2 Minutes Read and Bible Study Guidance – Psalms 1 Chapter 1

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Psalm 1:1

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is describing a man who is blessed, or favored by God. The man described in this verse avoids the bad influence of the ungodly, those who do not follow God’s ways, and the sinners, who engage in wrongdoing. The man also avoids the company of those who mock and ridicule others.

Psalm 1:2

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describes a man who takes great pleasure in studying and following God’s law, and who meditates on it constantly. This verse suggests that the man has a deep commitment to living according to God’s principles.

Psalm 1:3

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describes a man who is like a tree planted by a river, providing nourishment and stability to those around him. The tree is described as bringing forth fruit in its season, meaning that it is productive and consistent. The tree’s leaves do not wither, indicating that it is healthy and strong. The verse also says that whatever the man does will prosper, suggesting that he is successful in his endeavors because he is following God’s ways.


Psalm 1:4

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contrasts the blessed man described in the previous verses with the ungodly, who are compared to chaff, a light, dry, and easily blown away material. The verse suggests that the ungodly are weak and easily swayed by the wind, and therefore have no foundation or stability.


Psalm 1:5

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states that the ungodly and sinners will not be able to stand in the judgment, or the final accounting of a person’s actions. They will not be accepted in the congregation of the righteous, those who follow God’s ways.

Psalm 1:6

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states that God knows the way of the righteous, and will protect and guide them. In contrast, the way of the ungodly will perish, or come to an end. This verse suggests that those who follow God’s ways will be rewarded, while those who do not will ultimately face consequences for their actions.


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