18 Keys For The End Time Believers | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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18 Keys For The End Time Believers | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares 18 keys for the end-time believer. How do you stand in the days of which the Bible foretold in prophecy? How do you overcome? How do you prevail? Important, practical, and life-changing.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

because the spirit of the age is to make you forget the spirit of the age is to make you forget God forget to forget God’s ways forget his word that’s what’s happening to the culture the Bible says in the end times you’ve heard me say it the world will focus on Israel number one there’ll be in Israel that’s a miracle there’ll be in Israel after all these years and there is the world will’ll focus on it well in the last 6 months the world has focused on Israel again nonstop the the last 6 months just about

the worst event in Jewish history since the Holocaust took place that was October 7th that was Hamas then after that the worst eruption of anti-Semitism on a massive scale around all around the world ever you know there are those who remember the Holocaust they say but that was in a nation or that was in spreading around near that Nation con but this is the whole world then just 2 weeks ago Iran attacked Israel directly for the first time ever in history the thing is the Bible actually says in Ezekiel 38 Persia

which is clearly Iran will be part of an attack on Israel not that this is that but we are clearly closer now that is the first time ever as the Bible says speaks of these things and then just in the last week or two if you’ve been watching the news it has been the worst mass eruption of anti-israel anti-Semitism in America ever throughout the college campuses as this is the future the college campuses are the future and if you look at the statistics about what it says about younger Americans and where they are

with God where they are with morality where they are with marriage where they are with sexuality where they are with faith where they are with Israel it’s all I mean this is End Time stuff if it doesn’t change apart from revival and ATT turning this is what the Bible says ultimately it’s happening but you can see it now the Bible says in the last days all nations will come against Israel you know America is the closest Ally of Israel major Ally and if this is happening in America and if this is the

drift in America what does it mean it’s exactly what the Bible says not to mention not to mention what we see virtually every day which is that which the Bible says there’ll be a great falling away a great apostasy we’re watching that every day morality things that would have shocked us just a few years ago it keeps the the the the bar keeps moving not to mention you know just in the last few weeks we we I mean we’ve never had this and I’m not saying it’s the the end but the point is we had

two earthquakes here in New Jersey on a Friday never have so much been happening in such a short time that is relevant to these things and so what I want to focus on is something very practical the keys to standing in such a time as this how do we stand in the end times how do we stand in challenging how do we stand in an anti-christian time and so I’m going to give you I don’t really want to call this a many many cuz it’s not be but but I’m going to go very fast and I’m going to give you about 18

Keys take whatever the Lord puts on your heart apply it and it can change your life Keys concerning to the standing of God’s people how are we going to stand and overcome number one these days and the end times it says will be times of great change great chaos Calamity the Lord though gave a parable he said a man built his house on a rock another one built his house on the sand when the then the storms came the floods came and they beat against it but the house that the man built on the Rock would not be

moved it withstood the storm the flood and the rains the one who built on the sand was wiped out what is the difference between the two the man who built his house on the rock it says it’s the man who did the will of God who obeyed the word of God and the thing is how because when you do that you’re building your life on the on the will of God on the word of God and when you do that when you actually do the will of God it actually does something to your life it actually becomes part of your whole life it’s strengthens you you know

a small piece of wood is not heavy it could be tossed by the wind but if you if you Bond it to a rock a heavy Boulder it becomes as heavy as The Rock you know there’s an old practical joke that children sometimes still do or youth still do they take like a quarter or a 50 cent piece and they superglue it to the sidewalk and so people are trying to get that up well the the the coin does not weigh much but when it’s bonded to the sidewalk in effect it becomes as heavy at the sidewalk we don’t weigh

much but God does God is heavy meaning we are not necessarily strong or or or stable or steadfast but God is and so the more you buy Bond yourself to God that is going to keep you no matter Come What May the closer your bond is so in the end times or in these days it is so crucial to be bonded to the Lord the closer your bond the closer your connection the weaker your connection the more you can be tossed away but the stronger it is you cannot be moved immovable steadfast second number two link to the first and that is God told the

Israelites to bind bind the word of God on their foreheads bind the word of God on their arm bind the word of God on their doorpost their houses now that that what does that mean number one buy you know some of them actually put these these boxes with a word in them but that’s God is saying bind the word to your mind bind the word get the word in your mind get the word into your into your memory into everything get it into your thought life let let the word rule your thought life and you’re going to have a stable

thought life bind the word to your actions to your arm your actions whatever you do Let It Be make sure it lines up with the word of God whatever you do do it from the word of God do not bend the word of God to fit your life bend your life to fit the word of God practice bending your life what is in your life that is not lining up with the word bend it believe the word stand on the word proclaim the word and live the word number three and this is this is you know the Bible says blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and it says that that he’ll

be like a like a tree planted by the water and no matter what comes the the famine comes but it’s still going to bear fruit it’s going to be blessed because it is planted rooted like right by the water and the key is is we have to become rooted we have to become more plugged in to the things of God plugged in rooted like a tree you know we and and that goes to prayer and your communion with god without that you are not going to stand with that nothing can break you we think of prayer as oh it’s kind of a nice thing not a nice thing it

is it is the most practical thing it is life it is life or death look at the strongest people in the Bible like look at the men of like Moses strong you know David Paul they were all men of prayer Elijah powerful man of prayer prayer every day you need to be in the presence of God and you don’t want to just be something where you’re hearing this and you don’t do it do it you need to have that time make it special make it the height of your day make it the the privilege that it is see it as a treasure that you can actually be in

God’s presence it C it does a million things of blessing in your life that you may not even realize you need to do that amen number four the will of God the will of God in the end prevails God allows things but in the end the will of God prevails it endures it overcomes all so a key here is the more out of the will of God you are the more you will not Prevail the more you’ll be overcome the more in the will of God you are the more you cannot be overcome and you will overcome the thing is whatever is not of

God’s will that is in your life and you know it’s not God’s will get it out of your life because it’s hurting you it’s hindering you it’s weakening you it’s dividing you it’s keeping you from your calling on the top of being sin and the the other thing is whatever is not in your life that God is calling what is he calling what is what’s the tugging of the spirit what’s he calling you to do to rise in God to become that person and you haven’t done rise to it that’s

what’s going to strengthen you start doing it today take a step today next key in Hebrew the word for faith is amuna try it amuna is linked to the word amen amen amuna and faith and amen are linked together the word for truth Aman or Amed is also link to the word for faith faith is not faith in anything it’s not faith that I can say whatever I want and I’ll get anything I want that’s not real faith faith is faith in the truth faith is faith in God in God’s will yes but not faith is Faith

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