“Understanding Before andAfter the Cross Truths” – Episode 2

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“Understanding Before andAfter the Cross Truths” – Episode 2

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After the cross, it was not about your performance.
After the cross, it was all about his performance, which he did a great job and me believing him.
How do I get saved? I believe Jesus Christ.
Yeah. But don’t you have to do something? What you gonna do?
What are you gonna do? And and it’ll
end up being phony, and it’ll end up being fake do you do? You believe Jesus Christ.
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acts chapter 16 verses
And, you know, this is a story about the pollen side.
You remember the earthquake came, and the jail house doors opened in the and the, and the guard was freaking out.
He’s like, man, they’re gonna kill me for sure. And he asked this question.
He, and he, he brought them out, and he said, sirs.
What must I do to be saved? Yeah. Alright?
Similar to what do I need to do to have eternal life? And listen, listen to the answer.
And they said, believe on the lord, Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved in thy house.
He said, that’s the only thing I want you to do.
Believe on the lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.
And if your house believes on the same way, then they shall be saved.
But that’s not enough because when you’re, when you’re, when you’re conditioned into this, this self performance mindset, believing the lord Jesus Christ is not enough.
It’s just I gotta do something. I gotta do something, and I gotta do something. You don’t believe god.
If you believe god, he’ll give you He’ll lead you. He’ll show you on the things you need to do.
Just put foot foot first things first. Believe God. After the cross, it was not about your performance.
After the cross, it was all about his performance, which he did a great job and me believing him.
How do I get saved? I believe Jesus Christ.
Yeah. Yeah. But don’t you have to do something? What you gonna do?
What are you gonna do? And and it’ll end
up being phony, and it’ll end up being fake, What do you do? You believe Jesus Christ?
See, people don’t go to hell for bad doing
and they don’t go to heaven
for good doing.
Doings are no longer factored in.
You go to heaven or go to hell based on whether or not you believed and received him as your your, uh, sin sacrifice and the ransom paid, or you denied him.
If anybody in here goes to hell for what
you do, everybody going to hell.
We go to heaven because we believe Jesus Christ and have accepted him as our lord and personal savior.
So why do you have those 2 extremes?
Because they don’t understand people don’t understand the difference between what happened before the cross and what happened after the cross, and you’re still stuck in something that is
no longer valid. Alright.
That’s right.
Scripture says it over again. No longer valid. Why? The better has come?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Why? Because after the cross, you can be born again.
Before the cross, you could not be born again. Good.
There’s no holy ghost living in anybody before the cross.
That was the most powerful thing when divinity decided to move into humanity for the first time it never happened before.
You’re talking about people who have never experienced what we get to experience after the cross, divinity, the all the the presence of god moved in me.
He lives in me. There is no comparison to nobody The law and the prophets end it.
Apologies. Am I getting too excited?
Number 3. Let’s look at, um, forgiveness and unforgiveness.
This is huge. I see this one all the time.
Under the old covenant before before the cross, You must forgive others, or god can’t forgive you.
Before the cross, you must forgive others, or god can’t forgive you.
Look at mark 112526 and Matthew 61415. Mark 112 52526 and then Matthew 614.
Now, again, pay attention to that if, bow, when a condition is required of your performance, you already automatically know you’re on you’re you’re before the cross.
Look at this. And when you stand praying for youth now, please, let me, let me, let me qualify what I’m about to say.
It’s never good to hold on non forgiveness.
It’s painful and harmful and hurt full to to hold on the on so that’s not what I’m saying.
You you you you need to figure out how to do that, but you’re gonna need some help in doing that.
Look what he says. And when you stand forgive when you stand praying for give, if you, there it is, is requiring a condition of performance.
If you have all against any, that your father also, heaven, which is in heaven, may forgive you your trust passes But if you, if you, if you, if thou, if thou, if you do not forgive, watch this, if you see the law is based on a blessing and a curse.
So one of the things you’re doing in your Christian life that’s based on you’re getting blessed if you do it right.
You get cursed if you do it wrong because you’re operating on the, on the, on the, on the, on the, on the, before the cross principle.
But if you do not forgive, neither will your father, which is in heaven forgive you your trespasses, that freaked me out.
I’m like, what? Uh, you you’re saying how you treat me is based on how I treat others.
I hurt I hurt that all my life. Now, it’s not good to treat people.
God’s very concerned about how we treat other people.
But you don’t go to god and say, well, you know, god’s a parent just like I am. No.
He’s not. He’s god. You ain’t. Excuse me. In proper English.
The queen’s English says you are not. No, man.
It’s and I had a I had a issue like, wait a minute. You’re god. I’m frail.
You said I can’t do without you. I’m a branch.
And now you’re telling me that if I don’t do something, you’re gonna hold this against me.
And I’m thinking so I’m scared now.
So so I’m like, every time something happened, that would be a part of my checklist. Have I forgiven anybody?
Even on some confessions, when you’re confessing, you’re healing, and and and and there were some people that said, Alright.
Lord, I come before you, and I forgive everybody so I can be healed.
I remember doing
that. I’m sick and and and it’s not working, and I
gotta make sure I have to give everybody, and you think you really did it while you were, uh, opening your mouth.
You really didn’t do it? And I had preachers.
Great, great preachers say to me, well, the reason why she died, she died in unforgiveness.
And that’s what killed. And I’m like, that is just not right.
Or say stuff like, you know, you know, the little baby died.
And and then the little baby died, and and and then then you say, well, we didn’t have enough faith.
That was wrong. It’s

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