The Day of GOD’s Power – Vengeance and Recompense
The Day of GOD’s Power – Vengeance and Recompense
You must know that God loves his children and he will not allow his children to be taken advantage of nor abused in any way. This judgment is not your responsibility nor act, it belongs to God and only he can carry it out.
The believer’s walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
We have an exciting program for you today of telling you get your bible ready.
We’re talking about vengeance and recompense. Now.
Like I said, a lot of people don’t know what vengeance means according to the biblical definition, it doesn’t have to do with God and mad at somebody getting even with something.
No, no, no, it has to do with love of justice. People that have been mistreated.
God is about to move in on their behalf, the people of God and also recompense, recompense has to do with payback or let’s say somebody has done something against you or whatever.
Have you defrauded you? Well, they’re about to pay it back. God is gonna get it back for you.
Now, he’s not mad at people who is coming against is the enemy the devil, Satan himself.
He stockpiled it all. God is gonna take it and he’s gonna transfer it into the hands of his people.
Now, one thing about it is one day the Children of Israel were in, in bondage here.
They were in slavery in Egypt.
And then the next day they were coming through the Red Sea loaded, they had silver, they had gold, they had clothing.
I’m just saying when Pharaoh came after them, notice the Red Sea swallowed them up. What am I telling you?
I’m telling you that your financial condition of life can be ended in one day. That’s what’s about to happen.
Folks. All you got to do is believe this. He’s the Lord. It’s right in the word of God.
And then the next thing that happened is they shall build this idea about building up something and, and having something to be built.
Jesus never built a single school. He never built a single business. Why? That wasn’t his, his calling?
He wasn’t supposed to build. We’re supposed to do that.
So we’re gonna take this overflow that he’s gonna give us.
That’s gonna come into the body of Christ and we shall build orphanages. We shall build business.
I’m talking about Godly businesses. We shall build seniors homes.
I’m talking about these are the things that are needed in the earth so that we can preserve humanity.
It’s a powerful teaching. Get your Bibles and pencils and paper ready. Let’s go into what it’s called vengeance.
And we have been struggling to try to get somewhere. But your struggle is over.
The only reason we’ve been struggling is because we’ve been trying to operate off the wrong platform.
Say amen to that.
And then one group think they know more than the other and that, that’s all right.
But, but don’t cut everybody else out and then I go place and now I preach and they don’t even have a baptism pool and no, and, and they even mention it house.
Yeah. But in the, in the platform, the moment they believed they were baptized in the platform.
Not in the platform. I, I’m talking about your denomination. I’m not talking about who taught you something else.
I’m talking about, come back to the platform and biblical pattern yields biblical power.
And you’re supposed to be able to see a drug addict come into the house of God.
This is supposed to be the Tabernacle in the wilderness for people.
This is supposed to be the spiritual powerhouse of God that if you come in here with anything, that’s the idea about the man who was sitting at the pool for 38 years and, and every time he seemed to get up and go, somebody jumped in front of him.
Jesus said, would you like to be made home?
And it said, well, anybody that gets up there when the angels stir up the pool, whatever disease they have, they’re gonna be healed when they hit the pool.
But they got to be the first one. Sounds like the lottery, don’t it? And so what happened?
He then he said, listen, you don’t need, I’m gonna put him on word.
You don’t need to wait on no pool, right.
Take up your bed right now and get up out of here.
It doesn’t make any difference what you’ve got.
You bring somebody in the house of God is any among you sick?
Let him call for the elders of the church.
Let him anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up.
And if it been in his sins, he’ll be wiped out, he’ll be forgiven.
They didn’t say let him anoint him with all and we sure hope he get healed and, and people think getting healed of a headache, headache.
No, if any of you is missing a kidney, if any of you have had a stent, put in your arteries, if any of you come on out, let him call for the other of the church because healing a headache and putting in a kid kidney is all the same in the kingdom of God.
Man. There ain’t no difference. The power of God is the power of Yeah.
The idea about Ephesians is that when He tells you how far up you are, he is saying that you not only have authority but you have a heritage of protection.
Yes. Are y’all somebody flowing with me here?
And that goes along with Colossians one.
But let me just read this verse verse 21 far above.
Come on, somebody say, fire all what principality and power and might and Dominion and every name that’s named, you said, well, that’s Jesus.
Well, come on down to verse six of chapter two and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
In other words, sit out, see that heritage protection says that every kind of attack or accident cannot reach you.
Are, are you following what I’m saying?
That you don’t need to look back at you all the time.
See if anybody’s chasing you or whatever have you. No, no, no, can’t touch you.
In other words, wizards and witches, curses can’t touch you.
They, they can’t bother you to turn her over to Colossians.
Colossians chapter one, you need to see this. See now, wait a minute.
Does it work if you don’t believe it? No, it does not. There’s nothing in here that’s automatic.
You gotta believe this stuff, but it’s gotta be preached. This is part of the Kingdom of God.
In the kingdom of God. You have a heavenly immunity.
Look what it says here in verse 12, give verse chapter one verse 12, giving thanks to the father which has made us what meet or able to be partakers of the what inheritance of the what saints where in light I told you light came through Adam who has delivered us from what power of doctors who has delivered us from what who has delivered us from?
What did it say you’re going to be delivered?
No, it says what you have been delivered, you already been delivered.
Look at Luke, come on back over here to Luke. Luke chapter 10, please.
He said in verse 17, the 70 return again with joy saying, Lord even the devils are subject to us through your name.
And he said to the name I be hell.
Who Satan as lighting and fall from where heaven, the whole I given to you.
What how to tread on what serpents keep going and, and all the power of the enemy.
Come on and nothing. I said, I’m giving you power over all the power of the enemy.
It doesn’t make any difference what kind of power he’s trying to use.
I’m gonna give you power in this last day on another level.
This is not power that has been seen on the earth before. Folks.
We are about to see a power that has never been seen and never been manifested in the earth.
God has reserved that power for the last day. That power is here right now.
I’m telling you all we need to do is preach it and believe it and act on it and we gonna see something that we ain’t never seen before.
You won’t see the power of God moving in a church.
Service and everybody from one end of the building to the other end, all the way down to the nursery is going to be healed of whatsoever disease they have because this is a day of God, this is the day of the vengeance of the Lord.
Y’all got me preaching today. I hope y’all can keep up with this.
So now let me finish this.
It is time for payback.
See, we gonna make the devil let you go but God wants you to claim damages.
Come on now, don’t look at me like that.
You know you got some stuff do if it ain’t nothing but child support, you got something to do.
Now this is not coming against people because people for the most part were like Jesus said on the cross.
Father forgive them. Come on. So they know not what they do.
I told you no natural man can defeat those spirits.
So those spirits get in their lives, get in their mind and control them and make them won’t pay you or whatever have you and so forth.
So you can’t blame people. Let’s go up to the root cause of this thing and the root cause of this thing is the devil himself and we going into his den and he’s got hidden riches all over this world and we gonna make him cough it up.
We gonna come into every treasury that he has hidden money.
I’m telling you some bank accounts some private bank accounts are about to be emptied.
God is about to send angels in places. Now, I’m not trying to take nobody’s money.
I’m trying to get what belongs to me.
That’s all I want are y’all with me?
I’m talking about, we gonna demand some things God says in Isaiah 45 he said command.
Ye mean that means commission Him. That means allow him to do what he wants to do.
And he said, vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord and I will recompense, say amen to that and recompense means to pay back.
It means whatever’s owed you that it’s got to be paid and got to be paid to you because it’s something that belongs to you.
But I don’t want just what belongs to me. I won’t belong what belongs to my granddaddy.
I want what belongs to everybody that’s in my family that the enemy has snapped something from now.
Understand it’s not a hate thing. It’s not something that you don’t love people say amen.
I’m making the devil pay it back.
It’s God that’s going to the devil and making him surrender everything that belongs to you.
He’s gonna surrender your mind and give you peace. Amen to that.
Now, not only that saints of God, we’re going to demand some contracts.
You see, there have been spiritual forces in the heavenly and they have been diverting contracts that was supposed to go to you.
They have listen, they have even been trying to pervert in inventions and new ideas that, that tried to confuse your dream when God wanted to give you a dream.
I’m saying there have been things that have been stolen from you that you don’t even know nothing about.
Well, I got news for you. Heaven kept track of it. Heaven kept track everything that was yours even back.
Oh Lord have mercy. All I want is what’s mine? That’s all I want. I don’t want. What’s yours?
You can keep, what’s yours? Satan got to give me. What’s mine?
See, you must get this because if you’re immature, you’ll miss it.
This is not a hate message.
This is a message where we’re transferring the wealth of the sinner into the hand of God’s people.
Now, why are we doing that for one reason so that we can build the kingdom of God?
That’s the one reason why it’s got to come in, sit down.
Yeah. Are you all with me?
No, the body of Christ is one. There’s no schism anymore.
We’re brothers and sisters, you here but Satan has been resisting us.
He’s been resisting us and in, in ways that we don’t even know about.
So I command every contract from now on every contract that’s been stolen, every, every business opportunity that has been diverted.
Lord, I’m preaching right now.
I’m talking about everything that belongs to you that belongs to your relatives.
Those who wanted to get this and bless it into your life. I’m commanding those things to be released.
Now, I said, restore. I said restore.
I said restore every time you are off from work and that devil made you sick.
I said restore even times that you were off from work and it was your own fault.
I’m gonna plead the blood of Jesus and command that to come back as well.
This is our time.
I said, this is our time you see without vengeance. Some of this couldn’t happen.
I I just want you, I, I I just want you to see without vengeance.
The Children of Israel couldn’t have gotten out of Egypt without vengeance doesn’t have to do with hate.
It has to do with justice of this.
So here’s a time that a bile and Abraham came down there with Sarah and he told her again, he said to the king of he said, listen, tell him now that you’re my sister.
Why? Because he didn’t understand divine positioning that if you’re ever sent by God, you’re protected by God.
I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how rough it is.
You’re going into that place. We go right on in that neighborhood.
Can no gun shoot you folks.
We still got pictures I believe of my wife and I we out there in the, in the, in the, I mean, out there in the communities in, in Tulsa and they got them gangs out there that shooting and they still got pictures of us making all the gangs whole hands while we pray.
We, I think she still got pictures of him. You know why we were sent.
And when you sent, there is no fear in you. Come on now help me.
Now there is no fear. Who was that?
Uh One of our members, they went out there and uh she and another lady went and they were witnessing.
We were sent on Saturday, you’re being sent on Saturday.
And they went out there and witnessed and saw the guy coming across the street and he was, he was a gang leader and saw him come across the street.
Well known if I said the name of the gang, you know, here and come across the street and as he came across uh and they stop and say, hey, excuse me, we like to talk to you about Jesus.
He said, oh, all right ladies, how y’all doing, you know, kind of, you know, playing with him a little bit and, and they said, listen, just, just shake our hand.
He grabbed the hand to shake it. The power of God went through it.
He fell out was, was on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, Mercedes pulled up from everywhere.
His bodyguard pull up. What y’all do? What did you do with him? Put the hand on the gun.
What did you do with him? Now, these are two ladies.
We didn’t do it uh you follow what I’m saying?
If it had been two men, it probably shot them across the street if they weren’t set.
But my point to you is he got up. He said, what happened to me?
He said you have been arrested by the holy ghost.
You’re about to see power that you have never seen before and it’s going to come through you.
Well, today is offering day on the broadcast and we give you the viewing audience and our partners and friends and those who are being blessed by the ministry an opportunity to sow a seed.
Now we of course, take what you’ve given us and we support the broadcast and pay for television to all the things that we do.
But what I’m saying to you is that it’s good soil, it’s soil where the word is coming forth.
And the Bible talks about four types of soil. One was hard soil when the word is sown.
Uh because the ground is so hard, the birds just come and take it away.
Uh The next is a stony ground, stony ground is ground that they planted some seed.
But when the roots begin to try to grow down, they couldn’t.
And because the stones were there, so the heat scorched the plant and it dried up.
The next was thorny ground. This is ground that soil has thorns in it.
And as the the plants tried to grow, the thorns choked it out. But the last was good soil.
And in that good soil, Jesus said it’ll come for 30 60 100 fold.
Now that means that whatever is being sown can come back multiplied.
This is God’s way of meeting the needs of His people.
Somebody might be looking at me and say, well, I’m on fixed income, unfix it. You can do that.
God can make it so that, that government or that pension, whatever it is, it’s not your source, your source, it’s God.
And he said that you do give, it’ll be given back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give into your bosom.
You see, we’ve got to come off of that notion that our job is our source or some people are our source or this government is our source.
Now, the government of the kingdom is our source. God himself wants to be our source.
Now, he says this over in Galatians chapter six and verse seven, he says, be not deceived.
Now, God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that shall He also reap.
You see, God guarantees us a harvest from our seed.
Now, look at me, we’ve been using it ever since I got here.
I don’t know whether you know the story or not, but we came here with $200.
Look at what God has done, sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping.
So it is not just a promise it’s a covenant. It’s God’s promise and covenant to you.
That’s saying when you do sow a seed, he then is obligated to measure that back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over now, you know, you’re trying to make God do something he doesn’t wanna do.
No, no, no. God is the one that came up with the system.
He is the one that wants to support His people.
So His people don’t have, don’t have to look to anybody else for support. How would you like your family?
Your wife, your husband, somebody to look to some other family for their support.
Uh uh Not God, you’re gonna be supported by Him and he’s gonna take care of you in style.
Praise God. So just so you see, get it ready and or just get in mind what you’d like to sow and we encourage you to sow and expect a miracle.
Expect something to happen. You might be sowing it for some debt relief or might be sowing it for a friend that needs to come into the kingdom or might be sewing it for some sickness or disease needs to be here.
But get put something in mind. Expect a miracle. Praise God. Let’s pray together, father.
We come before you in the name of Jesus and we do thank you for all of our listening audience and those that are sowing seed into this ministry.
We pray Lord that your word will prove to be true that you’ll measure it back to them.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give it to their bosom or whatever they have sown this seed for that.
You will work a miracle in their lives. Father, we thank you for it.
We believe it’s done in Jesus name. Amen. Well, praise God.
Thank you so much for your support of the ministry. Thank you for your prayers. We love you.
And until next time, Bill Winston sang, keep walking by faith.
The enemy has been resisting the people of God far too long.
There are things that you should have in your life by now, but the enemy has held them back and stolen from you.
But now is the set time for the vengeance and recompense of the Lord.
This vengeance has nothing to do with hatred but comes from a love of justice.
Everything God prepared for you before the foundation of the world is now being released to you.
Your days of struggling are over for.
We are living in the days of the vengeance and recompense of the Lord.
Vengeance has nothing to do with hate or resentment, but it is affliction that proceeded from love, love of justice.
Vic and recompense is the new series by Doctor Bill Winston.
In this series, you’ll learn now is the set time of favor for the body of Christ. He’s God.
He’s a God of justice. He is not one to let things happen in your life and he not look after you.
He is not one to allow things to come in your life and he not be concerned about you.
Not when he calls you the apple of his eye order, this prophetic message today and discover God is going to make the devil repay everything he has stolen from you.
Seven fold vengeance belongs to God, not people.
Your time of frustrations and failures are now over and much more now is a time and the set time that for Zion, that the favor of God is about to kick in and everything that’s been sitting on our destiny is now about to be put down to order your copy of vengeance and recompense simply write to Bill Winston ministries P O box 947 Oak Park, Illinois 60303 by bank card at 1 to 807 119327 or online at W W W dot Bill Winston dot org.
Order. This must have series vengeance and recompense.
Today I came to another.
This is the last and you’ve all gone through what you’ve been going.
I just said, I said this speak Jesus said it.
He’s doing the doctors.
Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
We have an exciting program for you today of telling you get your bible ready.
We’re talking about vengeance and recompense. Now.
Like I said, a lot of people don’t know what vengeance means according to the biblical definition, it doesn’t have to do with God and mad at somebody getting even with something.
No, no, no, it has to do with love of justice. People that have been mistreated.
God is about to move in on their behalf, the people of God and also recompense, recompense has to do with payback or let’s say somebody has done something against you or whatever.
Have you defrauded you? Well, they’re about to pay it back. God is gonna get it back for you.
Now, he’s not mad at people who is coming against is the enemy the devil, Satan himself.
He stockpiled it all. God is gonna take it and he’s gonna transfer it into the hands of his people.
Now, one thing about it is one day the Children of Israel were in, in bondage here.
They were in slavery in Egypt.
And then the next day they were coming through the Red Sea loaded, they had silver, they had gold, they had clothing.
I’m just saying when Pharaoh came after them, notice the Red Sea swallowed them up. What am I telling you?
I’m telling you that your financial condition of life can be ended in one day. That’s what’s about to happen.
Folks. All you got to do is believe this. He’s the Lord. It’s right in the word of God.
And then the next thing that happened is they shall build this idea about building up something and, and having something to be built.
Jesus never built a single school. He never built a single business. Why? That wasn’t his, his calling?
He wasn’t supposed to build. We’re supposed to do that.
So we’re gonna take this overflow that he’s gonna give us.
That’s gonna come into the body of Christ and we shall build orphanages. We shall build business.
I’m talking about Godly businesses. We shall build seniors homes.
I’m talking about these are the things that are needed in the earth so that we can preserve humanity.
It’s a powerful teaching. Get your Bibles and pencils and paper ready. Let’s go into what it’s called vengeance.
And we have been struggling to try to get somewhere. But your struggle is over.
The only reason we’ve been struggling is because we’ve been trying to operate off the wrong platform.
Say amen to that.
And then one group think they know more than the other and that, that’s all right.
But, but don’t cut everybody else out and then I go place and now I preach and they don’t even have a baptism pool and no, and, and they even mention it house.
Yeah. But in the, in the platform, the moment they believed they were baptized in the platform.
Not in the platform. I, I’m talking about your denomination. I’m not talking about who taught you something else.
I’m talking about, come back to the platform and biblical pattern yields biblical power.
And you’re supposed to be able to see a drug addict come into the house of God.
This is supposed to be the Tabernacle in the wilderness for people.
This is supposed to be the spiritual powerhouse of God that if you come in here with anything, that’s the idea about the man who was sitting at the pool for 38 years and, and every time he seemed to get up and go, somebody jumped in front of him.
Jesus said, would you like to be made home?
And it said, well, anybody that gets up there when the angels stir up the pool, whatever disease they have, they’re gonna be healed when they hit the pool.
But they got to be the first one. Sounds like the lottery, don’t it? And so what happened?
He then he said, listen, you don’t need, I’m gonna put him on word.
You don’t need to wait on no pool, right.
Take up your bed right now and get up out of here.
It doesn’t make any difference what you’ve got.
You bring somebody in the house of God is any among you sick?
Let him call for the elders of the church.
Let him anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up.
And if it been in his sins, he’ll be wiped out, he’ll be forgiven.
They didn’t say let him anoint him with all and we sure hope he get healed and, and people think getting healed of a headache, headache.
No, if any of you is missing a kidney, if any of you have had a stent, put in your arteries, if any of you come on out, let him call for the other of the church because healing a headache and putting in a kid kidney is all the same in the kingdom of God.
Man. There ain’t no difference. The power of God is the power of Yeah.
The idea about Ephesians is that when He tells you how far up you are, he is saying that you not only have authority but you have a heritage of protection.
Yes. Are y’all somebody flowing with me here?
And that goes along with Colossians one.
But let me just read this verse verse 21 far above.
Come on, somebody say, fire all what principality and power and might and Dominion and every name that’s named, you said, well, that’s Jesus.
Well, come on down to verse six of chapter two and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
In other words, sit out, see that heritage protection says that every kind of attack or accident cannot reach you.
Are, are you following what I’m saying?
That you don’t need to look back at you all the time.
See if anybody’s chasing you or whatever have you. No, no, no, can’t touch you.
In other words, wizards and witches, curses can’t touch you.
They, they can’t bother you to turn her over to Colossians.
Colossians chapter one, you need to see this. See now, wait a minute.
Does it work if you don’t believe it? No, it does not. There’s nothing in here that’s automatic.
You gotta believe this stuff, but it’s gotta be preached. This is part of the Kingdom of God.
In the kingdom of God. You have a heavenly immunity.
Look what it says here in verse 12, give verse chapter one verse 12, giving thanks to the father which has made us what meet or able to be partakers of the what inheritance of the what saints where in light I told you light came through Adam who has delivered us from what power of doctors who has delivered us from what who has delivered us from?
What did it say you’re going to be delivered?
No, it says what you have been delivered, you already been delivered.
Look at Luke, come on back over here to Luke. Luke chapter 10, please.
He said in verse 17, the 70 return again with joy saying, Lord even the devils are subject to us through your name.
And he said to the name I be hell.
Who Satan as lighting and fall from where heaven, the whole I given to you.
What how to tread on what serpents keep going and, and all the power of the enemy.
Come on and nothing. I said, I’m giving you power over all the power of the enemy.
It doesn’t make any difference what kind of power he’s trying to use.
I’m gonna give you power in this last day on another level.
This is not power that has been seen on the earth before. Folks.
We are about to see a power that has never been seen and never been manifested in the earth.
God has reserved that power for the last day. That power is here right now.
I’m telling you all we need to do is preach it and believe it and act on it and we gonna see something that we ain’t never seen before.
You won’t see the power of God moving in a church.
Service and everybody from one end of the building to the other end, all the way down to the nursery is going to be healed of whatsoever disease they have because this is a day of God, this is the day of the vengeance of the Lord.
Y’all got me preaching today. I hope y’all can keep up with this.
So now let me finish this.
It is time for payback.
See, we gonna make the devil let you go but God wants you to claim damages.
Come on now, don’t look at me like that.
You know you got some stuff do if it ain’t nothing but child support, you got something to do.
Now this is not coming against people because people for the most part were like Jesus said on the cross.
Father forgive them. Come on. So they know not what they do.
I told you no natural man can defeat those spirits.
So those spirits get in their lives, get in their mind and control them and make them won’t pay you or whatever have you and so forth.
So you can’t blame people. Let’s go up to the root cause of this thing and the root cause of this thing is the devil himself and we going into his den and he’s got hidden riches all over this world and we gonna make him cough it up.
We gonna come into every treasury that he has hidden money.
I’m telling you some bank accounts some private bank accounts are about to be emptied.
God is about to send angels in places. Now, I’m not trying to take nobody’s money.
I’m trying to get what belongs to me.
That’s all I want are y’all with me?
I’m talking about, we gonna demand some things God says in Isaiah 45 he said command.
Ye mean that means commission Him. That means allow him to do what he wants to do.
And he said, vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord and I will recompense, say amen to that and recompense means to pay back.
It means whatever’s owed you that it’s got to be paid and got to be paid to you because it’s something that belongs to you.
But I don’t want just what belongs to me. I won’t belong what belongs to my granddaddy.
I want what belongs to everybody that’s in my family that the enemy has snapped something from now.
Understand it’s not a hate thing. It’s not something that you don’t love people say amen.
I’m making the devil pay it back.
It’s God that’s going to the devil and making him surrender everything that belongs to you.
He’s gonna surrender your mind and give you peace. Amen to that.
Now, not only that saints of God, we’re going to demand some contracts.
You see, there have been spiritual forces in the heavenly and they have been diverting contracts that was supposed to go to you.
They have listen, they have even been trying to pervert in inventions and new ideas that, that tried to confuse your dream when God wanted to give you a dream.
I’m saying there have been things that have been stolen from you that you don’t even know nothing about.
Well, I got news for you. Heaven kept track of it. Heaven kept track everything that was yours even back.
Oh Lord have mercy. All I want is what’s mine? That’s all I want. I don’t want. What’s yours?
You can keep, what’s yours? Satan got to give me. What’s mine?
See, you must get this because if you’re immature, you’ll miss it.
This is not a hate message.
This is a message where we’re transferring the wealth of the sinner into the hand of God’s people.
Now, why are we doing that for one reason so that we can build the kingdom of God?
That’s the one reason why it’s got to come in, sit down.
Yeah. Are you all with me?
No, the body of Christ is one. There’s no schism anymore.
We’re brothers and sisters, you here but Satan has been resisting us.
He’s been resisting us and in, in ways that we don’t even know about.
So I command every contract from now on every contract that’s been stolen, every, every business opportunity that has been diverted.
Lord, I’m preaching right now.
I’m talking about everything that belongs to you that belongs to your relatives.
Those who wanted to get this and bless it into your life. I’m commanding those things to be released.
Now, I said, restore. I said restore.
I said restore every time you are off from work and that devil made you sick.
I said restore even times that you were off from work and it was your own fault.
I’m gonna plead the blood of Jesus and command that to come back as well.
This is our time.
I said, this is our time you see without vengeance. Some of this couldn’t happen.
I I just want you, I, I I just want you to see without vengeance.
The Children of Israel couldn’t have gotten out of Egypt without vengeance doesn’t have to do with hate.
It has to do with justice of this.
So here’s a time that a bile and Abraham came down there with Sarah and he told her again, he said to the king of he said, listen, tell him now that you’re my sister.
Why? Because he didn’t understand divine positioning that if you’re ever sent by God, you’re protected by God.
I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how rough it is.
You’re going into that place. We go right on in that neighborhood.
Can no gun shoot you folks.
We still got pictures I believe of my wife and I we out there in the, in the, in the, I mean, out there in the communities in, in Tulsa and they got them gangs out there that shooting and they still got pictures of us making all the gangs whole hands while we pray.
We, I think she still got pictures of him. You know why we were sent.
And when you sent, there is no fear in you. Come on now help me.
Now there is no fear. Who was that?
Uh One of our members, they went out there and uh she and another lady went and they were witnessing.
We were sent on Saturday, you’re being sent on Saturday.
And they went out there and witnessed and saw the guy coming across the street and he was, he was a gang leader and saw him come across the street.
Well known if I said the name of the gang, you know, here and come across the street and as he came across uh and they stop and say, hey, excuse me, we like to talk to you about Jesus.
He said, oh, all right ladies, how y’all doing, you know, kind of, you know, playing with him a little bit and, and they said, listen, just, just shake our hand.
He grabbed the hand to shake it. The power of God went through it.
He fell out was, was on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, Mercedes pulled up from everywhere.
His bodyguard pull up. What y’all do? What did you do with him? Put the hand on the gun.
What did you do with him? Now, these are two ladies.
We didn’t do it uh you follow what I’m saying?
If it had been two men, it probably shot them across the street if they weren’t set.
But my point to you is he got up. He said, what happened to me?
He said you have been arrested by the holy ghost.
You’re about to see power that you have never seen before and it’s going to come through you.
Well, today is offering day on the broadcast and we give you the viewing audience and our partners and friends and those who are being blessed by the ministry an opportunity to sow a seed.
Now we of course, take what you’ve given us and we support the broadcast and pay for television to all the things that we do.
But what I’m saying to you is that it’s good soil, it’s soil where the word is coming forth.
And the Bible talks about four types of soil. One was hard soil when the word is sown.
Uh because the ground is so hard, the birds just come and take it away.
Uh The next is a stony ground, stony ground is ground that they planted some seed.
But when the roots begin to try to grow down, they couldn’t.
And because the stones were there, so the heat scorched the plant and it dried up.
The next was thorny ground. This is ground that soil has thorns in it.
And as the the plants tried to grow, the thorns choked it out. But the last was good soil.
And in that good soil, Jesus said it’ll come for 30 60 100 fold.
Now that means that whatever is being sown can come back multiplied.
This is God’s way of meeting the needs of His people.
Somebody might be looking at me and say, well, I’m on fixed income, unfix it. You can do that.
God can make it so that, that government or that pension, whatever it is, it’s not your source, your source, it’s God.
And he said that you do give, it’ll be given back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give into your bosom.
You see, we’ve got to come off of that notion that our job is our source or some people are our source or this government is our source.
Now, the government of the kingdom is our source. God himself wants to be our source.
Now, he says this over in Galatians chapter six and verse seven, he says, be not deceived.
Now, God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that shall He also reap.
You see, God guarantees us a harvest from our seed.
Now, look at me, we’ve been using it ever since I got here.
I don’t know whether you know the story or not, but we came here with $200.
Look at what God has done, sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping.
So it is not just a promise it’s a covenant. It’s God’s promise and covenant to you.
That’s saying when you do sow a seed, he then is obligated to measure that back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over now, you know, you’re trying to make God do something he doesn’t wanna do.
No, no, no. God is the one that came up with the system.
He is the one that wants to support His people.
So His people don’t have, don’t have to look to anybody else for support. How would you like your family?
Your wife, your husband, somebody to look to some other family for their support.
Uh uh Not God, you’re gonna be supported by Him and he’s gonna take care of you in style.
Praise God. So just so you see, get it ready and or just get in mind what you’d like to sow and we encourage you to sow and expect a miracle.
Expect something to happen. You might be sowing it for some debt relief or might be sowing it for a friend that needs to come into the kingdom or might be sewing it for some sickness or disease needs to be here.
But get put something in mind. Expect a miracle. Praise God. Let’s pray together, father.
We come before you in the name of Jesus and we do thank you for all of our listening audience and those that are sowing seed into this ministry.
We pray Lord that your word will prove to be true that you’ll measure it back to them.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give it to their bosom or whatever they have sown this seed for that.
You will work a miracle in their lives. Father, we thank you for it.
We believe it’s done in Jesus name. Amen. Well, praise God.
Thank you so much for your support of the ministry. Thank you for your prayers. We love you.
And until next time, Bill Winston sang, keep walking by faith.
The enemy has been resisting the people of God far too long.
There are things that you should have in your life by now, but the enemy has held them back and stolen from you.
But now is the set time for the vengeance and recompense of the Lord.
This vengeance has nothing to do with hatred but comes from a love of justice.
Everything God prepared for you before the foundation of the world is now being released to you.
Your days of struggling are over for.
We are living in the days of the vengeance and recompense of the Lord.
Vengeance has nothing to do with hate or resentment, but it is affliction that proceeded from love, love of justice.
Vic and recompense is the new series by Doctor Bill Winston.
In this series, you’ll learn now is the set time of favor for the body of Christ. He’s God.
He’s a God of justice. He is not one to let things happen in your life and he not look after you.
He is not one to allow things to come in your life and he not be concerned about you.
Not when he calls you the apple of his eye order, this prophetic message today and discover God is going to make the devil repay everything he has stolen from you.
Seven fold vengeance belongs to God, not people.
Your time of frustrations and failures are now over and much more now is a time and the set time that for Zion, that the favor of God is about to kick in and everything that’s been sitting on our destiny is now about to be put down to order your copy of vengeance and recompense simply write to Bill Winston ministries P O box 947 Oak Park, Illinois 60303 by bank card at 1 to 807 119327 or online at W W W dot Bill Winston dot org.
Order. This must have series vengeance and recompense.
Today I came to another.
This is the last and you’ve all gone through what you’ve been going.
I just said, I said this speak Jesus said it.
He’s doing the doctors.
Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.