5 Ways to De-Stress-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

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Stress is often called the disease of the century, fueling a multi-billion-dollar industry aimed at managing its effects. Yet, Jesus offers a simple yet profound solution: “I came that you might have peace; My peace I give unto you.”

If you are a believer in Christ, peace is already within you. By accepting Christ as your Savior, you have received the Prince of Peace, who resides in your heart. This peace is not just theoretical—it is real and accessible, even amidst life’s storms. Consider a body of water: while the surface may be turbulent during a storm, the depths remain calm and undisturbed. In the same way, though the surface of our lives may feel chaotic, we can cultivate an inner peace defined as a quiet heart.

This inner calm may come more naturally to some than others. For instance, my husband has been a perfect example of peace throughout our 48 years of marriage. Casting his cares onto God comes easily to him, while I, on the other hand, have often struggled with worry and anxiety. However, over time, I’ve learned to embrace peace. Today, I am more peaceful than ever, despite carrying more responsibilities than at any other time in my life.

If I can learn to live in peace, so can you. As the Word of God is preached, there is power to break the chains of stress and bring deliverance. While this doesn’t mean all your stress will vanish instantly, something transformative will occur within you. A revelation will take root—you don’t have to live under the weight of stress anymore.

An Invitation from Jesus: Matthew 11:28-29

Jesus extends a powerful invitation in Matthew 11:28-29:

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

This passage highlights two key actions:

  1. Come to Jesus. He promises to relieve your burdens and refresh your soul.
  2. Learn from Him. Jesus invites us to take His yoke—a symbol of partnership—and follow His example.

A yoke, traditionally used to pair oxen, allows them to share the load, making it lighter. When we stay yoked to Jesus, we gain His strength and guidance, making life’s challenges more manageable. But staying yoked requires closeness, attentiveness, and a willingness to learn how Jesus lived—calmly, faithfully, and without stress.

A Deeper Prayer: Teach Me Your Ways

It’s easy to ask God for miracles: to change circumstances, remove stress, or eliminate problems. But Moses modeled a deeper approach. While the Israelites sought miracles, Moses asked to understand God’s ways.

Let this be our prayer:
“Lord, teach me Your ways. Help me to handle life’s challenges as You would.”

This prayer invites us to grow spiritually, seeking not just relief but transformation. Instead of trying to change people or external circumstances, we learn to respond with the peace, wisdom, and grace that Jesus embodies.

Today, take a step closer to God. Stay connected to Him, follow His lead, and trust His process. In doing so, you’ll discover that His peace—true, lasting peace—can overcome even the most stressful situations.

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