You’re Never Alone For Too Long x Sarah Jakes Roberts

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You’re Never Alone For Too Long x Sarah Jakes Roberts

One of the enemy’s most persistent tactics is to make you feel isolated, as if you’re alone in your struggles. But something powerful happens when we gather at Woman Evolve conferences, joining hands and hearts in unity. Even in our moments of loneliness, we are reminded that God has called each of us to evolve.

If you’ve attended a Woman Evolve conference and experienced a life-changing moment like this one here, share it in the comments—I’d love to hear your story. These moments are God-ordained, and I want to share the fruit of them with you. If you haven’t had the chance yet, it’s not too late. WE24 is in Arlington, Texas, from September 24-26. Sis, it’s not just me— WE are all waiting for you to evolve.

some of us came into this room and we felt alone how is it that Alicia heard her story out of the mouths of three and four different women did anybody else have that experience like that’s my story that’s my story that’s my story wait a minute maybe I’m not as alone as I thought I was the power of connection the power of real community that has transparency and authenticity is that you’re never alone for long I don’t know when is the next time you’ll feel like you’re in a room full of people who are Carrying Your
Story I hope it’s tonight I hope hope is tomorrow but just in case it’s not just like my friend said I want you to take a minute and feel that hand and pressing into yours I want you to feel that head laying on your shoulder and I don’t want you to just feel it like I’m at a conference I want you to fill it with the perspective of when you’re laying in that bed alone at night sleeping next to somebody and still feel alone sleeping next to nobody and still feel alone when you’re trying to decide is
this dream crazy or not and you feel so alone squeeze the hand of that person connected to you God is it too late am I crazy for thinking this am I alone squeeze the hand of that woman next to you God orchestrated for that one womaning to be beside you she holds power for your destiny too she is a witness of the resurrecting power that can bring you back to life yes she still got some work to do but my God she’s not who she used to be when you squeeze that woman’s head squeeze power into her hand You are not alone you will not face
this by yourself you may never see my face again but you will feel my hand pressing into your hand anytime you feel alone I want you to remember what it felt like to be connected to 10,000 women we are an army and there are Targets on our back because of what has happened in inside of us I just don’t want to be the same and I put a Target on my back heartbreak is aiming at me for this change I may have to go home and Shake Up My Life over this change it’s a Target on my back I’m going have to rearange the way
I do life there’s a Target on my back some of this stuff I’m going to have to do is going to cost me something but I am not going to go back to holding my breath like I’m in this thing on my own going to have to become someone I’ve never been before squeeze the hand of a woman if you’ve had to become someone you’ve never been before you’re not alone squeeze the hand of a woman if you’re afraid you’re not alone squeeze the hand of the woman if you’re not giving up you’re not alone
squeeze the hand of the woman if you believe that she’s got what it takes to take it to the next Dimension squeeze the hand of the woman if you’re going to be rooting for her if you’re going to be cheering for her squeeze her hand like it stirs up the gift of God that’s down on the inside of her squeeze her hand until hell has to get off of her squeeze her hand until she realizes that woman evolve is a command it is not a choice it is a command and if you evolve and I evolve then together together we’ll never have to experience
this again community god-given community Sisterhood I’m going to meet you in the spiritual realm I don’t know when I’m going to see you again in person but my spirit is waiting for you in my prayer clauset my spirit is cheering you on and it’s not a broken spirit anymore cuz I’m not passing on my trauma it’s my breakthrough that I want to pass on to another woman I want to give you breakthrough I want to give you strength I want you to know you’re not alone that I won’t leave you stranded on
the side of the road if it’s within my my power to come and get you baby I’m going to be on the way my prayers are coming for you my strength is coming for you Jesus believe so much in community that he goes back to see Lazarus even though Lazarus didn’t need them because connection is not just about what I can do for you it’s about knowing that even if I can’t do anything for you I’mma stick beside you Heavenly Father we don’t take for granted that we have access to community we don’t take for granted
that this woman beside me has a battle to fight when she goes home a battle to become but God as you have moved so powerfully in this room God I pray that you would not stop moving with the same intensity go I want to prophesy in this place with the same power and the same intensity that you came into this room God I dispatch angels to move in that same Rhythm into her house into her home into her mind God let Heaven exhale so that we may in Hell God I thank you for woman evolve I thank you for the gift of this
Sisterhood and connection God I thank you that we got a chance to do this again that the pandemic didn’t wipe us out come on that the pandemic didn’t wipe us out that we didn’t quit that we didn’t just give up all together that our faith got shaky but God you sustained us God I thank you that everyone didn’t make it but for some reason you kept our crazy raggedy broken C together enough to be in your glory god I thank you for the hedge of protection that is around my life and that same hedge of protection
that keeps showing up over and over and over again I’m taking it with me wherever I go God you are so worthy these are your daughters thank you for trusting me with them I give them back to you cuz they ready I give them back to you cuz they’ve been filled up I give them back to you cuz they’re not holding their breath I give them back to you cuz I took them as far as I could take them God I give them back to you because the rest is between you and them God please receive our sacrifice receive our sacrifice God we
gave this thing everything that we have and they are good ground so may they do what good ground does and just produce and produce and produce and produce and produce until Ella is eating off of what they produced until Ella’s children is eating off of what they produce until woman evolve is a small thing compared to what God is going to do until I can’t get a phone call back from Amazon Pharmacy cuz they blowing up your phone God let them produce produce produce produce cuz you’ve already blessed me
beyond what I ever thought was possible so God allow it to overflow into their lives if I could just selfishly in Jesus name amen if I could just selfishly I’m so raggedy in Jesus name my life is a prayer okay I’m always praying I just can’t get over the fact that this is the church I grew up in and that God would allow me to have this full circle moment because I sat there in that section 13 years old trying to cover my stomach I sat there in that section 6 weeks after having my baby and stood up
and my dad welcom us back in church and this is the place where I was convinced that I would never have any kind of ministry this is the place where I was convinced that I would never have anything worthy of being admired or inspirational this is the place the spirit was moving and I was still convinced that it was skipping past me and as much as you thank me for saying yes I thank you for receiving what God put on the [Applause] inside cuz I wasn’t sure it was there but you are my confirmation that God really does heal
and he really does restore and he really does redeem so what I’m pre preaching about is not something to make you feel good it is a testimony of what God wants to do on the inside of your life and I cannot wait to see the fruit that you produce woman evolve I love you till the wheels fall off y’all so stuck with me you don’t even understand


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