The Mystery Of The Destroyer | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Mystery Of The Destroyer | Jonathan Cahn Special
Could an ancient entity known as the destroyer have returned to the world and specifically to America.
And if so, what is his agenda and how has it turned us into a pagan nation.
This is Jonathan Collins.
The return of the gods reveals the mystery that is affecting us right now transforming everything and why it’s happening and what you need to know to survive.
And to prevail. We spoke of the return of the dark trinity and this is the trinity of dark gods that came in when Israel turned away from God.
Well, it is now the dark trinity is now at work in America.
The first one was called the possessor we touched to give a taste of that.
The second one is called the enchantress. We gave a taste of that.
But now the 3rd third is called the destroyer. Who is this?
This is the God that causes parents to offer up their own Children as sacrifices.
Now in the pagan world, this was common. You might not think it was, it was common.
Human sacrifices were common widespread and the sacrifice of Children was also widespread.
It wasn’t safe to be a child in the pagan world. It wasn’t safe to be weak.
It wasn’t safe to be elderly parents sacrificed their Children on altars to the gods.
This is the most pagan of acts, you know, the gods cause people, even those who worship them to destroy themselves, destroy the fruit of their lives.
You know, the only thing that ended the sacrifice of Children universally was the gospel was the name of jesus was the word of God that tells you how right all that is the gospel, the word of God and the name of jesus Yeshua.
But the warning that Jesus gave is that if any nation that has been delivered of these things turns away from God, the gods will come back the same gods.
So now the third of the dark trinity, the destroyer also known as mullah, we’ll come back, we’ll come to America and to the west and to the world When the Israelites turned away from God, this is what happened.
They began offering up their own Children as offering sacrifices to the gods.
So when America turned away from God, when it became noticeably evident in the 19 sixties, we would expect it to happen that this God, the destroyer will return to America and so it happened like clockwork.
The dark trinity. First the possessor bail.
So you have the beginning of the sixties, you have the turning away from God and then that leads to the next one.
His wife in the Canaanite mythology, Ash Torah, the enchantress ishtar, the sexual revolution then happens.
That’s exactly what we expect to happen.
Then we’d expect the destroyer to come And that’s exactly what happened at the end of the 1960s, this one returns, the spirit comes into America.
Dark Spirit and now the return of child sacrifice comes in the form of abortion on demand.
You know, ancient paganism involved the killing of Children by exposure, You know, by many ways, but also by abortion.
And so now it returns as we turn from God, it returns, parents start killing their own Children.
And the warning that remember Jesus gave the warning was that the spirits will come back worse.
The gods will come back worse. Now think about that ancient Israel killed thousands of its Children.
We have killed millions. They come back worse.
And it was for this, that judgment and destruction came upon ancient Israel. What will happen to America?
The gods? Nothing about the gods.
Remember from the first thing I shared the bible says behind the gods of the ancient world.
War spirits called the shed um in hebrew, the word she comes from a root word that means to destroy, they were the destroyers they call, they caused self destruction.
They caused people to destroy the fruit of their life, their body and to celebrate it. That’s what they do.
This is a little taste of the mystery revealed in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written now, this is gonna, this has everything I’m giving you a taste.
But in fullness, it’s all there, the return of the gods is revealing everything that’s happening.
What’s transforming America and the world and what’s touching your life and people in your life and what where it’s gonna go what the future lies and what do you need to know to do about it?
To prevail and now what we’re going to reveal As we move forward, I looked at the ancient records of child sacrifice.
You’re going to see how they actually lie. Behind what is now taking place in America.
It’s subscribed because you don’t want to miss it.
This is Jonathan cahn and I’ll see you next time with the dark rites of Ma’lik.
I looked at the details of the child sacrifices of ancient times, the rites and rituals and with them.
You see each one has a parallel in in what’s happening right now in America.
And if so, what is his agenda and how has it turned us into a pagan nation.
This is Jonathan Collins.
The return of the gods reveals the mystery that is affecting us right now transforming everything and why it’s happening and what you need to know to survive.
And to prevail. We spoke of the return of the dark trinity and this is the trinity of dark gods that came in when Israel turned away from God.
Well, it is now the dark trinity is now at work in America.
The first one was called the possessor we touched to give a taste of that.
The second one is called the enchantress. We gave a taste of that.
But now the 3rd third is called the destroyer. Who is this?
This is the God that causes parents to offer up their own Children as sacrifices.
Now in the pagan world, this was common. You might not think it was, it was common.
Human sacrifices were common widespread and the sacrifice of Children was also widespread.
It wasn’t safe to be a child in the pagan world. It wasn’t safe to be weak.
It wasn’t safe to be elderly parents sacrificed their Children on altars to the gods.
This is the most pagan of acts, you know, the gods cause people, even those who worship them to destroy themselves, destroy the fruit of their lives.
You know, the only thing that ended the sacrifice of Children universally was the gospel was the name of jesus was the word of God that tells you how right all that is the gospel, the word of God and the name of jesus Yeshua.
But the warning that Jesus gave is that if any nation that has been delivered of these things turns away from God, the gods will come back the same gods.
So now the third of the dark trinity, the destroyer also known as mullah, we’ll come back, we’ll come to America and to the west and to the world When the Israelites turned away from God, this is what happened.
They began offering up their own Children as offering sacrifices to the gods.
So when America turned away from God, when it became noticeably evident in the 19 sixties, we would expect it to happen that this God, the destroyer will return to America and so it happened like clockwork.
The dark trinity. First the possessor bail.
So you have the beginning of the sixties, you have the turning away from God and then that leads to the next one.
His wife in the Canaanite mythology, Ash Torah, the enchantress ishtar, the sexual revolution then happens.
That’s exactly what we expect to happen.
Then we’d expect the destroyer to come And that’s exactly what happened at the end of the 1960s, this one returns, the spirit comes into America.
Dark Spirit and now the return of child sacrifice comes in the form of abortion on demand.
You know, ancient paganism involved the killing of Children by exposure, You know, by many ways, but also by abortion.
And so now it returns as we turn from God, it returns, parents start killing their own Children.
And the warning that remember Jesus gave the warning was that the spirits will come back worse.
The gods will come back worse. Now think about that ancient Israel killed thousands of its Children.
We have killed millions. They come back worse.
And it was for this, that judgment and destruction came upon ancient Israel. What will happen to America?
The gods? Nothing about the gods.
Remember from the first thing I shared the bible says behind the gods of the ancient world.
War spirits called the shed um in hebrew, the word she comes from a root word that means to destroy, they were the destroyers they call, they caused self destruction.
They caused people to destroy the fruit of their life, their body and to celebrate it. That’s what they do.
This is a little taste of the mystery revealed in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written now, this is gonna, this has everything I’m giving you a taste.
But in fullness, it’s all there, the return of the gods is revealing everything that’s happening.
What’s transforming America and the world and what’s touching your life and people in your life and what where it’s gonna go what the future lies and what do you need to know to do about it?
To prevail and now what we’re going to reveal As we move forward, I looked at the ancient records of child sacrifice.
You’re going to see how they actually lie. Behind what is now taking place in America.
It’s subscribed because you don’t want to miss it.
This is Jonathan cahn and I’ll see you next time with the dark rites of Ma’lik.
I looked at the details of the child sacrifices of ancient times, the rites and rituals and with them.
You see each one has a parallel in in what’s happening right now in America.
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