The Point of a Pivot! – Bishop T.D. Jakes
The Point of a Pivot! – Bishop T.D. Jakes
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The Lord gave me a word in first Samuel chapter 18 verse one through 11.
And I can’t wait to share it with you. And I’ve been praying.
I do a good job because the word is, is weighty to me.
Second Corinthians I got with you 8128 first.
Oh, I’m still on the offering text. I’m sorry, Lord have mercy, Jesus.
I’m off to a bad start. Y’all better pray harder. Somebody was praying. Ok? OK.
I’m gonna blame you first, Sam, you’re 18 and one.
And David now this is, this is, let me not just throw it on you.
This is, this is a powerful moment.
There’s so much to be preached out of this text.
I could preach 10 weeks on this text and not exhaust the significance of this text.
And yet it is seldom talked about, but I’m gonna preach a perspective of it today that I think is important.
Teach share however God does it. I don’t care.
After David had finished talking with Saul Jonathan became one in spirit with David and he loved him as himself.
That’s what love is when you love somebody like you love yourself.
From that day, Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family.
I want you to pay attention. No, go back. I want you to pay attention from that day.
Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family.
From that day that day, somebody say that day give me my next verse.
And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.
Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David along with his tunic and even his sword, his bow and his belt, whatever mission Saul sent him on David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army.
This pleased all the troops and souls officers as well.
When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistines, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing and with joyful songs and with tiles and Lars hold up right there.
If, if you got a king, if you got a man, if you got a woman, if you got somebody who’s been out there fighting for you and they come back with the victory, the least you can do is sing.
You didn’t have to bleed, you didn’t have to get cut.
You didn’t have to get cussed out. You didn’t have to fight.
You didn’t have to get into argument in the boardroom.
You didn’t have to put up with what they went through. You didn’t have to crack concrete.
You didn’t have to wear a hard hat when they come home. Be happy.
That’s a powerful thing. I just told you just be happy.
If you, if you’re a single mother and you come home to kids, I’m trying to talk to your kids.
Be happy when I come home.
Don’t be fighting when I come home, I was fighting so you could eat.
Don’t be fighting when I come home. Glory to God.
This is a principle is, this is a principle and a custom that they did as they dance.
However, they say, Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands.
That’s where the trouble started. Song Copter Two.
Well, that’s not exactly how it’s written and Saul was very angry but it means the same thing.
This refrain. The last thing they said displeased him greatly. They had credited David with tens of thousands.
He thought, but me with only thousands jealousy, jealousy.
Now, wait a minute, you jealous of somebody you brought, ain’t that crazy?
You brought them into your house and now you’re mad because they’re winning.
Isn’t that how people do it?
A as a preacher, I know what it is to go to a church where they invite you and then be jealous if you do?
Well, I think, well, why did you bring me? You wanted me to fail?
Saul was very angry. This refrain displeased him greatly.
They had credited David with tens of thousands.
He thought but me with only thousands insecurity and he’s not, he’s not just mean, it’s insecurity any time you can’t stand to watch somebody else be blessed.
It’s only because of your own inner insecurity. Saul says, what more can he get?
But the kingdom from your lips to God’s heart.
And from that time on, Saul kept a close eye on David giving him the funky eye.
Amen. The next day, an evil spirit from God came forcefully on.
So you see how spirits need access?
Oh See that attitude gave the demon access to. Come on, Saul.
He was prophesying in his house while David was playing the liar as he usually did, Saul had a spear in his hand and he hurled it saying to himself, I will pin David to the wall to the wall of the house you invited him in.
But David eluded him twice. All the people who escaped some stuff shout amen.
It’s not that they didn’t throw it.
It’s just that it didn’t land. Oh my God.
I had to do some ducking in these 65 years.
I have done some ducking. Now, this is what we’re gonna talk about.
The point of a pivot, the point, the point, the apex, the point of a pivot.
And this is gonna be I’m really preaching to your instinct, your, your ability to sense when to pivot.
There is no announcement.
You have to sense this. This is the point of a pivot holy spirit.
Help me to be a conveyor belt that conveys the truth that you impressed upon my soul in such a clear and definitive way that it impacts your people today.
I thank you for what you’re going to do in the name of Jesus. We pray somebody shout amen.
You may be seated. May I acknowledge the first lady of this house?
And may I acknowledge all of our associate pastors?
Would you stand all of them, all of them, all of them? I could not be me without you.
Thank you for all that you do to make things better for me. We had a great week.
I was watching online as pastor Tubman tried to tear the roof off a bible class Wednesday night.
It was absolutely incredible. He’s on the road uh preaching today. He’s not a, he’s not home drunk.
Don’t start rumors. Uh He’s out because when people don’t know, they make up stuff, they just make up stuff so that they can sound like they know for their friends.
But no, no, he’s out preaching the gospel and he’ll be back.
Have you ever had a moment a time in your life?
Went to a meeting or took a job somewhere?
Maybe you just met somebody and then what might have appeared to others to be just an ordinary moment and expression and even an occurrence.
No big deal. They didn’t pay any attention to it.
But you knew and you didn’t know how you knew what you knew.
This was heat way, the tour, the moment that was going to, to change everything in your life and you just didn’t know it.
You didn’t know how to explain it, but you get this feeling that this moment is important that this is a big deal or moment or speaking engagement or opportunity or business deal or relationship or contact and you know that it’s more important than it looks like, but you don’t know why.
But there’s something in your spirit, especially if you’re a worshiper because worshipers tend to be intuitive and instinctive and you sense something in your spirit that you don’t, you can’t even explain in your head.
You just know it, you just know that you know, it, that this, this was important and it, and it, and it, and it’s profound and it impacts you and sometimes you have to get out of the moment and try to figure out what was that all about.
Maybe you don’t talk to yourself.
But I drive home in my car thinking I know that was something I just don’t know whether I met somebody the other day of a business person that, that I was honored to meet and it, but it wasn’t like a business meeting.
It was like, like we just act like we knew each other for years and I liked him and he liked me and we just met each other and we both knew we talked about it later that there was something about that meeting that we were supposed to do something.
We don’t know what it is.
We still don’t know what it is, but it was, it was a pivotal moment. Just sensed it.
I just sensed it in my spirit. We couldn’t have been more different from two different worlds, different backgrounds.
But, but something happened that I think its favor, I think his favorite because he liked me.
He had no reason to like me.
There was nothing, you know, other than I’m a nice person but he had no reason to.
I think I’m a nice, I like me but, but yeah, yeah, I’ve always liked me.
But anyway, uh for him to like me, like he liked me when we sitting up talking for hours and hours, it didn’t make any sense, it didn’t make any sense, but it happened.
That’s the kind of moment we’re talking about.
Have you ever made a decision that completely became a metamorphosis for the rest of your life.
It changed everything. Sometimes it’s a decision that somebody makes about you opens up a door, invites you to something brings you to a meeting, invites you to a party, invites you to a fellowship and they make a decision that changes your life and you walk into that situation and you say Wow.
What have I walked into?
What I’m asking you is, have you ever had a game changing moment?
And you just knew it and you knew it before it came to fruition?
But you just knew that there was something about this moment that was special.
Jay Simon has a, has a quote that I want to leave with you.
You put it on the big screen so I want, I’m gonna have it.
It says pivoting is not the end of the disruption process, but the beginning of the next leg of your journey.
So the pivoting is not the end. It’s the beginning of the disruption process.
It changes everything about it. Such was this this moment, this moment where the prince meets the pulver where royalty meets common where the king’s son meets the shepherd boy.
And it was cataclysmic. It was cataclysmic, it was explosive. It changed everything.
First of all, Saul brought him into the house and God will make hateful people bless you.
See the problem with church folks.
We we, we really don’t believe the word when the Bible says that your enemies will be your footsteps.
We’re so busy being mad mad at our enemies that we don’t know where to put our feet.
But God can use somebody who wronged you to bless you if you have the attitude to understand that this is a pivot moment and it’s a game changing moment.
And even if it is a Raven it’s still food.
You’re gonna figure this out as you live because you gonna bypass the raven waiting on the and God send the food to the raven.
God fed ha through and they didn’t even like each other.
And when left Sara, she left her blessing because sometimes your blessing is in the hand of somebody who is emotionally or mentally dysfunctional.
Mhm. But if it’s the right moment, God will use that moment to bless you and they go back to being crazy and you walk away with the blessing.
What? So stop being so afraid to engage people who said something about you or did something to you because that was in that season.
But in this season, God said, I’ll make your enemies to be your footstools.
I’ll use the very person who was against you to turn around and bless you.
And Saul invited David into his house and it changed everything.
I’m gonna give you five points that I want you to jot down and they are the substratum, the skeleton to everything that I’m gonna say today.
And if you get these five points, you can fill in up under these points, various things that stand out to you and leave out anything that doesn’t and you will have gotten the message and you will have good notes.
OK? So I’m gonna help you outline the message. Number one is preparation.
Number two is perspective.
I’ll give you a chance because if you like me, you type with one finger.
I typed entire letters with my phone. I get carpet tunnel in my thumb.
So number one is preparation. Number two is perspective. Number three is prophetic.
Number four is provision.
And when we get to five, we really get to the point.
Pi somebody say pivot. Yeah, y’all are with me.
I love this church boy.
I can really lay it on y’all and y’all can handle it. Preparation.
Everything that David had gone through had prepared him for this moment. Nothing that he suffered was wasted.
He had gone through a lot to get to where he is at this moment.
He’s the eighth son of Jesse.
He is very much disliked in the family, black sheep of the family.
His brothers even derailed him even when he was bringing them lunch.
Sometimes no matter what you do to help people, they still got an attitude here.
I am. Got off my job, ran down here to bring you lunch and you still got an attitude talking about me calling me a vow fellow.
When in fact, I’m trying to help you.
Sometimes the people who you are trying to help hurt you the worst he had to go through that he had to fight lions and bears to protect sheep altercations that could have killed him to get to this moment.
But all of that was preparation for this moment because it was with dealing with the bear and the lion that gave him the skill set to kill the giant.
So a lot of times you ask God to save you from something that he’s training you with.
I’m talking about preparation.
There, there are tests that have come into his life and trials that have come into his life.
It would be very painful for a son, for his father to forget him.
But David’s father had forgotten him so that when they came to anoint somebody to, to, to be king, he left him out there in the field.
Some the just suggested that he left him out there in the field because he didn’t really think David.
David was his. Some theologians say that when he says in sin was I born in, in a qui did God shape me is because there was some questionable about the authenticity of his work.
Now, I don’t believe that because it’s very important that he be Jesse’s son because it leads itself to the lineage of Jesus Christ.
But it doesn’t matter what the truth is. If you don’t think of me that way.
Are you hearing what I’m saying?
Somebody maybe about two or three people in this room know what it is to be raised in an environment where you were not highly thought of, it changes the trajectory of your life.
But it also can be the catalyst that makes you succeed because you got something to prove.
There are, there are the tests behind him that brought him to this moment.
Every one of those tests were steps of a good man ordered by the Lord to bring him down to Goliath.
Goliath was the usher that opened up the door to the palace.
Goliaths was a great thing. You cannot get to your kingdom till you find your giant.
Goliath exposed him. Goliath gave him attention.
Saul wouldn’t have paid uh David no attention. He’s the son of a popper. He’s a shepherd boy.
What does the king have to do with a shepherd boy?
Goliath gave David a platform to show what his trials had taught him. Thank you, Goliath.
Thank you for roaring at me.
Thank you for coming at me with your shields and your shorts and trying to destroy me because you put my talents on display.
I have no bitterness in my heart against my Goliath because they made me who I am.
There was a woman in Charleston that wrote for the Charleston gazette wrote the first mean article that had ever been written about me.
If I ever meet her in case you’re listening right now, can I take you out to dinner?
I would love, I’m serious. I’m not mad. I would take you out to dinner. God really used you.
I doubt that I would be standing here in Dallas today if you had not attacked me like you attacked me.
I hold no ill will against you.
You became a Goliath that gave me a platform that created a state for me.
I am so grateful to you. I am so thankful to you. I am so happy for you.
I wasn’t happy at the time. I was angry at the time.
My that’s why you can’t trust your emotions today. I am it was good for me that I was afflicted.
You made me understand in that attack that I didn’t fit.
That was a good thing because I was determined to fit into a place that I was not supposed to be.
And your attack of me announced to me that they weren’t wrong. I was wrong.
I was the right thing in the wrong place and you, you shifted me.
Oh, thank you God. Oh I love you.
So I hope you’re doing well because I am.
There are the tests behind him and there are the tests before him.
Do not think that because you come to a pivot point that you are through with tests.
The tests that push you to the pivot point only bring you to the pivot point that you graduate to another level of tests.
The reward for overcoming this test is the right to fight on the next level.
Look at the preparation that has gone into making David who he was, had his brothers embraced him, he would have stayed, had his father accepted him.
He wouldn’t have moved into Saul’s house.
Perhaps Saul’s invitation to invite him into the house was alluring to David because David longed for a father’s voice.
Perhaps David would not have been willing to move into the palace for the sake of the drapes and the pillars.
But at the voice of a senior statesman, he moved into the house and from that day forward, he went no longer back home.
This is a pivoting moment.
Any time that, what is that movie baby?
That uh uh any time you have a moment where you call everybody and say I won’t come back home no more.
Yeah, you got me. That’s enough to, you don’t need it anyway. That, that’s a pivoting moment.
Dela was in the movie. I know that.
Uh Yeah, David called home and said I won’t be back.
You can’t believe. I said that I don’t pray for me.
You’re not praying hard enough. I won’t be back no more.
Can you imagine David calling home telling Jesse I’m out of here. I’m gone. I won’t be back.
Look, look, look at it. It’s funny, but look at it.
Look at how open David’s heart is to the love of a father. Yeah.
And God knows exactly what to do to get you to pivot.
And so David pivot and moves into the house and Saul was the bait.
Saul was, was the, the, the bait. But Jonathan was the hook.
No, because in the moment that he reached after Saul, he met, he met Jonathan and when he met Jonathan, it was, sometimes you do a thing and the thing is not the thing that you thought it was going to be, but it’s the thing that leads to the thing.
So don’t be so busy being depressed about the thing that didn’t work because the thing that didn’t work led you to the thing that did work so that you can have an encounter with God are y’all with me.
Everything that he has gone through has prepared him for this moment.
That’s why you don’t despise anything that happened to you.
Anything that you went through, no matter how tough, no matter how difficult is taking you somewhere.
If you got that, I could sit out if you got that the very thing that you breathed about, worried about, feel sorry for yourself about say why me Lord, if you understood that that is the conveyor belt that is ushering you into your destiny, that these light afflictions which are but for a moment work for us a far more exceeding way to go while we look back at the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal.
I can remember what I can remember, but I can’t see what I can’t see because it’s gonna be me.
But everything that I went through ushered me into everything that I’m about to do right now and it gave me the grace to pivot because I am loyal to a fault.
I would have stayed in that house.
I would have stayed trying to convince him that I was a good person.
I would have stayed running up and down the hills, bringing them lunch.
I would have stayed in the desert, writing poetry, singing song, taking care of sheep and shoveling sheep dunk because I’m loyal.
So God had to send some strong to make me sure I want to talk to my loyal people in the house.
Loyal people get hurt because loyal people expect loyalty.
And when you sow loyalty and you don’t reap loyalty, it will shatter you emotionally April because you say I don’t deserve this and you’re right.
But God is using something you don’t deserve to bring you into something that you do deserve.
Oh, come on somebody. Everybody who’s ever had their heart broke, been disappointed, cried themselves to sleep, sat up all night worrying about yourself.
Woke up at three o’clock in the morning, walking around in the house by yourself, looking dumb holler.
I’m in preparation. Everybody who had to fight stuff that was bigger than you.
Things that scared you to death and you didn’t have the kinds of weapons to be in the fight.
You were in shout, I’m in preparation.
Everybody who’s ever been hated on people been jealous of you while you were just struggling to make it through the best way you could shout, I’m in preparation.
You might not even know what you’re in preparation for.
But you know, God, and you ought to get happy because God is preparing you. He’s taking you somewhere.
He’s got something greater for you and the greater, the preparation, the greater, the promise, the greater the preparation, the greater, the prophecy, the greater the preparation, the more God is going to use.
Sure. I’m so glad I was afflicted.
If I had not been afflicted, I couldn’t stand what I go through now.
But God was preparing me turning up the heat.
So what you call putting the heat on me is my normal.
I eat that stuff for breakfast because of what I’ve been through. Who am I talking to in this house?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Three people and say preparation.
Preparation is preparation is pre the trial is preparation. The test is preparation. The adversity is preparation.
The crying is preparation. The divorce is preparation. The loneliness is preparation is preparation, is preparation.
You wouldn’t have discovered that you were that tough.
If you hadn’t gone through preparation, you didn’t even know you had that talent.
You didn’t even know how to handle things by yourself.
You learned because God put you in a state of preparation.
I need 30 seconds of praise for people who are praising God for preparation.
Now let’s go on.
Number two is perspective. He is coming to this new environment. He is coming to a new environment.
Now this is gonna hit some other group of people.
You come into this new environment where, where, where your gift has brought you into a room that has not, that you do not have what you need to be where you are.
So picture it with me.
He’s sweating, he smells, he’s got sheep hair on him and dung on his shoes.
He’s been fighting a giant and he hasn’t been home for a bath and now they brought him into a palace.
He’s walking around on granite floors and marble columns and cascading drapes that puddle in the floor.
He’s sitting in a situation where women are carrying a water on their shoulders to pour bath water for the king.
He’s sitting in an environment, a palatial environment where culinary skill, artists are preparing exquisite cuisine for the royal family.
And yesterday he was out there with nobody around him.
But she, I’m telling you, God can put you in a room so fast that you don’t have time to get your hair done.
You don’t have time to get your nails done. You don’t have time to read a book on protocol.
You just standing up in the palace, bowing at the service. You don’t know who to bow that.
You don’t know what name to call them. God’s getting ready to shift somebody so quickly.
And if anybody walked into the palace and David was there, he appeared out of place.
What’s this? You gotta be willing to appear?
See a lot of y’all can’t do that.
Because if you don’t get accept, they, they was acting funny when I came there and they were looking at me like they were so much and I left, I quit.
I resigned. I was stupid. You resigning from your own destiny, you resigning from your own purpose.
You’re resigning from what God called you to do and you’re gonna be out of place for a while.
It’s ok. I know you smell right now. I know you don’t have the right clothes right now.
I know you don’t have the degrees they have.
But if God invited you into the room, walk up in that room, walk right up in that room, say good morning.
Somebody said good morning.
Now the king has invited, invited him into the room and the king’s son has loved him as himself.
One person out of the whole palace loves him.
All you need is one.
The love of one will open up the whole system to you.
He loved it as himself. What kind of love is this?
Oh God, I can’t preach this faith. What kind of love is this? This inordinate affection?
People have struggled to understand it. What kind of love is this?
The reason they struggle to understand it is because it’s a shadow of the love of Christ.
It’s the unsearchable riches of Christ’s love.
It’s the undeserving love of Jesus Christ that David didn’t do anything to earn it.
He didn’t do anything to, to, to justify it. He just walked into it. That’s how I got saved.
I just walked into, I just walked into an everlasting love.
I just walked into an environment with my stinky self and I came in and he loved me with an everlasting love.
Find myself in a situation. I found myself in the situation. Come here.
No, not, not, not you baby. Come on. Yeah. Come here for a minute. Come here for a minute.
We’re gonna do something for a minute. Take your jacket off.
Yeah, ma’am.
Take it all. That’s give us a minute. It’s gonna be worth it.
It’s gonna be worth it. I want you to put my jacket on.
No, that’s a nice jacket you got on.
That’s a custom jacket you got on. No disrespect.
But this is a story about jacket you got on.
That’s as far as they go watch this, watch this, watch this, watch this.
I love Joseph. I know he loves me.
We got the love thing going but we don’t have to fit.
How many times do we love people that we don’t fit with?
The unseen miracle in this text is not just that they loved each other, but God has so predestined this connection that without any tailoring adjustments, sewing machines or corrections, everything that was on Jonathan on David.
Give me my cup. Trust me.
People say it fits, it fits, it fits, it fits, it fits, it fits it fits my background.
It fits where I came from. It fits my contours. It fits my uniqueness. It fits who I am.
It fits where I came from. God will put you in a situation where it fits. It fits, it fits.
That’s the miracle that people miss the likelihood of two strangers meeting and fitting perfectly is very unlikely.
One of them would be tall. One of them would be short.
One of them would have a gut like me.
One of them would not have a gun and they’d be built like him.
But the, the fact that these two people, men loved each other and their clothes fit means that God is up to something any time you walk into something and it just fits.
God is up to something. Who am I preaching to? I’m talking to somebody.
I don’t even know who it is come back to for just a moment.
We gonna act like it fit and it don’t, but we gonna like it fit.
I chose you because it wouldn’t fit because I wanna show people how many times we get yoked up with people that don’t fit us.
And there we are trying to force if I would have kept trying to put your jacket on, I would have ripped it.
I had to have the sense enough to discern that what looks good on you does not work on me and I have to know that it doesn’t fit.
So I won’t be foolish enough to be spending the rest of my message walking around in a jacket that I don’t fit.
But let’s make believe that it fits and that I’m wearing your jacket and you’re wearing mine.
Let’s just pretend that it fits in the exchange.
He gives him his tunic, he gives him his robe, he gives him his sword. Oh my God.
And it all fit and all of a sudden it means a whole lot of things.
I won’t exhaust all of them.
But, but it means this, if I give you my sword, it means I’m defenseless against you.
If I give you the sword, it means I, I give you the power to hurt me.
If you, if I give you my shield, that means whatever you send out against me, I’m gonna bleed over it.
If I give you my tunic, I have made myself naked before you.
I have exposed myself to him. It means I trust you.
If I give you my robe, you didn’t have to.
He, it, you didn’t have to tailor the sleeves. It all fit you.
It means you are walking around, just walk around like you bishop Jakes just imitate me like you do at home, just walk around.
Yeah. Yeah.
And all of a sudden he is walking in my clothes, which changed the perspective of how people see him.
You see this. This is not just about protection, this is not just about armor.
This is about perspective because they took a misfit and redressed him and made him to fit in an environment he didn’t fit.
I don’t know who I’m talking to you.
I don’t know who I’m talking to, but God said he’s already got your ready.
He’s already got your road ready. He’s already got your sword ready. He’s already got your shield ready.
And even though they’re looking at you kind of funny right now.
After a while, God’s gonna dress you for what’s next for you?
God’s gonna dress you for what’s next for you? God’s gonna dress you for what’s next for you.
And it’s gonna change the perspective. This is bigger than any satirical style.
This is not about fashion and coordination. This is about identity, this is about transformation. This is about metamorphosis.
This is about turning a shepherd boy into a prince. There, he was one moment.
He’s dressed like a shepherd boy.
And the next moment, he’s dressed like a prince and he didn’t pay for any of it.
God’s gonna give you a stuff that you didn’t pay for houses that you didn’t build vineyards that you didn’t.
He’s gonna change your perspective until you look like you got more than you got.
And that’s why you got haters because the haters can’t understand how a girl like you could be in a position that you’re in.
But God has reserved some stuff that’s just for you and what God has for you. God has for you.
No devil in the hell can take what God has for you.
He’s been waiting on you to get to such a time like this. Slap somebody, slap, stop somebody.
And I’m getting ready to change the perspective. Uh Get ready for a transformation.
My old friends may not like it but get ready for a transformation.
God is opening up a new door and a new perspective and he’s getting me ready and I’m not gonna be walking around looking like Bobo the fool in a minute.
I’m gonna have everything I need to fit where I am, whoever I’m preaching to.
If this feels like a word from God for you. Holler at your boy. Holler. Holler.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So stop praying about what you don’t have. Stop worrying about what you don’t have.
God’s already taken it into consideration and when you get to the right place, the provision is gonna be there.
When you get to the right place, everything you need is gonna be there.
When you get to the right place.
God’s got already got somebody who’s gonna like you well enough that you don’t even have to pay for it that it’s gonna lay it at your feet and when you put it on, it’s gonna look like yours and you’re gonna be walking in a palace that you didn’t know that you didn’t build.
That wasn’t in your literature that wasn’t, it wasn’t even from your family.
But what God has for you, he’s gonna have for you.
Whoever built your house didn’t know they were building it for you. Whoever built our house.
No, they were building it for us. They thought they were building it for somebody else.
But when God’s got something for you, he’ll let somebody else do the hard stuff.
And all you gotta do is put it on and the holy ghost told me to tell you don’t be afraid to put it on.
I don’t know who I’m talking to, but you’re coming to a season where you gotta put it on, you gotta put it on and wear it like it’s yours and the proper is wearing the princess clothes.
What’s your deal? You don’t look like what you’ve been through.
You can’t even tell people your real testimony if they knew the neighborhood you came out of and what you was raised up in and what happened to you.
They would never understand you standing up in the potter’s house singing in the choir.
But what God let me go further.
I gotta hear number three, my God, somebody that’s walking around in prince clothes, just take a quick strut, just a strut.
This strep, this strip, this is mine. This is me.
Now, this is me. Now, this is me. Now, this is me. Now, this is where I’m at now.
This is what he’s doing right now. Forget what he was doing back there.
I might have been funky yesterday, but this is what I got on. Now. Look at how he covered me.
Look at how he dressed me. Look, look at how he blessed me. Look at how he prepared me.
Look at what he did in my life. You wouldn’t have believed I was on drugs.
You wouldn’t have believed I’ve been raped. You wouldn’t believe I’ve been through hell.
You wouldn’t believe I was a victim of domestic violence. Now I’m running a business.
You wouldn’t believe where the Lord look why he brought me from.
Look where he brought me from, brought me out of darkness into the bottom of his life.
Look where he brought, right, bro.
We, we Yeah, you, he brought me out of darkness into the ball in his light.
Look why he brought, give him a little holy ghost.
The only way you gotta be old and know that sound.
No. Look where he brought me from, brought me out of dumbness into the bottom of this light.
The way why you look where right brought me how to talk and look.
Well, oh yes.
Look at your neighbor and say I’m about to pivot.
I’m about to pit, I’m about to Yeah, I dare you to think about where he brought you from.
Number three, we’re going back to school. Number three.
The fact that the clothes fit a stranger, the fact that the clothes fit A P the fact that the clothes fit a stinky boy.
The fact that the clothes fit a broke boy means it’s number three prophetic when something fits you that wasn’t even supposed to fit you.
And it doesn’t make any sense that it fit you. Wow. That’s all right.
When you feel at home in a place you wasn’t even raised and all of a sudden he’s adorned, the meat was salvation and giving you the garment of praise.
When you were living in the spirit of heaviness and it fits any time it fits court.
It’s always prophetic, my God, it’s prophetic.
That means that God knew that David was to become Jonathan.
So he entered into the new door as someone else and you sitting up talking about this is just how I am.
I gotta be myself. I gotta be me. I just shut up.
Why do you believe in salvation? If you insist on being how you are?
Because salvation came to change how you are and you are so in love with how you are that you don’t understand who God has designed you to be may be in total contradiction to everything you’ve experienced up to this present moment.
It’s prophetic.
Let me show you why it’s prophetic. There’s two things about David. That’s interesting and they seem totally different.
David is a fighter. He could, he could fight, he could fight you.
Jump on. David, you had a bad day.
I don’t care how the odds were against him. He could fight.
I don’t care if your bigger goli he could fight.
I don’t care if it was the 104 skins of the Phil.
He could fight, he could fight by himself. He could fight, he would bear by himself.
He could fight, he fought lions and bears and tigers and stuff.
They can, you can fight when you can fight a lion.
He was a fighter and he was a praiser.
Now most men have trouble.
Praise him because they hold on to the fighter and they fake the praise.
But David had mastered when to do battle and went to battle.
The reason David was so good at fighting and praising is because David was not from their tribe.
They were from the tribe of Benjamin where kings came from.
David was from the tribe of Judah.
Judah means praise, that means his great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was named Judah.
By in fact, the tribe of Judah didn’t even have no business in the house of the tribe of Benjamin if it were not for prophecy.
And when that boy took his coat off and put it on Judah, this is more than two boys.
These are two tribes switching in the prophetic destiny of the messiah and it was good for them to have this moment because they pivoted in that moment.
Judah has entered into its destiny through David watch this. Look at Genesis 48 8 to 10.
Just throw it up. You ain’t got to go to it. There it is right in front of Judah.
Thou he whom thy brother? This is Jacob talking from his dead Judah.
Thou he whom thy brethren shall praise thy hand shall be in the neck of your enemy.
You’re gonna be praised and fight thy father’s Children, shall bow down before the. Come on. Judah is a liar.
No wonder David could whip a lion. He is a lion. Judah is a lie.
All my praises make some noise.
Judah is a lion’s swel.
I don’t have time to preach this but somebody please preaches for me. He’s a whip.
He’s a lion, swe he’s a lion’s kid from the pray my son. Thou art gone up.
He stooped down, he couched as a lion and as an old lion who shall rouse him up.
Here’s the kingdom. The center shall not depart from Judah nor a law giver from between his feet until shallow.
The messiah come and unto him shall be the gathering of the people. Be little.
Did they know that the transference of clothes is the transference of roles is the transference of the kingdom.
Is the transference of authority is the transference of power. Slap somebody and say it fit me.
I don’t understand how it fit me but it fit me. It fit me.
I didn’t even go to school for it but it fit me.
I didn’t get the training for it, but it fit me. It’s because it’s prophetic.
I was predestined to be in the role that I’m in.
Somebody’s looking at you and say, how did a girl like her get a man like him? It hit me.
Somebody’s looking at you saying how did a guy like him get a woman like her? It fit me.
What God has for you is for you.
I want somebody that got something that don’t make any sense to praise God for the prophetic power that move you into a position of influence.
Can I go deeper?
I’m almost finished. But I feel the anointing of the holy ghost about to take over this room because somebody I’m speaking to right now, you’re at the pivot point.
Things are about to shift in your life. Somebody in here has been a praiser and a fighter.
You have to fight with one hand and praise with the other.
I want my warring praises to go into a war. Praise. Can you give me 30 seconds?
60 seconds, 90 seconds of a war. Praise.
I’m soft enough to worship her, but I’m bad enough to war her soft enough to praise him.
But I’m strong enough to be powerful. I want the real war praiser. Praises my weapon. Praises my defense.
Don’t let my dance fool you.
I’ll fight my way in, I’ll fight off the enemy and still praise my God and every time I get the victory, I’m gonna dance.
Every time I get a breakthrough, I’m gonna dance.
Every time God opens a door, I’m hearing from church folks, I wanna hear from some fighters.
Give me 100 fighters that jump out in the aisle and praise them like you mad.
Praise them like you lost your mind. Praise them like you ain’t got no sin.
Praise them like you don’t tell what you got on. Praise them like you don’t tell what you look like.
Praise them like you glad from Lord God.
Look, yes, yes, I can praise him on Sunday and fight on Monday.
I can fight on Monday and praise him on Tuesday. I can praise him because I’m a praiser.
I am Judah. I might smell bad, but I’m Judah. I might not have on stilettos, but I’m Judah.
I might have on stilettos, but I’ll kick him off and go into praise and give God the glory.
It was my praise that brought me here.
If you know it was your praise that brought you to this point.
Take a minute and praise Him like you know, it was God.
You might be watching online but pray him touch your neighbor and say excuse me.
But I got to praise him. Give me some room, but I gotta praise Him.
I gotta show you what tribe I’m from, I’m not from Benjamin. I’m from Judah. I came up praising God.
I praise him on powdered eggs. I praised him with powdered milk. I praise him with government cheese.
I praised him with hand me down clothes. I praised him in the storm.
I I praised him with cancer in my body. I praised him when I was swollen.
I praised him when I was weary. Brita Brown.
Do what you can devil because I’m gonna do my best.
I’m gonna work this place. You can flash the lights, you can act a fool.
You can do whatever you want to do. But there’s too much Judah in this room to stop this glory.
That’s about to take over this house. It’s about to take over this house.
It’s about to take over this house. That’s too much.
I got to, I got to hear number four is provision.
Number four is a provision for his provision for his provision for his provision, shake hands with somebody and tell them God’s got you covered, whatever is facing you, God’s got you covered.
Whatever you got to deal with. God’s got you covered. He’s already made provision for what you’re up against.
When you get to the palace, God’s got you covered when you get to the new job, God’s got you covered when you get married, God’s got you covered.
When you walk in that new door, God’s got you covered. I wanna talk to somebody about provision.
Get ready for provision, get ready for provision, get ready for things to fit you that you didn’t grow up with.
Get ready for God to put you in an outfit that you didn’t stitch yourself.
Get ready for God to have your cupboard.
Somebody shout, God’s got me, say God’s got me cut up.
Get this oh this place about to explode.
I feel something about to explode. In number four is provision. God is a clothier.
He shows up in Genesis making clothes.
When Adam found out he was naked, God made the first fur coat and covered his nakedness. God covered Adam.
Adam didn’t make his own clothes.
Whatever Adam made fell apart but whatever God made for him covered him up and delivered him in his sinful state.
God is a clothier. He’s a designer. He’s a tailor.
He will cover you for what he’s called you to God won’t call you to something and not cover you for it.
He used Noah’s sons to cover Noah, even though Noah was drunk and naked.
God used his sons to cover his neck.
He was a clothier when Aaron had led the Hebrew Children to be naked, dancing around the fire while they were naked and dancing.
God was on the mountain top designing Aaron’s clothes because God is a clothier and he didn’t know that Aaron couldn’t raise no hell that heaven couldn’t cover.
And when Moses came down off the mountain top, he didn’t just come with the 10 commandments.
He came with the garments of the priests as a sign that God is a clothier.
Slap your neighbor and tell him God’s got you covered.
He used Hannah to cover Samuel so that Samuel would be in a temple and have a coat because God had him covered her.
He used Jacob to cover Joseph. That’s why he made a coat of many colors for him.
And while Joseph was still a boy, he was dressed like a prince because God’s provision is in God’s prophecy and whatever God has prophesized over your life, he will provide everything you need to get that thing done.
Can I go a little bit deeper?
He used the women to cover the body of Jesus after Jesus was dead and he used Jesus to cover you.
What I’m trying to tell you is what happened to Jonathan. And David is what happened to me.
And Jesus that Jesus was stripped, that I might be covered, man. He covered me with his righteousness.
He covered me with his gifts. He covered me with his peace. He covered me with his grace.
And that’s why the enemy cannot destroy me because God’s got me covered.
And I’m seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
And I’m walking around like a prince because my nakedness, not God does not appear.
All God can see is his son. That’s why Jesus died on the cross because Jesus died on the cross.
Because when God looked at Jesus, he saw me and when he looked at me he saw his son.
And so Jesus was smitten of God because he became naked that I might be clothed.
Or Paul said he became poor that through his poverty, I might be made rich. Are you here?
What I’m saying to you? I’m about ready for my fifth. I’m out of time.
I don’t mean it’s too late in the service.
I mean, I have run into pivot time and the Lord sent me here to tell you it’s time to pivot to come out of your morning.
Come out of your depression, come out of your heaviness, come out of your despair. Come out of your turmoil.
Little by little. Come on, pull it little by little. Get me out of it because I got a pivot.
I gotta pivot. I gotta come out of everything that was holding me back.
I gotta come out of it because it’s my pivot time.
I want somebody in this room, somebody in the living room, somebody in their kitchen to jump up and pivot.
It’s time to pivot. It’s time to pivot.
You’re standing on the verge of a transformation and it’s your time to we no longer over what God has rejected.
It’s time to pivot. God has called you for such a time as this.
God has called you for such a time as this. And it’s your pivot moment.
Don’t let nobody here, hold you down. Come here, Joseph. Don’t let nobody here, hold you down. Pull on me.
Don’t hold, pull me back. I ain’t gonna let you stop me from my moment.
I’ll shake you, I’ll rattle you. I’ll move you because it’s my time to pivot.
I’m telling you, you’re standing there looking at me, but this is your eye to pivot.
And the holy ghost woke me up in the middle of the night and told me to tell you pivot shift, turn on, get ready for what’s next.
God is dressing you for your next.
You are worried about your now, but God is preparing you for your next.
So what I want you to do this for me is at all cost.
Step into your next step into it and watch God provide step into it and watch God promote her step into it and watch God prepare, step into it and watch God make a way.
I feel a blessing coming on this room. I feel it coming on this place.
And in the 30 seconds I got left.
I don’t have time to preach to people who don’t get it.
But somebody in this room understands this pivot time. Just pivot just shift. Don’t explain it, don’t talk about it.
Don’t worry about who don’t like it.
Don’t worry about who’s looking at you funny, just slap your neighbors, say, excuse me and pivot who hears God talking to you?
Mhm This one pivotal moment change.
Not only the trajectory of David’s life but brought Judah into the kingdom into the place of power.
But the sector in the praiser hand so that Christ could be the son of David.
David had to transition into the palace so that Christ could come as the Messiah a law giver shall not depart from between his feet until shallow until Charlo comes.
When comes it shifts everything.
So now we have a Jesus who is an heir to the throne. Jesus was so intimidating.
Even as a lions wept as a baby, he had Harriet trying to kill him because Harri knew that even though he was a baby, he was a king.
For unto us, a son is born and unto us, a child is given out.
I I feel like he did and the government shall be upon his shoulders and of his kingdom and of his kingdom, there shall be no end.
Harry tried to kill him while he was still a baby because he knew even though he was a baby, he was still a king.
Let me tell you who you serve. Your Lord is the lord of glory.
He is the lion of the tribe of Judah. He is a seed of Abraham.
He is a kinsman redeemer. He is a star and the bull.
He is my, he is my buckler. He is my physician. He is my peace.
He is my lord. He is my trumpeter.
He is my trouble in blow the trumpet in sound, the alarm in the holy mountain lift.
Up your head. Oh ye cakes. And the king of glory shall come in.
Who he is the king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty.
The Lord might amazing man. Is your king black.
He is your, he is your deliverer like he is your wife.
I praise him until hell gets nervous.
Praise him until witches run out the room. Praise him until demons tremble.
Praise him until beer runs out the house.
Lift up your, I need 1000 radical people that will run up here and praise him like he’s your king like he’s a Lord like he’s a master.
Give him the praise right now. Come on, musicians, take me to church.
Yeah. Yeah.
Give him a prize.
This is what I want you to understand all over the building, all around the altar.
You’re at the point of a pivot.
Can you believe it?
The enemies that you see today?
I’m gonna tell y’all because I don’t think they heard me.
The enemies that you see today, you shall see them no more. You shall see them no more.
God just use them to maneuver you into the position.
You sir lift up your right hand.
The sector is in your hand.
It is not in the hand of your enemies.
You will take your enemies by their neck, you will take them by their neck.
God says if you hear this word, you will take your enemies by the neck and I will render them helpless before you.
And as he said to Joshua, no man shall stand before you all the days of your life.
And the only thing I ask of you is that no matter how high reach, no matter what position I put you in, no matter what kind of house I give you, no matter what kind of ministry I give you, no matter how many gifts I lay at your feet that you will always praise me because you are the tribe, the shire.
You are the tribe of, you are the tribe of Judah.
Some people just come to church, but you are of the tribe of Tudor.
If you’re able drop to your knees, if you’re able to drop to your knees, if you’re not able to drop to your knees, sit in your seat with the sector comes responsibility to him.
Who much is given much is required.
You cannot be petty and powerful, you cannot be vengeful and victorious in order for David to take on Jonathan’s clothes, he had to let go of his own.
When I start talking about disruptive thinking, a lot of people miss what God wants to put them in because they won’t let go of what is customary and traditional to where they came from.
Do you have the courage to strip away what has been your go to your default setting and receive what God is about to lay on you.
The sector shall not depart from your hand nor a law giver from between your feet until shallow comes oh on our knees, we bow before you, on our knees.
We worship you. We know we don’t deserve the sector.
It has been conveyed upon us. It has been provided to us.
It has been placed on our shoulders.
This cloak we wear, we did not make but we receive it.
Now this peace we have, we did not create, but we receive it.
Now, this grace we have, we did not create, but we receive it now.
And on our bended knees, we humbly accept this point that you brought us to and now we must pivot.
The assignment is too great for us.
But through you, we can do all things.
Now help me to lay aside every weight, help me to lay aside every sin.
Helped me to lay aside all pettiness and envy and super fluid to help me to lay it all aside that I might be endowed with this anointing, lift your hands and receive this anointing right on your knee.
Receive this anointing. I receive it.
Now I receive it now.
- The Boldness of the Righteous | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 9 4, 2023