What About Me? Part 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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What About Me? Part 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

Are you ready to retire? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer urges you to retire from “self-care” and instead, put your trust in God to provide for you and then sit back and see what He does!

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

well I wanted to thank you for watching our YouTube channel and for those of you supporting our efforts to produce these videos thank you thank you you are part of spreading the gospel around the world if you’re not a partner prayerfully consider joining our efforts to help others the way you’ve been helped through the teachings we can only imagine all the places God sends these videos once we post them online but because it’s filled with his word we know it’s bringing light into Dark Places scan our QR code and give today
it’s a decision that provides Everlasting benefits to you and those waiting to see these messages this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries he said you you remind me of this little robot the Devil comes and he’s like what about me I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt father we thank you for the word tonight and all that you have taught us and all that you’re going to teach us we are so grateful that we can learn and grow and change in Jesus name
amen tonight I’m going to talk about overcoming selfishness because I frankly believe it’s time for us to get ourselves off our mind quit being obsessed with what people think about us and what they’re saying about us and what’s happening to us and what’s not happening to us and what people are doing to us and what they’re not doing for us and we need to give ourselves once and for all to God trusting him to take care of us retire from self-care throw a big party come on now and while you’re
waiting for God to do whatever it is he’s going to do for you through you in your life you stay busy being a blessing to somebody else it’s really a very simple process forget yourself lose sight of yourself all your own interest take up your cross Jesus said and follow me and the cross that we’re to take up Is Not Tragedies and all kinds of disasters and horrible sicknesses it’s literally just learning to live for something other than yourself can anybody say amen amen now let me just tell you that every person
in the building has problems with selfishness you don’t have to try to be selfish you show up on planet Earth well equipped with it what we want to do is learn how to not be selfish how to recognize it to realize that it’s not okay that it keeps us from the very best life that God has for us and literally and I want to just get this across to you in so many different ways tonight the more you try to take care of yourself and I’m not talking about taking care of yourself in a balanced way I’m not talking about
don’t take care of your health and don’t take care of your body that that’s not the kind of stuff I’m talking about but the more you try to make yourself happy the more unhappy you’re going to be there’s only one way to be truly happy and that’s to trust God to do whatever needs to be done in your life even as far as encouragement I’ve learned that it’s useless for me to get mad at somebody if they’re not encouraging me what I need to do is tell God that I need encouragement and then
trust him to give it to me through whomever he chooses to give it to me through and it’s amazing how much encouragement I get when I do that and how much more fun that is than getting mad at Dave because he didn’t say and do this and getting mad at my kids because they didn’t say and do that and getting mad at you know the people I minister to because they didn’t write and say good things instead they wrote and complained about something come on now do any of you do any of you ever get mad at somebody because they’re
not encouraging you like you think they should well you know what just forget all about it don’t get mad at them they don’t even know what they’re doing I mean really people aren’t going around trying to make you miserable on purpose now yeah there may be a few people that that’s their assignment but you know by and large people just have problems they’re hurting and we get in the way of their pain we get in the way of their messed up life lives and we just get hurt but it’s not like they’re picking
on you that’s just kind of what they do to everybody no wonder Jesus says that we need to forgive them and pray for them and hope that things can change in their life now that doesn’t mean you got to sit around and let somebody abuse you but it means instead of trying to make somebody else treat you the way you think you should be treated go to God with it let’s learn tonight to start going to God with a lot more than what we do let’s turn ourselves over to God and see what he can do for us I got
tired a long time ago trying to take care of myself I’m not living anymore to make myself happy and an odd thing has happened I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life did you hear what I said come on I want to say it again I’m not living any longer to make myself happy and a strange thing has happened I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life I think we need that one more time don’t live to make yourself [Music] happy turn your case over to God put him in charge of your
reconstruction progress give God your case and just tell him if I’m ever going to be happy you’re going to have to make me happy if I’m ever going to be satisfied if I’m ever going to get anything that I think I want in life then you’re going to have to give it to me I’m tired of struggling I’m tired of wrestling with something all the time I’m tired of being frustrated all the time I’m tired of being mad at people because they’re not making me happy God if I’m going to be happy and
satisfied and fulfilled and blessed it’s up to you and then in the meantime you make it your business to purposely be a blessing everywhere that you go you don’t wait to feel like it you do it on purpose could we at least decide to bless one person a day just just one just start with one and then maybe that one can go to two and two can go to three and the less you think about yourself the happier you’re going to be overcoming selfishness John 124 does this sound like anything that you might possibly be able to
use I assure you and and I love the choice of Jesus words here most solemnly I tell you so he’s really saying listen what I’m getting ready to say to you is very serious I assure you most solemnly I tell you unless a grain of wheat falls into the Earth and dies it remains just one grain it never becomes more but lives by itself alone but if it does it produces many others and yield S A Rich Harvest so it’s amazing what all that scripture is telling us obviously Jesus was the grain of wheat that died and fell into the
ground and through his death he became the firstborn of many Brethren and now because of that one seed that he sowed the seed of his life he gave his life now we’re all here tonight and not only those of us tonight but literally millions of believer all over the world Christ gave the whole world hope to that one unselfish act of giving himself you know we have a real tendency to try to protect ourselves and take care of ourselves and make sure we’re treated right and nobody takes advantage of us and we get Justice and
we get our fair share and people treat us the way they should treat us and the more we try to do that it seems like the worse things get the more frustrated we are you know if you try to take care of yourself there’s always going to be somebody for you to be mad at I mean is anybody in the building tired of being mad because somebody’s not treating you the way you think they to treat [Applause] you well my boss doesn’t pay me what I’m worth well tell God and then walk in love with your boss pray for him do what God tells you to
walk in love with him go to work act like a Christian and just watch and see what God will do for you just watch and see what God will do for you the longer we try to take care of ourselves the less we’re going to experience the outrageous blessings of God in our life it is so much fun to stop trying to take care of yourself and let God go to work in your life and if you’ve never done it tonight it’s time for a change I’m excited about this message tonight because I I can just sense in my spirit that some of you are going to go
that’s it that’s it I’m retiring from self-care I am so fed up with trying to take care of myself and make sure nobody hurts me and everybody does this for me and I get my way and I want people to think right of me and treat me right I give it all up God whatever happens to me in my life is up to you I put my trust in you for timing on breakthroughs to have the finances that I need to have the right friends that I need I trust you to take care of me from this night forward I give it up I retire and I’m going to have a
[Music] party you know being abused in my childhood I kind of learned quick that nobody was going to take care of me so I decided that I was going to take care of me and that nobody was ever going to hurt me again and nobody was going to push me around and nobody was going to tell me what to do and man I came out fighting it doesn’t take too many years of that to just completely and totally wear you out you think you’re protecting yourself from getting hurt but the truth is you’re just hurting yourself every
single moment that you live you’re hurting yourself cast your care on him for he carth for you you God will take care of us if we stop trying to do it ourselves and here again I’m not saying I mean I teach people you need to take care of yourselves you need to get sleep you need to eat right you need to have fun you need to laugh I mean we need to there’s a certain amount of I’m not talking about that kind of not taking care of yourself I’m talking about this other thing where you’re always trying
to make sure that everybody treats you right what about me what about me what about me well we’re almost in May and I haven’t had to do the robot once this year yet so I guess maybe I could do it for you tonight let me just tell you that I was so selfish oh my gosh I was so selfish I was always on my mind and you know if Dave was going to go play Golf the first thing I’d think is well what about me and if Dave was going to watch a football game well what about me the kids would go outside with Dave
to play and I had work to do inside now you know mind you I could have not worked and went out and enjoyed myself but no I I wanted to work so I could feel sorry for myself come on and everything was well what about me you know what about me when’s somebody going to do something for me and I started early in the morning before I was even fully awake thinking about myself any of you like that and so many many many years ago I was laying in bed one morning and I wasn’t even fully awake yet and I was thinking about how I could get Dave to
not do what he wanted to do that day and do what I wanted and you know how I could maybe get the kids to do the housework so I could just kind of chill and you know have fun and it was like I was just thinking about myself just laying there in bed thinking about myself and you know that’s a dangerous way to start your day because however you get started that’s usually the way things go the rest of the day and you’re much better off to lay in bed and purposely think God what can I do for somebody else today
how can I be a greater blessing to my family how can I God how can I be a better wife today the last time I asked God that he told me to cook Dave’s breakfast I haven’t asked that in a while cuz I’m not into too much cooking and uh poor guy about fainted when I said I’m going to cook your breakfast so you got to be ready when you ask God that kind of stuff and uh but it’s been life-changing for me the principles that I’m sharing with you tonight really has been one of the key elements in my life that have
gotten me from where I was to where I am so I’m laying there thinking about myself I kind of had like this little vision and the Holy Ghost began to deal with me in my heart and he said you know um the enemy comes and starts putting thoughts in your head real early in the morning and it’s like he’s getting you wound up for the day he said you you remind me of this little robot the Devil Comes and he’s like what about me what about me what about me and what about me and then you put your feet on the
floor and this is the way you look to me the rest of the day what about me what about me what about me what about me beep beep what about me what about me what about me I will never understand what is so magical about the robot but I’ve had to do it in India in Africa I’ve had little kids out on the mission field going what about me what about me but I guess it gets a a message across that we are pretty full of ourselves and it’s not the way we should live example of selfishness or examples of unselfishness
let’s go about it the positive way live to please God not yourself when you do that and I want you to listen to this word you’re making an investment a kingdom investment and anytime we invest in the kingdom of God we always get a great dividend a great return on our investment if I live to make other people’s lives better I’m making an investment if I don’t get upset or depressed when I don’t get my way I’m making an investment because when you’re able to do what’s right when it’s difficult to
do what’s right boy you’re sewing a hybrid seed and a hybrid seed is a seed of a different quality produces rapid Harvest if I refuse to have me on my mind all the time I’m making an investment I don’t need to think excessively about what I look like what people think of me how I can please myself how I can get what I want how good I am or how bad I am even thinking about what’s wrong with you all the time is still having you on your mind all the time keeps you from focusing on Jesus owning excessive amounts of things
while other people that I know are in need is not a good thing always use money and things to bless people don’t use people to get money and things one more time always use money and things to bless people don’t ever use people to get money and things amen God’s given us resources anybody who lives in the western world has resources we have stuff if you don’t think you got any stuff go look around your house and it’s amazing what means nothing to you can be a great blessing to somebody else and even when you give
somebody a thing maybe if they don’t even need the thing what they need is the blessing to just know that you thought thought about them we have the ability to put smiles on faces and we need to start doing it the greatest fruit of a Jesus life is an unselfish life the greatest fruit of a Jesus life is an unselfish life Matthew 12:33 says every tree is known by its fruit you will know them by their fruit if there’s wickedness inside the fruit’s going to be rotten if there’s good things inside the
fruit is going to be good I don’t have to guess if an apple tree is an apple tree I can tell by the apples that it’s an apple tree I don’t have to guess when I’m in Florida if an orange tree is an orange tree I can see that it is because it has oranges on it and Christians should be so fruitful that nobody has to guess whether you’re a Christian or not to try to figure it out they need to be able to tell right away that there’s something different about your life and it’s all from the fruit of the spirit unless
the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone but if it dies if it dies it’s up to us if it dies it will bear much fruit do you want your life to count for something do you want to leave a legacy when your time here is finished yes do you want to teach your children something just by your example and your behavior don’t tell them to do one thing while they watch you do something else amen now 2 Corinthians chapter 5:1 15 just a wonderful scripture that I absolutely love and he died for
all that all those who live now watch this might no longer live to and far themselves but to and far him who died and was raised again for their sake that’s an awesome scripture one of the reasons why Jesus died in addition to forgiving us for our sins was so we no longer have to live selfish self-centered lives because when he died we died we were with him legally and spiritually on the cross when he died when he was raised we were raised to a brand new life now it’s already I mean the truth is is you’re dead to sin
there’s a part of you that hates sin despises sin doesn’t want to sin we have a flesh so there’s another part of us that still has that sin principle in it so we’re in the middle with a free will needing to make a choice about whether to follow God or to follow the Flesh and this goes on every day of Our Lives all day long I set before you life and death choose life that you and your descendants may live when you’re not accustomed to making good choices in the beginning they are very gut-wrenchingly hard
because the devil will fight you every inch of the way the longer you make good decisions the easier it gets and pretty soon it becomes like that new nature now has turned inside out and it’s just the way you are amen when I was living a sinful life I was sinning full-time and occasionally I did something right now I do what’s right most of the time and occasionally I still will have a bad self-center self-centered selfish day but thank God that’s not my lifestyle anymore I don’t live like that
anymore and you don’t have to either he died for me so that I don’t have to be all alone with just me you know that scripture unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone you see if we won’t die to self then we have the loneliest of lives that’s possible to have because we’re the only ones in it it’s just me and then there’s me and then there’s more of me then I wake up the next day and there’s me and the only way that we ever really are ready for a change is when we
we just get fed up with me where we just can’t hardly stand me anymore I don’t want to spend my life trying to take care of me I’m kind of at the point where I don’t really care what you do with me God I know you’re good and you do whatever you want to but I cannot do the work anymore of trying to make myself happy he creates us to where we can do what’s right or we can do what’s wrong it’s up to us he doesn’t want a bunch of robots and puppets he want us to choose him he we are to use our free will to
choose his will come on God tells you what his will is and then he said and I set before your life and death you choose Joshua said choose you this day whom you will serve but as for me in my house we will serve the Lord well Lucifer said I will I will I will I will and God said no you won’t in Luke 10:18 the Bible says that Jesus saw Satan fall like lightning Flash from Heaven he was kicked out of heaven and like it or not his dwelling place is here in the earth and the atmosphere above the Earth between here
and Heaven now some of you are like whoa why are we talking about the devil well let me tell you something I went to church for a lot of years and I I never heard A good sermon on the devil I mean I thought that he was some dude that came out on Halloween in red pajamas with a long tail and a pitchfork I had no idea that he was the author of Destruction in my life and that I had been given Authority and power over him in the name of Jesus and that I didn’t have to just lay down and let the devil walk all over
me after the break a heartwarming story just for you so sometimes what we think will bring us happiness still doesn’t do it for us we try everything look out for number one but life still feels empty well you know we typically look at our circumstances and try to change them in order for me to be happy I know this because I thought this way for years I was always on my mind and would constantly think what about me what about me I had no idea that the root of my unhappiness was was something I could actually change I was getting in
my own way and missing the blessings that God has for me you see selfishness steals our joy but God has such a better way for us to live I firmly believe that people need to realize that there is great power in an unselfish life that’s why I’ve written what about me inside I share why it’s important to get out of that me mindset and how to change your perspective in a way that will benefit you and others request what about me today and take important steps to living an unselfish life it is available to you
right now for your gift of any amount call us today at 1 1800 79285 or visit us online at joy.org I have absolutely no doubt that what I share in this book will change your life just like it completely changed mine you can get out of your own way walk in love and live unselfishly request your cop of what about me today and if you would like to go even deeper with Joyce by declaring war on selfishness consider giving a gift of $45 or more and you’ll receive Joy’s what about me study guide in addition to the book this in-depth
study is a great addition alongside the book to ensure you master content with confidence and remember you’ll not only receive Joyce’s book what about me but your gift today allows us to share the love of Christ around the world through our Hand of Hope outreaches what about me is available you now for your gift of any amount or go the extra step to receive the what about me study guide too for $45 or more it is a great opportunity for a book study with family or friends and it’s yours today so give
us a call at 1 1800 709280 or visit us online at joy.org if enough of us become unselfish followers of Jesus we can change the world the 2024 love Life Women’s Conference in Tampa Florida this fall is is sold out but no worries you don’t have to miss out on any of the exciting things in store you can be part of every aspect of the event the inspiration the worship the teaching all the fun from the comfort of home it’s at home with Joyce from the love Life Women’s Conference join us for this live online
event register today at Joyce meyer.org love life this is a Roma Community it’s a separate ethnic group here in Bulgaria that’s quite large but it’s also often very isolated even ostracized because of everything that happens in this community literacy is low poverty is High girls tend to be married at very young ages even 13 and 14 that means that the risk of human trafficking here is exponential it’s a very difficult place for young girls but we are so glad that a21 and Hand of Hope working together has been able to help
many young women from this area and you are part of it as well we want to thank you for what you have done here and in so many places around the world to fight against human trafficking and to help women and girls with so many other things like clean water initiatives education so many things that truly make a difference in their life and most importantly telling them who who they are in Christ that they are valued that he loves them so we would ask you to join us right now as we do even more go to our website joyce.org or give us a
call and do what you can today we hope you enjoyed today’s program we are so grateful to our Joyce Meyer Ministries Partners who make this and all we do possible including sharing God’s word and offering help to people in need all all over the world this program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries
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