’s people.
Well, then that means that you’re gonna have all the more opportunity to do something glorious.
And that is to receive crowns of glory.
For those who bear his reproach on earth will bear his glory in heaven.
When someone stands with you in the worst times and when people are not with you, that means more than all those who stand in the good times.
Richard Rand who suffered in prison for God for his faith, tells the story of another saint among the saints, among the minister who would voluntarily take the punishment of other prisoners on himself to spare them from punishment, to take on himself.
And the man once said, he said, you know, one thing I’ll miss about being in heaven.
One thing in heaven, you can’t suffer for another.
Imagine that what we complain about and his complaint was only in heaven.
I won’t be able to suffer like Messiah did for other people.
So the next time it costs you to follow him when it costs you the acceptance of man.
Or the next time you’re about, you’re in the situation.
You know, if you say who you are, you may get the rejection instead of fearing that rejection, say this is glory.
I’ve got a crown, that person has a crown for me.
Bring it on, let me say who it is.
It’s a crown of glory and maybe they’ll get saved.
But neither way you get a crown instead of despising it and hiding your light.
Let the light out for their sake.
And even for your sake, see with new eyes, heaven’s eyes, a chance for glory.
Every chance with him, take the jab, take the reproach.
It is glorious that something so glorious that even heaven can never give that to you.
In the tent of meeting, it was divided up and we’re going to get into it also next week as I do the, the tent of heaven, it was died divided up into the holy place.
And, and then the outside that which was outside the holy place, the holy place actually had the holy place and the holy of holy, the holy place in there ultimately were the Cherubim and the presence of God, the dwelling of God.
That which was outside the holy place was the place where man, the priest dwelt for the most part, what is the, what is the holy, what is the holy place represent the place where God dwells is his throne, is heaven.
The place outside the holy place where man dwells is earth, is life in the holy place.
You have the glory of God, the heavenly.
But there was something you didn’t have in the holy place only in the outer court.
Did you have the altar of sacrifice, the outer court or the court outside the tent, you had the altar of sacrifice, you had the sacrifices and there’s a revelation right there.
Very deep earth is the place of the sacrifice Messiah didn’t die in heaven.
He died on earth because in the outer court is where the altar was. He didn’t die there.
He had a, he came to earth so he could die because only in on earth can you die and offer the sacrifice.
Earth is the place of the sacrifice heaven received what was done.
But the sacrifice took place on earth and that reveals something when you are in heaven and you look back on earthly life, the life you lived, you’ll be blessed standing by gates of pearls, seeing precious stones.
But one thing you’ll never be able to do again is to offer God a sacrifice.
You offer him praise, you can throw down your crown, but it’s not going to be a sacrifice of praise on earth is where things cost you in heaven.
You’ve got everything on earth is only the place where you can give sacrificially to God.
See in heaven, there’s no end.
There’s no want, there’s no loss, there’s no, you know, you give but you don’t give up because you can’t.
It’s all there. It’s all there prophecy publicly on behalf of the nation by a national leader in the capital city.
A vow linked to the attack and becomes a matter of national record.
It sets the course of the nation pronounces judgment on the land and speaks of things yet to come which will all come to pass.
Manifested September 12, 2001, all of the nine harbingers manifested in the last days of Israel before its destruction have been manifested on American soil.
The nine harbingers, the nine warnings, als manifestations and foreshadows of national judgment.
There is something in the world and we all know it.
Uh it’s called the One Year Bible and that’s where believers read it, read the Bible through the year.
It’s set up every day has a scripture.
Well, in this Bible, it wasn’t just this Catholic Bible in the Living Bible, which, which has come out first when it gets to, when you go there, if you look up Isaiah 9 10, the Bible puts Isaiah 9 10 together with September 11th.
And if you look at that page, I don’t know if you can see the Catholic version.
Yeah, that, that’s the one. Yeah, it’s in the New Living, the Living Bible.
It’s also, it’s the, it’s the new American Standard Bible is the new King James Bible puts Isaiah 9 10 with September 11th.
Uh, the new, the English Standard Bible.
The, uh, virtually every major Bible puts together and it puts the Harbinger is September 11th and all of those books for the last what?
This is, this is, this is, this was, this was, this was there, got put together across America.
Millions were reading it every September 11th. They reading Isaiah 9 10 was there since 1985. That’s right.
It’s there for years and years. Each, each version kept coming out.
The next one, millions of people across America every year were reading when they got to September 11th, they’re reading Isaiah 9 10.
They’re reading about the strike on the land. They’re reading about the first warning.
The Bible is linking into September 11th. They’re reading about the sycamore falling.
So it would happen on September 11th, they’re reading about the vow being made.
It would all happen on that day. It was there every day of every year, it was there.
And God had this, millions of people were reading it are still reading it.
The reason why we found out is because it only came once the Harbinger came out and people got to the September 11th.
This year, we got flooded with emails saying, do you know what’s in there? It was there every year.
God knows how millions of people every year was linked together with this thing is this truth or not.
I mean, this is all too amazing to be accidental with the millions of words in the Bible, the scriptures, the thousands of scriptures of all the.
So this morning, I said, well, you know, I put out a one year Bible back in the 18 hundreds.
I mean, really? No, in about 1980 they have Bibles somewhere in there.
And so I had sue. You were helping. We all we were all looking for.
I said, look at my library and I have this thousands of books.
And I said, just look for a green book.
Well, I have a lot of green books and so I said, no, it’s here.
I want you to find a green book and, and I finally, I walked into one of the closets where I store a lot of the stuff and way up on top.
Don’t put it this way. It was sitting, see what it says one year Bible PTL.
And I said, well, I wonder if it’s in here, rabbi. So I’m opening up to September 11th.
Is that big enough on the top? September 11th?
And there it is, the sycamore trees are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars in the PTL one year Bible from 1985 is God trying to tell us something.
The world may look at you and say you people are crazy. You’re old fashioned.
The things of the Bible are old fashioned.
But I wanna tell you my Bible is up to date and God is saying things and he’s said them for thousands of years and he hasn’t changed his mind.
Rab God is so amazing and so precise that what is there for thousands of years can come true right now?
And when it doesn’t even something like this, I mean, as you said, every single

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