Power in The Name of Jesus – Faith For Healing
Power in The Name of Jesus – Faith For Healing
God loves you and wants everyone to be healed! In this anointed teaching series taken from Living Word Christian Center’s Miracle Healing Services on how to have Faith for Healing, Dr. Bill Winston reveals how the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit confirms the Word preached with signs, wonders, and miracles. Your faith will increase, as you learn: • Why God wants you healed • How to override time through the law of faith • The importance of speaking the Word only. The Word of God brings restoration, if you believe and receive it. Take hold of these spiritual truths and start walking in heaven’s atmosphere here on earth! Order your copy today by calling 1-800-711-9327 or visit billwinston.org/bwof #FaithforHealing
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believer’s walk of faith.
He has given Dominion to you. Now say something, say something about your marriage.
Come on, say something about your kid. Tall things that do not.
I mean just when your son is acting the craziest, tell him you’re going to be a preacher, you’re going to be on fire for God.
Hello, Bill Winston here and welcome to the believers walk of faith.
Why we walk by faith and not by sight?
Well, did you know everything that it takes to fulfill your earthly assignment in this earth God has already provided and you have a right to it.
You remember the example where Jesus was calling for this donkey? He said, go in town.
He said, you’ll find a donkey tied up on time and bring him to me.
And, and if anybody ask you, why are you untying my donkey? Tell him the Lord has need of it.
And do you know they did just that? The man said, why are you untying?
My donkey said, the Lord has need of it and he let him go. And what are we saying?
We’re saying that anything in this earth that you need to fulfill your earthly assignment, you have a right to it.
Praise God. Now, let’s go into today’s teaching. It’s called fulfilling your Dominion mandate.
Anything that it takes for you to finish your earthly assignment, you have a right to it.
Praise God that came out of spirit man. You have a right to it.
That’s why He said in first Corinthians chapter three verse uh 21 he said, all things are yours.
Praise God. Did he begin to name them?
Whether it’s Paul or, or of the world and life or death of things, present things come all of yours and you belong to Christ and Christ belong to God.
So I’m just saying, if you need it, he’ll get, he’ll transfer it over into your hand. Why?
Because you’re finishing your earthly assignment and this Dominion mandate that is fulfilling that you are to fulfill in this earth.
Say amen to that. He gave Adam Dominion, say Dominion and like I said, the minion and I’ll give you the third definition, power to direct control or dispose of at your, your uh discretion.
See, you can decrease something and it shall be established.
Put job chapter 22 and verse 28 up there. Look what it says.
Thou shall also do what decree a thing and what will happen shall be established.
See what I’m saying, you can decree when a miracle is not declared its presence in this natural realm is illegal.
Put it up again. Job chapter 22 and verse 28. And I want you to read this.
I’m I’m teaching on this because you need this.
He said thou shall also what decree a thing and what will happen, what shall be established, what you decree?
Because if he establishes something, you didn’t agree, he’s illegal. Why?
Because He gave Dominion to you ain’t that powerful now, you gotta get that down in your door.
Now, the reason why most saints don’t have it and don’t operate there is because they can’t, can’t see themselves in as God sees them as ones who decree things.
You Jesus saw himself that way. David saw himself that way.
I’m telling anybody that that’s operating this way sees themselves as a decree.
Now who is a decree?
See, see, we are, see, this is what God said.
He saw darkness and said what he said, light be he decreed.
Now he made you to operate like him. Am I right about it?
So you gotta say something, let the redeem of the Lord.
Come on, come on, help me say so God is gonna meet me at the point of my decree.
Here is Jesus and this is the woman that came to touch his garbage.
She said, if I may touch buddy’s clothes, I shall be ho ho ho no.
Did she touch his clothes was she made home.
Then Jesus left her and went on to Jay Iris’s house where he was headed before this, this Baptist woman stopped.
Amen. Got it. You with me.
All right now in he’s going to the JR house and he gets there and Jr daughter is graveyard dead and watch what Jesus decreed.
I’m trying to help somebody. Now.
He said in verse thir 39 when he was come, he said unto them, why make ye this or do they were weeping and wailing?
He said the damsel is not dead. She just sleep.
And what was their reaction? Come on now, what was their reaction?
Because when you decree a thing, yeah, you got what I’m saying?
It is so outrageous.
It is so impossible that it will make folk laugh.
Can you stand to decree a fact?
You hear what I’m saying?
Now we’re gonna get you there because we’re working on you now because see, I, I have to back into it.
I have to get the image right first because only a king decrees any king that keeps his mouth shut is not a king at all.
He is a slave. You are royal here, put it up there.
It’s Romans chapter five and verse 17 for if by one man’s offense, death reign by one much more.
They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus, the Messiah, the anointed one, the Christ.
Let’s look at that same scripture in the amplified translation.
Now watch what it says for because of one man’s trespass, lapse of fence, death, rain through that one much more surely will those who receive God’s overflowing grace on merited favor and the free gift of righteousness putting themselves in right standing with himself reign as kings in life through one man, Jesus Christ, the messiah, the anointed one isn’t that powerful.
So I’m saying to you right now that you are royalty and as royalty, you need to open your mouth.
Now, here’s the deal.
Let’s go to Mark’s Gospel in chapter one in verse 40.
And there came a leopard to him beseeching him and kneeling down to him and saying unto him, if you will, you can make me clean.
He said to him, if you’re willing, I know you got the power.
But are you willing to help me? Isn’t that powerful?
I know you got to stop. You got the juice. But will you?
Yeah, look what Jesus answered.
And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand and touched him and said to him.
Come on, I will. No. Now, wait a minute.
Moved with what, what is another word for compassion? Love, who is love?
God. God is love. So God moved him. Yeah.
Watch this sympathy didn’t Yeah, I’m trying to get you that now because God’s gonna drop you off in some hot spots and don’t be moved by sympathy.
You got to be moved by something on a higher around.
You won’t be controlled from the inside out and compassion.
And he put forth his hand and touched it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what was the condition of this man?
Isn’t that a little contagious?
I mean, I remember in Africa we were in South Africa and we were riding going in the, in that whole Trans district and it between Pretoria and somewhere else.
And, and I remember we were going and it, it, you know, it was about three cars in this caravan and I remember seeing leopards come on the side of the highway.
Now they were in woods, there was nothing there.
They come out of the woods and say, help us, help us and you, you know, they would look for you to throw food out or, or some money out or something, but they couldn’t go into the camps, they couldn’t go into the city because what they had was highly contagious.
But Jesus went right on up in there. Wash this and touch it.
Wow, this is powerful, isn’t it?
Now, wasn’t he scared that he’s gonna catch something?
Now, what people try to do is say, well, he had a powerful immune system.
Well, ok. Ok. That’s halfway there. This is found over in uh Proverbs, please.
Proverbs 18 and verse 14, the spirit of man will sustain his infirmity by the wounded spirit who can bear.
Here’s an niv translation. A human spirit can endure in sickness but a crushed spirit who can bear.
Give me another translation. How about the message? A healthy spirit conquers adversity.
But what can you do when the spirit is crushed?
No said one way, God.
Uh the one way that the enemy has of crushing a spirit is through disappointment.
Uh You follow what I’m saying. It, it’s, it’s true condemnation.
See you had a background that wasn’t too pleasant and the enemy tried to remind you of that background and watch this cripples your spirit.
See, make a come on, you make you make you feel bent over like you can’t lift up anymore.
Well, listen, therefore if any man be in Christ, who is Christ, who is Christ, the anointed one and his anointing he is a new creature.
Old things are what pass away, behold. Come on. How many things are new?
See he, his biggest testimony is when you can come out after 10 years and believe him for a big house debt free.
I mean, now I’m I’m not saying you have to be in jail.
I’m just saying, but you come out of a low life and come on up and realize who you are and receive it and let God do what he wants to do.
See the enemy tried to remind us of our past, but you gotta remind him of his future.
Same man. So what am I saying?
That’s one way you get your spirit built up because Proverb 4 23 says out of the heart are the issues of life.
See that strength is gonna come out of your spirit.
Say to them, see somebody who ain’t save can build up their immune system, but God’s gonna drop a little super on your neck.
Is this the right month? I’m talking to the right?
All right, let’s look at what else God can do for you. This is you.
Now let’s go to Psalm chapter 91.
This is for you because you’re gonna be dropped off in some places that is gonna be kind of hostile.
Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walker and darkness, nor of the destruction of waste at noonday for 1000 shall fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand.
But it shall not come. Now you only with your eyes, shall you behold to see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is thy refuge, even the most high thy habitation and there shall no evil before you, neither shall any play come.
No, your dwelling, keep going for. Ye shall give it angels charge over you.
Satan is using spiritual forces to win. I’ll say that again.
Satan is using spiritual forces to win.
Look at Psalms 73 and verse three through five for I was envious at the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
For there are no bands in their death, but their strength is firm. Keep going.
They are not trouble as other men. Neither are they plagued like other men.
See, the devil can direct a sickness. He can direct plague.
He’ll try to try to get somebody that’s moving up to try to cause something to come on him.
Say amen. No evil.
Go see, but he will raise up his people and redirect them demon spirits another way because he wants to get the wicked in charge.
He had run up against the church. Uh You follow what I’m saying?
And I’m telling you right now that the church is the most powerful institution in the world ever.
Are y’all with me here? Am I getting too deep for you?
Yeah. See. See, because you’re gonna live from the inside out. You’re not gonna live for me.
I’ll tell you that enemy will try to attack you. You got money coming.
He’ll try to hold that up. Come on.
Now, I’ve heard people before I tried them but as soon as I did my check got short.
I said, well, who do you think that was now?
Don’t call on God to do something about the devil. You resisted.
You tell the devil to let your money go and, and, and, and every time he try to steal it, God, God’s gonna add 77 more.
Come on now. So pretty soon you gonna be too expensive to even deal with.
Now, what am I saying? I’m saying?
You gotta come in here and hear this. You just can’t hear it one time.
You got to hear it over and over and over again because you got power in you that you have never manifested yet.
Let’s go back to Matthew Mark’s Gospel chapter one then and as soon as he had spoken, immediately, the leprosy departed from him and he was what plans.
Now, notice what Jesus had to do speak and that’s what I’m coming after today.
If I can just come here speak, you got to say something.
I know some of y’all went with. I know I know what I need you.
You better say something. You gonna get your head be there.
He has given Dominion to you.
Now say something, say something about your marriage. Come on, say something about your kid.
Call things that be not.
I mean just when your son is acting the craziest, tell him you’re gonna be a preacher.
You’re gonna be on fire for God.
Now, where is he taking that from? Mark? 11 23.
Look at that for verily, I say to you, whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou catch in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things he said shall come to pass.
What is he gonna have. All right now, this is the key.
This is the key. Speak the results.
Look at Daniel chapter three verse 17 speak the results.
The devil is in the details. Yeah.
A king issues nothing but a decree.
Here’s the king said, I’m gonna throw you three boys in the fire because you didn’t bow out.
Here’s the way they answered it.
If it be so our God whom we serve is able to do what deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and what will he do?
He will deliver us out of our hand. Ok. Question did he?
But did they know which way he was gonna do it?
You don’t know if he’s coming down Roosevelt road.
If he’s coming by helicopter, if he’s gonna parachute his way in, you don’t know anything but you do know that God’s word will not return.
Come on now, I’m, I’m giving you the key to never be broke another day in your life.
I’m giving you what you gotta say something and you gonna have to say it in the face of an impossible situation and don’t care what they think about your state of mind.
Boy, that preacher, that man I preach about that.
You can’t care what they say about you.
So don’t be concerned about know what you’re doing.
Your daughter is not dead, she sleep. Jesus was not trying to impress them.
He was trying to start spiritual law in the motion and what is motion.
Let me tell you he believed what he said was gonna, what come the path did it come to pass?
And next thing you know, he went in the room told all them to put him out the house and went in the room and said he had a ride.
Boom. She got up, I’m saying, listen, stuff that’s been dead in your life is about to get up.
Things that have been stolen in your life are coming back home.
You about to say money coming to me right now. Praise God.
You come to me right now. House, you sell to me right now. Business.
You come here right in Jesus name.
Now, if you are not used to this, you have been trained in unbelief.
You have been trained in the same system I was trained in. Don’t get down on the people.
Just add some super to your natural.
These three Hebrews, the Bible talked about them over in Daniel chapter one and verse 17 for as for these four Children, God gave them what knowledge and what else skill come on in all learning.
See, they went to school but God added some super to the natural.
So what am I saying to you?
For a miracle in this earth to be manifested, you will have to see it first.
And if you don’t, it is illegal, the God that you serve.
Yes, cannot do it. Yes. Not unless somebody prays Yeah.
Now there are some things that are prophetic agendas and a prophetic agenda is gonna happen whether you say something or not because it’s already been decreed.
But on a daily basis, you’re not waiting on. God.
God is waiting on.
So what are we doing?
We’re going back to words because that’s what God asked me.
He says, which is more powerful son, a word or a billion dollars, you know, right then you wanna say billion man, praise God, you, you no, no, no words made billions, you know how to use them and know the value of them.
So one of the best things you can do right now in your redemptive walk is to learn the value of work how to speak God’s word.
Was this in every impossible situation.
It doesn’t matter what walk of life you’re from or what your economic situation is this very minute.
You can grab hold of the promises of God and take true and lasting Dominion over your God given inheritance for years.
Dr Winston has preached on God’s greater plan for our lives.
You have a right to everything that is required for you to finish your earthly assignment.
In this continuation of the anointing series, Dr Bill Winston digs even deeper on the power of the anointing and your purpose for Dominion on this earth.
Your Dominion starts with living from the inside out understanding who you are in Christ valuing your words and decreeing the word of God over every aspect of your life, let the spirit of the Lord dictate your potential, raise you up in your royalty and bring you to an entirely new level of faith.
The anointing call 1 to 807 111 9327 right now or go online to Bill Winston dot org to receive Dr Winston’s four part series fulfilling your Dominion mandate available now on your choice of DVD MP four CD or MP three each teaching divinely equips you to resume your ordained position with Dominion over financial resources, Dominion over sickness and disease and Dominion over your relationships.
Lessons designed to bring you closer to God in the way you were meant to be the time to fulfill your God given destiny is now.
Don’t miss this masterful teaching and at last fulfill your Dominion mandate call or go online to 1 800 7-Eleven 93 27 or at Bill Winston dot org.
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He has given Dominion to you. Now say something, say something about your marriage.
Come on, say something about your kid. Tall things that do not.
I mean just when your son is acting the craziest, tell him you’re going to be a preacher, you’re going to be on fire for God.
Hello, Bill Winston here and welcome to the believers walk of faith.
Why we walk by faith and not by sight?
Well, did you know everything that it takes to fulfill your earthly assignment in this earth God has already provided and you have a right to it.
You remember the example where Jesus was calling for this donkey? He said, go in town.
He said, you’ll find a donkey tied up on time and bring him to me.
And, and if anybody ask you, why are you untying my donkey? Tell him the Lord has need of it.
And do you know they did just that? The man said, why are you untying?
My donkey said, the Lord has need of it and he let him go. And what are we saying?
We’re saying that anything in this earth that you need to fulfill your earthly assignment, you have a right to it.
Praise God. Now, let’s go into today’s teaching. It’s called fulfilling your Dominion mandate.
Anything that it takes for you to finish your earthly assignment, you have a right to it.
Praise God that came out of spirit man. You have a right to it.
That’s why He said in first Corinthians chapter three verse uh 21 he said, all things are yours.
Praise God. Did he begin to name them?
Whether it’s Paul or, or of the world and life or death of things, present things come all of yours and you belong to Christ and Christ belong to God.
So I’m just saying, if you need it, he’ll get, he’ll transfer it over into your hand. Why?
Because you’re finishing your earthly assignment and this Dominion mandate that is fulfilling that you are to fulfill in this earth.
Say amen to that. He gave Adam Dominion, say Dominion and like I said, the minion and I’ll give you the third definition, power to direct control or dispose of at your, your uh discretion.
See, you can decrease something and it shall be established.
Put job chapter 22 and verse 28 up there. Look what it says.
Thou shall also do what decree a thing and what will happen shall be established.
See what I’m saying, you can decree when a miracle is not declared its presence in this natural realm is illegal.
Put it up again. Job chapter 22 and verse 28. And I want you to read this.
I’m I’m teaching on this because you need this.
He said thou shall also what decree a thing and what will happen, what shall be established, what you decree?
Because if he establishes something, you didn’t agree, he’s illegal. Why?
Because He gave Dominion to you ain’t that powerful now, you gotta get that down in your door.
Now, the reason why most saints don’t have it and don’t operate there is because they can’t, can’t see themselves in as God sees them as ones who decree things.
You Jesus saw himself that way. David saw himself that way.
I’m telling anybody that that’s operating this way sees themselves as a decree.
Now who is a decree?
See, see, we are, see, this is what God said.
He saw darkness and said what he said, light be he decreed.
Now he made you to operate like him. Am I right about it?
So you gotta say something, let the redeem of the Lord.
Come on, come on, help me say so God is gonna meet me at the point of my decree.
Here is Jesus and this is the woman that came to touch his garbage.
She said, if I may touch buddy’s clothes, I shall be ho ho ho no.
Did she touch his clothes was she made home.
Then Jesus left her and went on to Jay Iris’s house where he was headed before this, this Baptist woman stopped.
Amen. Got it. You with me.
All right now in he’s going to the JR house and he gets there and Jr daughter is graveyard dead and watch what Jesus decreed.
I’m trying to help somebody. Now.
He said in verse thir 39 when he was come, he said unto them, why make ye this or do they were weeping and wailing?
He said the damsel is not dead. She just sleep.
And what was their reaction? Come on now, what was their reaction?
Because when you decree a thing, yeah, you got what I’m saying?
It is so outrageous.
It is so impossible that it will make folk laugh.
Can you stand to decree a fact?
You hear what I’m saying?
Now we’re gonna get you there because we’re working on you now because see, I, I have to back into it.
I have to get the image right first because only a king decrees any king that keeps his mouth shut is not a king at all.
He is a slave. You are royal here, put it up there.
It’s Romans chapter five and verse 17 for if by one man’s offense, death reign by one much more.
They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus, the Messiah, the anointed one, the Christ.
Let’s look at that same scripture in the amplified translation.
Now watch what it says for because of one man’s trespass, lapse of fence, death, rain through that one much more surely will those who receive God’s overflowing grace on merited favor and the free gift of righteousness putting themselves in right standing with himself reign as kings in life through one man, Jesus Christ, the messiah, the anointed one isn’t that powerful.
So I’m saying to you right now that you are royalty and as royalty, you need to open your mouth.
Now, here’s the deal.
Let’s go to Mark’s Gospel in chapter one in verse 40.
And there came a leopard to him beseeching him and kneeling down to him and saying unto him, if you will, you can make me clean.
He said to him, if you’re willing, I know you got the power.
But are you willing to help me? Isn’t that powerful?
I know you got to stop. You got the juice. But will you?
Yeah, look what Jesus answered.
And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand and touched him and said to him.
Come on, I will. No. Now, wait a minute.
Moved with what, what is another word for compassion? Love, who is love?
God. God is love. So God moved him. Yeah.
Watch this sympathy didn’t Yeah, I’m trying to get you that now because God’s gonna drop you off in some hot spots and don’t be moved by sympathy.
You got to be moved by something on a higher around.
You won’t be controlled from the inside out and compassion.
And he put forth his hand and touched it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what was the condition of this man?
Isn’t that a little contagious?
I mean, I remember in Africa we were in South Africa and we were riding going in the, in that whole Trans district and it between Pretoria and somewhere else.
And, and I remember we were going and it, it, you know, it was about three cars in this caravan and I remember seeing leopards come on the side of the highway.
Now they were in woods, there was nothing there.
They come out of the woods and say, help us, help us and you, you know, they would look for you to throw food out or, or some money out or something, but they couldn’t go into the camps, they couldn’t go into the city because what they had was highly contagious.
But Jesus went right on up in there. Wash this and touch it.
Wow, this is powerful, isn’t it?
Now, wasn’t he scared that he’s gonna catch something?
Now, what people try to do is say, well, he had a powerful immune system.
Well, ok. Ok. That’s halfway there. This is found over in uh Proverbs, please.
Proverbs 18 and verse 14, the spirit of man will sustain his infirmity by the wounded spirit who can bear.
Here’s an niv translation. A human spirit can endure in sickness but a crushed spirit who can bear.
Give me another translation. How about the message? A healthy spirit conquers adversity.
But what can you do when the spirit is crushed?
No said one way, God.
Uh the one way that the enemy has of crushing a spirit is through disappointment.
Uh You follow what I’m saying. It, it’s, it’s true condemnation.
See you had a background that wasn’t too pleasant and the enemy tried to remind you of that background and watch this cripples your spirit.
See, make a come on, you make you make you feel bent over like you can’t lift up anymore.
Well, listen, therefore if any man be in Christ, who is Christ, who is Christ, the anointed one and his anointing he is a new creature.
Old things are what pass away, behold. Come on. How many things are new?
See he, his biggest testimony is when you can come out after 10 years and believe him for a big house debt free.
I mean, now I’m I’m not saying you have to be in jail.
I’m just saying, but you come out of a low life and come on up and realize who you are and receive it and let God do what he wants to do.
See the enemy tried to remind us of our past, but you gotta remind him of his future.
Same man. So what am I saying?
That’s one way you get your spirit built up because Proverb 4 23 says out of the heart are the issues of life.
See that strength is gonna come out of your spirit.
Say to them, see somebody who ain’t save can build up their immune system, but God’s gonna drop a little super on your neck.
Is this the right month? I’m talking to the right?
All right, let’s look at what else God can do for you. This is you.
Now let’s go to Psalm chapter 91.
This is for you because you’re gonna be dropped off in some places that is gonna be kind of hostile.
Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walker and darkness, nor of the destruction of waste at noonday for 1000 shall fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand.
But it shall not come. Now you only with your eyes, shall you behold to see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is thy refuge, even the most high thy habitation and there shall no evil before you, neither shall any play come.
No, your dwelling, keep going for. Ye shall give it angels charge over you.
Satan is using spiritual forces to win. I’ll say that again.
Satan is using spiritual forces to win.
Look at Psalms 73 and verse three through five for I was envious at the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
For there are no bands in their death, but their strength is firm. Keep going.
They are not trouble as other men. Neither are they plagued like other men.
See, the devil can direct a sickness. He can direct plague.
He’ll try to try to get somebody that’s moving up to try to cause something to come on him.
Say amen. No evil.
Go see, but he will raise up his people and redirect them demon spirits another way because he wants to get the wicked in charge.
He had run up against the church. Uh You follow what I’m saying?
And I’m telling you right now that the church is the most powerful institution in the world ever.
Are y’all with me here? Am I getting too deep for you?
Yeah. See. See, because you’re gonna live from the inside out. You’re not gonna live for me.
I’ll tell you that enemy will try to attack you. You got money coming.
He’ll try to hold that up. Come on.
Now, I’ve heard people before I tried them but as soon as I did my check got short.
I said, well, who do you think that was now?
Don’t call on God to do something about the devil. You resisted.
You tell the devil to let your money go and, and, and, and every time he try to steal it, God, God’s gonna add 77 more.
Come on now. So pretty soon you gonna be too expensive to even deal with.
Now, what am I saying? I’m saying?
You gotta come in here and hear this. You just can’t hear it one time.
You got to hear it over and over and over again because you got power in you that you have never manifested yet.
Let’s go back to Matthew Mark’s Gospel chapter one then and as soon as he had spoken, immediately, the leprosy departed from him and he was what plans.
Now, notice what Jesus had to do speak and that’s what I’m coming after today.
If I can just come here speak, you got to say something.
I know some of y’all went with. I know I know what I need you.
You better say something. You gonna get your head be there.
He has given Dominion to you.
Now say something, say something about your marriage. Come on, say something about your kid.
Call things that be not.
I mean just when your son is acting the craziest, tell him you’re gonna be a preacher.
You’re gonna be on fire for God.
Now, where is he taking that from? Mark? 11 23.
Look at that for verily, I say to you, whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou catch in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things he said shall come to pass.
What is he gonna have. All right now, this is the key.
This is the key. Speak the results.
Look at Daniel chapter three verse 17 speak the results.
The devil is in the details. Yeah.
A king issues nothing but a decree.
Here’s the king said, I’m gonna throw you three boys in the fire because you didn’t bow out.
Here’s the way they answered it.
If it be so our God whom we serve is able to do what deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and what will he do?
He will deliver us out of our hand. Ok. Question did he?
But did they know which way he was gonna do it?
You don’t know if he’s coming down Roosevelt road.
If he’s coming by helicopter, if he’s gonna parachute his way in, you don’t know anything but you do know that God’s word will not return.
Come on now, I’m, I’m giving you the key to never be broke another day in your life.
I’m giving you what you gotta say something and you gonna have to say it in the face of an impossible situation and don’t care what they think about your state of mind.
Boy, that preacher, that man I preach about that.
You can’t care what they say about you.
So don’t be concerned about know what you’re doing.
Your daughter is not dead, she sleep. Jesus was not trying to impress them.
He was trying to start spiritual law in the motion and what is motion.
Let me tell you he believed what he said was gonna, what come the path did it come to pass?
And next thing you know, he went in the room told all them to put him out the house and went in the room and said he had a ride.
Boom. She got up, I’m saying, listen, stuff that’s been dead in your life is about to get up.
Things that have been stolen in your life are coming back home.
You about to say money coming to me right now. Praise God.
You come to me right now. House, you sell to me right now. Business.
You come here right in Jesus name.
Now, if you are not used to this, you have been trained in unbelief.
You have been trained in the same system I was trained in. Don’t get down on the people.
Just add some super to your natural.
These three Hebrews, the Bible talked about them over in Daniel chapter one and verse 17 for as for these four Children, God gave them what knowledge and what else skill come on in all learning.
See, they went to school but God added some super to the natural.
So what am I saying to you?
For a miracle in this earth to be manifested, you will have to see it first.
And if you don’t, it is illegal, the God that you serve.
Yes, cannot do it. Yes. Not unless somebody prays Yeah.
Now there are some things that are prophetic agendas and a prophetic agenda is gonna happen whether you say something or not because it’s already been decreed.
But on a daily basis, you’re not waiting on. God.
God is waiting on.
So what are we doing?
We’re going back to words because that’s what God asked me.
He says, which is more powerful son, a word or a billion dollars, you know, right then you wanna say billion man, praise God, you, you no, no, no words made billions, you know how to use them and know the value of them.
So one of the best things you can do right now in your redemptive walk is to learn the value of work how to speak God’s word.
Was this in every impossible situation.
It doesn’t matter what walk of life you’re from or what your economic situation is this very minute.
You can grab hold of the promises of God and take true and lasting Dominion over your God given inheritance for years.
Dr Winston has preached on God’s greater plan for our lives.
You have a right to everything that is required for you to finish your earthly assignment.
In this continuation of the anointing series, Dr Bill Winston digs even deeper on the power of the anointing and your purpose for Dominion on this earth.
Your Dominion starts with living from the inside out understanding who you are in Christ valuing your words and decreeing the word of God over every aspect of your life, let the spirit of the Lord dictate your potential, raise you up in your royalty and bring you to an entirely new level of faith.
The anointing call 1 to 807 111 9327 right now or go online to Bill Winston dot org to receive Dr Winston’s four part series fulfilling your Dominion mandate available now on your choice of DVD MP four CD or MP three each teaching divinely equips you to resume your ordained position with Dominion over financial resources, Dominion over sickness and disease and Dominion over your relationships.
Lessons designed to bring you closer to God in the way you were meant to be the time to fulfill your God given destiny is now.
Don’t miss this masterful teaching and at last fulfill your Dominion mandate call or go online to 1 800 7-Eleven 93 27 or at Bill Winston dot org.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life, contact us by phone at 18775439443 or submit your prayer request online at Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
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