The Mystery in America’s Basement | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Mystery in America’s Basement | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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On thanksgiving For many years I joined my relatives who live in Massachusetts New England.
They live on a hill village, Hilltop village overlooking the Massachusetts Bay and the houses of the, of the village, many of them are from the 19th century, many of them from the from the 18th century.
Many of them are from before America. It’s right next to Salem.
And the house they live in is older than America. It was there before the United States.
It goes back to colonial times. Now the house itself is modern.
They have television and kitchen, microwave room with computer and printer and facts.
But if you go down to the cellar, you see there it’s made up of carved stone reminded me of Jerusalem cut rock.
It’s the foundation of the house And it goes back, it looks the same as it did in the days of the 13 colonies.
So there’s a big disconnect between the house what’s in the house modern and what the house actually is.
You see it in the foundation, the house is from a different time.
So with America, if you look at it now, you would think in many ways that it’s a nation that is foreign to the faith of God, that even bans the mention of the faith of God more and more and the values it now champions here and around the world often are extremely anti biblical.
Yes, the thing is if you go downstairs into the cellar into the foundation of America.
You see the purpose for which it came into existence for which the house stands and there are side there in the foundation you can see what the purpose of this is.
So we want to go downstairs.
This four July american civilization as we know it was founded on two grounds.
The first was Virginia Cape Henry Virginia Beach. It was begun by a group that sailed.
The atlantic had and they, when they came to land they put a makeshift cross on the sand in the sand and they bowed their heads in prayer and they dedicated this new civilization to God.
It would lead to the founding of Jamestown of Williamsburg of Virginia dedicated to God and for the purpose of spreading the gospel.
The other one was massachusetts bay and that in many ways is even more critical.
Founded by the separatists known to us as the pilgrims who came to the new world to find, to found a society based on God’s word and religious freedom.
They sailed the ship the Mayflower, they sealed a covenant called the Mayflower compact in it the new civil and in their compact and in their founding that they, they said this new civilization was to exist for God’s glory and to spread the gospel.
Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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