The Mystery in the Basement | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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One Comment

  1. Good afternoon, Jonathan Cahn. When I read your Sermons, if that’s the proper term, you speak in strange English. A friend listened to you yesterday, and she said, “he’s going around in circles, I can’t follow what he’s saying!” A little harsh. But I will offer this…when I read your speech patterns, you have a way of speaking in strange patterns. Maybe a local College a couple nights a week, might help with the strange patterns you speak with. I’m sure God will punish me now, because I spoke to a Great Prophet, and told him he speaks in strange ways. But God has been punishing me since the day I was born, May 1st, 1957 at 8:23 am, in Holy Cross Hospital in Chicago. Unable to breathe…and it was difficult, to get me to breathe…and it still is…I can’t wait to die…it’s been a miserable life. And his punishment continues today…. Keep up the Great Work you’ve been doing for a long time…you’re a remarkable Prophet, and a perceiver of the Word of God. May the Good Lord Bless you!

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