81% Of The Biblical Prophecy About Israel Is Already Fulfilled | Derek Prince

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Prophecies Concerning Israel: 16 Predictions and Their Fulfillment

Israel stands out from every other nation in the world due to one unique factor: its entire history was foretold through predictive prophecy. In this article, we will explore sixteen specific prophecies made about Israel in advance, checking off those that have already been fulfilled and those that are yet to be realized.

  1. Enslavement in Egypt – Predicted to Abraham in Genesis 15:13, the prophecy of Israel’s enslavement in Egypt was made long before it occurred.
  2. Deliverance with Wealth from Egypt – In Genesis 15:14, God foretold that Israel would leave Egypt with wealth, a remarkable prophecy considering they had been slaves just 24 hours prior.
  3. Possession of the Land of Canaan – In Genesis 15:18-20, God predicted Israel’s eventual possession of the land of Canaan, 400 years before it happened.
  4. Turn to Idolatry in the Land – In Deuteronomy 22:15-21, it was predicted that Israel would fall into idolatry even before entering the Promised Land.
  5. Establishment of a Central Place of Worship in Jerusalem – God foretold that Israel would establish a place of worship in Jerusalem, as seen in Deuteronomy 12:5-6.
  6. Exile of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) – Israel’s exile by Assyria was predicted in several passages, including Amos 5:27, 6:14, and 7:17.
  7. Exile of the Southern Kingdom (Judah) by Babylon – The prophecy of Judah’s exile by Babylon was foretold numerous times, particularly in Jeremiah 16:13 and 21:10.
  8. Destruction of the First Temple – The destruction of Solomon’s Temple was predicted in 2 Chronicles 7:19-22.
  9. Return from Babylonian Exile – The prophecy of a return from Babylon was made in Isaiah 6:11-13 and 48:20.
  10. Destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD – Jesus vividly predicted the destruction of the Second Temple in Matthew 24:2 and Luke 19:43-44, and this prophecy was fulfilled to the letter.
  11. Scattering of Israel Among the Nations – Israel’s scattering among the nations was foretold in Leviticus 26:33-34 and Ezekiel 12:15.
  12. Persecution and Oppression Among the Gentiles – Israel’s persecution while in exile was predicted in Leviticus 26:36-39.
  13. Regathering of Israel from Exile – The return of Israel from exile was foretold in Isaiah 11:11-12 and Zechariah 10:9-10, among others.
  14. Gathering of All Nations Against Jerusalem – The prophecy of all nations gathering against Jerusalem was predicted in Zechariah 12:2-3 and 14:1-2.
  15. Supernatural Revelation of the Messiah’s Identity – In Zechariah 12:10-14, it was prophesied that Israel would experience a supernatural revelation of the Messiah.
  16. Coming of the Messiah in Power and Glory – Finally, Zechariah 14:3-5 predicts the return of the Messiah to establish His kingdom on earth.

Conclusion: A Total of 13 Prophecies Fulfilled

Out of these sixteen specific prophecies, thirteen have already been fulfilled with astonishing accuracy. Only three remain unfulfilled. Based on this, approximately 81% of these prophecies have been fulfilled exactly as foretold. As someone who once studied logic, I find it reasonable to expect the remaining prophecies to be fulfilled in the same manner, grounded in historical evidence and biblical accuracy. We are not irrational believers but have solid grounds to trust in the fulfillment of these prophecies.

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