Thursday Night Prayers – Tonight’s Prayer

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Tonight’s Prayer

Lord Jesus, I give You praise for you are good! Thank you for this Thursday night. Thank You that You never leave me nor forsake Thank you for all that you do in my life. Lord, draw me closer to You and transform me to be more like You. Let me be one that bears good fruit. Give me the kind of fruit that lasts and that glorifies You. In the powerful name of Jesus, amen!


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Beloved Father, on this beautiful night that you have given me, you allow me to admire the magnificent work of your creation. For this, I want to praise you because you are almighty, and you have shown me that you have much more to give me than I could ever ask for.

My Lord, nothing can separate me from you, nothing can take me away from your heart, and nothing will rob me of my peace at this moment. Thank you for always granting me your boundless love, for not dwelling on my weaknesses, but instead helping me to strengthen my character. Thank you for never judging me; instead, you teach me to learn from my mistakes and help me to rise from my falls.

Thank you, my eternal God, for all the blessings that surround me. Despite difficult times, you have always shown me your greatness and mercy. You have shown me that you have much to offer me and that even if I fall a hundred times, you will be there a hundred and one times to lift me up. Thank you for all you have done for me, for never abandoning me, for staying by my side, encouraging me, and showing me the way forward. Thank you, my beautiful Father, for being with me even when things get tough; you always encourage me to continue.


My Lord, I want you to remove every stain of sin in my life so that every moment may be more worthy of you. I want to be a worthy instrument to carry your word to all corners of the earth so that all your works and deeds may be heard by those who do not yet know you. I want to ask you for all the people who are immersed in problems and who find no meaning in their lives. Give them courage, my Lord, to keep fighting against adversity, so they do not falter or give up. Bless them abundantly in their present and future lives, show them that you are their Savior and that you will never abandon them.

Lord, come into my life, I offer my body, my mind, and my spirit for you to mold and rebuild according to your holy will. Give me your nourishment for eternal life, your saving water, and your love that shelters me at all times. Grant me wisdom and understanding to make the right decisions, to discern between good and evil, and to feel free. Help me to purify myself on this path to holiness so that, one day, all my actions may be worthy of your love.

Lord, I ask that as I sleep, you heal my ears so that they may always hear the best words that come from you. Heal my lips so that I can communicate better with my brothers and sisters, to have words of love and hope. Thank you for this night in which once again you cover me with your holy mantle. Now, I want to sleep peacefully and regain my strength, knowing that you are by my side and will never leave me.

I consecrate my night and my rest to you, my Lord. Therefore, grant me the peace to rest my soul in your hands to heal my wounds.

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