The Harbinger: The Third Witness – Chapter 18

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The Third Witness – Chapter 18

Is it possible…
That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?
That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

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Chapter 18, the third witness, the third witness. That’s all he told me.
So there was no other clue she asked. No. And that was the end of the encounter.
Yes, I headed back through the stalks of wheat to my car.
The prophet remained in the midst of the fields halfway there. I turned back.
He was still standing there in the distance as when I first saw him, do you need a ride?
I shouted back to where he replied, I don’t know, maybe to the place of our next meeting, but then we wouldn’t be able to meet there.
He replied, I reached the car and turned back again. He was still there.
I began driving away. I looked back one more time.
It had only been a few seconds into the drive and he was gone.
So you really didn’t have much to go on this time.
No, the slightest of clues and a seal had already been given twice before.
And I wasn’t thinking about either.
At first, I was still caught up in the mystery that had just been shown trying to digest it all.
It was about an hour into the drive before I began pondering the next one and the meaning of the seal.
But I don’t understand. She said, how could you find anything more?
It was already revealed to you twice. What else could it mean?
And how are you supposed to figure it out? That was the hard part.
The seal was of the ninth Avenger, the scroll representing the prophecy the vow has proclaimed from Capitol Hill the second time it was given, it still had to do with the vow.
But now the repercussions of that vow, the Isaiah 9 10 effect. So what would it mean?
Given a third time? She asked apart from the seal itself, I only had one clue. The third witness.
Yes, but that’s all I needed how the first two witnesses had already been revealed.
And that was enough for you to know where to go.
The seal was linked to a place where did each witness recite the vow in the capital? Exactly.
And just when it hit me, I passed a sign for Washington. Yes.
And you took the sign as a sign. How could I not take the sign as a sign?
Now, you’re sounding like the prophet, my journey changed.
I took the exit and headed to Washington and specifically to Capitol Hill.
It was a couple of hours drive when I arrived.
It was late afternoon, early evening, I made my way to the Capitol Building in the same steps on which the prophet revealed.
The ninth Harbinger. And what happened, what happened, what happened is he was there, he was already there, but when you drove away, he was still in the field.
Yes. And there was no vehicle in sight apart from my car. Yet he was there before me waiting.
Did you ever ask him how he did it? She asked?
No, it was enough for me to try to figure out the mysteries to try to figure out the profit on top of that would have been too much.
So he was standing there on the terrace in the middle of the steps overlooking the mall, the sun had either just set or was just about to.
The wind was as strong as it had been earlier. That day.
I made my way up the steps and joined him on the terrace.
You did well to get here so fast.
He said, as I approached, but you were still here before me.
Do you remember when we first came here?
Of course, I replied, it was when you told me of the ninth Harbinger, the ninth Harbinger Isaiah 9 10.
In the form of prophecy here, the prophecy was proclaimed on the day after 9 11.
Here, the nation vowed the vow to emerge stronger than before seven years later.
The vow would be undone with the collapse of the economy.
Yes, he said, and what event more than any other would bring about that collapse?
The fall of Lehman Brothers and what decision was the most critical in bringing about that fall, the decision of the American government to let Lehman Brothers fall.
And when was that decision announced?
I don’t know, it happened on the first day of emergency meetings in New York City as the treasury secretary informed the leaders of Wall Street that the government had decided not to save the ailing firm.
It would let Lehman Brothers fall.
It was the most fateful of all decisions in triggering the collapse of the American and global economy.
The decision was announced and sealed on the Friday before the collapse. September 12th, September 12th.
I said that was the same day that the same day the prophecy was proclaimed on this hill.
It was seven years from the proclamation of the vow to the announcement of the decision that would cause the collapse of its economy to the day.
So the economic collapse was triggered on the seventh anniversary of the proclaiming of the ancient vow, just as in ancient times.
The same vow would ultimately lead to the collapse of ancient Israel, a very dangerous vow, Noriel.
Do you remember the biblical requirement of witnesses? He asked for a truth to be established. I replied.
Or a judgment pronounced there must be two witnesses. Yes.
But another number is also mentioned in scripture by the mouth of two or three witnesses.
The matter shall be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses. Every word shall be established.
So too, in the matter of a nation’s judgment, the first witness appears on the day after the calamity to proclaim the ancient prophecy from this hill.
The second witness appears three years later to deliver a speech centered entirely around the same ancient prophecy.
Each would connect 9 11 to Isaiah 9 10 America to Ancient Israel.
And each would vow we will rebuild each unwittingly pronounces judgment on America.
So two witnesses had spoken, but the scriptures speak of a third.
So could there be a third witness?
A third witness to confirm the connecting of the ancient prophecy to 9 11?
But now also to the economic collapse.
A third witness as a sign that the underlying course of judgment had not stopped but had progressed to a further stage.
Could there be a third witness to speak from an even higher level and on an even greater scale higher than the Senate?
Majority leader I asked, do you know where we are Capitol Hill? No, right here on this terrace.
No, I answered. This is the place where presidents are sworn into office.
This is the place of the inauguration, the inauguration, an event filled with hope and expectancy.
But in the case of a nation in departure from God and heading to judgment, hope can only come in repentance without a change.
Of course, the end must remain the same and all other hopes must fail.
The third witness is the third witness is the president of the United States, how I asked it’s evening.
He said, February 24 2009, the new president comes to this hill one month after his inauguration, he enters the chamber of the House of Representatives makes his way down the aisle to the podium and is greeted with thunderous applause.
The nation’s economy is still in a state of freefall and a tangible sense of foreboding hangs over the future.
Even before he utters his first word.
The speech is being hailed as the most important address of his early presidency.
It will be the first time he stands as president to address a joint session of Congress and the nation and his moment to give America an answer to its greatest crisis since 9 11, the chamber quiets.
He begins madam speaker, Mr Vice President, members of Congress and the First Lady of the United States.
I’ve come here tonight, not only to address the distinguished men and women in this great chamber, but to speak frankly and directly to the men and women who sent us here.
I know that for many Americans watching right now, the state of our economy is a concern that rises above all others.
After setting the stage and framing the magnitude of the crisis, the speech turns.
But while our economy may be weakened and our confidence shaken, though we are living through difficult and uncertain times tonight, I want every American to know this, we will rebuild.
It’s the vow I said it’s Isaiah 9 10 and note the strangeness of it Noriel, the peculiarity of its appearance in such a context we will rebuild was what was declared in the wake of 9 11.
But in the midst of an economic crisis, it’s hardly the most natural or the most fitting thing to say except that it fits into the deeper mystery in which the two calamities are being joined together.
And the president had no idea.
He was voicing the Central Declaration of Isaiah 9 10 did the 1st and 2nd witnesses have any idea what they were saying?
No, I said, but they knew they were quoting from scripture still, they had no idea what it meant in the case of the president.
He had no idea he was quoting from anything and he wasn’t, he was seeking to inspire the nation.
Nevertheless, out of his mouth came the central declaration of the ancient vow that he proclaimed the same words without even having a quote to quote from is all the more striking it just happened to happen.
I replied just like everything else, it happened because it had to one way or the other.
The words had to manifest one more link in the mystery bearing witness that what started with 9 11 had not ended but was still in effect and progressing.
It was now dark as we spoke on the terrace.
The monuments of the Washington Mall were a glow with white, yellow and orange light as was the Capitol building itself.
The prophet continued. The words we will rebuild had also manifested in the speech that launched the war on terror.
The speech given by the former president, but in that case, the phrase was qualified and specific to the rebuilding of New York.
But now the words would come forth with nothing to qualify or limit them simply we will rebuild.
Now, an American president would proclaim the central Declaration of Israel’s fateful vow as the central declaration of his entire address.
But with nothing to qualify it. I asked how specifically could three words be linked to Isaiah 9 10?
Good question. He replied, imagine this experiment before the president’s speech, you type in those three words into almost any major search engine on the internet.
We will rebuild just those three words and nothing else. What would happen?
The search engine would take you to the ancient prophecy.
That specific verse would more than likely appear in the first pages of results.
If not on the very first page, that’s how specifically the three words are joined to the ancient prophecy.
But now it’s the night of the speech, you repeat the experiment and type in the same three words.
But now instead of taking you to the ancient vow, it takes you to the words of the American president.
As the night advances, you repeat the experiment each time you do it, you witness, the president’s vow progressively pushing the ancient vow farther and farther away from the top of the list or to put it another way, the vow of the American president now takes the place of the ancient vow.
So the mystery was now playing out on the world wide web before a global audience through television, radio, print, and the internet, through the president of the United States in the hearing of the nation and much of the world.
And just as it was with the first two witnesses, the vow would once more manifest as the climax and pinnacle of the speech in which it appeared how I asked without coming at the end of the speech where it appeared in the speech was irrelevant.
The president’s address was picked up by news services around the world.
Each had to choose a phrase to serve as a summation and headline from the thousands of words contained in that speech.
The words most often chosen to encapsulate and represent it were those of the ancient bow CBS News Obama.
We will rebuild CNN Obama. We will rebuild MSNBC Obama. Tonight, we will rebuild the Guardian Obama.
We will rebuild National Public Radio Obama pledges, we will rebuild Times online.
Obama tells America we will rebuild Fox News.
Obama says country will rebuild Al Jazeera Obama pledges us will rebuild Drudge report.
Obama says USA will rebuild Associated Press Obama. We will rebuild New York Times.
Obama vows we will rebuild Isaiah 9 10, we will rebuild from the New York Times to Al Jazeera.
I said they all chose the Central Declaration of Isaiah 9 10 with no one having any idea no more than the one who proclaimed it.
Had any idea. The same principle that caused the harbingers to manifest in the first place, was now operating through the global media and noticed something else.
Noriel, the president didn’t just say we will rebuild. He prefaced it with this.
I want every American to know this, we will rebuild. Does it sound familiar?
It’s the prophetic address that which comes before a prophetic utterance to identify the person or people to whom it’s being sent.
So the word was now being sent to every American correct.
He answered the ancient prophecy was addressed to the people of Israel and all the people will know it.
So now the president of the United States is readdressing it.
It is now given for every American to know and as with the other witnesses, he too clearly identifies who the we is of.
We will rebuild. The president is reciting the vow on behalf of every American.
And by doing that, the president is in effect identifying America as a nation estranged from God in defiance of his will and heading toward judgment.
Yes. Said the prophet just as did the first two witnesses.
In order for a truth or a judgment to be established, there must be two or three witnesses and the testimony of each must be consistent with that of the others.
To that end, the president added a second line to his vow. We will rebuild, we will recover.
Why does it sound familiar?
I asked on the day after 9 11, when the ancient vow was first proclaimed from Capitol Hill, the Senate majority leader sealed the vow and his address with these words, we will rebuild and we will recover.
So the president was repeating the words spoken on Capitol Hill.
I said the day after 9 11, but he couldn’t have done it purposely.
No said the prophet not purposely but unknowingly as with everything else.
And notice when the Senate majority leader proclaimed those two declarations, the words were not only being joined to the attack but clearly to Isaiah 9 10.
And now the president utters the same words but now to speak of the economic collapse.
So the same declaration spoken over the first shaking is now spoken over the second.
The two events are again joined together and it’s all joined together by Isaiah 9 10 and they both made their proclamations in the same place.
Yes, he said the witnesses are joined together not only by their testimony but also by the place in which they give their testimony.
Each of the three witnesses proclaims the vow in the capital city.
The 1st and 3rd witness proclaimed the vow not only in the same city but also on the exact same hill in the exact same building and a building divided in two into two wings, two chambers, the Senate and the House, the nation’s two highest legislative assemblies, each of which must confirm a law or proclamation in order for it to be passed as with two witnesses.
And so the ancient vow was proclaimed first from the floor of the Senate on the day after 9 11 and then from the floor of the House of Representatives, first from the Northern wing and then from the southern one in each wing, one in each chamber, two witnesses.
And did the president say anything else that linked up with Isaiah 9 10.
Yes, with Isaiah 9 10.
And with the commentaries, when the leaders of Ancient Israel declared the bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild.
What were they saying? Tell me they were saying that fallen bricks would not decide their future.
The crisis would not determine their nation’s destiny. They themselves would from the commentaries.
The arrogant response demonstrates how stubborn and overconfident the people of Israel were they thought they could determine their own destiny.
So after declaring, we will rebuild, the president gave voice to another declaration.
The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation.
It’s the bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild, translated into modern political terminology.
And what did he say would determine the nation’s destiny?
I asked America would be its own answer. The answers to our problems. Don’t lie beyond our reach.
They exist in our laboratories and universities in our fields and our factories in the imagination of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardest working people on earth.
In other words, we will emerge from this crisis by relying on the greatness of our powers and resources.
We will rebuild with quarried stones. I said, and cedar trees. Exactly.
He replied, we will determine our own destiny.
And yet the ancient vow boasted of more than that, more than rebuilding and more than recovering, it was about coming out of the crisis stronger than before.
Exactly. And so the president would add one more declaration to his vow.
Listen to the words, we will rebuild, we will recover and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.
A perfect summation of the ancient prophecy.
Now look what happens if you take the words of the president and hold them up against the words of a commentary on Isaiah 9 10.
From the commentary, they boasted that they would rebuild their devastated country from the president.
We will rebuild, we will recover the commentary and make it stronger and more glorious than ever before.
The president and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before. It’s scary.
I said, how closely it matches much scarier said the prophet is what it all led to in the ancient case.
And in the modern case, I asked the answer to the nation’s problems.
He said lies not in its powers but in a power much higher than these.
And until and unless that answer and hope are found every other answer and hope must fail in the end and the prophecy must continue in effect along with the progression of judgment, the progression of judgment.
So things only get worse in the realm of appearance, not always but followed.
9 11 appeared to be an era of economic resurgence and expansion.
But in reality, it was a house of cards, a very different dynamic was at work beneath the surface and progressing until the cards collapsed.
The Isaiah 9 10 effect, the progression of judgment advances in times of calamity and crisis, but equally in times of apparent recovery, apparent normalcy and even apparent resurgence, booming economies and prosperity.
None of it hinders or ends the progression, whether above the surface or beneath it, the progression continues.
Then what ends the progression? I asked either judgment or the answer.
And it’s heading to which to which end do you think Noria? It’s heading away from God.
The progression of judgment is only a reaction to the progression of a nation’s apostasy.
It’s progressive, severing of its connection to God and to the biblical foundation on which it was established.
If the first progression doesn’t end, then neither can the second.
So the answer is the seal. He replied, the answer is the seal.
May I have the seal? He asked.
So I gave it to him and he placed another in my right hand.
This he said, is what I gave you at the beginning.
The seal of the first Harbinger, we now leave the mysteries of the second shaking and move to the answer.
And as this was the seal that opened up the first mysteries of the Harbingers, so too, it will open up the last and the answer.
And this one is like all the other revelations or not, this one he said is unlike all the other revelations and yet all of them are joined to it.
And where does one go to find its meaning?
I asked its meaning lies hidden in the foundation, the foundation of what America, where in the mystery ground?

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