Supernatural Dreams and Missions | Jonathan Cahn

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Supernatural Dreams and Missions

Power of the Resheet
From the ancient Hebrew holy day known as Yom Resheet, to the Resurrection of Messiah, the Creation of the Cosmos, the power of ex nihilo, the power of the first step, the power of breaking forth, and the power to change every situation and your life – Given by Jonathan on Resurrection Day

We were in Cuba and we had a translator then named Felix and he, he had come from Cuba.
I, I mean, as a kid, he was taken out early.
I didn’t realize that when he, when I asked him to come and he was arranging on, it was his last day, he had to leave and he was arranging because we were in the region of where he, he grew up or where, where he was born and he was, and he, he said, there’s a church in, in the town and he, he called them up and he wanted to, he’s all dressed up to do it.
And they, the people on the mission who arrangers said we can’t do it. Sorry. He was heartbroken.
God said, no said they take us to a plantation to minister on a farm. I see him.
I look back and he’s in a daze. They were taking him around, he’s in a daze.
I said, what, what is it? He said this plantation is my grandfather’s farm.
This is the place, not just the town, the place God because in other words, God said no to what he wanted.
And then took him to the exact place, not the town, the exact place.
And that night, I’m preaching the message, the He’s translating the first, which I had planned already.
The first words were and everyone shall return to the land of his father.
God says no, now they don’t know what to do.
And then it happens verse nine now, and a vision appeared to Paul in the night.
A man of Macedonia was standing and pleading with him and saying, come over to Macedonia and help us.
He’s led by a vision. Now, he didn’t understand why God said no.
And now it’s gonna come even if you have everything figured out and it makes sense till you gotta ask God.
He may know something. You don’t know which He probably does trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Lean not to your own understanding and knowledge Him in all your ways and he’ll direct your path.
That doesn’t mean don’t re use reason. Yes, use reason, do your best, but always lift it up to God.
And major times you look at the early church how it was led supernaturally, Pentecost miracles, vision of Peter of the unclean animals, Cornelius praying all these things, Antioch prophetic word to Paul and Barnabas.
It’s happened those major time, the major things have happened.
God has shown us I needed God to intervention or I asked said, Lord, you know, give me like when I was coming into ministry where I was asked to come into ministry full time.
I said, Lord, I know, you know, I know I’m not, they, they tell me I’m not supposed to ask for fleeces or signs.
But I don’t, I’m gonna ask you if I’m not gonna ask you for one.
I’m gonna ask you for six of them.
Give me six, these six things and do it by the end of the month, at the end of the month, he did every single thing I asked now, I’m not saying he’s gonna always do that, but he did to get our own place.
God sends a man out of our first place out of nowhere.
And he comes up to me an American Indian living in a trailer says, God told me you’re the one.
I didn’t know what that meant.
And he says, he gives me a check for 100 and $50,000 to get our first building to get our next building.
God led us to circle it like Joshua’s seven times. It was ridiculous. 12 o’clock at night.
Next morning we get the building, this building word after word after miracle after miracle fight after fight.
And then he gives it to us. When we went to Cuba on missions.
There were people we met up with people who kept saying we dream, we knew you were coming, we dreamed it, we saw you, we saw you people, we had a word.
I had a dream once I was in China and a Bible was on a man was, was in a man’s hand and it was burning on his hand.
And I was afraid it was gonna burn his hand. And I hear the words.
I said this is to for the redemption of the sufferings of the persecuted church.
And my, my, my dream I wake up and there’s a fax from a brother who said he’d just been reading the night before the story of China of the persecuted church.
And they’re burning bibles. And one reached his hand in and grabbed a page or grabbed a bible took on page and that’s what they went on.
It was the beginning of God saying go to China, go to China, which I did.
You see another key, that’s another key to find God’s will for your life.
What is God’s will for your life?
Well, one thing that we cannot keep out of it, I don’t care who you are.
What your job is is that he said go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.
That is God’s charge to us to not to ministers to everybody or you are a minister if you’re born again.
And that tells you something that in some way.
So it doesn’t matter whether you can go on a mission or whether you’re spreading the word here, whether you’re ministering here, you are called by God to minister for him to minister.
Somehow get the word out and the more you do it, the more God’s will will be fulfilled in your life.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Khan and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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